All Chapters of Wonder Wife: Chapter 461 - Chapter 470
604 Chapters
Chapter 461 Unconscious
Benjamin's untreated wound had escalated into a severe infection, accompanied by a rising fever.Yves was on the brink of desperation.He knelt beside Benjamin, pleading, "Ben, let someone tend to your wounds and at least eat something. You can't continue like this. Your body won't be able to take it. Ben, Mrs. B—"Yves had intended to assure that Victoria would be fine, but the words eluded him.Three days had passed, surpassing the crucial 72-hour golden rescue window.Even if they found her, it was likely a cold, waterlogged corpse. Yet, they hadn't even found a body.Yves couldn't shake the thought of the worst possible outcome.He understood that Benjamin had likely considered the worst-case scenario but couldn't come to terms with it.Unable to offer further reassurance, Yves sat on the ground, biting his lips. This very same man had tears streaming down his face, his sobbing intensifying with each passing moment.Choked up, he embraced Benjamin and let out a heartfelt w
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Chapter 462 That's Not Her
Wendy hung up the phone. Turning around, she saw Silas blocking Yves.Yves forcefully pushed past Silas, advancing determinedly in Wendy's direction."Why are you holding me back? Who was Wendy talking to? What's going on that you're keeping from me?"Wendy took a moment to collect herself.With thoughts of Victoria's current situation flooding in, Wendy's worry and urgency left no room for composure. Her eyes welled up instantly."The call was from Ms. Frost. She asked about me and Victoria's situation, and I …"Yves hung his head, his spirits low.After a moment, Yves looked up at Wendy with desperate eyes. "Wendy, Mrs. B … we're all upset about what happened to her, but Ben is really struggling."He never wanted any of this. If he knew Mrs. B would face problems in Yrinas, he wouldn't have come no matter what."Ben is beating himself up over it. Can you not blame him? Right now, he's not listening to anyone."As Mrs. B's junior, maybe he'll listen to you. Silas, all of you
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Chapter 463 Coughing up Blood
Silas paled when he saw Wendy's attitude.He walked to Wendy's side and summoned his courage to call out tentatively, "Wendy."Wendy was beyond livid. She could only think about the fact that Victoria was injured everywhere and might remain in a coma forever.Her eyes widened as she looked at Yves who was speaking on behalf of Benjamin and Ethan. His words were like daggers to her heart.She spat, "You're right, it's none of you guys' fault. It's all Victoria's fault for having such good taste in outstanding men."Her sense of justice was too strong, and she poked her nose too much into other people's businesses. She just had to get herself involved in this matter."She shouldn't have gone back to Youngville. She wouldn't have encountered all these things if she hadn't gone back to Youngville and never met all of you!"Victoria was such an outstanding person. She was the best among us. Such a wonderful person—""Wendy!" Yves turned around and called her name in rage, covering h
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Chapter 464 Just Let Benjamin Forget About Her
Benjamin watched as Wendy left. He then stiffly turned around.Fresh blood trickled down from the corner of his lips. They landed on his dirtied and bloodied clothes.Yves came back to Benjamin after seeing Wendy out.He was planning to comfort Benjamin to encourage and cheer him up. He let out a surprised yelp when he saw Benjamin coughing blood."Mr. Harper!""Benjamin!"Ethan, Sean, and the others immediately rushed toward Benjamin.Yves was stunned.He fell onto the ground before Benjamin and cried, "Ben, please, please don't be like this. I … I'm so scared!""Take Mr. Harper away for treatment!" Will's voice was cold as he instructed."No. One. Touch—" Before Benjamin could even finish his words, he coughed out more blood. He then passed out.Even Ethan was shocked. He looked at Benjamin's pale face and shouted hoarsely, "Hurry up and save him!"Sean and a few others carried Benjamin up onto the helicopter."You looked unwell too, Ethan. Do you want to come along?" Yv
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Chapter 465 Will He Forget About Me
Yves was about to follow Sean, but he was stopped by Sevyn.Sevyn said, "Enough, we shouldn't join in if they're to talk business. How are you even willing to look at that poker face of Will? We can just guard Mr. Harper here!"Yves snorted angrily and said, "Stop fooling around. Don't think I don't know that you're in the same circle as Will. Whatever the case, I won't let any of you do this!"…On the other side, Will was talking to Sean."Mr. Harper is weak both physically and mentally now. You should hypnotize him and make him forget about that woman!"Sean replied, "What do you mean "that woman"? That's Mrs. Harper, show some respect!"Will was startled.He frowned before saying, "Yves is an idiot, but why are you talking nonsense just like him now? Not any woman would be a good match for Mr. Harper. She'd just be a burden to him, no matter dead or alive."You're a doctor, you'd know best about Mr. Harper's current condition. He might not even wake up if he can't forget a
