All Chapters of Second Chance: Mated To My Lycan King Brother-In-Law: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
105 Chapters
Chapter 31
Marissa POV.“Where is Robert?” I ask as I look back at the front door. Thomas sighs as he sits next to me.“A woman came looking for him. I’m sorry Marissa.” I wave him off. I knew it. Hope is a dangerous thing to have.“Come, dinner is ready. He will be ok.” I nod as I stand up. My ankle has finally healed. Perks of being a werewolf. If Zarah wasn’t bound, then I would have healed quicker, but alas, here we are.After dinner, things are playing on my mind. Like, how the hell did the rogues come here? Why did they come here? The closest pack, I think, is a two-day drive from here. So where did they come from? Standing in the back garden, I look towards the forest. How did I stray from the path last time? I need answers. Call it curiosity, but I need to find out where that path leads to. Call me stupid, but I feel like I’m being pulled the further I go. Turning the flashlight on my phone on. I check for any upturned roots or fallen branches. The moon isn’t full, which is good. Maybe
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Chapter 32
Robert POV.I honestly thought everything would be ok, but I am wrong, it isn’t. Marissa keeps ignoring me and this morning, she seems like a completely different person. Even speaking to her this morning, she seems nonchalant, like she can’t be bothered to speak to me or wants anything to do with me. This has been going on for a few days now and I am no closer to finding out what is going on. Her phone dings again and she smiles at the screen.She has been doing that more and more, smiling at her damn screen. It’s not just once or twice no. It’s every time, during breakfast ding. Doing laundry ding. Either she is smiling, laughing or blushing! She is blushing. Just fucking fantastic. She must be in a new relationship and the thought alone makes my heart break. It should be me making her react like this, but it’s not. I leave the living room and head to my room. I can’t sit and watch this play out any longer. If I do, then I will do something and I will regret. I will take her right
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Chapter 33
Marissa POV.The Uber pulled up outside what looks like an abandoned warehouse, this isn’t creepy at all. I keep checking my phone to make sure I am on time. The feeling in my gut makes me feel sick, like this was a really stupid idea to meet someone I met off the internet, on my own. In a deserted part of town. I should have brought Robert with me. Why didn’t I bring someone with me? Oh yeah, that’s right, because I’m stupid and desperate for answers.Climbing out of the Uber, I hesitate as I look at the warehouse in front of me. The windows are boarded up and there is no sign of life anywhere. I gulp as I bite my bottom lip. My phone dings with a message.Sirus: Look towards the door. I’m waving at you.Looking up, I see him and I breathe a sigh of relief. Am I too trusting? It would seem like I am. Taking a deep breath, I walk towards Sirus. He is tall with dark hair and hazel eyes concealed behind thick glasses. He smiles at me as I approach cautiously.“Marissa, it’s nice to meet
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Chapter 34
Marissa POV.“I need to speak to my parent’s, they will know the truth.” I say as I turn to walk back to the car.“Marissa, wait. That may not be a good idea. If they are a part of this, then they could very well lie to you and hand you over directly to The Snow Vale Pack.” I stop mid step and look at him, shit he is right. I have a light bulb moment. Well, if I can’t go to them, then I will speak to Jennifer. She is here for Robert, after all. I smirk to myself. Maybe it’s time for a bit of payback for everything she has tried to do to me.“I know who we can ask.” I smile as Sirus looks at me in complete bewilderment, like I’m crazy. “Who?” He keeps in step with me as we continue to walk.“My little sister, Jennifer. She is here. She followed her mate here.” I tell him as I open the car door and climb in. Sirus climbs into the driver’s seat and turns to face me.“Marissa, I don’t think this is a good idea. She could be working with your parents. You need to be careful.” I sigh as I
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Chapter 35.
Robert POV.Unease had settled into the pit of my stomach. Nero was on alert as we drove in silence back towards what looked like an abandoned part of town. A straggled whimper comes from behind me, turning in my seat Marissa’s eyes are white. My eyes widen.“Marissa, wake up.” I unbuckle my seatbelt and turn just as rogues attack the car from each side. The car is boxed in as I climb over to shield Marissa from the attack. When the car flips.I try to shield her when I’m flung like a rag doll out of the windshield. Twisting in the air as my claws erupt as I land. My skin burning as it is shredded on the road. Claws dig into the road as I groan. Coming to a stop.“Marissa!” I scream as I stand, Nero taking control as I run back towards the car when I’m hit from the side by a rogue. Turning my attention to it, I roar as it roars back at me. I swipe my claws at it as I push towards the car.“Don’t kill him. I need him subdued.” I turn to the voice and see a woman walking towards the car
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Chapter 36.
