All Chapters of Night of the Rogues: Bound In Darkness: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
111 Chapters
11. Mireille
The day of the full moon Raze leafed through the fresh stacks of paper, standing at the threshold of my door. Watching him read every word left me shaking. I should be used to the pre-moon jitters, but I'm so edgy I feel I could really slip up here. No tea, no calming, just a steady, tingling build-up of dirty thoughts and throbbing erogenous zones that I didn’t even know I had. If someone touches behind my ear, I might moan.Alpha Raze left me alone in my room for the most part, with just Brody checking in on me. Every so often, I caught the smell of rosemary. My guard is still watching over me, even if it’s in the shadows. “You have gone into an awful lot of detail here, Mireille,” he finally answered, his voice low, more of a growl. Certainly not pleased. “Not just about creating this full moon space but in general. Almost as if you’re telling me how to do my job.”My stomach sank. Dressed in the same long-sleeved black pullover and pants, I watched his long hands leafing through
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12. Cal
The day after the full moon, my mood was foul. How could my wolf let me down so badly? I should have control over my beast. Instead, I almost gave in. I took it to the very limits of my resistance. I think of myself as having the control of an Alpha, except I almost shredded it all for a chance to kiss her.Even worse, I almost went and found Vera, knowing she would have been more than willing to take advantage of my pathetically aroused state. Reduced to an awkward waddle I went to find the fucking tea, thanks to my cock trying to launch itself out of my sweats. Then I knocked a load of washed up teapots over in the kitchens making a complete fool of myself. It couldn’t have gone much worse, the clattering sound ripping through the silent night.A torch shone at my eyes in seconds, Alpha Reu glaring at me as I fumbled in the dark.“It won’t work now. You’re too late,” he said drily. “Fuck off,” I growled, “I’m fine.”“I warned you about how you speak to me. I’m the Alpha of this b
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13. Hope
I hadn’t lied. I am pissed off that he ditched me, but saying it was because I missed our friendship wasn’t the entire truth.My father is attending so much meditation that he is forgetting to eat. His blue eyes, always so vivid and bright, are dwindling, like a dying star. I miss his personality. His muteness never stopped him from filling a room with his character before.Staring at the portrait of my mother, I know I’m trying to capture something I’ll never have again. So I don’t blame my father for hiding down here. We can both pretend until spring, when we return to our empty house. Where we will be stabbed in the heart all over again.I haven’t added much to the portrait. Each day, I spend hours staring at it, listening for footsteps that never come. Ryan sometimes floats into my mind. I try to keep him there. Remember how it felt to nuzzle against his blonde scruffy beard and gaze into his gentle brown eyes. Fill my thoughts, my heart with our fragile, barely sealed bond. Why
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14. Mireille
I don’t know what I expected the night after a Full Moon frenzy. I only just managed to drag myself into my room for a sleep, cursing at remembering I had no mattress. In the darkness, I didn’t even turn on the lamp, just grabbed a pillow and lay on a fur pelt. I stretch out like a cat, my aching muscles confirming it was not a crazed dream. Too tired to blush, I wonder how badly scratched up the stranger must be.I’d lost my virginity, but more than that, I’ve unlocked something deep inside me. I was the property of that man tonight. Nobody else could have me. Nobody could go near me, and I loved it. When he swiped that person away and slammed his mouth over my breast to erase their brief touch, I shuddered. His roar was a warning for everyone else.Just as I drifted off, a horrifying scream rose up. “HELP! QUICK! COME NOW!”There isn’t a tannoy in this bunker. A huge air horn went off instead. “What the hell is this,” I mumbled groggily, pulling on the fur, completely naked under
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15. Mireille
Somehow I’ve gone from laughing at Brody and Sven messing with broomsticks and buckets to the Alpha’s bedroom. Not just his bedroom but stood against the supporting bar of his bunk bed with his hand halfway up my shorts.I can’t think straight. The full moon isn’t until tomorrow, but my wolf wants me to do a thousand things at once. They want me to spread my legs, kiss him, yank my shorts down, and pull his sweats down. Run. My brain is a car crash filled with sweet birch.“I had sex, okay, no different to anyone else,” blushing so hard it hurts. Raze leaned in ever closer, his lips skirting my ear. In a serious voice, probably the one he uses before cutting fingers off. “I want details. How many men? Where did they touch you? Did you like it? Was it your first time?”“How did you…that’s not your business!” I blush even harder at the mention of my virginity, but then his fingers inched upwards, just inside the hem of my shorts, dangerously close to finding my soaked panties, and I shu
