All Chapters of Worthless to Priceless: The Alpha's Rejected Mate : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
150 Chapters
AMELIA’S P.O.VKaden kept his arms around me as he made a quick call to his receptionist and asked her to get some food for us. I couldn’t help but wonder why he didn’t just mind link her especially when she had to call to confirm what drink I wanted with my food. I kept my question to myself because I didn’t want to seem too inquisitive but when she walked into the office and smiled softly at me as she placed the plastic bags on the table, I couldn’t help but turn to Kaden.I waited until the door had shut behind me before I spoke. “Why don’t you mind link people? I have only seen you use it with Caleb. Don’t they know how to?”“They do but they can’t because they don’t have access to my link.”My brows furrowed in confusion. I cocked my head to the side but Kaden didn’t pay heed to me, he was more interested in making sure that his secretary had gotten everything he asked. I remembered him giving me access to his link so easily and I thought it was like that with everyone else.“I h
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AMELIA’S P.O.VAs I watched Lucy being dragged out with hatred and anger in her eyes, I couldn’t help but feel bad for her. I would have been angry too if the man I thought I was going to be with had thrown me out of his office like nothing. I knew that Kaden had told her repeatedly that he wanted nothing to do with her but I still couldn’t help but feel a pang of hurt for her. It was embarrassing.“This is why I didn’t want you outside,” Kaden muttered as he gently grabbed my upper arm and led me back into the office.I turned to him in confusion wondering what he was talking about but he didn’t say a word until we were safely behind the doors of his office. I could see that he was a little annoyed and I knew that a part of it was directed at me.“Did I do something?” I asked hesitantly as I took a slow step back. Whenever father was upset with me, he tended to explode and although I trusted Kaden, my instincts couldn’t be ignored and they screamed at me to get away whenever a powerf
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KADEN’S P.O.VI dropped Amelia off at school for the first time since we started seeing each other. She tried to discourage me from the idea but I was set on it. I didn’t want to hide her, I wanted everyone to know that she was the one I had chosen. For a second, I worried there was another reason she didn’t want me dropping her off but she assured me that she just didn’t want people to stare.At the end of the day, she agreed and she had her face buried in her hands the entire time. Her cheeks were red from the moment we got into the parking lot and they got worse when I kissed her deeply not caring who was watching. I saw the looks of shock and interest on the faces of the students but I didn’t care much about it. I waited until she had gotten into the building before I drove off.I immediately drove towards the hospital. All through last night, I couldn’t stop thinking about what I had been told. I had a feeling there was more to the story than what Dr. Brown was telling me and sin
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AMELIA’S P.O.VWhen Caleb came to pick me yesterday, I was worried. He took me straight to the office without a word and drove off. I waited for Kaden to arrive but his office remained empty and it didn’t matter who I asked, no one knew where he had gone. I tried to reach him via his mind link but his wall was firmly down and nothing I did would budge it.When Caleb came to pick me up after, I had asked where Kaden was. His response was that Kaden was fine but it didn’t put me at ease. Even though Caleb didn’t say it verbally, I knew he also wasn’t aware of Kaden’s whereabouts. I had never worried for a person the way I worried for him and it was very obvious because I could barely eat my food.“He is fine,” Clara tried to assure me when she saw me playing around with my food. “Kaden is more than capable of looking after himself.”“I know he is,” I said softly but that didn’t stop me from worrying.Most of my worry was about him but there was a tiny part of me that couldn’t help but w
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KADEN’S P.O.VI knew it was wrong to put her on the spot like that but I needed to know whether she still felt for the boy. I watched her every move carefully while trying to maintain the façade of sadness and guilt because the truth was that I didn’t care what happened to Blake or anyone else from that pack as they didn’t directly influence Amelia.In fact, when Caleb told me last night that Blake had mated with Brittany, I was filled with relief. The relief was so palpable on my face that Caleb had to remind me of his past with Amelia and how she might feel about it. It put me in a bad mood which was why I didn’t go to see her all day. I kept trying to remind myself that there was no way she could still feel anything for him after being with me but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that it was possible.When she walked into my office, I was filled with so much frustration that I lashed out at her but I quickly realized it wasn’t the right way to go about the situation