Marissa POV.The sound of a fire crackling in the room brought me out of my sleep. Cracking my eyes open, I blink to clear the sleep from my mind. I groan as I sit up and wince as the pain radiates from my head. Touching the spot that hurt, I hiss.Looking around the room, I become confused. This isn’t the guest room at Thomas’s house, neither is it any room I have ever been in before. I try to remember what happened and how I got here, but nothing.The room is beautiful though modern but warm looking. A loud pop comes from the fireplace. Tuning my head, I see a high back armchair facing the flames. The room is warm and cosy and for some reason I feel … safe.Pulling the quilt back, I look down and see that I have been changed into pink silk pyjamas as I shuffle towards the edge of the bed. Placing my feet down on the lush silver carpet. Standing, I walk towards the chair.“You’re finally awake.” I stop in my tracks and look for the woman who has spoken when she stands from the armcha
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Chapter 37.
Robert POV.“What do mean she was kidnapped? And who the hell is this?” Thomas is pacing in the living room. His anxiety is choking me. I need to calm this situation down and fast before Nero takes over and tears down the village.“His name is Sirus. He has been talking to Marissa for the past few days. She was trying to find out information about the Snow Vale Pack and he contacted her. His sister Shari was taken by them a few years ago. However, it was his sister who took her. We know where they are taking her, but we are no closer to finding the location.” I tell him and he stops pacing as he looks at me and then at Sirus.“You’re a hybrid, right? There must be something you can do using your abilities to track them.” I turn and look at Sirus, who removes his glasses and wipes the lenses on his shirt.“Well, if I could, then I would have found the pack sooner. However, Robert knows who can help, and we are going to give them a little gentle persuasion.” I smirk at his response.“Ge
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Chapter 38.
Marissa POV.The Snow Vale Pack is beautiful, the snow looks like glitter in the sunlight, even though it’s cold I can’t feel it. My breath comes out in huffs of clouds and I smile as I stand on the steps of the pack house drinking a hot chocolate.Life here is wonderful. I have come to notice how everyone here is different, in a good way. They all love each other unconditionally. I suppose they would, given the fact that most of them here have been betrayed by their actual families. So they have made a family of their own. Everyone contributes to the pack, and nobody goes without there is a sense of community and support. Unlike the New Dawn Pack, it was fend for yourselves, whilst Damien did Goddess only knows what.My pup kicks in my belly and I place my hand on it, rubbing the spot where it kicked lovingly.“I know, baby I know. This place is truly wonderful, isn’t it?” I say when I get another kick in response and I giggle.“Luna, are you warm enough?” I turn to Shari and I smile
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Chapter 39.
Robert POV.“What do you want Damien?” I all but snarl out. I can’t stand this prick, especially after what he and his pathetic pack did to my Marissa.“I thought it was obvious. I’m here for my mate.” I growl low as he stiffens. He knows not to defy me. I will be his king soon enough.“Oh, I had no idea that Jessica was here, because surely you can’t be looking for Marissa. She is no longer your mate and, in fact, she is mine and is your future queen.” I say as the others move closer to me.“Just rip his head off and set an example.” Nero is raging after everything Damien has done and, like me, wants him dead. But unfortunately, I can’t just kill him. He is the father of Marissa’s pup.“You expect me to believe that? Ha, you are fated to her sister, if I’m not mistaken. So where is the mother of my pup?” I watch as he clenches his fists and I smirk.“You lost that right when you nearly killed them both, Damien. She is no longer your concern.” Thomas says from the side of me as Damien
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Chapter 40.
Robert POV.Telling Alix everything we have found out, and I showed him the email. Even he growled. I look at the sender again when something clicks.“Alix, check the IP address on the sender of this email. This has come from the Snow Vale Pack. Track the location and then we can get her back.” I tell him as I hand him my phone.“Yes, my prince, it will take a few hours.” When Sirus scoffs opposite me and I raise an eyebrow at him.“What?” I ask him and he leans forward and holds out his hand. I look at him.“Just hand it here. I can find it in half an hour, tops.” He tells me and I nod towards Alix, who hands over the phone.“I need a laptop.” Sirus says as Alix leaves the room and comes back moments later and hands it over to Sirus. He gets to work as I watch on in avid fascination. Maybe I should give him a job. He clicks away on the keyboard at lightning speed before he looks up over the laptop at me.“Did you find something?” I ask as I stand and move closer to look over the back
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