All Chapters of One Night Affair With An Unknown Billionaire: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
131 Chapters
Chapter 91
The rest of the visit to the museum was spent in relative peace. They all enjoyed looking at the exhibits and learning about the art and the artists who created them. When it was time to leave, Ava felt the kids were sad and she herself didn't want the day to end, but she knew that it had to. Just before leaving she dragged Ethan aside, "We need to tell them that you're their Father" she said plainly without mincing words. The truth was that she didn't want to hide the truth from them anymore, especially now that they have met him."Okay Ava. I second that but are we going to do that here?" He asked, looking around at where they were starting outside the museum."No of course not. Maybe we can all go to my house. I believe they'll be more comfortable hearing this in their home than anywhere else" she offered and Ethan nodded."I think that a good idea" and with that they all piled into the car and headed back to Ava's house. Ethan was following her own car behind because he didn't
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Chapter 92
She knew that they still had a long way to go, but she was hopeful that they would be able to heal and move forward together."Can we go play video games now?" Jason asked with a hopeful look on his face. Ava smiled. "Absolutely. I think that's a great idea. I think we could all use a little distraction." The kids cheered and ran off to the living room, leaving Ava and Ethan alone. "Thank you for telling them for me." Ethan said, his voice full of gratitude. "It wasn't easy, but I think it was the right thing to do." Ava said, feeling a sense of relief. "I know it was. I'm just glad that they seem to be taking it well." Ethan said, a smile on his face. "They're amazing and I believe that it's relatively easier because their still kids and I'm so thankful for that" she heaved a sigh of relief and Ethan smiled because he shared the same sentiment too."I think you're right." Ethan said. "And I think it also helps that you're such an amazing mother. You've done a wonderful job wit
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Chapter 93
Ethan could not sleep when he finally got home because he was too giddy with excitement. Who would have thought that a mere visit to the museum with his nephew, Alex would result to him running into Ava and even reconciling with her to an extent. He was so glad that he had agreed to go to the museum with Alex because he had almost cancelled last minute because he was not feeling like it but because he already made a promise to his nephew, he had to come through and throughout their drive home, Alex didn't stop teasing him. The teenager was so annoying but Ethan was not going to deny the fact that he in fact enjoyed his company all the time."I like her you know" Alex said breaking the silence in the car."And I think you have to do everything in your power to make sure that you both don't remain any stupid friends" he said and Ethan glanced at him."What? You both are madly in love with each other and you know it" Alex shrugged his shoulders without looking at his uncle.Ethan didn'
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Chapter 94
Continuation Jeff nodded his head in understanding. "I get where you're coming from, but don't you think that it's time for you guys to stop dancing around the subject and just be honest with each other about how you feel? I think that's the only way you can truly begin to rebuild your relationship." He said, looking Ethan in the eye. Ethan thought about what Jeff had said, and he knew that he was right. "You're right, I need to be honest with her, and with myself. I can't keep pretending that I don't have feelings for her, because I do. I love her more than anything but I need to take it one step at a time""I understand. You just be fine my man " "I will. So why did you call at such an odd hour?" Ethan asked with mock seriousness and Jeff chuckled."I was bored for a bit and I decided to call. This contract I just got is bursting my ass" he complained and Ethan laughed. He knew that when ever he complained about a job he got then it actually meant that he was having a lot of fun
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Chapter 95
It was the next morning and Ava woke up with a smile on her face. She was so happy at the turn of events yesterday at the museum and she could not wait to see what was in store for her, the kids and Ethan. After Caroline had chased them to bed last night, she had gone to bed thinking of how her life would be now. She knew that it was no news to anybody that she was still in love with him but she knew that she could not just say that to him especially when he just wanted to be friends with her and perform his fatherly duties with the children, which she completely understood.After getting ready for work, she went downstairs and as usual Caroline had already made breakfast and the kids were sitted at the dining table already."Good morning Guys" she greeted and their replies came in a loud mumble."Someone's excited about today. Why's that?" Caroline asked sensing Ava's excitement and before she could reply, Jason chipped in."It's because we saw our dad yesterday and everything is f
