All Chapters of Worthless to Priceless: The Alpha's Rejected Mate : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
150 Chapters
AMELIA’S P.O.VI was sitting in Kaden’s office when someone knocked. I knew it wasn’t Kaden because he wouldn’t have needed to knock on his own office so I stayed silent hoping whoever it was would leave. The knocking ceased and I thought everything was fine until there was some shuffling and the door creaked open revealing Blake. He had two bobby pins in the key hole that he used to pick the lock and he had a crazed look in his eyes as he pulled them out and walked into the room.“You shouldn’t be here,” I told him as he moved further into the room. “You need to leave.”“I couldn’t leave without seeing you. I knew you would be here. Do you know how hard it was to get your father to take me instead of Brittany? I had to convince him that as his future son-in-law I needed to be present for these kind of meetings.”I winced as his words hit me square in the chest. He was still with Brittany. Despite everything that happened and everything he knew they had done to me, he was still with
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AMELIA’S P.O.VI hesitated before shutting it. I knew Kaden would never hurt me, I trusted him more than I trusted a lot of people but that did not take away from the fact that Kaden was a natural predator and this was his house. It was like throwing a lamb into the lion’s den and hoping that because the lamb had only eaten goats before, it wouldn’t hurt the lamb.Despite my heart pounding violently in my chest, I allowed the door click shut. Kaden’s house was amazing with pure white sofas and marble tables. There were small flowers on the windowsills and I noticed the house had a feminine touch to it. Jealousy burned in my chest as I remembered that Lucy lived here too.My eyes finally found Kaden and he was seated on one of the couches with a bottle of whiskey in his hands. He had barely taken anything from it but it was opened. I wasn’t ready to face him so instead, I turned and went into the kitchen. I searched until I found a broom and made my way over to the shattered glass and
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AMELIA’S P.O.VMy cheeks heated pink from both embarrassment and arousal. I wanted him but I couldn’t find it in myself to say the words. Kaden waited patiently for me to speak but while he waited, he brushed my hair away from my neck and pressed open mouthed kisses there. I let out a gasp when he kissed a certain spot and his lips curled up in a smirk.“I need an answer, Amelia,” he breathed against my neck. “You don’t even have to say what you want. I just want to hear the number.”My cheeks heated and I shut my eyes. “The third option,” I mumbled and he froze.He pulled back to stare at me and searched my eyes presumably for any form of hesitation at all. “Are you sure? We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to Amelia, there is no rush.”“I want to.”He muttered something that sounded suspiciously like thank the goddess and he hauled my legs over either side of his hips. His dick was still out so I was seated directly over it. I could feel it pulsing beneath me and it had me ac
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AMELIA’S P.O.VI woke up to a pressure building in my lower belly. I tried to ignore it but it made me squirm and the more I arose from my slumber, the more my surroundings became more obvious to me. I realized I was gripping the sheets and I realized that there was a warmth at the apex of my thighs that even without opening my eyes, I knew belonged to Kaden and his sinful mouth. I tried to ignore and pretend like I was asleep but Kaden was not letting up.I finally peeled my eyes open only to see him settled in between my thighs leisurely licking me like it was his job. His palm was spread wide and pressed against my lower belly as he fucked me with his tongue. A moan left my lips and Kaden’s eyes snapped up to mine. A feral smile grew on his face but he didn’t let up. My thighs trembled and just as I was about to orgasm, I heard a door slam shut.It snapped us both out of our reverie and Kaden held up a hand to signal for me to be quiet. We waited with baited breath to see who had
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KADEN’S P.O.VI could not stop thinking about Amelia. I had been with different girls in my life but none were my mate and none had the power to infiltrate my mind the way she did. She didn’t even know the kind of power she had over me. I would never have thought it was possible for someone that small to hold such a place but I was completely at her mercy and it was obvious to anyone with eyes.I tried to push the thoughts of my mother out of my mind. I texted her soon after leaving Caleb’s house hoping that we could talk but she was ignoring me. I had never spoken to her like that before and I knew it was going to take a lot for her to forgive me and as much as it hurt me, I wasn’t going to apologize to her. I didn’t appreciate the way she spoke to Amelia and I needed to make sure it didn’t happen again. If I had my way then both women were going to be in my life for a very long time and I needed to make sure that there was complete respect.My door opened and Caleb waltzed in wearin
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KADEN’S P.O.V“I have been waiting for you for over half an hour,” she began in a disgruntled tone. “It isn’t kind to keep a lady waiting, Kaden, surely I taught you better.”“I called you repeatedly mother, you could have left a message,” I crossed the length of the room and took my seat.For the first time¸ there was awkward silence between us. My mother didn’t do awkward, she demanded and pushed until she got her way but it was like she was suddenly aware that I was not just her son but the Alpha of the most powerful pack and there was little she could force me to do. Standing up to her had felt like regaining some sort of control- something she desperately craved.“I believe we got off on the wrong foot earlier,” she began weakly. “I was just shocked to see someone else in your house especially when Lucy called to tell me that you had a fight and had thrown her out. I had planned to go last night but I wanted you to calm down first I didn’t mean to imply that the girl was a whore.
