All Chapters of A Second Chance at Romance: Chapter 731 - Chapter 740
827 Chapters
Chapter 731 Hannah, Are You Afraid?
His tone was calm and confident. He maintained a proficient and protective stance for Hannah.  It was as if Hannah's personal desires were the most important to him.  It evoked admiration and jealousy in others.  Misty's eyes were turning red. She looked at him in disbelief. "Mr. Winchester, aren't you afraid this will have a negative impact on the Winchesters? The Winchesters are a product of your hard work, after all."How could this be possible?The current status of the Winchesters was achieved through Darren's efforts.Could he really disregard his years of hard work, even if it meant being implicated by Hannah?  "Do you think I want to make the Winchesters powerful so that my family suffers for it?" Darren found it amusing.  He lifted his head. "The growth of the company depends on my abilities, and failure will be due to my incompetence. What does that have to do with Hannah?  "I work hard to develop the Winchesters so that my family can live more freely."  He
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Chapter 732 Change of Terms
Misty thought about Matthew's recent misfortune and his cruel personality, and a slight smile appeared on her face.She seemed to envision herself devouring Hannah's flesh and advancing toward a brighter future."You seem very confident." Hannah's gaze landed on her face.She didn't fail to notice Misty's malice, but she wasn't afraid. She already had a plan in mind and was waiting for the final response.    Hannah noticed Misty's confident expression, and she raised a smile sarcastically. "If Mr. Emerson knew you were thinking so much about him, he would be deeply moved, wouldn't he?"  Recently, Emerson Corporation had been gradually losing ground under pressure from the Winchesters. Matthew was pushed to the edge. He had called Hannah many times, but she ignored him and even blocked his number.    Thus, if she really lowered her head to Matthew now, she could guess what kind of request he would make.  He probably wished he could crack open her bones and suck out her
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Chapter 733 Unsuspecting
How could she not see the disdain in Hannah's eyes? It was clearly mockery. Still, she couldn't react in front of the live camera. After all, compared to leaving the entertainment industry, revealing her love life seemed more like a harmless piece of gossip. Even variety shows had segments like that.  If she didn't comply, wouldn't it seem like she had something to hide? She had to control her expression and bite down hard on her teeth.    After a while, Misty, with clenched teeth, managed to squeeze out a few words. "Hannah, since you insist on this, fine, I agree to the bet."    She would absolutely not lose! She would not allow any chance of a comeback for Hannah!  She wanted Hannah to witness Taylor unjustly suffering and having her life ruined forever. She wanted to see Hannah crushed by Matthew and become a stepping stone for her.    Her malice almost materialized, and her resentful gaze made people particularly uncomfortable.  Hannah, however, seemed unfa
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Chapter 734 Facing Reality   
As she spoke, her eyes suddenly lit up.  She said in an urgent tone, "Maybe Taylor established contact with that staff member because of this incident?"  At this point, her mind was spinning rapidly. Seizing the opportunity, she looked at Hannah triumphantly and sneered, "This video proves nothing at all."  In fact, she made some sense.  The audience in the livestream quickly adopted her skewed perspective and began hesitatingly supporting her.  "This only proves that Taylor helped the staff member and doesn't necessarily clear her of any wrongdoings!"  "Can someone who comforts sick fans with such kindness really do something as heinous as hiring someone to commit murder?"  "Maybe she deliberately approached the staff member to get him to do things for her!"  The comments section quickly became a chaotic mix of opinions, with no one convincing anyone else.  "Feel free to stick to your stubbornness." Hannah smirked. There was a glint of darkness in her eyes.    
