All Chapters of A Wife's Cry : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
145 Chapters
61. Clash Between Rich and Poor
David Nashville descends the grand staircase, his son Terry trailing dutifully at his side. There is an air of formality in his demeanor as he prepares to engage in a conversation with Henry, Nora's father. Their purpose is far from a traditional proposal, for their differences in social standing and standards make it clear that this union is born out of necessity rather than genuine affection. David's motivations are driven by a desperate need to protect his reputation and the Nashville family name. The looming specter of an abduction scandal hangs over him, threatening to unravel the carefully constructed facade of respectability he has cultivated. Aware that the truth may eventually come to light, he seeks to address the matter discreetly within the confines of the mansion's walls.While he may not hold any genuine admiration for Nora, David begrudgingly accepts the proposal as a practical compromise. The future of the Nashville family and its social standing take precedence over p
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62. Unexpectedly Expecting
As Nora and Henry retreat to the garden, their anger simmers, fueling their steps with a sense of frustration and resentment. However, it is Nora who struggles to rein in her anger, her emotions threatening to spill over. The weight of the Nashville family's perception weighs heavily on Nora's mind. The idea that they see her as a low-class maid, someone who is merely abducted and undeserving of their son's attention, fills her with fury. The injustice of their judgment gnaws at her, driving her confusion and anger to new heights.Nora finds herself grappling with a fundamental question: Why would a rich and handsome man, seemingly superior in societal standing, choose to marry someone from a lower class like her? This question fuels her frustration and intensifies her feelings of being undervalued and misunderstood. “Nora, my daughter. You must not worry. I will -” As Henry begins to speak, attempting to address the situation or offer some words of solace, Nora cuts him off abruptly
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63. The Art Of Persuasion
“Are you sure, Mr Nashville? This is going to be a major risk since her body is weak.” the doctor manages to express, reminding the wealthy man of the potential consequences that the young maid will face. The doctor's words aim to bring attention to the physical vulnerability of the young maid and the potential dangers associated with the procedure they are discussing. However, the rich man shows little concern for her well-being, prioritizing his own self-preservation and the reputation of his family.Not wanting to be burdened by the circumstances and the impact it could have on his family's name, he prioritizes the protection of his own reputation. He views the young maid's pregnancy as a threat to his image and is determined to rid himself of this problem before his children become aware of it. His sole focus is on protecting his name, disregarding the consequences that the young maid may face as a result."Yes, I am very sure. Please, do as I say," the wealthy man, David Nashvil
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64. Private Matters
As the Nashville brothers find themselves locked inside the clubhouse, unaware of the intentions behind their confinement, a man named Blackwood stands outside, waiting for a call from his master, David. David, who orchestrated the lock-in, impatiently awaits the doctor's report, hoping to prevent Jay and Terry from returning home. In the midst of this tense situation, the doctor approaches David and informs him that the abortion procedure went well. David, eager for further information and concerned about the young maid's well-being, asks if he can see her. The doctor nods in agreement, and together they enter the room where the maid lies unconscious.“Yes, come with me -” says the doctor. Their attention now shifts focus to the room where the young maid lies unconscious, providing an opportunity to delve into her perspective and uncover the impact of David's actions on her life. “Is she fine?” David Nashville stands with his arms crossed behind his back, his gaze fixed upon the youn
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65. One Step Closer
Terry Nashville, realising the discomfort his presence causes Nora, gently guides her to sit on the bed. Concern etched on his face, he understands that his strong scent may be triggering an allergic reaction or discomfort for her. Wanting to rectify the situation, he suggests going back to his room to change his attire and fragrance. "Come on, Jay," Terry addresses his younger brother, his voice laced with a mix of urgency and concern. "Let her rest now."Jay, still grappling with his emotions, reluctantly follows Terry's lead, casting a final glance at Nora before exiting the room with his brother. Nora, left alone in the room, releases a sigh of relief, feeling a temporary respite from the tension that had engulfed the space. Taking a moment to collect herself, Nora gingerly sits back on the bed, her focus shifting towards enduring the unexplained pain that continues to afflict her. She battles the discomfort, her mind racing with questions and a longing for answers.Alone in the r
