All Chapters of A Second Chance at Romance: Chapter 701 - Chapter 710
827 Chapters
Chapter 701 In Her Stead
Robert lifted his hand, pulled Karen, and whispered tenderly, "Karen, I'd appreciate it if you trusted me. There's no need to get mad over someone else's comments."Not everyone is capable of recognizing the truth in this world."He pushed his glasses up, and continued suggestively, "Those who are kind and educated take no notice of others' insults and accusations. As long as we ignore them, we won't be affected. Only those who have a guilty conscience will take these personally."Clearly, he was implying that Darren, who wanted to hold Karen responsible for accusing Hannah last time, had a guilty conscience.No one was gullible enough to ignore Robert's provocative remark. They all understood what he was trying to say. Despite his words, he seemed quite apologetic, as if he was just reminded of their confrontation earlier. He apologized sheepishly, "Darren, I'm sorry. I didn't mean you and Hannah were… I-I just hope Karen feels better…"He made an excellent example of making
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Chapter 702 I'm Done With You
As Hannah moved about, her locks swirled elegantly along her movements.With a smile, she quipped in a gentle, yet suggestive manner, "Mr. Wilfare, please bear with me."Robert was dumbfounded. Feeling flustered, he adjusted his glasses in a quick flick. "Hannah, calm down."Though he managed to maintain the composure in his tone, a hint of fury flickered across his eyes. Initially, he stood up for Karen to show how willing he was to protect her. Little did he expect Hannah to act so unruly and resort to violence immediately. Needless to say, he was extremely irritated. Since everyone was still watching, he mustered his best efforts to keep his emotions in check. He forced a smile, and continued gently, "Hannah, I assume we're all educated and civilized, and there's no need to make things ugly, right? It's all just a misunderstanding, and let's just talk it out slowly—"Before he could continue, he was silenced by another slap. "Sorry, but I don't think there was a misunder
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Chapter 703 Bark or Man Up
Darren's eyes sparkled with glee. Enveloping Hannah's fingers in his hand, he answered, "Alright."He knew she was never a cruel person. She stood firmly by her own principles, and she upheld them stubbornly. She despised tricks, and she'd rather navigate her way through with justice. She thought victories only belonged to those who earned them through effort. Never would she opt for shortcuts or underlying schemes. Instead, she would strike right at her opponent, just like what she did to the Moores. Once she found out their weak spot, they were done for. Or, she'd rather punch the ones she loathed in their faces. Though she'd find a way to counterattack, it was rare for her to destroy Robert's ego with such harsh words. It was then Darren realized that she was furious. His smile deepened. She wasn't angry because Karen offended her, nor was it because of how annoying Robert was. Instead, she was infuriated for his sake. Upon this realization, he felt a swelter of warmth
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Chapter 704 Make Her Disappear
Karen yanked his hand away, screeching hysterically, "Did you really become a coward when she called you one? How could you invite them to our wedding after she'd insulted and slapped you? Are you a masochist?"Her face was burning in shame. Despite being slapped and insulted by Hannah, her fiancé, Robert, still had the heart to invite them to their wedding. He wasn't even trying to fight back. This was embarrassing. As a socialite, she'd always been proud of herself and deemed herself superior to others in both her local and overseas social circles. It was impossible for her to handle such humiliation. "Karen, Darren is my family."Though a flicker of annoyance glinted in Robert's eyes, he masked it away and put on a pained expression. Cradling Karen in his arms, he endured her attacks and murmured, "I don't have any family members left, and I really don't want to have none of them present at our wedding. It's a significant moment for us."He dropped his gaze in sorrow, see
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Chapter 705 A Puppet
Hannah took no notice of their puzzled gazes. She raised her glass and gestured to take her leave. "Sorry, please excuse me.""Take your time, Ms. Emerson."The Winchester and Sorsby families were extremely powerful. Despite the thoughts that might've crossed their minds, they looked perfectly composed. They smiled, parting a path for Hannah to pass by. She smiled, gliding her way through elegantly, and stopped before Diana. Diana raised a brow. Her gaze swept past Hannah, and she suddenly giggled. Extending her hand, she said, "Thanks for gracing me with your presence, Ms. Emerson."Hannah didn't respond. Instead, she placed her hand in Diana's, nobly accepting her invitation. She seemed quite pleased as she joined Diana in a vacant corner. Now that they were isolated from the clamor in the banquet hall, Diana sighed. "Everyone's swooning over you, Ms. Emerson," she teased, chuckling as she leaned against the wall languorously. "You have everyone's attention wherever yo
