All Chapters of A Wife's Cry : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
145 Chapters
71. The Engagement Party
Terry, torn between his loyalty to his brother and his own personal situation, chooses to remain silent. He understands that his words have the potential to hurt Jay, and he doesn't want to worsen the already strained relationship between them. Terry carries a deep-seated resentment towards Jay for his past actions involving the woman Terry is going to marry. However, his love and affection for her outweigh his animosity towards his brother.With a heavy sigh, Terry musters the strength to address the current situation.“Get ready, brother. Dad desperately wants you at the party…probably might have to introduce you to one of his clients.” Terry's nonchalant shrug suggests his resignation to their father's wishes and the predictable nature of such events.Turning to leave the room, Terry leaves Jay to grapple with his thoughts and emotions. The weight of their father's expectations and the strained dynamics within their family hangs heavily in the air. Jay is left alone with his intern
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72. Aggressively Used
“Melissa, think before you speak about her. She is my -” As Jay Nashville attempts to defend Nora against Melissa's words, he finds himself caught off guard, realizing that his true feelings for Nora were about to slip out. Sensing his hesitation, Melissa smirks with satisfaction and responds, emphasizing their relationship, "Sister-in-law is the word you're looking for, isn't it?"Jay's anger intensifies, his grip tightening around the glass in his hand. However, he manages to restrain himself before he inflicts any damage. He releases his grip on the glass and turns to face Melissa directly, determined to assert himself. In a low, controlled voice, he warns her, "Melissa, go and enjoy the party. You have already lost a guy."Just as Jay begins to walk away, Melissa's words cut through the air, causing him to halt in his tracks. Her response stings, hitting a nerve as she retorts, "Just as you lost the girl."Unable to contain his emotions any longer, Jay turns around, fixing her wit
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73. End Of The Summer
Miranda, driven by her desire to break the engagement between Terry and Nora, begins a calculated plan to manipulate the situation and remove the young maid from the Nashville mansion. She believes that Nora has ensnared both of her sons, using her charm to gain control over them. Miranda is determined to prevent the destruction of the Nashville family, refusing to let an ordinary maid dictate their fate.With a forced smile adorning her face, Miranda navigates through the crowd of guests, searching for Melissa. She intends to use Melissa as a pawn in her scheme to disrupt Nora and Terry's relationship. As she ascends the stairs, her steps measured and purposeful, she can't help but wonder about the noises emanating from Jay Nashville's room.Curiosity getting the better of her, Miranda stops outside Jay's door. Slowly, she turns the handle, cautiously peering inside. What she witness leaves her shocked and disappointed. Melissa and Jay are engaged in an intimate and inappropriate act
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74. Love Is A Thorn
As Terry's eyes spark with excitement, Nora can't help but feel a twinge of nervousness. He reaches out, his hands drawing closer to her face and gently cups her cheeks with his warm palms. His touch is tender and gentle, and instead of fear, it ignites a flutter of warmth within her.Nora has carried the weight of past traumas, which left her guarded and wary of romantic connections. She had sworn off trusting anyone, but there is something different about Terry. In his presence, she feels a sense of safety and comfort she hasn't felt in a long time. Slowly, she begins to let her guard down, and a soft spot starts to form in her heart.She doesn't resist his touch; instead, she allows herself to be vulnerable, to let him hold her hand and plant gentle kisses on her cheeks. The romance between Terry and Nora is just beginning to blossom, and Terry isn't afraid to show his affection for her. His actions, filled with tenderness and care, help heal the wounds of Nora's past, allowing her
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75. Mornings Like These
David Nashville enters the study room, a place that holds a secret known only to him. As he makes his way to the bookshelf, he slides it open, revealing a hidden room beyond. Stepping inside, he closes the door behind him, shutting out the outside world. This room serves as his private sanctuary, a space where he can explore his desires in a safe and consensual manner.Inside, the room exudes an ambiance of warmth and intimacy. Soft, dim lighting casts a gentle glow, creating an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility. The walls are adorned with tasteful artwork, evoking a sense of sensuality and allure. Plush cushions and luxurious textiles are scattered across the room, inviting relaxation and indulgence.In one corner, there is a collection of carefully selected items that hint at David's unique desires. Silken ropes are neatly coiled, ready to be used for playful restraint. Delicate feathers and satin blindfolds rest nearby, offering opportunities for sensory exploration and heighte
