All Chapters of Chasing my estranged wife: I want you back : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
93 Chapters
Separate ways
Reina’s POVThe dry chuckle that left my throat told me that wasn't me. It couldn't be me. I wasn't running insane, neither was I thinking too much. It wouldn't have been Kelvin. Kelvin had barely been taken hours ago and…take a breath. I conjured within myself. My heart slammed so hard against my chest that I didn't know if it was right. “ That wouldn't be him” I mouthed out at Richard who had a painful expression on his face. His mouth was slightly open with his eyes peering down at me. “ You have promised me that you will come with him,” I continued. I had been lying down, but I had heard him promise me before stepping out. I took feeble steps until my arms were on his. “ Right?” I continued. He clawed at his trousers, a smile lingered on his lips as he paused before snapping his head at me. “ Yes, that cannot be kelvin” That was all that I needed to hear and know. His words would go a long way, and they did. “ Yes, it cannot be him,” I concurred. Summoning the same word he had
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Felt dead
Richard's POVHer words drenched me just like ice water would have as I stood up, before forcing her up with me. My hands wrapped themselves around her tender wrist as I pulled her with me outside the crescent, amidst her yelling and her screaming. “Richard, let go of me” her screams echoed as I stopped in track just behind my car before shoving her in as gently as I could muster up. The car clicked before I spun on my feet, getting in after her. “Richard… Richard…bring my daughter back right now!” Mr. Kourtney's voice resonated as I drove away. “I can't let you go, Reina,” I whispered to her. “I can't let you go. You mean everything to me and me letting you go will break me” I explained as I drove into our estate. I barked orders at the gatekeepers. “Don't let anyone in” I knew that it was a matter of time before Reina would tell me to go away because I caused her so much pain, but I never expected it to be this soon. “I can't let you go. So please…please…let's talk this out.”
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Mean to say
Richard's POVWith my back turned, I listened for the resounding sound of the car as it drove away, and I let out a sigh as it escaped from my lips. “ You aren't going to chase after her and ask her to stay?” Ryan asked. I sauntered down, trying so hard not to turn around. I would rather not see the tail of the car as it drove away. If I did, I was sure that I would race after it in a bid to stop Reina from going away. “ I should?” My hands trailed the edge of the oak wood. “ Why should I? She would rather not stay with me” I could feel the taste that lingered on my lips as I tried to hold myself back. “ Daisy said I should. I can't go ahead to stop her. She is a grieving woman” “ And you are too. Why are you looking beyond that? You are also grieving and you need attention as much as she does, so why this?”I ran my tongue over my lips. My heart wrenched from pain. “ We were taught to hold our pain since we were little, weren't we? Let me soak in mine while I come out stronger. O
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face the music
Richard's POV“ He is dead” Darren squatted down, his hands roaming the stranger's body who we knew absolutely nothing about, but we had at least gotten a name of the culprit. Ryan stood in shock, not moving an inch, nor was he saying a word. “ He mentioned Aurora right before he ended up dead, didn't he?” He sounded doubtful. At least, I wasn't the only one who had heard that. My ears weren't malfunctioning, and I had heard it correctly. “Yes, I did.”That left us with one question which was, which Aurora exactly was he talking about because the one who had walked in with my aunt had looked like she didn't have any malicious intentions so what exactly was going on? “ Do you think it is the same Aurora we know? I don't really know but still…” I was at a loss at what to do, and now….“ Where is she foremost? We need to track her down and get her to say what she knows and if she kidnapped kelvin. Hmmm” Ryan scoffed. “ We might have to feed her carcass to the bird”. It was a threat t
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Richard's POVI bit so hard into my lips that the taste of blood filled it, with a hand weaving through my hair, I was frustrated. Another dead end but I knew that I couldn't give up, not when Kelvin was out there. Fuck. I cursed, kicking hard against the stone stomped hard in front of me with arms akimbo. I needed to think. Think Richard, you have to do that. I chide myself, whispering still to myself. With a long last glance at the house that reminded me of all that I wanted to forget, I swept a long glance through it before walking in strides to the car.“ How are you feeling?”“ Numb” I answered innocently, my mind was a mess. A wrecking mess that threatened to go off at any time and I needed to get out of here. Ryan's hands strayed to my shoulders, squeezing it hard. “ He is fine. Kevin is okay” he assured me. I was still and silent because I couldn't say a thing. Nothing makes any sense to me at the moment. “We have to leave. Time is precious, and we have to put it to work”
