All Chapters of Wonder Wife: Chapter 471 - Chapter 480
604 Chapters
Chapter 471 He Coughed up Blood
Victoria took out two bags of glucose from the drawer. She drank them as if she were drinking water with a frown.After a while, she finally regained some strength.Victoria supported herself and stood up.She rinsed her mouth repeatedly when she was in the shower.Victoria liked to have sweet things when she was feeling irritated. But she did not like a "drink" like glucose that was sweet with a bitter aftertaste.It was especially so when Victoria had just finished two packets in one go.She did regain her strength, but she felt nauseous and wanted to vomit. But she couldn't afford to be picky with food with her current body condition.After the shower, Victoria tidied up her room.She then asked Wendy to send her her phone and some food.Victoria took the phone and then used Wendy's WhatsApp to request a video call with Ethan.The call was connected immediately.Victoria sat on the bed and positioned the phone so that the camera was pointed at her face.Ethan's eyes slow
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Chapter 472 Back in Youngville
More than half a month later, they were headed to the Azure Estate in Youngville.Victoria was still in the car, but she could see Louis standing by the iron gates from afar.He was basked in the afternoon sunlight as he stood tall in a dark blue suit.It gave him a mature look.He looked as if he was smiling, but there was an icy air about him that kept everyone at bay.Louis had slimmed down a lot.It wasn't until he saw the car with the targeted license plate appearing that his smile turned warm. He then ran over to the car as fast as he could.The car stopped at the intersection where Louis was at.Victoria got out of the car.Louis looked at Victoria's face with tears in his eyes. He did not cry, but instead laughed out loud in excitement.Victoria opened her arms and said, "Will it feel more real to you if I give you a hug?"Louis hurriedly walked toward Victoria and enveloped her in his arms.He hugged her tightly, as if he was making sure of her existence.It made
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Chapter 473 Best Male Lead
Victoria nodded. Her face paled even more under the sunlight.Benjamin used to be someone who was uninterested in other women and only had eyes on her.But now he was attending another woman's birthday party as if it were only right for him to do so.Louis frowned and said, "I'd actually prefer if you wouldn't get involved with Benjamin Harper any longer, Vivi."Back then, it was all because of him that you … I just want you to be safe and sound now."But you like him. You should be able to have whatever you like. I'll get him for you no matter what it takes!"Victoria hummed a reply before saying, "I thought so, too. Even if he had forgotten about me, our marriage certificate is still valid."He's mine as long as we don't divorce each other. Unless I decide that I no longer want him, I will get him back even if I have to steal him away."Let's not talk about me anymore. How are things between you and Megan?""It's fine," Louis said calmly.There wasn't an ounce of happiness
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Chapter 474 He's Accompanied by Another Woman
A palm-sized gap was left ajar by the window of the car's backseat.The man that had gotten out of the car was pulled back. A slender arm wrapped around his neck.After that, the man lowered his head.It looked like they were hugging and kissing from their posture.Victoria pursed her lips. Her breath quickened.Lena looked at the way Victoria's face had paled underneath the dim lights of the basement parking lot.She asked, concerned, "What happened?"Lena followed Victoria's eyes, but she couldn't make out anything.She touched Victoria's hand and frowned.She asked, "Why is your hand so cold? Are you feeling unwell again?"Wendy, who had been reversing the car, had almost rammed the car into the wall with a slip of foothold on the accelerator.She turned back to look at Victoria and said, "I'll call Ciel and tell them we'll not meet for today."Please endure it for a few days more, Victoria. I'm almost done developing my warming pills. You can take it once per day, and y
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Chapter 475 I Can't Solve the Problem by Crying
Victoria scooted closer to Tilly and said, "She's a bitch. What would I be if I'm wearing the same clothes as that bitch, then?"Tilly replied, "A beauty, of course!"After complimenting Victoria, Tilly looked at those salespeople and urged, "Hurry up!"The manager found Victoria familiar, but she couldn't put her finger on where she had seen her before.But Tilly had been here a few times before this. She was even accompanied by Simon.The manager knew who Tilly was. She was a client that the manager couldn't afford to offend."I'm sorry, but those dresses bought by Ms. White were limited editions worldwide."There's only one piece of each in the entire Celestrian area. But they were all bought by Mr. Harper as gifts for Ms. White."If Ms. Rogers' friend is interested, she could look around for other dresses. We still have a few of the latest style dresses from the last season here in our shop."Tilly raised her brow.She questioned angrily, "You showed Yvette the latest sty