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66. Controversial Choices
Terry Nashville and Nora enter the lavish mall, which happens to belong to one of Terry's friends. Terry leads the way, exuding confidence and drawing attention as heads turn to catch a glimpse of him. In contrast, Nora appears more timid, following closely behind him like a shy sheep. Terry's loyal guards trail behind, ensuring their safety and privacy. As they walk through the bustling mall, Terry keenly senses the unease developing on Nora's beautiful face. Reacting to her discomfort, he reaches out to take her hand, gently pulling her closer to him. Nora is caught off guard by the gesture, turning her head to look at Terry, waiting for him to speak."You might have to be closer to me. There is so much crowd here," Terry says, his voice filled with concern. After a slight pause, he continues, "I do not want my future wife to be lost in a crowd like this." Nora's features soften, a mixture of surprise and gratitude washing over her. She appreciates Terry's thoughtfulness and his des
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67. A Day Spent Well
As Nora's anger flares up, she seizes the opportunity and swiftly grabs the tail of her dress, making her way back to the trial room. Once inside, she requests the assistance of the female staff to help her remove the dress. Overwhelmed by her frustration, Nora doesn't hold back, venting her feelings about Melissa's clinginess towards Terry. "Why do girls become clingy with someone else's fiancé?" Nora exclaims, her voice filled with exasperation. She takes a deep breath, turning around to let the female staff unzip the back of her dress as she continues her tirade. "Don't they have other men to get clingy to? Why my fiancé? She didn't even say hi to me."The female staff member listens attentively, providing a sympathetic ear as Nora expresses her concerns. Nora's words spill out in a flurry of frustration and confusion, reflecting her unease with Melissa's behavior and the lack of acknowledgement she received. The staff member offers a supportive presence, understanding Nora's need
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68. Special Orders
Nora retreats to her room, finding solace after spending some time with her father. She recounts the events of the day, specifically mentioning that Terry took her shopping. They had chosen the engagement rings and selected a dress for Nora to wear at the upcoming engagement party.As she sits on her bed, Nora takes a deep breath, reflecting on her recent lunch date with Terry Nashville. She can't help but acknowledge that Terry is a pure gentleman, treating her with kindness and respect. In these moments, she often forgets that the engagement and the impending marriage were agreed upon solely for her own benefit.Nora's mind drifts back to the reasoning behind her decision. Financial security and stability were the driving factors behind her agreement to marry Terry. Yet, as she interacts with him and experiences his sincere gestures, a part of her starts questioning her motives.A wave of conflicting emotions washes over Nora. On one hand, she appreciates Terry's gentlemanly demeano
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69. At The Salon
As the sound of approaching footsteps reaches Karen's ears, she quickly realizes the need to restrain herself, swallowing back the words she had prepared to insult Nora with. Terry Nashville's presence commands her attention, and she instinctively adjusts her demeanor.Terry enters the room, his eyes scanning the surroundings before fixing his gaze upon Nora, his future wife. A gentle touch follows as he takes her hand, his thumb brushing against her smooth skin. The intimate gesture sends a shiver down Nora's spine, captivating her attention.Addressing Karen, Terry's authoritative voice cuts through the room, "Karen, you may go now." Karen, obediently acknowledging his command, nods and obediently exits, closing the door behind her. The absence of Karen leaves an air of privacy and intimacy between Terry and Nora.With Karen gone, Terry turns his attention fully to Nora. Parting his lips, he asks her about her thoughts on the room, seeking her opinion. “What do you think about the r
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70. Hijacked by the Father
Jay Nashville, en route to Las Vegas for his friend's birthday party, finds himself using the occasion as an escape from the engagement party he is scheduled to attend. As the car pulls over at the airport runway, Jay's attention is drawn to the preparations being made for his private jet, a testament to his affluent lifestyle.Stepping out of the car, Jay walks confidently towards the awaiting private jet, his guards dutifully handling his luggage. The daytime sun casts its warm glow upon the scene, highlighting the stylish shades that Jay wears to shield his eyes. The shades not only protect his vision but also lend him an air of mystery and rebellion, giving him the appearance of a charismatic bad boy.Deep down, Jay knows that attending the engagement party of his brother and the woman who holds a significant place in his life will be emotionally challenging. While he may not consider her the woman of his dreams, her presence has undoubtedly made an impact on him.The conflicting
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