All Chapters of The Billionaire's Submissive: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
239 Chapters
Pick a place
Adam's POV Golden.   Eve's sultry eyes stared right back at me, warming me up, making me hard as rock. Her lips parted as those slim fingers reached up for me, wanting to hold me. She was sprawled all over the couch, dressed in that maddening dress from Maxwell's ball.   Well technically, undressed. The dress was beneath her lovely breasts, pushing the beauties up for me to see. Teasing me and driving me mad. My mouth watered.   She belongs to another. She isn't yours to take. My mind repeated like a mantra somewhere far away.   A taste, I told myself. Just another taste. Just another taste and I would be fine.  "What do you think about the showroom, Mr Stone?"  I blinked and the image of Eve sprawled over the couch disappeared. There was just a blue couch with frills at the edges. &n
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His plan to rope Adam in his dirty scheme
Tom's POV   "Pick a place,"   What place? I bit my bottom lip unsure of what to say. This was business and frankly I was tired of meeting at restaurants. Besides if I ever summoned the courage to do what Barlow wanted, I needed it to be somewhere private.     "How about your office?" I suggested and heard him grunt.     "Sounds good. What time will you make it here?"    I glanced up at the clock in my office and down at the numerous files on my desk. "Say in thirty minutes?" The rest of my work could wait until later. I needed to know what exactly was on Adam Stone's mind.     It had been two days since Finn called and he had been on my mind over and over again. Well not him, his demands rather. Get Stone in on the business?   There was no way he would consent to it.     Bu
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Being at alert
Eve's POV   Water cascaded down my skin, running through my fingers and then down my body. I closed my eyes, trying not to tremble or lose my mind at the feel of water on my skin.     I could see it all again. Could feel that emptiness pulsing through me, driving me crazy. I could hear Tom's laughter as he dunked my head over and over in the bucket. As the water sloshed around my head, rushed down my throat and forced me to gargle on my spit.     My eyes flashed open and I gasped, wrapping my hands around my neck trying to breathe easy.    No. No please, a part of me begged as the memory played on and on in my head. I could feel his hands in my hair again, grabbing, pulling and spitting in my face. I could feel every slap, every blow, every kick to the stomach.    I hated him.     "I hate him with every single part of m
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Meeting at the bar
Madeline's POV   "You're late,"    John sat in a booth, a glass of brandy or some other dour alcohol sloshing around it, sat on the table. He had a stern look on his face as if he were training a bunch of soldiers. The jackass probably felt like he could talk to me however he wanted because I had allowed him to be part of the plan.     Dumbass.     He had better have a valid reason for calling me out here. I was here running around, trying to make sure things worked out as we wanted it to. As I wanted it to. This was my dream anyways and John was just privileged to be a part of it.   He had nothing to go to if one thought about it. He had nothing to do but join me anyway. If he hadn't joined me, what would he have done? Make a living?    Without this deal, he had no hope of being set for life. Without me he was nothing. He had to
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Pity party
Madeline's POV   "That sounds like a great idea, John!" I told him, pulling away to see the smug look on his face. He leaned back into his seat and grabbed the glass of brandy.     "Good right? No one loves a pity party more than rich folks I tell you," he said, raising the glass at me. "Especially the women,"    Oh he was not wrong. Isabella Stone could be the female dragon the business world knew her to be. She was crazy, fierce and had single handedly held back sharks from eating up her husband's Business.     Smart woman.     Adam's father had left them with almost nothing but a run down foundation and loans to pay. But there was the fame of the Stone Foundation and the authenticity.     At least that was how some magazine had described it.     Adam's father wasn't much of a good
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An escape from reality
Eve's POV   I needed to escape. And this was Hawaii! It was the perfect place to escape from reality, if I chose to see it that way. This was a vacation. The point was to get away from bad memories. Dwelling on them, the good and bad ones, wasn't getting me anywhere.   The view from the window was already marvelous, I wonder what it would feel like to be in the view itself.   To be in the cool open air, to smell the sea, to hear the waves crashing against the shores, gently. I only got to see these things in movies. I might as well experience it all for myself.   "No more moping around then," I mumbled, launching to my feet. Tom had gone to have his fun. I could bet his entire house that he had found a woman to prey on tonight and while I was wasting away on the bed, losing my mind slowly, my husband got to have the time of his life with as many women as he wan
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The love of his life
Adam's POV  She was here.   I had caught sight of her standing on the banister that led to the third floor just before I'd finished speaking to the security guard. I hadn't seen her since I settled them in their room and it had taken everything in me not to go to their suite just so I could see her.   Not only was that plain foolish, it was terribly risky. What if Tom found out? What if I slipped up and he noticed something was going on between me and his wife?  Just turning those thoughts over and over in my head made me feel awful. They had in fact been the reason why I couldn't stay in my suite and had gone for a walk round the resort.   I was lusting after another man's wife. After a woman that could not be mine. Yet I desperately desired, desperately that I would have her.  "... Would that be fine sir?" 
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A lover and his beloved
Eve's POV  Heat.   His heat. It coated my face, made the hair on my skin tingle and drove me crazy with desire. He was so close, I could feel his breath on my face, hot and harsh, demanding to be felt.   "Golden," it slipped past my lips and I closed my eyes in longing, eagerly waiting for his kisses. Eager for those firm lips to plunder mine, for this tongue to invade every corner. Every part of me.   But the kisses never came. He slipped away from my grasp and for a minute I just stared into space like a fool.   "I'm sorry," He said, plummeting down from the high he had taken me to in the first place. "That should never have happened,"  My head snapped up to look at him. The man who had responded eagerly to my touch, the man who had driven me dizzy with desire was gone. His face was shuttered off and he hid
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Total surrender
Adam's POV More. More. I needed more.   My hands slipped into her hair, tangling with the strands gripping a handful to hold her head in place. Fuck me, she had the softest pair of lips I had ever known.   And that mouth? That mouth, fuck. The taste. Her taste. I teased her tongue with mine. Each stroke like velvet, each touch like burning fire.  Not enough. Fuck it was never enough.   I wrapped another hand around her neck and pressed on it, tilting her head up so I could access that sweet tart mouth. And of course, my Eve was so fucking responsive, I was sure it would drive me mad eventually.   Those sounds she made were otherworldly. Those mewls. Those soft quivers and purrs. The way she arched against me, begging for more drove me crazy. Ah fuck yes.   I wanted her. I wanted her s
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King of gambling
Tom's POV "Bass!" Some drunkard yelled behind me and I laughed at how dumbass he sounded. What the hell was Bass?  Oh who gave a fuck about that? Not me, that was certain. I was down to enjoy my time here in Hawaii and hell yes I could say I was already.   I had started off with a drink at the open bar in the resort. The first few drinks were free because Stone was a rich son of a bitch and he had the money to give margaritas for free. I had to be rich like that in the next few years or I'd be a total screw up.   And of course I would be. I planned to be. Once the deal with Adam starts pouring in profits and Barlow brings bugger deals once he got my gift to him, then it was only a matter of a few years. That was it.   After a few drinks, I'd head out of resort with a hired car. All I had on was my Hawaiian shirt and shorts and my debit card beca
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