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Chapter 476 Your Gut Feeling Is Correct
Simon and his men blocked their way. They stopped Victoria and the others from leaving.Tilly walked to the front.She recalled Benjamin and Yvette's hand-holding scenario when she saw Simon. The look of displeasure and anger were evident on her face.Tilly spat, "You men are wretched things! I'm bringing Ciel and Selene over to stay with Vicky for the next few days!"Simon didn't know Tilly and Victoria had seen Yvette shopping with Benjamin in the mall earlier.He felt bewildered and looked toward Victoria.Ciel stretched his arms wide and stood in front of Victoria. He looked at Simon and said, "Watch your gaze! Don't bully Vivi!"Both Tilly and Ciel were siding with Victoria.Simon frowned.Selene ran over to his side and tugged at his pants. As soon as Simon looked down at Selene, his gaze turned soft.Selene was his precious daughter.Besides Wendy's group of people, the others were not surprised seeing the way Simon was doting on his daughter.It was as if they had s
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Chapter 477 Taking Over the Warde Corporation
Tilly asked, "Didn't we say we'll go back together, Vicky? Why did you change your mind? Did Uncle Simon say something to you?"What did you say to Vicky, Uncle Simon? How could you treat her like this! She was gravely injured and barely survived it …"Looking at the way Tilly had cried so easily, Victoria replied, "He didn't say anything to me."I was just teasing him earlier when I said I'll bring you guys to my place. I couldn't stand him. He deserved it for making you sad for so long."Victoria wiped Tilly's tears away.She said, "Really now, Selene didn't even cry. Aren't you ashamed of yourself?"I just returned to Youngville and there's many things to do. I won't have the time to accompany you. I'll come look for you guys when I'm done."Victoria scooted close to Tilly.She whispered, "I know you're mad on my behalf because of Benjamin and Yvette's issue. But your two children are here, you should watch your words!"Victoria was just saying that Tilly when they heard Si
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Chapter 478 Mistress
"Weren't you together with Mr. Harper, Ms. Jameson? Why did the both of you split up?"Did you cheat on Mr. Harper? What is your relationship with Mr. Langley?"Did you break up with Mr. Harper because you were cheating on him with Mr. Langley?""You failed to climb the social ladder after seducing Mr. Harper. Was that why you seduced Mr. Langley instead?"Mr. Langley has a girlfriend. What's the difference between you and a mistress if you're breaking others up like this?"Can't you look for eligible bachelors if you want to prove your charm?"…The few reporters were getting carried away.It was as if Victoria was a mistress with no morals. They were aggressive with their remarks.Louis' expression was cold and his brows were furrowed.He was stopped by Victoria just as he was about to lose his temper.Victoria cleared her throat near the microphone.Her question was even more straightforward when she asked, "How much did they pay you for this?"Those reporters were all
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Chapter 479 Turning the Tables
Yves fell into a trance when he saw Victoria sitting in the brightly lit hall.When he found out Victoria had awakened, he video-called Wendy at once to know how she was doing. Wendy had not only ignored the video call, but she also didn't answer any of his phone calls.It was his first time seeing Victoria after the incident. Taking in her smug attitude, he couldn't help but tear up. His expression betrayed his current emotion."Mrs. B!"The reporters were pestering Victoria when they saw him. Their eyes lit up immediately.Yves was Benjamin's sidekick, and Benjamin was now dating Yvette. So, Yves must be here to aid them now that they were taking instructions from Yvette.Holding their heads high, they were about to complain to him about what happened when Yves yelled out of joy.He darted toward Victoria and threw himself at her."Mrs. B! You're finally awake! Finally, I get to see you. You—"Wendy pushed him aside. "You ungrateful jerk. Get away from Victoria!"The onlook
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Chapter 480 The Birthday Banquet
Meanwhile, guests flocked to Evette Hotel in Youngville, the best hotel under the Harper Corporation. It was exceptionally lively.The White family had fallen from grace, but Yvette was dating Benjamin now. She had also started to intervene in the Harper family's affairs and seemed to have assumed the role of the lady of the house.So, everyone who received the invitation card attended the party.Yvette invited every reputable family in Youngville. She did that to restore her dignity, and it was also her family's opportunity to get acquainted with them.Those who didn't receive the invitation, like Candace's side of the family, used various means for a chance to attend the party.Apart from them, many reporters were invited. Because of the number of guests, there was heavy traffic around the hotel.At the entrance, Logan was greeting the guests with several members of the White family. His squarish face was full of enthusiasm.A lavish birthday banquet was going on in the banque
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