All Chapters of Worthless to Priceless: The Alpha's Rejected Mate : Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
150 Chapters
AMELIA’S P.O.VI couldn’t fall asleep and I knew without a doubt that Kaden couldn’t either. I could feel his worry and unease down the bond and it took everything in me not to go to him. It was ingrained in me to want peace especially with my mate but Clara was right and I had to stand up for myself or I was going to end up in an unhappy relationship for the rest of my life. I wasn’t truly going to leave Kaden, at least, I hoped he wouldn’t give me reason to leave.Sometime around four, I found myself walking out of the room and pulling on some training clothes. I figured it would do me some good to take a small jog to the training field before anyone else arrived. I was about to leave the house when I felt a presence behind me. I knew immediately it was Kaden and I took a deep breath before turning to face him.He was wearing only sweatpants that hung low on his lips. My mouth dried up as I took him in. He was built like a marble sculpture and framed like an Adonis. It was hard to s
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KADEN’S P.O.VFury filled my features as the words settled in my brain. My mother had gone behind my back to ensure that Nadine didn’t wake up. Amelia tried to stop me but I brushed her off as I stormed into the room. Mother and Dr. Brown jumped apart staring at both Kaden and I with shock and guilt on their faces. Dr. Brown opened and closed her mouth repeatedly but I held up a hand to stop her.“How long has this been going on?” I asked but she glanced to my mother for support. That infuriated me and I let out a growl. “I am talk to you. You will look at me when I speak. I asked you a fucking question.”“Since she moved her hand,” she admitted and I cursed. She flinched from my rag and I exhaled deeply to calm myself.“Take her off those drugs. If she isn’t awake in three days, I will make sure that you never see the inside of a pack again,” I threatened and her face blanched. I wasn’t bluffing and she knew that. I could feel Amelia’s eyes on me but I couldn’t look at her. I didn’t
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I was in the kitchen fixing up breakfast the next day. Kaden sat at the dining table, his eyes fixed on the newspaper in front of him, but I could feel his agitation from where I was.I could practically see the frustration radiating off him as he tried in vain to focus, his attempts punctuated by the occasional slam of the paper onto the table followed by a grunt or a groan. Occasionally, I could feel his eyes on me but I didn't dare meet his gaze.Instead, I focused on the task at hand and by the time I was done, I went over to the dining table to serve the meal. I poured the coffee into mugs and dished out the bacon and eggs; I knew better than to disturb him in such a state, so I moved with as much precision as I could muster.With each clatter of utensils or clink of dishes, I winced, half-expecting Kaden's outburst to follow. But he said nothing.I forced a smile. "Breakfast is served," I said softly, hoping to break the ice.Kaden glanced up from his newspaper, his expression s
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AMELIA’S P.O.VShe led me into the living room and I could already tell by her demeanor that she had no intentions of answering whatever questions I had. She gestured to the empty seat and before I could speak, she walked out only to return with a tea cup and some slices of cake. I watched her pour it while taking in the room out of the corner of my eye.It fit her personality perfectly. It was spotless with white couches and pure white walls. It looked more like an office than a home but I said nothing knowing that I risked causing an entire fight. I waited until she handed the cup to me and made a show of sipping my tea slowly.“Is there something you need my help for?” she asked. “I have to say, I am shocked to see you here. I thought we had a mutual agreement where we didn’t like each other and preferred to stay away.”“Why don’t we stop with the games?” the no nonsense tone I took had her stilling. “I have been patient with you and Kaden. I have sat while you both have hid things
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KADEN’S P.O.VI knew the minute I left Amelia that I shouldn’t have but I just couldn’t force my legs to move back towards her. There was so much that I wanted to tell her but how could I? The minute my memories started to come back on their own, I knew I was screwed. How did I tell the woman I called my mate that the woman lying on the bed was my true mate? I couldn’t remember everything but I could clearly remember the day that we met.She stood out in the sea of people. I locked eyes with her and I immediately knew. There were no words, no arguments, I just saw her and she smiled at me and I knew I was a goner. She gave me a wink and she ran off. I chased after her into the night and that was as much as I could remember. I still didn’t know what caused me to leave or caused her to leave. I couldn’t help but wonder if my mother had something to do with it.“What is the update?” I asked as soon as I walked into the room.Dr. Brown was hovering over Nadine as she barked orders to the
