All Chapters of The Billionaire's Submissive: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
239 Chapters
Heavenly orgasm
Eve's POV After walking for what seemed like forever, even though I was pretty sure it was only five minutes, we'd reached Adam's suite. Anticipation fluttered in my lower belly like butterflies and I tried to calm my nerves.   Total surrender, he had said.   I had no idea what that meant. But I trusted Adam. He wouldn't hurt me. I knew that, somewhere deep down in my bones. I didn't think I had any reasons to be afraid of what he meant by total surrender. Instead I was thrilled. What would he do? What did he want?   He swiped his key card against the door and it popped open. Without hesitation, he yanked me into his suite and slammed the door behind me, bolting it shut.   For a long minute we stood by the door. I waited, waited for him to touch me.  But none of that came. Instead he stepped away from me and walked deeper
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Pleasuring her
Adam's POV Ah hell! I watched, hard as fucking titanium, taut like a coiled spring as Eve squirted her juices all over my bed. Fuck yes. I had made the right call bringing her to my room. My tongue darted out to taste the ones that had splashed on my face and I groaned.   How long did I have to hold back?   I wanted nothing much than to bury my face right between her legs. I wanted it all around me. Her scent, her taste, her essence. I wanted to hear those soft sounds she made because of me. With her eyes closed as she climaxed and shuddered.   But I couldn't touch her. I would not. Her thighs quivered, her pussy lips clenched and unclenched and a memory of that vice grip around my cock made me cuss in frustration. Ah hell, this was madness. Madness that I had signed up for the minute I told her the words total surrender.   
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The scars
EVE’S POVSleepy.  My eyes were heavy, drowsy as they watched Adam step out of the bathroom. I had spaced out for a while after my climax, he must have gone to the bathroom then. My body hummed in satisfaction as he approached the bed. He had shrugged off his pants. I had barely seen all of him before my climax and it sucked that he hadn’t touched me.  Perhaps he would now? I wondered as he pulled the covers over me. I shook my head, despite my sedate satate. I couldn’t sleep here. I could not risk what had happened the nightb in paris happening all over again. If Tom arrived and didn’t find me in our suite, he would raise hell. I could never forget what he had done to me trthathat night in Paris.  What woman could? I had read somewhere on the internet, that women who got manhandled by their husbands eventually got used to it. Every single time Tom had ra
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Casino project
Tom’s POV “Welcome back , Mr Harrison,”  I looked up at the security man, his face stoic as he glared at me. He had a blank look on his face as he watched me stumble through the resort gates at the early hours of the morning.   I groaned, cluthing my hair to shake out the dizzy effect of the alcohol left in my system. I was surprised I had succeeded in finding my way back to the resort in the first place. I had drank enough alcohol to be swimming in the freakijg sky right now.  “Th…” A hiccup slipped out of my throat and I chuckled at the sound. “Thank you,” I managed to say and walk past him.  A stupid grin made its way to my face as I walked into the resort. The earth spun around me and I resisted the urge to drop on my feet and crawl all the way to my room.  
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The judgement
Adam’s POV It was hard not to make one. There were several factors that made this deal with Tom so fucking nuts. One, the man himself was a certified bastard. Perhaps my view of him wasn’t entirely professional and I wasn’t bothered about it. A man who raised his hands on his wife, treated her like garbage and yet acted like a damned hog who couldn't keep his dick in his pants, was no less than a bastard.  It was agonizing. Sitting close to him in my study, just a table between us, concealing him from my rage. There was that urge to flip the table out of the way and then make true the words I had said to Eve the night before.  “Mr Stone?” Tom’s voice crashed whatever thoughts came after that. I was reminded of the harsh present where I was. I had to check the damned property Harrison was hell bent on showing me. His confidence about the property was encouraging, but there see
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A date
Eve's POV "Wear something nice, meet me in the lobby."  A wide smile curled my lips and I jumped out of bed in glee, clutching the device to my chest. I read the text again and a giggle slipped out.   Adam wanted to see me again.   The night before had been a roller coaster. From Adam's refusal to touch me to the way he'd exploded in anger when he had told me to forget all about Tom. A part of me felt giddy about it however. He wanted me. Badly. And that made me feel stupidly good.   Perhaps it was because I wanted him as well. He had to know how crazy I was about him, right? I sauntered to the closet and sifted through the dresses I had. Now I wished I had brought something hotter than these Hawaiian dresses. It wasn't like Tom ever took me out. I had no idea why I had gotten them in the first place.  &nbs
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The suggestion that surprised him
Adam’s POV “So? What’s the verdict?” I asked the doctor as soon as he stepped in. He had a grin on his face as if he had just won a lottery and it was slightly funny to see. Bringing my mother to the hospital was starting to look more and more like a pleasure trip.  Hilarious.  I had only been back from Hawaii for two days and yet I had seen enough warning signs to know my mother was in danger. She could deny it all she wanted, but the day I had arrived in New York she had a fever and headaches non stop. Anabelle had discovered it too late and after giving her an earful on negligence, I had carted mother off to the hospital. “There is no need to sound so tense, Mr Stone,” The doctor said, flipping through the documents on his clipboard.   “Doc, you might want to speak up early,”My mother chuckled, looking
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Her plan worked
Madeline's POV I had hit the fucking jackpot.   Oh it had taken a long damned while, but I had finally done it. All that planning, scheming, stalking finally paid off.   And yet my plan had just begun.   I peeked through my lashes at Adam who stood a few meters away, his face livid. The man looked like his mother had just said she was transferring her entire property to me.   Which I would not mind of course. After all, I just got 'scammed' and would need to find a way to get back on my feet. I laughed mentally at the thought. Oh wasn't that just a blast? All I had to do was make up a very believable lie, make it even more believable with proof and then win the heat of gullible sweet Mrs Stone.   Fucking perfect.   The only person who could possibly impede my plan was the man who
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Updating Finn Barlow
Tom's POV "All good Mr Harrison?" The contractor grinned at me.    I gave him a small nod and looked back at the view before me. It was the new location for a business mall that Adam finally agreed to build with me. Right in New York.   I had to hand it to him, the jackass was picky as hell. He had sent a rather fancy e-mail telling me all the reasons his analyst hadn't been in support of the land property in Hawaii. One of them had been severely annoying to find out.   The land was filled. The bastards who had told me about the property had filled a marshland with sand, making it look sturdy. If we had built a casino right on it, all the billions of dollars spent that building would sink into mire, literally.   When I read that in his mail, I felt like a dumbass. Those bastards had almost got me good. If I had paid in full for
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The threat
Adam's POV "How's the project with Harrison going?" I asked Lillian as we trudged out of the seminar room. I'd attended a webinar and had to take part in a few activities here and there and if I could name one thing I desperately needed right now, it was a bottle of ice cold soda.   Perhaps when Lillian went for lunch I would tell her to get me a nice bottle. I hadn't had soda in years. One wouldn't kill me would it?   "Well? I guess," I didn't have to look back to know that Lillian shrugged behind me. She had a complacent look on her face when we left the webinar and I had a niggling feeling something was wrong.   I just didn't know how to ask in a way that wouldn't see I was meddling in my employee's affairs.   "I need stats, Lillian. Wake out of that slug and give me the answers I need." I snapped and that seemed to jolt her back to life
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