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Chapter 706 Don't Doubt Yourself
Sometimes, Diana felt like a fool. Her mind was probably preoccupied with those ridiculous thoughts because love was getting to her head.Nonetheless, she thought she was out of her mind. Perhaps it was about time for her to visit a therapist. "Ms. Sorsby."Just then, a calm and soothing voice snapped her back to her senses. With her tranquil gaze fixated on Diana, Hannah worded her reply carefully."It's impossible to fully understand someone else's perspective. After all, you're the only one who could completely understand your feelings."I might not be able to help you much, but I figured…"She smiled, looking right into Diana's eyes as she stated, "You should never, ever, doubt yourself."If Diana felt like something was off, she was probably right. Since she had a hunch, she should believe in herself and explore ahead. Hannah was intrigued. She couldn't help but wonder whether it was possible for the characters in this world to free themselves from the plot without her
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Chapter 707 A Showdown
Cedric looked glum, and there was a hint of malice lurking in his eyes. He seemed very eager to lunge at Hannah and tear her apart. Nonetheless, Hannah smirked at his enraged state. She was intrigued to know what else he was capable of as the protagonist, now that he had missed the opportunity to strive since Darren was still alive, and had lost Diana as his stepping stone. He'd lost Diana, who had been loyal to him. "I have other guests to tend to. So, if you'll excuse me," Hannah said, curtsying before she left. She glided away right after she exchanged glances with Diana, and she didn't even spare Cedric a glance. Her nonchalance hurt his pride again. He clenched his fists, his eyes glinting menacingly. "Ced, you look quite off."Diana's eyes flickered before she glanced up at him, saying, "Hey, that's just how Ms. Emerson is. Don't be mad at her, okay?""How dare I get angry at her?"Cedric flung his arms in exasperation, gritting his teeth. "She's the lady of the
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Chapter 708 A Gift
Hannah shuddered when his hoarse voice echoed in her ears. He was literally breathing into her ear. Being in the intimate position they were, she nuzzled his nose affectionately in response. "Did you drink?"Her gaze softened, staring at him tenderly as she asked, "Did you have too much to drink?""No," he answered, resting his chin on the top of her head. His chest vibrated as he let out a chuckle, tightening his embrace around her. He finally let go of her, stating nonchalantly, "I just felt like it's been ages since I last saw you around. I feel anxious whenever I don't have you around."Hannah glanced up at him. Was he trying to be coy?That was a rare sight.This overwhelmed her more than his heartfelt confession to her when he was drunk. After all, he acted very differently from his usual cold demeanor."So, you just missed me?" she asked, glancing up at him with glittering eyes. Her fingers traced the collar of his suit, gently brushing past Adam's apple before s
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Chapter 709 You Don't Have to Work So Hard
Hannah's fingers twitched. She suddenly couldn't bring herself to accept the gift. "Ms. Emerson, why don't you take a look at it first?"Fabian's eyes glinted, sensing her hesitation. When she met his eyes again, only delight was evident in his eyes. "You can decide whether you'd like to accept or not after you have a look at it."Since he phrased it that way, she couldn't possibly refuse again. Her eyes lit up when she saw the contents of the document after flipping it open. "Did the government approve my reformation plan for Roberson?"It was more like starting over rather than a reformation. As a foreign trade company, Roberson was significant due to its close connections with the government. However, it suffered from chronic losses under Hailee's management. All her attention was on benefiting herself and leeching off Winchester Group. She didn't even bother to operate her company properly. Roberson had barely achieved its original objectives ever since it was founde
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Chapter 710 The Sun
Darren took in the sight of Hannah's captivating eyes and plump lips. His gaze darkened as he stared at her, swallowing hard. She noticed his reaction and broke into a grin. She knew what was up, yet she touched his lips gently, saying, "What vulgar thoughts are you having now, Darren?""They aren't vulgar."Tightening his grip on her waist, he closed the distance between them. He growled, "It's something I've been wanting to do."He dove down and devoured her lips. There were too many people around at the banquet, and he had to be careful of her makeup. He couldn't kiss her properly. Now that he had the opportunity, he reveled in it. His lashes cast a shadow on his face, contouring his features. Despite his cold demeanor, he seemed gentle. A suggestive chuckle escaped Hannah's lips as she threw her arms around Darren's neck. Both of them had a few glasses of wine at the banquet. Given their status, no one dared to coerce them into drinking too much. Nonetheless, she fel
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