All Chapters of A Wife's Cry : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
145 Chapters
91. The Proposal
Nora's curiosity grows stronger as she eagerly awaits Terry's response. Her eyes are filled with anticipation, searching for any hints or clues about the surprise he has in store for her. She can't help but ask once again, unable to contain her excitement, "What is it, Terry?"A gentle chuckle escapes Terry's lips as he senses her eagerness. He takes a moment to appreciate her enthusiasm before responding in a calm and polite manner, "Have some patience, Nora. You will see." His words carry a teasing undertone, adding to the air of mystery surrounding the surprise.Although Nora's impatience tugs at her, she understands the importance of savoring the moment. She takes a deep breath, letting her excitement settle while trusting that Terry has something special planned for her. A mix of curiosity and anticipation dances in her eyes as she nods, accepting his request for patience.Terry's playful smile reflects his enjoyment of the moment, knowing that the surprise will soon be reveale
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92. The Power Of Music And Dance
Nora and Terry find themselves in an upscale wedding attire outlet, where the manager is treating them to a selection of perfect and exquisite pieces. As they peruse the options, Nora leans in to whisper something in Terry's ear, “I don’t think we must purchase an expensive outfit.”Terry, however, responds with a single look before making his way to the sofa, crossing his legs and indicating to the manager to show him more dresses.While Nora is searching for something simple and ordinary, a dress that fits her vision, she chooses one and eagerly shows it to Terry. “I like this one -”However, his reaction is less than enthusiastic, pursing his lips in a thin line. Meanwhile, the dresses the manager continues to present to Terry are more in line with his preferences.Terry glances at a dress that catches his eye, but then his attention turns back to Nora. He voices his doubt, suggesting, “I don’t think she will be able to carry this one.” Offended by his comment, Nora withdraws the
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93. Trading Of Emotions
"What are you doing here?" Jay's voice cuts through the air, his eyebrows furrowed with doubt as he confronts Melissa. He watches her closely, observing the subtle changes in her facial expressions and the perspiration forming on her forehead. A mixture of suspicion and concern fills his gaze."Uh, what?" Melissa stammers, attempting to laugh it off and shrug her shoulders. Her feeble attempt at nonchalance fails to mask her unease, and Jay's grip tightens on her arm as he delivers a stern warning. "You stay away from her, Melissa," he growls, his tone laced with a sense of menace. Melissa's face contorted into an unpleasant expression, a mixture of discomfort and frustration.As Jay's attention shifts, his instincts telling him that something is amiss, he turns his gaze toward the restroom. Determined, he brushes past Melissa, making his way toward the restroom entrance. Just as he reaches outside the door, it swings open, and he collides with Nora, their bodies unexpectedly meeting
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94. In The Middle Of The Night
Nora's fury rises as she pushes Jay away, breaking free from their kiss. Her voice trembles with a mix of anger and frustration as she stammers, "Uh, get off me!" She tries to regain control of the situation, but Jay's grip on her remains firm.Jay's irritation grows, and his voice turns cold as he whispers sharply, "I am not just any kind of toy you can play with, doll." His words cut through the air, asserting his boundaries and putting Nora in her place. She falls silent, feeling exhausted and defeated.With a deep sigh, Nora's dizziness intensifies, leaving her feeling weak and vulnerable. She musters the strength to speak, her voice filled with weariness, "Take me home."Jay, realizing the severity of the situation, understands that Nora is in no state to continue their night out. He searches for his elder brother, Terry, hoping to find answers or assistance. However, he learns from his friends that Terry left with Melissa, a revelation he decides to keep from Nora, not wanting t
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95. Inner Turmoil
Nora's mind is clouded with confusion and regret as she lies on her bed, desperately trying to piece together the fragments of the previous night. The memories of her kissing Jay begin to invade her thoughts, causing a wave of remorse to wash over her. She wishes she could erase the recollection entirely, hoping that nobody, especially Terry from the Nashville family, has any knowledge of what transpired.As she reflects on the events leading up to this moment, Nora recalls being in a car with Jay, leaning against his broad shoulders. But her memories fade into darkness, and the next thing she knows, she wakes up in her own bed, disoriented and unable to think clearly.A throbbing headache adds to Nora's distress, intensifying her feelings of unease. With each movement, her head pounds, further fueling her confusion. Determined to gather her thoughts, she slowly rises from the bed, her body feeling heavy and fatigued. She makes her way to the bathroom, seeking solace in the familiar