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Chapter 96
Ava sat there for a few minutes, trying to calm herself down. She felt a rush of relief wash over her, knowing that she had been spared from a potentially dangerous situation. She took a few deep breaths, and then she tried to get back to work. As she worked, she couldn't help but think about what had just happened. She was grateful that Philomena had come in when she did, and she couldn't help but wonder what would have happened if she hadn't. She shuddered at the thought, and decided to put it out of her mind. The rest of the day passed uneventfully, and when it was time to leave, Ava felt a sense of relief wash over her. As she left the office, she prayed that she was not going to run into Alistair and she faced her face forward without glancing at her sides until she got to her car, turned it on and started in her way home, feeling exhausted but also grateful for the day being over. She had survived a difficult situation, and she was
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Chapter 97
‘’Okay guys, that will be all for now. If you have any further questions, do well to ask me through my secretary’’ Ethan said as he dismissed the meeting with his employees. He was exhausted and needed to rest because he had not had the opportunity to sleep properly after staying up almost throughout last night trying to finish off the report and talking to Jeff in between the work which had caused him to not get enough sleep. Now that he was done with the meeting he quickly walked down his office to drop the rest of the important documents he was holding before heading home. On getting to the office, he was surprised to see who was waiting for him at the reception. ‘’Hello Ethan’’ Caroline greeted as she stood from her seat. She knew that he must be surprised to see her in his office especially after she left her job without informing him but she believed that he understood why she had had to do that because he had hurt her niece and there was no way in hell that she would have c
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Chapter 98
Ethan called the waiter's attention and placed the order for Caroline's order and some coffee for him because he was going to need it, given that the conversation was about to be a long one.The waiter wrote down their orders and left to go get it and they were left alone in the quiet coffee shop. The silence was deafening, and both of them felt the weight of the situation they were in. Finally, Caroline spoke up. "Ethan, what I'm about to tell you it's not going to be easy to hear. But I need you to know what's going on with Ava because you're the only one that can help us" She said, her voice shaking a little. Ethan nodded, his eyes fixed on her face. He could tell that this was something serious, and he was ready to listen to whatever she had to say and whatever it turned out to be, he knew he was going to have to come up with a solution for it because this was Ava they were talking about. The only woman he loved with all his life."I'm all ears" he said, his eyes squinting at he
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Chapter 99
Ava had just finished having dinner with the kids and she had sent them off to play before their bedtime. She was sitting restlessly on the dinner table waiting for Caroline to walk in because it was already late and she was not yet back from wherever it was that she went to. She had very good reason to be worried because she hardly left the house and this one time that she had gone somewhere she was still not back by that time of the night. Ava's thoughts were all over the place and she didn't know what else to do because she had been calling her and she was not picking her calls.And just when she was just about to give up, the front door opened with a slam, all of a sudden, and in walked Caroline, out of breath and looking a bit disheveled. "Caroline, are you okay?" Ava asked, immediately rising from her seat to help her. Caroline just nodded, but she seemed to be in a daze. "What happened?" Ava asked, star
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Chapter 100
Something wasn't adding up, and she couldn't figure out what it was. She shook her head to clear her head, she was just probably thinking too much and she was just glad Caroline was okay. She went ahead to find the kids so she could put them to bed because she was exhausted and needed to get some sleep too.She started on way downstairs and found the kids in the living room, playing with some of their toys. "Hey my angels, it's time for bed." She said, kneeling to their level and the kids immediately started to protest. "But we're not tired!" they both said in unison and Ava smiled, and she said softly but firmly."Well, you may not be tired, but I am. And it's past your bedtime, so let's go get ready." The kids reluctantly agreed, and they followed her upstairs to their bedroom.Once they were settled in bed, Ava tucked them in and gave them each a kiss on the forehead. One of her favorite things was tucking the kids into bed at night because it just made her feel warm inside.
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