All Chapters of Worthless to Priceless: The Alpha's Rejected Mate : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
150 Chapters
AMELIA’S P.O.VI ended up in front of the hospital. I took a detour home first and I made him lunch. I wasn’t sure if he had eaten but if I had to guess, I would have said no. Kaden tended to have a one track mind in the sense that once something became the object of his focus, it would take a lot to drag him away from it. Right now, his focus was Nadine and nothing else mattered for better or for worse.I stopped in front of the desk where a new and unfamiliar nurse stood. “I want to see Nadine.”“Are you family?” she asked and I hesitated. “Are you a friend or a relative? I am under clear instructions not to allow anyone into her room that isn’t any of the above.”“Actually, I want to see the Alpha but he is in Nadine’s room.”She scoffed. “Do you know how many people want to see the Alpha, girl? You are better off making an appointment at the office but he doesn’t make time out for groupies. I hear he has a girl now so maybe try a new target. The beta might be a good one.”My cheek
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KADEN’S P.O.VIt was shame that did not allow me return home to Amelia, shame that I had failed her, shame that I had somehow led her to believe that she was less important that she was. I didn’t know how to multitask, it wasn’t a skill I had learned very well growing up. I had been told to focus on one task- being Alpha. That was my life growing up and it had made me develop a one track mind.“She isn’t going to wake up anytime soon,” I heard Dr. Brown say from behind me. I didn’t turn to acknowledge her because I knew exactly where she was going with the conversation. “If you wanted to leave for a while then I would not mind taking over from you. I will watch over her and if anything changes, I will call you.”“I am fine.”She sighed. “I don’t want to intrude, Alpha, but you haven’t been home in days. Surely your mate wants you home as much as you want to be home. This is a case of a stranger versus your home life. You cannot be putting a strange woman on a higher standard than you
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AMELIA’S P.O.VIan was a nice companion to drive home with. He was funny and his music taste was impeccable. He had the stereo on the entire time and was singing at the top of his lungs, I couldn’t stay frowning for long. By the time we got back to Kaden’s place, I couldn’t help but realize just how lonely and starved for human attention that I was.“Thank you for the ride,” I told him as I hesitated to get out. “It means a lot to me, you have no idea.”“It’s not a problem,” he waved me off. “If you ever need one then don’t hesitate to call. You know where to find me.”I got out of the car and waved him off. He had just disappeared down the driveway when I noticed another car driving towards me. I froze and blinked twice wondering if maybe I was seeing things but I knew I wasn’t. it was Kaden’s car with him in the front seat. I rubbed at my eyes and even went as far as to pinch myself because I wasn’t expecting him. I forced the hope back down in my chest because I didn’t want to jump
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AMELIA’S P.O.VMarjorie was silent on the other end of the call for a minute and I started to fear the worst. For a second, I thought she had hung up but I could hear her steady breathing and I knew she had just chosen not to respond.“Just tell me if I’m right or wrong,” I said when she wouldn’t respond. “All of this thinking, all of this tossing and turning is driving me mad. Please, I need to know exactly what I am dealing with here. I need to know whether I am going to lose my mate.”“Will you stop whining for five seconds?” she cut me off and I froze. “If you are going to ask a question then you better be ready to wait for a response. I was thinking about how to respond. I don’t need your incessant whining in my mind.”I was stunned. I didn’t know whether to apologize or speak back to her so instead, I stayed silent. She let out a sigh and I could imagine her rolling her eyes at me.“She isn’t his first mate.” It was a straight forward response but I knew there was more to it. Th
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AMELIA’S P.O.VMarjorie was in the house until late evening. By the time she left, I was exhausted and I didn’t want to see another human being. I could tell she felt the same way about me. Despite the many hours we had spent together, it was clear that we would never be friends. We just had too many differences and different ways of approaching things. She had suggested I create a scene in the hospital and threaten Kaden to get him home but I was adamantly against that idea.We couldn’t end up agreeing and just decided that it would be better if we just stayed away from each other and tried our various methods, mine was to give Kaden space until he decided that he wanted to come home. it hadn’t been working so far but it seemed to work this time because just as I was getting ready for bed, the front door opened.At first, I was terrified that someone had broken in. I carried a lamp and slowly inched down the stairs in the dark towards the source of the noise. I was about to bring the