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Black mail
Reina's POVA tear slipped out of my eyes unconsciously when the word I had been told sipped into me. Gently, but I heard each one of them. With hands interlocked with Richard's, I whispered to him. “Kelvin is alive” “ He is,” he whispered back at me. A smile ignited his face.“What else is in there? I mean, do you know what it could be? I am thinking endlessly about it and I can't just keep calm” I rattled to him. Taking feeble steps out of the morgue, I gazed straight at the sun which kept beating over me. “ Are you sure you would want to do this? We don't know what is in there and I don't want anything affecting your mood” I shrugged him off, what exactly was he talking about? “ Our son is alive and that is all that matters. I want to take a look at it,” I convinced myself. My hands tightened around the bag as the word dawned into me. Kelvin was fine and Ariana was gone. I didn't understand why I felt numb. I was supposed to be happy that she wasn't here anymore and be happy
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All of his life
Richard's POV“I am fine,” I assured Reina while we were driving down to the Kourtney's, just to make sure that Kelvin was home and he was there. That he was doing fine, just like they had said also. “ Richard…”“ Reina…!” I snapped with hands on the steering wheels when I took a deep breath. I was messed up, and I wasn't supposed to act this way. “ I am sorry. Gosh, I am and…”“ It is fine” she squeezed my shoulder blade hard before directing my gaze back to the light which had turned green. “ Let's go home, make sure that the kids are fine and then we will go home”“ Home?” Home was anywhere she was. Wherever was home to her was where I wanted to be. She was my home. Fuck this messed up version of me right now, but I would do everything to have her with me. Back at our home. together. “ Richard… I am going back home with you. Our home. Where I am supposed to be” I blinked back the tears in my eyes, the one that I didn't even know was there. When exactly had it come up that I didn
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Richard's POVNo one had told me how emotional it was going to be sending off my family, but this was traumatizing. I was going to keep it locked in for a long while, especially since I had shed a tear or two and Reina had kept on pointing that at me as we made our way to the house. Our home. “They will be fine” She sneered at me. “ I think that I should be the one telling you that because I could swear you need it more than me. I bet that if I wasn't there. You would have been wailing non-stop” she mocked. I toughened up because I shouldn't have shown any sign of weakness at the airport, but this was Reina, and she had seen me in worse state and worse times, so I couldn't see anything wrong with that. “ At Least it shows how much I love them and there is nothing wrong with that” I let out a sigh when our home came in view, and she held my hands tight. “I bet Daisy cannot wait to see me. I am going to talk to her about how you have been hard on me on our way here, and she is sur
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Reina's POV The dry chokes that turned into full-blown tears drained me as I let him weep on my shoulders. All of his high resolve, his gentle sneering. His cool act that he had been putting up for a while now crumbling when he was in my arms, weeping. “ Everything will be fine” my hands drifted to the plush doll he was holding. His grip on it was so tight that there was no way anyone could take it out. When he was done, he pulled away, his eyes boring into mine. “ Thank you. For this. For letting me do this. Thank you” “It is what I am supposed to do. Make sure that you are fine. That is something I should always do”.I swallowed because it seemed like he didn't believe me, or rather he was still getting over what had just happened “ You aren't entitled to it. I am supposed to be the strong man and not to weep on your shoulders but now… I have messed it up”Placing my index finger on his lips, I nodded at him not to say a word. “Can you be still? I mean, with everything going on
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All that matters
Richard's POV“Yes…” I tapped into the phone as my brows dipped while wondering what exactly it was that she must have called me for. A raspy breath ensued with a gentle snap before I heard a tap on the table. “ Mr. Gray, there is a man in here. I don't know, but he came pretty early asking to meet with your wife, and he has been in there for a while. I have been hearing raised tones for a while now, and so I thought it would be best if I informed you”Something slashed through my heart with my heartbeat accelerating by each second that passed.I asked. “ Does this man have a name? Anything at all would do”“ Martin” something sparked within me as the car came to a stop. My heart ignited with the honking of cars behind me as I swept my gaze around. Swerving off course, I couldn't care about what anyone thought presently as all that was in my mind was how to get across to the Gray's corporation to meet Reina. “ Reina!” My scream bounced off against the wall as my hands gripped the k
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