All Chapters of Rejected and Torn Between Two Alphas: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
157 Chapters
Chapter 141
  Gonzalo's POV  I sighed, glancing at Ruby with a mixture of gratitude and frustration. "She's not ready to believe us, is she?"Ruby met my gaze, understanding etched in her eyes. "Not yet. But we can't force her. She needs time to process everything."Before we could delve further into our conversation, Ruby spoke again, her tone firm. "It's time for you two to go."I nodded in agreement, "Thank you." I whispered to her quickly. As Teresa and I turned to leave, I couldn't help but notice the irritation and jealousy in Teresa's eyes as she glanced at Ruby. The complex emotions between the two women added another layer of tension to our already difficult situation, even the truth of them being sisters, still bothered me , they were nothing alike. Together, Teresa and I sneaked through the mansion, navigating its labyrinthine corridors. The challenge was not only to avoid the guards but als
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Chapter 142
  Ruby's POV I sighed as I entered my room, the weight of the night heavy on my shoulders. Teresa's presence in the pack was a dangerous thing, and despite Gonzalo's and my efforts to bring her in, doubts lingered in the back of my mind. The room felt suffocating, and I made my way to the bed, slumping onto it. The events of the night replayed in my mind, and I couldn't shake the feeling that chaos was unraveling faster than I could comprehend.Teresa's hatred towards me was evident, and the unsettling thought that Gonzalo might still have some kind of feelings for her nagged at me. It was clear Teresa desired Gonzalo back, and her disapproval of his participation in the competition only added fuel to the already complicated situation. I ran my hands through my hair, frustration and uncertainty weaving through my thoughts."Fuck, fuck, fuck," I muttered, my mind spinning with the tangled web of emotions and revelations. Th
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Chapter 143
  Gonzalo's POV I opened my eyes to the sound of the horn, its echo vibrating through my bones. Panic seized me as I realized I was late for the competition. Lucas lay sleeping beside me, oblivious to the urgency. I shook him awake, my mind racing."Lucas, wake up! We're late" I exclaimed, urgency lacing my words.Lucas groggily sat up, rubbing his eyes. "What? What time is it?""No time for questions. Get up, we need to go!" I hurriedly got to my feet, glancing around our makeshift campsite.As we dashed through the woods, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. The air was thick with tension, and my instincts screamed danger. The pack dynamics had shifted, and Teresa's return only intensified the chaos. I needed to focus on the competition, but the events of the night lingered in the back of my mind.We burst into the clearing just in time to see Ralph, a smirk playing on his face. "Well
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Chapter 144
  Teresa  Teresa remained hidden in the shadows of the woods, her mind in turmoil after witnessing the confrontation between Gonzalo and Ralph. The revelation about her true bloodline, combined with the newfound complexities in her relationships, left her dealing with a mix of emotions.Lost in her thoughts, Teresa didn't hear the approaching footsteps until a hand touched her shoulder. A short wave of electricity surged through her body, and she jumped, turning to see her father, Drako, standing there with an amused glint in his eyes."Father, you startled me," Teresa exclaimed, her heart still pounding.Drako chuckled, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. "Well, I've always been good at sneaking up on people. Comes with the territory, you know?"Teresa raised an eyebrow, a reluctant smirk forming on her face. "I suppose it does."They stood there for a moment, a strange camaraderie s
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Chapter 145
Chapter 145   Drako sighed, the weight of the night pressing down on him as he sat on the root of a massive tree in the woods. The clouds darkened, and the atmosphere turned cold, mirroring the tumult within him. Just then, a distant laughter echoed through the woods.He looked around, recognizing the source even before seeing the face. Alpha Ralph emerged from the shadows, his laughter carrying a sinister edge. Drako tensed, knowing that Ralph's presence meant trouble.Ralph sauntered towards Drako, his smirk widening. "Well, well, Drako. It seems like your little secret is out. Your own daughter discovering the truth—that's quite the mess you've made."Drako gritted his teeth, a surge of anger rising within him. "Watch your words, Ralph."Ralph laughed, a mocking tone in his voice. "Oh, Drako, you're messing up everything. Even your own flesh and blood can't stand the stench of your deceit."Dr
