All Chapters of One Night Affair With An Unknown Billionaire: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
131 Chapters
Chapter 81
Now that Kimberly was gone and the house was relatively empty again. Ethan's sadness started creeping in again. He missed Ava terribly and he did not think he could only just survive by himself now that no one was there to make him feel something. He just felt numb. Everyday was the same. He woke up, got ready, went to work and returned late in the night. He was tired of doing the same shit everyday and he needed a change in scenery but he had no where to go to find peace.On one particularly frustrating evening, he called up on his private investigator turned friend, Jeff. Jeff had always had a funny way of providing solutions to problems and Ethan placed his bet that he was the one person that could cheer him up. They talked for a bit, catching up on each other's lives. Eventually, Jeff started teasing Ethan about being single again, and Ethan felt a little annoyed by the comments. Jeff noticed this and quickly changed the subject not before saying."You're really not yourself w
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Chapter 82
As he arrived at the hotel, he was greeted by friendly staff who helped him check in and showed him to his room. The room was spacious and had a balcony with a view of the ocean. He put his things down and decided to go for a walk on the beach. As he walked along the sand, he felt the stress of his life back home melting away. He breathed in the salty air and listened to the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. He sat down on the sand and watched the sunset. He felt a sense of peace wash over him as he watched the sun disappear over the horizon.The next few days were filled with exploration and relaxation. He spent his mornings swimming in the ocean and his afternoons wandering around the local markets. He sampled the local cuisine and met some of the friendly locals. He felt like he was truly on vacation, and he was enjoying every minute of it. As he got to know the island and its people, he felt a deeper connection to the place. He started to think that maybe he could
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Chapter 83
Life was pretty much going well for Ava. She had gotten a new job,moved into a bigger house and her therapy sessions were really paying off in all aspect of her life and the hole that leaving Ethan had created was no longer as painful. She was learning how to live with it. She found herself thinking about him most days and when the incident with Kimberly had happened at the park, thoughts of him were even more frequent.She remembered the last time she had heard from him. It had been one afternoon, as she was sitting at her desk, she felt her phone vibrate. She picked it up and saw that she had a text message from an unknown number. She opened it and saw that it was from Ethan. Her heart skipped a beat as she read the message. It said, "Hey Ava, I hope you're doing well. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for everything that happened between us. I know I hurt you and I hope you can forgive me." She sat there, frozen, not sure what to say. She had never expected to hear from him
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Chapter 84
She got out of the tent and took in the view of the forest around her. The morning was beautiful, and the trees were covered in dew. She took a deep breath, enjoying the fresh air. Then she noticed something else. There were footprints in the mud. They were small and delicate, like a child's footsteps. She followed them, curious about where they were leading. They led her to a clearing, where she saw something she never expected to see. A little girl, about five years old, was sitting in the middle of the clearing. She was dressed in a white dress, and her hair was tied back in a braid. She was staring at the ground, and she didn't seem to notice Ava. Ava approached her slowly, not wanting to startle her. "Hello" she said, her voice soft. The little girl looked up at her, and smiled. "Hello" she said, her voice small and sweet. "What are you doing out here?" Ava asked, curious. "I'm waiting for my mommy" the little girl said, her eyes wide and innocent. "Oh" Ava said, feeling a
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Chapter 85
On their way to the tent, Rose's mother suddenly appeared and Rose screamed and ran towards her."Mummy! Mummy!" She jumped on her and the woman lifted her up with a smile on her face as she plastered kisses on the little girl's face. Ava studied the woman, she was very beautiful but she had an uncanny look to her that Ava could not place her hands on. Her feet was bare of any foot wear and the white sundress she was wearing was stained with dried mud.She saw Rose say something to her and then point at her direction and Ava smiled and wave at the woman who returned the smile as she started on her way towards her and Alistair who was standing some kilometer in front of her."Thank you so much for taking care and watching over my baby" she dropped Rose down on the floor and took Ava's hands in hers and the first thing Ava noticed was how cold they were even when it was relatively warm outside."Oh it was my pleasure. She is an angel" Ava said, looking down at Rose and ruffling her ha
