All Chapters of In Love With My Bestfriend’s Dad: My Alpha Professor : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
97 Chapters
Least Expected
Aubrey's POV This was what I wanted, to leave the place where I was confined. The place I felt like he was watching each of my movements, but why was I missing it now? That hot gaze sent a tingle down my spine and made me feel so safe. Why was I missing the warmth of his embrace? And that smile of his, the one that makes me weak in the knee. Why do I feel like I shouldn't be here like I am in the wrong place? I bumped into an old woman and apologized immediately. She shot me a glare and walked away muttering something that I couldn't catch. I sighed before looking for a place to sit. I spotted a cafe shop not far from where I stood and walked over. A bell jingled as I closed the door. The tantalizing smell of coffee beans teased my nose making my mouth water. Only a few people were occupying the place. I went to the table at my left not far from the door and overlooking the busy street. I sat down and looked outside the big window. People walked past their various workplaces, ca
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Jealous Lover
Aubrey's POV " Who is that?" Alexis called from within and I arched backward. " Uh, a neighbor. I will be back soon." I told her and stepped out of my room. I didn't want her in the room because it was going to beget questions from the inquisitive Alexis. With Josh's presence, adding Claire to the mix was going to fuel her curiosity and we can't have her knowing these things. " Why are you here?" Claire looked at me, " You promised to help me talk to Declan, but you haven't." She said. "Uh... We are no longer together. So I guess both of us are in the same shoes." I replied. A glimmer of satisfaction shone in her eyes and I remembered Meg's warning, " What did you do this time?" She asked.I looked at her, how did she know that?" Pardon me?" I asked and she shook her head." It's nothing, I was just wondering about how to reach him. I saw Josh leave this place not long ago." She said and I looked at her.Was she watching me? " Oh, no, I was just passing by in the neighborhood
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Secret Admirer?
Aubrey's POV " Are you kidding me?" Alexis asked in surprise after I finished telling her what transpired between Miss Bella and me." She is beautiful, why does she want a married man?" She asked me. I shrugged, " I don't know. I was in complete shock when she told me." I replied and shook my head to get rid of the image of the venomous look Bella had. " She threatened me." "There should be a way for us to report this to the school." She said and placed her hand on her waist. " What do you say?" She asked.I shrugged, " I don't think she will follow through with her threat. She might have said it in the heat of anger." I replied. I was surely going to report but I didn't want Alexis to be aware of it. Alexis shook her head in disbelief at my statement, " I don't believe you. That wasn't a mistake it was a very intentional statement. Who knows what she is capable of? What if she fails you? Make you resit exams continually or send people after you? What if she tries to attack you?"
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Aubrey's POV" Why?" I asked her in surprise.The waitress looked uncomfortable, " I don't know. He just ordered this for you and your friend." She said. Alexis smiled, " Thank you. Did he leave a name?" She asked excitedly and I rolled my eyes. She was happy for free food. Didn't she know that not all free things are profitable? " No, he said that he's a friend."" That's...." I nudged her hard and smiled at the waitress, "Thank you." I said. The waitress walked back to her position, and I looked at the croissants. I'd never experienced a stranger buying me things before, " Do you think we- I should take this?" I asked Alexis who was enjoying her pint of ice cream. " Well, it's not like he can poison you. He only paid for what you ordered and added an extra. What's the big deal?" She shrugged. " You are a freeloader." Her mouth fell into a pout and she placed a hand on her chest, " That's so heartbreaking. I never expected you to say that." I rolled my eyes at her theatrics,
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Pranking You
Aubrey's POV " Are you okay? Aubrey? Aubrey?" Alexis hit my arm, and I snapped back to the present. " Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.""You are far from fine. Why did you space out like that?" She asked and I didn't say anything. " Are you sure that you're okay?" She asked me. Her face filled with concern. " Yeah, I'm good. I just need to make some calls." I told her and she nodded, her gaze fixated on me in concern. She didn't believe me but I didn't have the time to convince her." Okay," She replied and I walked a few steps away to be out of ear shots." Hello, Josh." I called the first person who came to my mind. He was the best person to inform. It was you direct to be a coincidence, " I think I have a stalker." I told him. " You don't say." He replied. Then I narrated everything that had happened, " What do you think?" I asked him. He sighed, "I should have known. I told him that it was a terrible idea." He said and I scrunched my brows. " Told him what? Known what?" I probed. " I