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96. Kitchen Nightmares
Miranda's thoughts race with anticipation as she sits in her room, rocking in her armchair. She stares up at the ceiling, anxiously waiting for the call from Melissa. Her mind is filled with hopes of positive news, a glimmer of satisfaction building within her.When her phone finally rings, Miranda's neck snaps towards it, her eyes focused on the caller ID. As she answers the call, her voice is gentle and calm, exuding a sense of certainty. The corners of her lips curl into a smirk, an expression of triumph and contentment."Yes, Melissa?" she responds, her tone laced with assurance. She listens intently to the voice on the other end, her satisfaction growing with every word. The news she receives seems to confirm her expectations, fueling her confidence even further."Alright, I am coming!" she announces with a grin, rising from her chair and swiftly leaving the room. Miranda descends the stairs, her steps filled with purpose and a newfound sense of satisfaction. As she reaches the
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97. Discussions About Last Night
Miranda Nashville steps into the dimly lit hotel room, her eyes fixed on Melissa, who sits on the sofa with a cruel smile adorning her face. Melissa, dressed in seductive lingerie, exudes an air of confidence as she leans back, enticing Miranda's curiosity.Eager to know the details, Miranda's voice trembles with anticipation as she asks, "Tell me, what did you do?" The room is heavy with tension, each second feeling like an eternity. Melissa, relishing in the moment, locks eyes with Miranda and assures her, "Trust me, Miranda. You won't be disappointed after seeing this."With a calculated flick of her wrist, Melissa clicks on the remote, causing the large television screen to come to life. The room is filled with the flickering glow as the video tape starts playing. Miranda's astonishment grows with every passing moment as she watches the trap that Melissa has meticulously set for Terry, her own son. The realization hits Miranda like a wave, mixing both astonishment and a sense of
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98. Like Medusa
“Nora, if I ever get into a situation where you find me the culprit along with the evidence and I tell you that whatever you see or hear is a false allegation on me, would you ever believe me or not?”Terry's question hangs in the air, leaving Nora perplexed and unsure of its hidden meaning. She remains silent, her mind racing to decipher his words. She can sense that he is seeking her trust, but the true intentions behind his question elude her. As Terry continues to hold her hands and gaze into her eyes, she can see the sincerity in his expression, urging her to believe in him.Terry, torn between his desire to reveal the truth and his concern for Nora's well-being, grapples with a difficult decision. He yearns to be honest with her, but he fears the potential impact it may have on her fragile heart. The weight of his secret weighs heavily on him, and he finds himself caught in a dilemma, unsure of the best course of action.In the intimate setting of the kitchen, the silence stre
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99. Secrets And Betrayals
Standing face to face at the gazebo, Terry and Melissa find themselves in a stark contrast of emotions. While Melissa appears acquainted and confident, Terry is taken aback by what he has just heard, feeling a mix of astonishment and annoyance. The person he once considered a close friend now seems determined to destroy his life. Frustration creeps into his voice as he questions her, "Why the hell are you doing this, Melissa?"A smirk appears on Melissa's face as she crosses her arms over her chest, exuding a sense of certainty. "Tomorrow is my wedding..."Terry's frustration intensifies as he realizes the gravity of the situation. He knows that he is trapped between a rock and a hard place, forced to make a difficult decision that will impact both his own life and Nora's."You should have thought about this before spending a night with me."Melissa remains unfazed, maintaining her confident demeanor as she speaks, "You will regret it if you don't comply, Terry. You're not in a posit
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100. In The Grip Of Doom
In the control room of the lavish hotel, Jay Nashville and his loyal bodyguard Blackwood review the CCTV footage from the hotel suite where Melissa and Terry spent the night.The manager of the hotel, who had secretly helped them, asks Jay about his intentions “Sir, what exactly are you looking for?” Jay turns to Blackwood and asks if he found out which room it was. Blackwood nods, confirming that he has the hotel room number. The manager enters the serial number of the suite, and the CCTV footage appears on the screen."Thank you." says Jay.The manager stands up and leaves the room, leaving Jay and Blackwood alone. Blackwood, still confused, questions, “Sir, what exactly are you looking for?” Jay proceeds to inform him about his suspicions regarding Melissa and Miranda's hidden agenda. He believes they are up to something and want to keep it concealed from the rest of them.Jay Nashville finds it suspicious that Miranda and Melissa, who live together in a mansion, opted to meet ou
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