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Chapter 146
  Teresa  Teresa walked through the moonlit woods, her tear-stained eyes reflected the turmoil within. The weight of the revelations pressed down on her, and the night seemed to echo her internal chaos. She wandered through the shadows, unaware that her presence had been noticed.A sudden rustle in the underbrush alerted a guard from Alpha Michael's Pack. He walked out of the shadow , a tall and well-built wolf with sharp eyes that assessed Teresa's presence. His fur, a mix of grays and blacks, blended seamlessly with the night, and the moonlight highlighted the contours of his powerful frame.The guard approached Teresa with caution, his voice firm yet measured. "Who are you, and what are you doing in our pack's territory?" His eyes bore into hers, seeking answers.Teresa met his gaze but remained silent, a mixture of fear and defiance in her eyes. The guard's stern expression did little to ease her ap
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Chapter 147
 Teresa  As Teresa walked away from the gruesome scene, Drako called after her. "Tess." His voice carried a mix of urgency and frustration, but she didn't slow down. The revelation of her father's actions and the weight of the night hung heavily on her shoulders."I know what you want, and I'll do it for you," Drako called out, attempting to regain her attention. She paused for a moment, considering his words. However, the thought of complying with her father's wishes, especially after witnessing Kaden's death, sent shivers down her spine. She resumed her journey through the moonlit woods, leaving her father behind.But Drako wasn't one to be easily deterred. He caught up with her, his footsteps echoing through the quiet night. "Tess, we need to talk. There's more to the story."She halted, turning to face him. Her eyes bore a mixture of skepticism and defiance. "Talk? After what I just saw? After what you're asking
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Chapter 148
  Teresa Drako, seemingly satisfied, responded with a brief "good" and released her. Teresa stumbled back, wiping away the tears that blurred her vision. She couldn't shake the feeling of betrayal, of surrendering her principles to the manipulative whims of her father.As she composed herself, Drako, indifferent to her emotional turmoil, commanded, "Stop crying."Teresa scoffed, a mix of anger and sorrow in her voice. "Why? So you can pretend you care about my feelings now?"Drako sighed, a hint of annoyance in his demeanor. "I'm doing what's best for you, Teresa. You might not understand it now, but in the end, you'll thank me."Teresa shot him a disdainful look. "Thank you? For what? Manipulating me into doing your dirty work? I'll never thank you for that."Drako shook his head, a condescending smile playing on his lips. "You're blinded by your own ideals. You'll see the bigger picture soon enough."
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Chapter 149
 Ruby's POV The next day dawned with a sense of heaviness in the air, mirroring the weight on my shoulders. The events of the previous night had left a lingering tension within the Moonshade Pack, and I couldn't shake the feeling that the storm was far from over. I found myself in the pack's common area, a space that usually buzzed with activity but now held a palpable stillness. As I navigated through the room, the pack members cast fleeting glances my way, whispering among themselves. The air was thick with unspoken questions, and I could feel the weight of their expectations pressing on me. Gonzalo's absence was conspicuous, and a part of me wondered if he was avoiding me after the revelation about Teresa. I needed to find him, to clear the air and understand where we stood amid the chaos that unfolded. As I approached the doorway leading to the training grounds, my mother, Elsa, inte
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Chapter 150
   Ruby's POV The lingering tension between Gonzalo and me demanded resolution, and I didn't intend to let the uncertainty fester any longer. I guided him to a more secluded corner, away from prying eyes and curious ears. The atmosphere was thick with unspoken questions, and I needed answers. "Okay, Gonzalo, we need to talk," I said, my voice firm, as I cornered him against the wall. He sighed, a mixture of reluctance and understanding in his eyes. "Ruby, can we not do this here? It's not the right time." I narrowed my eyes, feeling the weight of frustration settling in. "We're going to do this now. The pack already senses something is off, and I won't let rumors spiral out of control." Gonzalo glanced around, as if hoping to find a way out of the impromptu confrontation. "Ruby, I understand your concern, but we can't discuss everything here
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