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AMELIA’S P.O.VAnger burned through me the entire way home and it wasn’t until I got to bed that it was more disappointment than anger. I had hoped we had gotten past Blake but it seemed like it bothered Kaden more than he cared to admit. I understood that Blake was a major part of my life but I couldn’t believe that he thought I would still want him after everything that had happened between us.I still cared for Blake, it was obvious considering what we had been through but it was not in the same way that I did for Kaden. What I felt for Kaden could not be explained into words. It was mind blowing and all consuming. The only reason I stayed quiet when he mentioned Blake was because a part of me was relieved and I was thinking about the bond between us and whether it would be broken since he had mated with Brittany. I was having a silent conversation with my wolf but he took it as something else.I couldn’t stand to be around anyone because I knew my mood was volatile so I spent the
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KADEN’S P.O.VI had the best date planned for Amelia but I couldn’t get to it because of all the meetings I was being roped into. I loved being Alpha but sometimes it could be annoying and this was one of those times. The elders were fretting about a potential rogue attack due to my actions and I had to meet with the guards and patrol team in order to beef up security in the case that the rogues chose to attack.Last night, there was an attack on one of our neighboring packs and Caleb is concerned that it was a retaliation for our actions and we might be next. I wasn’t as concerned as he was because I was certain that they wouldn’t attack and even if they did, we had the manpower and the weapons to wipe them out. The pack they attacked was much smaller than ours and easier to overpower and still- they lost.I was finishing up my meeting with the patrol border when Caleb ran up to me. He looked panicked and I knew that I would want to hear whatever he had to say so I dismissed the bord
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AMELIA’S P.O.VSometimes I wondered how I got lucky with someone like Kaden. He was patient with me even when I couldn’t speak at all and just offered his silent solidarity. When I woke up the next morning, it was to breakfast in bed and a soft kiss on my lips. I was so overwhelmed that I didn’t realize when I blurted out that I wanted to move in with him. He was taken back and asked me twice if I was sure that was what I wanted and I nodded.I wanted to be with Kaden, there was no need to delay the inevitable. I loved being around him and I loved falling asleep and waking up in his arms. As soon as I assured him that it was my decision, he immediately called for a moving van and we were on our way to Clara’s house. I was a bit anxious about talking to Pamela and Devin because they had made themselves like my parents and it felt weird moving out.It was Pamela who opened the door and as soon as she saw me, she pulled me into her arms for a warm hug. I almost broke down in tears at tha
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AMELIA’S P.O.VKaden was the only person who looked casual in his button up shirt and black slacks. He sat at the edge of the table between his mother and I and I was grateful at first until I realized that it left me sitting directly opposite her. She barely looked at me but whenever she did, it was with a frown or an upturned nose. Kaden didn’t seem to notice it because she was telling him all about her day and he was patiently listening.I started to feel like I was eavesdropping on their conversation but Kaden suddenly intertwined our fingers. He shot me a warm smile to assure me that I wasn’t forgotten and I quickly returned it. His mother cleared her throat making both of us turn towards her and I could see her sporting a frown on my face. I couldn’t help but feel like I did something wrong and I pulled my hand out of his grip. He frowned especially when I placed my hand in my lap when suddenly, he placed his hand on my thigh.“Perhaps we should start eating,” Kaden said in an a
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AMELIA’S P.O.VI didn’t have classes the next morning and Kaden told me I didn’t have to go into work if I didn’t feel like it. I waited until he had left the house before I got into the car and drove off to Clara’s house. I didn’t tell her that I was coming so I muttered a small prayer hoping that she would be there when I arrived. I didn’t see her car in the driveway so I was already freaking out but I still made my way over to the door and knocked.Pamela was the one who opened it and she looked surprised to see me. “I knew you would miss us but I didn’t expect you back this soon,” she teased as she pulled me into a hug. “I was just about to step out but I can wait behind if you want.”“That won’t be necessary,” I assured her but she still looked a little skeptical. “I just wanted to see Clara, is she here?”She shook her head. “She just stepped out but she should be back in a few minutes. You can wait for her if you life but I would have to leave you here alone, is that okay?” I n
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