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AMELIA’S P.O.VKaden was gone by the time I woke up and I felt a pang of loneliness in my chest. Last night, he had settled between my thighs and eaten me out while I fought to stay silent. He made sure I came twice before settling me into his arms. I wanted to reciprocate but he stopped me saying that he just wanted to hold me.I fell asleep with my head on his chest and his hand stroking my hair and he had assured me that he would be right there when I woke up. I tried to push down the disappointment that had climbed up my chest as I got ready for training. I went through the movements on autopilot trying not to glance over at the empty side of the bed that Kaden lay.Just as I was about to leave, I noticed something on my work desk. It was a piece of paper that wasn’t there before and my name was scrawled over it. I picked it up and wasted no time in opening it. I couldn’t stop the face splitting grin that creeped up my cheeks as I read it. It was from Kaden and although it wasn’t
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KADEN’S P.O.VHaving to leave Amelia alone in bed was one of the hardest things I ever had to do. I could still taste her on my lips and I wanted nothing smore than to wake her up with my tongue slowly moving inside of her. I wanted to hear her soft mewls of pleasure as she writhed against my face.She was lying so peacefully against my chest and she molded so perfectly into me like she was made for me. I wanted nothing more than to stay there and if I had died in that moment, I would have died a happy man but unfortunately, I was Alpha and I had some things that needed my attention. I didn’t want her to feel like I just left so I dropped the note and sent her a message.I wanted to make it up to her so I planned a date for us in the afternoon however, there were some things I needed to do first. My mother was not answering my messages about her cryptic message in my office so I decided to do my own investigation. There were few people who would know what my mother was talking about a
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KADEN’S P.O.VI made sure the door was locked before I took a seat. The last thing I needed was someone walking in and overhearing something that they didn’t need to. I knew the healer since I was a child, she was the one who delivered me and she was the first to be called whenever there was an emergency. I never bothered to learn her first name and she never offered, I always referred to her as Dr. Brown. She had always been kind and softspoken but she could also be fierce when she needed to be.Most people were scared of me but she had never looked at me as anything other than her patient. She regarded me with the same soft and cool tones she reserved for her patients. Although she gave me the respect that came with my title, that was where it ended. I never got special treatment from her and for some reason, I liked it.“I don’t where to start,” for the first time, she sounded unsure. “If I talk to you, I need a promise that your mother will not come for me. She made me swear that
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AMELIA’S P.O.VI was anxious for my day at school. I could already imagine the rumors going around in the rumor mill and I was terrified. A part of me still wasn’t sure if I was allowed to talk about my relationship with Kaden or not. I knew he took me out for lunch but it was in a private location. I was in uncharted territory and I had no idea how to proceed.“Everything will be fine,” Clara told me when she saw me stressing in my room.I called her in to help with my hair. I was hoping that nobody had seen us during dinner but just in case, I wanted to make sure I looked good. If I was seeing the Alpha then I needed to be presentable enough and worthy to be on his arm. I picked my prettiest top and paired it with skin tight jeans and my hair was curled then styled back.Clara dropped me off and I was in a very good mood when I got to school because I felt pretty but the moment I stepped out of the car and the whispers began, I felt uneasy. I wanted to rush back into the car but Cla
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