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Chapter 735 Irrefutable Evidence   
Albie felt as if she were on cloud nine. After all, she was just a tiny actress struggling at the bottom of the entertainment industry, and her financial supporter was just from the nouveau riche.Her backer couldn't compare to Matthew and certainly not to Misty, who came from a wealthy background.    Moreover, Misty's journey from being criticized across the Internet to resurging in popularity was undoubtedly supported by significant behind-the-scenes efforts and capital. The influence she held was something Albie didn't dare to dream of.      The idea of having a connection with Misty made Albie ecstatic."That's right." Misty's smile deepened. She lowered her head to conceal the disdain hidden in her eyes.  Albie was nothing compared to Misty.   Misty associated with her only because Albie had some utilitarian value. Misty wouldn't bother with someone who would drag down her image.  Despite this, Misty's tone remained sweet and gentle. "Albie, I called you today to
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Chapter 736 I Would Like to Report a Crime
"Irrefutable evidence?"  Hannah sneered.  She didn't conceal her contempt. Following that, she took a step forward and grabbed the phone from Misty's hand. Misty instinctively curled her fingers and exclaimed, "Hannah, what are you doing?"    "Don't panic." Hannah sneered as she glared at her. She casually stated, "I'm just going to have a chat with your friend."      She then slightly lowered her head. Her silky dark hair fell on her cheeks, accentuating her glowing skin and full red lips. In a calm voice, she said, "Ms. Hayes, are you saying your manager saw Taylor coming out of the prop room?"      "That's right." Albie's voice tensed, and it sounded hesitant. Not long ago, many famous directors in the entertainment industry tried to invite Hannah to act in their films after seeing a few brief shots of her. However, she declined all their offers.   In the entertainment industry, there was hardly anyone who wouldn't envy her, the actress who seemed to soar t
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Chapter 737 Too Much Deception
Misty abruptly lifted her head. Under the joint gaze of her and the livestream audience, Hannah's smile widened. She enunciated each word clearly. "I'm going to report a crime. Saige from Starshine Entertainment intentionally hired someone to commit murder in order to frame Taylor. Actress Albie fabricated false evidence for financial transactions. And..."    She paused, and her gaze swept over Misty. The smile on her face widened. "Ms. Emerson spreading false rumors has caused significant damage to Taylor's reputation and mental well-being." Following that, there was a moment of silence.  "Hannah! Have you gone mad?" Misty couldn't believe her eyes and shouted in disbelief, "Are you really going to report me and have me arrested?"    "I've warned you several times, but you refused to listen." Hannah had a calm expression. She showed no sign of being moved by Misty's anger. She continued to say in a light tone, "Is there a problem reporting you for spreading false r
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Chapter 738 Her Persona Had Collapsed   
Apologizing to Taylor was embarrassing enough.Misty could accept apologizing under the pressure of the situation.However, after everything that had happened, Hannah had become Misty's lifelong enemy.How could she bow down to her enemy?The assistant couldn't help but silently shout in her heart.Just shut up! Things were complicated enough. What more did she want?  Was apologizing more embarrassing than being interrogated and convicted by the police?  She knew things weren't looking good, and she wanted to try to salvage the situation. However, Hannah had already lifted her beautiful hand, cutting off the words she hadn't even spoken yet.  "I don't think you've realized your mistake, Ms. Emerson."A somewhat mocking smile played on Hannah's face.  So, was this what being the female lead was like?  When she was cunning and malicious, it made people's teeth itch, but when she acted foolish, it was downright laughable.  Hannah continued indifferently, "You don't nee
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Chapter 739 You're Still So Naive
Albie had just escaped danger and couldn't be conveniently taken back to the police station. Therefore, the police had sent officers to question her.As for Saige, he was brought back to the police station by officers while indulging in the club.Taylor, now cleared of suspicion, was brought back. When she saw Hannah, tears welled up in her eyes.She had just turned 18 this year. After experiencing these past two days, even if she were precocious, she would still be frightened."Hannah."  Choking up, she threw herself into Hannah's arms and couldn't help but cry. "I thought I wouldn't make it out. Fortunately, you were there."  She was genuinely terrified!"It's okay. It's okay."Hannah helplessly patted her back and comforted her in a warm voice. "Everything has passed. When we get back, take a shower, have a good meal, and get some sleep. Everything will be fine."  They could consider it a lesson for her to be more cautious.Just as they were about to leave, officers bro
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Chapter 740 Proud and Almighty
Saige roared with laughter when he saw the angry and hateful looks on their faces. He laughed frantically as he barked out, "Really? What can you do to me once you've got me here? Don't be a fool!"How they wished they could punch him right in the face when they saw how arrogant he was. Nonetheless, he tilted his head up, looking defiant. He knew they couldn't do anything to him.Taylor resented him. Her eyes turned red. She was unable to fathom why a demon like him would fancy her when she had been minding her own business. She focused on her acting career, and she poured all her effort into her studies. She was dragged into this mess, and the insults thrown at her had traumatized her. Yet, the culprit, Saige, was unfazed at all. He still had the nerve to boast in the police station.A wave of hopelessness washed through Taylor. She was equally helpless as well, realizing that she was too young to do anything. The police officers glared at him, yet they couldn't do anythin
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