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AMELIA’S P.O.VI woke up the next morning to an empty bed and I could have sworn I felt the exact moment my heart deflated. I had to blink back the tears that gathered in my eyes as I reached out and felt how cold the bed was. It had been a while since I slept in or even had a restful night and I had been looking forward to seeing Kaden when I woke up. I should have known that it was too good to be true.I managed to drag myself out of bed and get freshened up for the day. A few tears may have leaked from my eyes but at least the water was there to wash it all away and I could pretend like it didn’t happen. By the time I finally gathered the courage to drag myself out, I wrapped myself in an oversized robe. It was one of Kaden’s and it smelled faintly of him. I made my way to the room and jumped when I noticed someone bent over my side of the bed.A small scream left my lips but Kaden turned and held up his hands to show that he meant no harm. I stared at him in disbelief not wanting
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AMELIA’S P.O.VThat sentence broke my heart in more ways than anyone could possibly imagine but I still managed to plaster a smile onto my face. “Give me a minute so I can get dressed. We can go together.”“You don’t have to come if you don’t want to.”“If she wakes up then I want to be there.”He looked like he was itching to leave at that exact moment but he nodded. I made my way up to the room wondering if he was going to leave me if I wasted time getting dressed. It was a theory I wanted to test out but another part of me wanted to get to the hospital as quickly as possible so that I could see for myself what was happening.By the time I got back down, Kaden was packing impatiently and he muttered under his breath in relief once he saw me. He drove faster than I had ever seen him drive before and as soon as we got to the hospital, he sprinted past me and into the doors. I tried not to let it hurt considering the fact that he had spent the entire night and this morning with me but
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AMELIA’S P.O.VI locked the bathroom door behind me and let out a ragged breath. I ran my hands through my hair and stared at my reflection in the mirror. If someone had told me one week ago that I would be in the bathroom of a restaurant while meeting with Aiden, I would have called them liars but yet here I was.“What do you think?” I asked my wolf, Tara rousing her from her sleep. “Do you think that Aiden was lying or Marjorie?”“I don’t think you should be here with Aiden at all,” she chided and I let out an exaggerated sigh. “ But to answer your question, I don’t think either of them was lying, that is what is so confusing about this.”My brows furrowed. “How is that possible? They are saying completely opposite things. It makes no sense that both of them would be saying the truth.”“I didn’t say that they were telling the truth, I said they were not lying,” she corrected and she must have felt my confusion because she explained. “Sometimes we tell ourselves the same thing over a
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AMELIA’S P.O.VI planned to stay indoors for the rest of the day when I heard a knock. I went to check only to see Clara standing there with a small picnic basket in her hands and a smile on her face. When I looked down and saw her barefooted, I shook my head at her. I leaned against the doorframe with a small smile as I watched her.“To what do I owe the pleasure?” I asked and she stretched out the basket to me as if it was an answer.“I thought maybe we could spend some time together in the woods. What do you think? Caleb says that the rogues have basically disappeared so we have nothing to worry about.”“I’m not sure,” I began but she shook her head.“I’m not taking no for an answer,” she cut me off as she began pulling me towards the back of the house. “We haven’t spent any time together since all of this happened and I think we need it right now more than ever. What do you think?”“I think that even if I say no, you will drag me anyway.”She winked. “You’re a fast learner. I like
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AMELIA’S P.O.VI didn’t want to jump to conclusions but I believed that Clara had something to do with Ian’s busy schedule. I wasn’t able to see him for the next two weeks and it was the loneliest I had ever been in a long time. Kaden spent most of his time at the hospital and I could barely see him. I tried visiting him twice but on both occasions he spent most of his time watching over Nadine who still hadn’t moved since that day. It was almost as if Kaden had become a different person. He was completely consumed by this issue with Nadine.I couldn’t remember the last time Kaden and I had a decent conversation with each other. The only person I spoke to was Ian who made sure to check in with me whenever he could. He didn’t know exactly what was going on but he could tell that I was lonely. It felt good to have a friend who wasn’t tied to Kaden in any way. I loved Clara and Caleb but they were Kaden’s friends too and there were things I couldn’t talk to them about.I finished school
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