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Chapter 466 Regaining Consciousness
Victoria's entire body was covered in tubes in the ICU ward. Her face was pale and her limbs were bruised.She had not come out of the critical stage yet."Victoria!" Wendy cried as she rushed toward the bed. She didn't even know where to place her hands.Wendy sobbed, "What happened to you? Wake up soon, please wake up soon, okay?"I'll listen to you. I'll be frugal and not tip any random person anymore."I … I won't read fiction and play games anymore. I'll work hard to earn money and give all my money to you!"Mr. Harper and Ethan have been looking for you. They were so depressed thinking that you're dead. Especially Mr. Harper—"He's just like the male protagonist in fiction. He couldn't accept the news that you're gone at all. His condition is terrible, he's suffering so much."Mr. Harper is blaming himself a lot. I won't forgive him if anything really happened to you, and he wouldn't forgive himself as well. He would never be happy anymore."Right now, he's depressed to
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Chapter 467 An Assassination Is in Place
In an estate located at a tripoint somewhere around Yrinas, Victoria was walking up the slopes of the lawn. Her fair skin was reddening and beaded with sweat.Victoria looked at Wendy, who was worried, but she did not pause her steps.She said, "Do I still need to rest? I've been left rotting on the bed for a good half year. I'd go crazy if I were to lie down again."My body functions have deteriorated since I've been down for so long. I need to restore my previous physical fitness as soon as possible so that I can go find Benjamin soon."There's also that Jackalyn. I'd be dead meat if I were to meet her again next time without recovering completely."Until now, Victoria could still feel the piercing pain throughout her entire body whenever she thought of the time she fell off the plane into the sea.She couldn't just let it be since she'd suffered greatly.Wendy frowned when she heard Victoria mentioning Benjamin.Victoria realized something was wrong. She stopped to wipe off
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Chapter 468 Benjamin's Men
Lena was with Waldo and the others in the front yard. They had already killed all who came through. Only a few were left alive.There were dead bodies everywhere on the ground.The coppery smell of blood was thick in the air.The greens on the ground were all dyed red.Waldo and a few others were currently interrogating those who were injured but captured alive."Ms. Frost," Victoria called as she walked toward Lena.Her voice had caught the attention of the captured men. They looked up and were utterly stunned when they saw Victoria.Someone had even blurted out, "Mrs. Harper."Even though the voice wasn't loud, Waldo and the others could still hear it."Mrs. Harper? Who are you guys? Who sent you?" Waldo immediately questioned.They were looking at Victoria in disbelief. They pursed their lips and shook their heads.It was like they couldn't believe what they saw."We found this on him!"One of Victoria's juniors had pointed at a man who was barely alive on the ground ne
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Chapter 469 I Can Certainly Make Him Love Me a Second Time
Lena lowered her gaze.Victoria's arm was placed on the edge of the bench. Her thumb was unconsciously rubbing on it forcefully.It was as if she was venting.She looked distracted. It was unsure what she had been thinking but it made her mood down.Lena held onto her hand.She had wanted to comfort Victoria at first. But her words unknowingly changed as soon as they left her lips."Has Wendy told you about Benjamin Harper's matter? How much have you suffered for him already? You've almost lost your life in the process."Even though you regained your consciousness now, you're still so young. What if you developed some disease that couldn't be treated completely?"You've shown him such a big act of kindness, but instead he forgot about you as soon as he could. He's even hooked up with the woman that wanted to kill you."What is there for you to linger on with such a man like that?"The more Lena spoke, the angrier she got. The way she felt unfair for Victoria was exactly like
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Chapter 470 Deploy in Advance
Victoria stood by the window after she returned to her room.It was already evening. The clouds were colored like blazing embers by the horizon.Her mind kept replaying the incident that had happened with the White family earlier. It was beyond her control to stop it.The sadness and helplessness that she had been suppressing broke out from within her at this moment.Victoria leaned against the wall with her right hand pressing onto her left arm.Her face was pale with her brows furrowed. She looked like she was in pain.Her injury was throbbing painfully, as if the bullet was still lodged within her.Slowly, Victoria could no longer remain standing and she slumped onto the ground.She curled herself up but it wasn't enough to take away the cold and pain from within her.It has been a week since Victoria regained consciousness.Her joints would hurt whenever there was a change in the weather.It was like she had fallen from a high place into the sea, and the waves were angri
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