All Chapters of The Billionaire's Submissive: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
239 Chapters
Haunted eyes
Adam's POV "Fuck,"  She was beautiful. Better than all my fantasies put together. The music faded into the distance, the chattering and murmurings dimmed. All I could see, all I could think about was the woman I had spent weeks longing for.   She was here.  Dressed in the prettiest dress I had to have seen. Gold fabric draped against her lovely frame, wrapping her around the waist snugly and then slowly trailing the delicate, dangerous curve of those hips.  My mouth watered as an image of me on my knees, trailing my mouth over that soft, satiny skin, tasting her, worshiping her.   "No," I said to myself, trying to stop my fucking fantasies. My pants had tightened, and I had to grip the railings to keep myself from trembling like a fool and stop myself from doing something worse like march downstairs, haul her over my shoulders and c
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Lover's quarrel
Adam's POV  "You certainly do not look a day older, Isabella,," The master of ceremony teased climbing on stage to hold my mother's hands.   She sat on her grand sofa before all, looking the most relaxed and happy I had seen her in a long time. She was dressed in a gold sequined dress that gave her a haughty look.   But that was until she smiled.   And my mother had the loveliest of smiles. When she did, it was like a full blown gasket that made everyone's day. She flashed the MC one of those smiles and he gave a rather dramatic pause, clutching his chest.   "Well blimey!" He gasped, staring at the audience in shock. "I either might have just felt that smile right in my chest, or it could be my arrhythmia acting up."  That sent me and the audience chuckling. The man was quite dramatic and it was hilarious to w
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Two lovers entangled in a web of passion
Adam's POV I stared at Eve in disbelief, unsure of what to say or do. She was mad at me. It was all over her face. Her chest heaving, lovely breasts rising and falling, struggling to breathe through the dress she wore. Her words rang in my head, louder, over my pounding heart.   Abandoned her? Pushed her back into his arms?  Did she think I had a blast doing that? That I wanted to?  "I would like to use the restroom now," she said, her eyes steely as she looked at me. Her cheeks were stained with tears that racked nothing but guilt in my chest.  I watched, hurt as she pulled away from me and walked towards a bathroom stall.   Do something, damn it!  "Did you," I began, the minute her hands reached for the door knob. "Did you think it was easy for me?"  I couldn't keep the h
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Coming in contact with her nemesis
Madeline's POV "Now ladies and gentlemen," the master of ceremony, a cheeky bastard who didn't know more than grinning widely and making silly jokes, announced. I watched him turn to the podium where Isabella Stone sat on a sofa, perched on display for everyone to see.  The gold curtains behind her parted and a trolley wheeled in the most magnificent cake I had ever seen. A seven layered cake stood proud and tall for all to see, decorated with gold and ivory and white flowers.   It was impeccable. The party was definitely impressive. Adam evidently flung his wealth in everyone's face like the proud billionaire he was.  The chandeliers that hung right above our heads and that dress his mother wore were enough to buy an island. The man had so much money and he showered it on those he loved. That was another reason that endeared me to him. He was a generous giver. 
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The fated inevitable meeting with Mrs Stone
Eve's POV My hands reached for the door that led out of the bathroom, taking deep long breaths. I hadn't heard anyone step out in a while, I could only hope that meant no one was around.  Adam had left when Anabelle came for him. I had been so scared that we'd be discovered again and not just his mother but his sister would hate me as well. She had seemed nice the one time I met her at the shopping mall, a long while ago, but she hadn't known I was married then.   I doubted that if she knew now, she would hate me. Or even worse, she could try to hurt me.   My shaky hands yanked the door open and I peeked outside to see if anyone was around. No one. The hallway was empty. Sighing with relief, I stepped out, trying to sort out the feelings that rolled within me. I could still see us, in my mind's eye, minutes ago, me melting like honey in his arms when his mouth wrapped around
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About to spill the secret
Tom's POVThe star of the show, Mrs Stone in all her glory was about to cut the cake. I was certain some dignitaries or whatever the hell they called themselves were going to present their gifts to her personally.  I had heard it all from the button nosed man who sat close to our table. Some aristocrats from England, with the most off putting British accent in the entire universe.  Of course I didn’t tell him that. I had buttered up the old fool, praising his accent, the bald gash on his head and that ridiculous mustache that made Hitler look like a child next to him.  Who the hell even wore mustaches like that anymore? Certainly not me. I’d sooner eat dust than have that atrocious debacle on my face. The man had classified himself as a dignitary, mentioned getting a gift worth two thousand dollars for Mrs Stone and fully intends to present it to her himself.  I
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The evidence that changed the game
Madeline's POV "It's been a while, hasn't it?"  John.   It really was John. I had expected that he would be at the party. But when the issue with Eve and Adam came up, I had forgotten all about him. All I had cared about was revealing the truth about them without worrying about my own secrets being revealed.   I was doomed.  My head throbbed when he had hit it against the wall earlier. My vision was blurry and even if it wasn't, John had dragged me into a dark secluded place. I wasn't sure where. All I knew was that I was facing the wall, hands pulled behind my back and a lot of pain in my head.   I tried to speak, but my head hadn't settled down enough for me to say a word, so I settled with a whimper and tried to shake the headache off. John was here and he definitely wasn't here to exchange pleasantries. He had to be
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An agreement to let sleeping dogs lie
Madeline's POV  The pictures glared back at me, my secrets about to be spilled before everyone. Secrets I had worked hard to bury. I lowered myself quickly, trying to ignore the way blood filled my head, almost blinding me.  Doomed, the voice in my head chanted. If Adam got a whiff of these pictures, if he knew they existed, proof that I had access to his office, to John's office as well, I was doomed.   He would definitely pursue it hotly. Granted he might not have if I hadn't come back into his life. He may have overlooked it all like he did two years ago when he broke off the engagement.   But now?  Now that the man wanted to break out of my claws using any means necessary, now that I had his mother in the palm of my hands, He definitely would not let this go. Adam would do everything he could to haul my ass in jail.   
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Mrs Stone's drama
Adam's POV "I'm afraid I have to leave so early," The old man before me spoke, a smile on his face. He was one of the oldest partners of the Stone foundation, Gerald Oslow. Quite the hilarious man. He had made time to come for the party despite his old age and weak body.   Oslow had long been a fan of my mother. According to her, when my bastard father died, Oslow had been the very first to talk her into another marriage. He had been supportive and they would most likely have suited each other. But my mother had had enough of men and was glad to be free.   "Thank you for coming, Mr Oslow," I greeted, holding a hand out.  Right after cutting the cake, he had led me out of the hall, wanting to catch up on old times. I hadn't wanted to at first. There were too many shots running through my head at that point, I wasn't sure what I was doing.   When
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Adam's gift to his mother
Tom's POV "You!"  In a million years, I never would have expected that those words would be the first that Adam Stone's mother would say to me.  Well at first, I did think it was me. The way she had looked up vehemently and glared right at me had been intense. Hell I had been sure she would rip my head off.   Until I noticed she wasn't looking at me. She was looking at Eve. And why on earth would Isabella Stone glare at my wife with such intensity? I glanced at Eve to see her face had paled and frowned. What was going on? Was she taken aback by the woman's vehement words or was it something else? "What are you doing here?!" Mrs Stone's sharp words cut through my ears and when I glanced at her, she was on her feet. I hadn't lied when I said she didn't look old.   The woman literally jumped to her feet as if her legs were made of s
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