All Chapters of A Second Chance at Romance: Chapter 711 - Chapter 720
827 Chapters
Chapter 711 Like
Taylor remained unmoved by Saige's advances, decisively creating distance to avoid being involved in the matter.Saige opened his mouth, an inexplicable feeling surging in his heart.He genuinely liked her spicy personality.The more she rejected them, the more he felt the desire to conquer her. He felt confident in winning her over.However, now…Looking at Hannah's cold gaze, he felt an uncertainty in his heart and momentarily felt a little hollow. "I… I don't necessarily need you to agree. I am free to like whomever I want. But you can't stop me from liking you, right?"He tried to prop up his chest and said, "If you want to focus on your studies now, I'll wait for you. You can't always treat me as if I'm a bad person, right? Do I not even have the right to pursue someone I like?"He managed to speak a few words properly for a change.Taylor's face showed a hint of confusion. She pointed at herself and asked, "You said you're pursuing me?""Of course!"Saige nodded and ask
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Chapter 712 Give Up
"How come I didn't know Taylor was nicknamed 'Riri'?"Shaking the card in her hand, Hannah sneered, "Or is it that Mr. Lautner also didn't know about the card in this bouquet of roses?""You gave me another woman's roses?"Taylor widened her eyes in disbelief. Then, a feeling of disgust surged within her as she said disdainfully, "You didn't even throw away the card. Do you think I'm a fool or did you assume I wouldn't accept it?"No wonder she bumped into Saige holding a bouquet of roses as she exited the room after checking the flowers.She thought he knew she was there and had deliberately waited for her there. She thought he was just a stalker.Now that she thought about it, everything was probably just a coincidence.He was just shameless!How could he bring the roses meant for another woman to her? Or could it even be something that the other woman had rejected?The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. Taylor couldn't help but cross her arms and say, "I'm t
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Chapter 713 The Moon Is Beautiful
Taylor's eyes showed no lingering affection for Saige.It was obvious that she'd never had any feelings for him.Seeing this, Hannah relaxed slightly, but she still reminded Taylor, "Your studies are the most important thing now. Don't think about other things, okay?""I know."Looking at Hannah's soft expression, Taylor became lively again.Sticking out her tongue, she replied immediately without even casting a glance at Saige still sitting on the ground.Taylor hugged Hannah's arm and shared her plans with a face full of joy. "After filming ends, I'll attend tutoring classes to catch up on my studies, and then I'll help out at the store after class…"Her voice was full of youthful vigor and carefree vitality.Listening to Taylor's clear voice, Hannah couldn't help but show a slight smile.It seemed that she had been unnecessarily vigilant.With Hannah protecting her in this life, Taylor would never fall into the same situation again.Everything was different now."Don't y
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Chapter 714 Never Change
She lifted her hand and used her thumb to indicate a very small distance on her pinky.She thought to herself that she was probably spoiled by Darren.She had gotten used to him always putting her first and always doing far more than she could ever ask for, no matter what.But it was not like he could read her mind.She couldn't expect him to always meet her expectations and always satisfy her.Being together meant mutual tolerance.He was already so good to her; she shouldn't ask for too much."Really?"Darren raised an eyebrow, he asked, "Is it really okay even if there's no gift?""Mr. Winchester, how about a kiss then?"Hannah leaned softly into his embrace and circled her arms around his neck.She gave him a defenseless smile and said sweetly, "Mr. Winchester, you are the best gift I've ever received."Looking at her, Darren felt his heart melt.How could she be so sweet and cute?He couldn't help but bend down to kiss her full and sweet lips and savor her taste.It
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Chapter 715 Neglect
"You're mine, Hannah."Darren embraced her, hot kisses landing delicately on her face as he said in a voice filled with satisfaction, "Hannah, you're forever mine."She had promised him.She wanted to grow old with him and spend the rest of her life with him.She had no chance to regret it anymore.Hannah felt like she was being hugged by an enthusiastically big dog.Her heart was filled with sweetness. Her emotions swelled inexplicably. She just knew her lips felt stiff, and she couldn't stop smiling."I'm glad that I'm yours, Mr. Winchester," she responded sweetly, feeling the pleasant scent of pine wood.With unprecedented peace and satisfaction, she hugged Darren's lean waist tightly and took a deep breath. "Mr. Winchester, I can't wait for our wedding."She wanted to hold hands with him in front of everyone, with Molly as her witness.She wanted them to love each other openly, to have a wedding ceremony, and to receive everyone's blessings together."It won't be long."