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AMELIA’S P.O.VIan never asked questions, he never pushed. He looked over at me with slight amusement at my question before shrugging and gestured for me to walk with him. He was a breath of fresh air after being in that hospital the entire time and I just needed some space from everything.“I take it that things aren’t going so well with you and the Alpha,” he began slowly as we drove towards the woods. All I could do in response was shrug because despite how pissed I was at Kaden, I didn’t want to bad mouth him. “It’s alright though, it happens a lot. Couples fight all the time. It wouldn’t be a good relationship if there were not any healthy arguments.”I turned to him. “You call this a healthy argument? He picks a woman in a hospital over me.” I slapped my hands over my mouth when I realized what I had said. “I’m sorry, I should never have said that. Please accept my apologies. That was stupid of me.”“It’s alright,” he waved me off. “Sometimes we just need to get things out there
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AMELIA’S P.O.VI tried to ignore the pang of pain in my chest knowing that it was a stranger who was helping me and not my mate who was meant to be by my side through it all. First it was acute embarrassment that someone had to see me like this, helpless and without anyone to turn to. It brought back bad memories that I never thought I would have to experience again.As the embarrassment faded, it gave way to anger. It was more than just anger, it was rage. I had trusted him, in my lowest moment, despite everything that was happening, I still believed he would come and he didn’t. I wasn’t sure if it was something I could forgive. I was silent the entire time that Ian taught me to stand and to run. I could barely bring myself to enjoy it because of how pissed I was.He must have realized as well because after a while, he decided to cut things short and he offered to take me home but I wanted to return to the hospital. I wanted to see exactly why Kaden couldn’t be bothered to see me.“A
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KADEN’S P.O.VNadine was seated up when I returned and she had a look of concern on her face. “Is everything okay? I hope I am not causing any trouble between the both of you.”“Of course not,” I whispered brushing her off. She just woke up, the last thing she needed was to be worrying about Amelia and I. We would sort ourselves out, we always did. “How do you feel? Do you need the doctor? Do you need anything?’“No, just you.”She reached out and placed her hand on my arm and something in me balked. I wanted to push it away but my wolf almost seemed drawn to the idea which I thought was absolutely insane considering the fact that he was against it just a few days ago. He wanted nothing to do with Nadine and was head over heels in love with Amelia but now, it was almost like the table had switched. Even the argument I just had with Amelia was instigated by him. Something about her presence seemed to annoy him.I wasn’t sure if it was the mate bond but that seemed an unlikely reason be
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AMELIA’S P.O.VI had been beaten, maltreated, insulted, had drinks thrown on me and made to feel like shit but one thing I had going for myself was that Kaden had never hurt me physically. It was something I had pride in and I could have bet all my life earnings on that fact. I could be free with him, I could say whatever I wanted especially when he was wrong because he never resorted to violence or so I thought.As he pinned me to the wall, the look in his eyes was something I could only describe as death. His eyes were pitch black and there was not one ounce of life in his irises. I had never been so scared in my life. Fear- raw and unadulterated- filled his eyes and for a second, I could not breathe. I tried to claw at his hands but he wasn’t letting me go at all.“Kaden,” I managed out as I struggled to keep my eyes open. “You’re hurting me.”“Keep Nadine’s name out of your mouth,” he snarled. His voice didn’t even sound like his own. It was too deep, too guttural and too eerie. I
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KADEN’S P.O.VI felt like shit and what was worse is that I had spent the entire night seated in the living room trying to figure out why my wolf had acted the way that he did but I couldn’t. He had completely shut me out after I tried to glean an answer from him. He was out of control and nothing I did could bring him back to order.I kept replaying the incident over and over again in my head but it still didn’t make any sense. My wolf wasn’t violent, it was one of his defining traits. He was a delegator and he knew how to compartmentalize. He didn’t just attack people much less Amelia who he was meant to be obsessed with. Something was wrong and I needed to figure it out. I should have noticed it since the moment he started compelling me to spend more time at the hospital. I took it as him being worried, I didn’t realize that it could escalate this badly.I was at risk of losing Amelia. She was the best thing that had ever happened to me and if I lost her… I couldn’t even think abou
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