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76. A Family Member
As their eyes meet, Nora becomes lost in the depth of Terry's gaze. His eyes, a mesmerizing blend of warmth and intensity, draw her in, making her heart flutter with a mixture of excitement and vulnerability. This is the moment she has longed for—a connection with someone who truly sees her and cherishes her presence.Terry's hand, adorned with gentle strength, reaches out to touch Nora's bare arm. His fingertips trail delicately along her smooth and soft skin, leaving a trail of tingling sensations in their wake. It feels as though her arm is wrapped in a silken embrace, a touch that is both tender and comforting.Nora's shyness melts away under Terry's attentive gaze, replaced by a growing sense of trust and openness. Parting her lips, she speaks in a low, breathy voice, her words carrying the weight of her curiosity and desire for connection. She asks about Terry's plans for the day, her voice tinged with a hint of playfulness and anticipation.A mischievous smile tugs at Terry's l
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77. The Bondage Freak
“There is still time -” Nora's eyebrows furrow in confusion as she tries to make sense of Jay's cryptic words. His suggestion that there is still time and the mention of breaking the engagement leaves her puzzled and intrigued. Before she can inquire further, Jay continues, his voice filled with urgency."You can still break this engagement," he insists, his words hanging in the air, loaded with meaning. Nora's anger flares up, her nostrils flaring as she questions his assertion. "Why would I do that?" she retorts, her voice tinged with defiance. "Neither of you love each other, that much is true. But this engagement is merely a commitment based on my father's reputation. You shouldn't care less about it."Nora clenches her fists, her anger simmering beneath the surface as she prepares to voice her thoughts. However, before she can utter a word, a sudden movement catches her off guard. With a forceful push, the shelf behind her begins to rotate, revealing a hidden door leading to a p
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78. Consumed By The Truth
Terry and Melissa are preparing to go out for lunch together. As they make their way out of the cabin, Terry receives an urgent phone call that catches his attention. His brows furrow as he focuses on the voice at the other end, and his expression quickly shifts from confusion to concern.Interrupting their plans, Terry barks into the phone, "What are you saying? Which hospital?" His tone conveys worry as he continues, "I'm coming!" Turning back to Melissa, he swiftly apologizes, saying, "I'm sorry, Melissa. We'll have to go another time!" With that, he hurries out of the cabin, leaving Melissa calling after him, desperate for an explanation. "But what happened? Can't you at least tell me?"Melissa curses under her breath, realizing she missed an opportunity to keep Terry occupied and find out what's going on. As she walks out of Terry's cabin, she coincidentally encounters Blackwood, who questions her presence. "What are you doing here? Weren't you supposed to have lunch with Master
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79. Trauma After Trauma
The knock on the door interrupts Jay Nashville's furious rampage, causing him to momentarily pause and turn his attention to Blackwood, who enters the room cautiously. The loyal bodyguard takes a step forward, concern etched on his face. "Master Jay, you need to relax," he advises, his voice filled with urgency.Jay, still seething with anger and frustration, feels a surge of resentment towards his father for being the catalyst of this chaotic situation. Ignoring Blackwood's words, he pushes past the loyal bodyguard, rushing out of the room with a determined stride. As he descends the stairs, he finds himself surrounded by the other guards stationed in the house.At that moment, a mischievous thought crosses Jay's mind, almost tempting him to defy everyone's expectations. A smirk tugs at the corner of his lips, but the anger within him keeps him from finding any humor in the situation. Disregarding the guards completely, he marches towards the barbecue area of the garden, his mind set
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80. To My Dark Side
Terry's heart sinks as he surveys the burnt garden, a stark contrast to its once vibrant and flourishing state. Determined to assess the situation at the mansion, he listens intently to the guards who provide him with details of the incident. He gathers that his father must be occupied with reprimanding the men involved.Navigating through the mansion, Terry heads towards the back storage room where he expects to find his father. As he approaches, he notices Blackwood exiting the room, his cheek reddened from the slap he received earlier. Terry's face contorts with a mixture of concern and understanding, realizing that Blackwood has indeed been on the receiving end of David Nashville's anger.Curiosity and worry drive Terry to approach Blackwood, who nods once in acknowledgment before continuing on his way. Terry's voice carries a sense of urgency as he addresses him, wanting to grasp the full extent of the situation. "What happened, Blackwood?"Blackwood's expression exhibits a blend
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