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Not Him
Aubrey's POV Ellie walked into the house and Alexis rose to her full height. " Ellie, right? Your friend?" She asked. "Hmm." I nodded as she walked in. It was then I noticed her small overnight bag. " Who brought you?" I inquired and she looked at me. " He's downstairs?" I whispered and comported myself when I saw that Alexis was staring at me deeply, " Okay, come in. You must be tired." I said and she followed me into a spare room." You can stay here." I said and watched her drop her bag on the floor gently. " I'll bring some towels for you right now." " Don't bring them yet. My father misses you, he wants you to come back." I sighed, " Jumping right into the heart of the matter, are we?" I asked and she nodded, " Let me check up on my friend and I'll come back." I told her. I didn't want Alexis to feel bad, I noticed that Ellie didn't respond to her cheerfulness earlier. She was not in the living room and I heard a faint noise coming from the kitchen. Could it be that she was
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Aubrey's POV The doorbell rang and we looked at each other for a minute before walking out of the room. I peeped through the hole and saw him standing outside my apartment. The one who has been on my mind since I returned. It was foreign seeing him again in the flesh. I knew this was not the time to drool but I couldn't help but admire his new haircut, he had a parting in the sides and I turned. " Your father." I mouthed to Ellie. Alexis walked out of her room with a cup in her hand, and she stopped in her tracks when she saw us staring at each other. "What's up?" She asked and we shook our head. Actually, I did, while Ellie kept staring at her as if she knew her before. No one was speaking and I jumped when I heard the knock again. " Why aren't you answering the door?" Alexis inquired while looking at me in curiosity." Nothing, it's probably one of those pranksters" " What if it isn't?" Alexis asked me and I shrugged. How was I supposed to explain Mr. Knight's appearance to
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Aubrey's POV The lights flickered on when we entered and I was greeted with the presence of close to ten people sitting in the living room on a sofa. Did he bring me to join a cult? I wondered and halted when he pushed me gently to proceed. " What are we doing here?" I mouthed. He was the only one I knew and right now, it seemed as though my tryst level was waning, I couldn't relate to the fact that I was standing before strangers like a sacrificial lamb. " She is pretty." A male voice said and I was forced to look away from the chair I was staring at. I turned to see the owner of the voice descending from the stairs in slow motion. My heart was palpitating greatly. This is it, I had watched such scenes like this whereby..."I can hear your heartbeat." Hello? Was it supposed to be slugging around? " You needn't fear." He said. I might not know a lot about those species, but I knew that everyone here was powerful. There was something about them. Probably it was the way they sa
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Lab Rat
Aubrey's POV It was almost like deja Vu except that I was alert this time experiencing 't my heart was thumping strongly. I looked into a pair of mocha eyes—impassive and trained on whatever object he saw behind me. He shook his head slowly at me. "Don't move." He mouthed and I heard a gunshot. It was then my heart kicked into overdrive. What did he mean by me not moving? He pulled me closer to his side and I crashed to the ground. My thoughts; We are in an open space, I could get killed! I was going to die and leave my sister behind. Was this how I was going to die?" Run behind that car." He instructed and pulled out a gun from his pocket and handed it to me. " Can you shoot?" Another gunshot rang in the air and the bullet landed beside me. My heart left my body at this point. This wasn't a dream, I was in the midst of a shooting spree and I could lose my life. Adrenaline rushed through me and I ran tow
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I'll choose You
Aubrey's POV I blinked twice when I discovered that no one was making a move to salvage the situation, why the hell was no one me talking about anything? " Uh, this is my cue to leave." I said, breaking the unusual silence, if they refused to say anything that was cool, but u wouldn't be here for it. "Tell me something, George. What do you intend to achieve? You know damn well that I am not relinquishing ownership to you." Mr. Knight asked and folded his arm. George held onto me and pressed the gun into my head, " You don't want to try me." He replied with a little amusement in his voice. "I am aware of your involvement with your partners. It's quite bold of you to think that I would not be a step ahead." He said." Okay." Mr. Knight said and walked away. "What are you doing?!" I screamed after him when he didn't turn at the right time, " Are you just going to leave me here?" I called in horror. I found it hard to believe that this was happening to me. " It seems like you will
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