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Chapter 86
When she got home, she immediately went in and when the kids saw her they ran to give her a hug."Mummy is back!" Jane shouted and Jason seconded her scream with a louder one."Hey my babies, how are you both doing?" She asked as they walked into the living room."We're fine mom" Jason spoke for the both of them."How was your camping?" Jane asked and Ava sighed."It was good enough as my first experience but I'm not sure I would be going back anytime soon" she said and they both laughed."Was it that bad?" Caroline, her aunt asked as she came out if the kitchen, wiping her hands on a towel and Ava smiled at her."You have no idea" she said and Caroline immediately knew she had a bad story to tell her about Alistair.She dropped the towel she was using to clean her hands on the dining table and then walked to the living room and sat down."Hey kids, your mom is very tired from her camping and we need to discuss something important so she can go rest so go play with your toys okay?" Sh
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Chapter 87
Chapter 87Ava had a rough night, she could not sleep properly because she kept on thinking about what would happen when she saw Alistair at the office the next day. He was a dangerous man and she would not want to be caught in his trap again. She needed to protect herself but she didn't know how to go about it. As she woke up the next morning feeling very cranky, she made a last minute decision not to go to the office that day and went ahead to call her manager to take excuse from her."Hey May, good morning. This is Ava" she said as May, her manager, picked up the phone."Of course, I know it's Ava" she said, a smile in her voice. One of the many reasons why a lot of the employees liked May was that she was very sweet and understanding but also very career driven and a perfectionist. The qualities were nice ones to have and she was doing a good job peddling them all together."Good morning Ava, what's up? It's everything alright? Cause calling me when I'm going to see you in ab
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Chapter 88
Ava knew she couldn't tell him the truth because how could she tell him that she was not actually sick but had lies so that she would not see him but fate had been cruel because he had appeared at her front door instead, so she lied for the second time that morning. She was on a roll. "I just feel under the weather. I think I might have caught a cold" she said, hoping he would believe her. He studied her as he seemed to consider her words, and then nodded. "Oh it must be the day out at the tent. I hope you feel better soon" he said. "Thanks" she replied, feeling guilty for lying to him but also knowing that she was doing it for the sake of her sanity. She watched as he stood up, preparing to leave. "I think I should go now, and give you some space" he said, and Ava nodded. She walked him to the door and opened it for him. "Take care of yourself" he said as he stepped outside. "I will" she replied, and he turned to leave. She closed the door, and leaned against it, her heart pou
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Chapter 89
Now that Ava had the whole week to herself because she was actually taking May's word and staying off work for the week, she wanted to do something fun with the kids at least to take her mind off things. During breakfast one morning as she served their food, she asked."So what would you guys live to do today?" She glanced at Jane and Jason as she waited for them to give her a reply.The kids looked at each other with a knowing look, it was obvious that they already had where the wanted to go to in mind.Jane spoke first, "We would like to go to the museum" she said and Jason nodded in agreement. Ava was surprised, she hadn't expected that answer. "That's a great idea. I think it would be a lot of fun to go to the museum." The kids' faces lit up with excitement. "We're going to the museum, yay!" Jane said, clapping her hands. Ava smiled, happy to see them so excited. "We can go after we finish breakfast. Let's get ready and then we'll head out." The kids nodded and quickly finishe
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Chapter 90
It was a blessing that her kids were till kids because if they were teenagers, she could only imagine the kind of trouble this situation would have caused.Ava and Ethan followed behind, walking side by side. Ava could feel the tension in the air, and she knew that they needed to talk. But she didn't know how to start. "So," Ethan said, breaking the silence. "How have you been?" Ava took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves."I've been good, you know. Keeping busy with work and the kids." She said, trying to keep the conversation light. "That's good to hear. I'm glad you're doing well." Ethan said, and Ava could hear the sincerity in his voice. It made her feel a bit more at ease. "What about you? How have you been?" Ava asked, genuinely curious. She hadn't heard from him in a long time, and she wanted to know how he was doing."I've been doing okay. Work has been keeping me busy." Ethan said, and Ava could tell that he was choosing his words carefully. "But I have to admit, I
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