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16. Hope
Papa and I spent nearly the entire night sitting together. I talked, he scribbled scant phrases and gestured. It was wonderful. For the first time since her death we toasted her memory, cherished the fact we had known her. Stumbling back to our rooms bleary eyed and sleepy, I saw Cal striding back up his corridor with a tray of food and a pile of books, choosing to eat away from the others in the main hall. I want to do something nice for him. The way he set everything up last night was the single kindest gesture I have ever experienced. The second full moon will be upon us tonight, so I get some sleep, certain that I will need my energy for later.I don’t want to drink the foul smelling tea. I don’t want to dull down my wolf’s desires. If it’s crying out for Cal, then why should that be a bad thing? I’m not looking at the other men down here and feeling crazed lust. Only Cal.Except when I wake up from my nap, I don’t hear the annoying clang of chimes or gongs. Instead I hear whisp
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17. Cal
A frantic patter of footsteps interrupted the grey silence. I knew it was Hope. I leaned back against the cool concrete wall and braced myself for fury. My arms rested on top of my knees as I got used to the shitty little metal bed. “Cal!” I am immediately glad for the silver bars. Not just because she is wearing that clinging black catsuit that shows off every curve, but because her amber eyes are glowing with fury. She looks magnificent, even when she’s angry. Plus, her beautifully freckled cheeks are glowing bright red at the fact I’m in here wearing just a pair of black briefs. Clothing, blankets, or any other fabric could be used to mess with the silver bars. So her eyes are all over every inch of my bare skin, and the temperature feels like it’s shot up a few degrees.Reu had hissed he was being kind, leaving me with underwear when he slammed the cell door shut. So now I am trapped like a zoo exhibit, with Hope’s eyes raking dangerously over every inch of me.Seeing as the fu
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18. Hope
Angry doesn’t cover it. I’m so fucking disappointed. The man who masterminded the sweetest, kindest gesture I’ve ever known is the same chump who goes bickering with the Alpha over something he doesn't even want?It is my turn to stride down the corridors with a vengeance. As the full moon approaches its peak most people choose to take an early night. They're all couples anyway apart from Ervin and Vera. Why do they even bother with the tea.No early night for me, I'm too het up. My dramatic stomping only leads me to the bathrooms. The tea finally gets the better of me, and I am sick as a dog.The lights are starting to dim down, settling into the orange nighttime mode. There isn’t a sound anywhere. If anyone is enjoying the pleasures of the Freeze, they must have soundproofed their room. These old fossils seem completely against the idea of actually listening to their wolves. If I listened to my wolf I’d be nursing some silver burns now.I brush my teeth and get a shower, painfully
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19. Mireille
Along with everyone else, I drag my mattress into the Black Space. Once more, the huge bodyguard and Sven are humping the speaker system into place, setting up the generator. I help Brody and Sven with hanging the black curtains that help to dull out the final shades of vision.I keep my head down. There are no further clashes with Quinn, thankfully. Not that the silly woman realises I’m trying to save her neck. If the wrong person hears her calling me a whore again I don’t know what might happen. I stare at the note every night. Angel. I'm nobody's angel.Her face is a permanently macabre landscape of bubbling ridges, forming a permanently foul smile. She stands with Raze, her braids hanging low to try and disguise her scars as he talks through a checklist. Climbing the ladder, all I can feel is his eyes on my hips.I thought it was his eyes anyway. I turn around quickly and see nobody looking. Paranoia kicking in, perhaps. Full moon edginess. Except when I turn around, there it is
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20. Mireille
I stand with my mouth hanging open like a fool.Which is exactly what I am. Ryan. Hope’s mate. The reason Brody was so familiar to me this whole time, his blonde hair and brown eyes are so alike to Ryan. Brody having a beard had been enough to fool me, but not now. I see the annoyance, guilt, and worry all over his tufted, lying little face. Like a rat.“Oh shit,” Brody stammers, “It’s not what you think, Ryan isn’t one of us. He’s not a Rogue-”“Don’t lie to me, Brody,” I snapped. “You’re brothers, you're in this togrther.”In their shared cell, my old prison, rhe two of them were eerily similar. Brody had whipped his black shirt off, using it to wipe the blood from his slashes. Ryan wore grey jeans and a black shirt. Stood so casually it made my blood boil.Ryan flashed me smile and widened his arms. “Mireille, It’s been a while -"“Are you kidding me? My family gave you shelter, looked after you when you asked to stay!” His pretence of a smile shrank. Instead of a rat, his dark g
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