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Chapter 716 Help
Hannah had large eyes that always exuded a hint of charm and coldness when she looked at people.Now, due to her confusion, they were wide and round, looking somewhat like an innocent kitten.She appeared naive and cute.This appearance softened Darren's originally somewhat frustrated heart.He raised his hand and pinched her cheek while helplessly sighing softly. "It's not any special day. I just want to bring you to try on some wedding dresses."As he said that, he sat up on the carpet and pulled her up as well."Hannah, you haven't forgotten that we still need to have a wedding, have you?"He half-jokingly said, "Even if you are busy, you still need to set aside time to prepare for it.""I'm sorry."Hearing him say that, Hannah felt even more guilty.She had indeed been busy lately.She moved closer and hugged his arm in a coquettish manner, a sweet smile appearing on her face.Hannah took the initiative to plant a kiss on his cheek. "Let me get ready, and we'll go toget
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Chapter 717 Taylor Committed Murder
There was a bit of noise. It was distant and blurry on the other end of the receiver, making it difficult to distinguish.Hannah could only make out sporadic words.What exactly was happening?Who was taking Taylor away? What had happened?Why was she in such a panic?Unfortunately, there was no one who could answer her questions right now. Hannah shouted into the phone several times, but no one responded.Just when she was feeling frustrated, someone picked up on the other end."Hannah."Avery's voice came through, also tinged with confusion and helplessness. "What… What should we do? Taylor's been taken back to the police station."Taken to the police station?"Why was she arrested?"Hannah's expression froze as her eyes darkened.Taylor had grown up alongside them since childhood, and it wasn't an exaggeration to say that she had watched her grow up.She knew Taylor's personality very well.Taylor might be a little stubborn, but she would never do anything illegal or c
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Chapter 718 Coward
Hannah frowned.At least from the video, it was clearly an accident. Why was Taylor being implicated?She clicked into the comments section."So scary! Is Albie okay falling from such heights?""Albie Hayes has been taken to the hospital for emergency treatment. I heard there was a lot of blood at the scene. I hope she'll be okay!""Taylor's terrifying, isn't she? That last expression she made was so real. She truly deserves her reputation as a rising star. What amazing acting skills!""I used to be a fan of Taylor. I never thought she could be so vicious!""She caused someone's death because of a minor incident! This woman is truly heartless!""Taylor must be kicked out of the industry. Murderers must pay with their lives!""That expression of hers almost made me believe she was innocent. Why are high schoolers so terrifying these days?""I'm waiting for updates. Taylor Blake, the vicious woman, must receive the punishment she deserves!"The comments section seemed to have
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Chapter 719 Disappear Sooner
Seeing him blend into the crowd and say such things didn't particularly surprise Hannah at all.The color drained from the paparazzo's face as Hannah read the name on his badge, panic flashing in his eyes.He had intended to stir up trouble in the crowd and used his colleagues to pressure Hannah.Even celebrities accustomed to the spotlight would inevitably say inappropriate things in such situations.Then, with a bit of editing and manipulation online, they could easily create confusion and doubt.Hearing that Hannah was someone who didn't hesitate to use her hands, he wanted to force her to show her ugly side and preferably get her to physically assault someone.Then, the news would spread quickly online about her bullying tendencies and cowardice.The paparazzi never expected her eyes to be so sharp and her ears to be so keen.She actually managed to pick him out of the crowd."No, it wasn't me…"He instinctively denied it, desperately waving his hands. "You… You've got th
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Chapter 720 Tabloid News
It was a blatant threat.Since she'd married into the Winchesters, she had stirred up storms online several times.In the past, there were people on the Internet who would speak ill of others without evidence and spread rumors without consequences. They were taking advantage of the fact that they wouldn't be held accountable.But Hannah never indulged others and had a team of top-notch lawyers from the Winchesters. They were not short of money, so if someone dared to spread rumors, they would be sued directly.Many small tabloids that relied on gossip and scandals for survival were sued into bankruptcy, and a few even ended up in jail.When Hannah asked that question, the paparazzi present couldn't help but shiver.There were indeed people present who had to join another company because of their company's bankruptcy.The situation was quite awkward.For the first time, many paparazzi, who had never been annoyed and were feared by celebrities, were threatened into silence.Hann
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