All Chapters of In Love With My Bestfriend’s Dad: My Alpha Professor : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
97 Chapters
Family Disputes
Mr. Knight's POV " You killed him?" My sister asked as she paced about my office berating me in her mind for killing her beloved brother. " For her?" She cast a withering look at Aubrey, if she had her way, she would have landed her a hot slap. " He tried to kill her. Deal with it." Josh interjected and she shot him a stare, she was the middle child so she was used to getting her way all the time.I saw Meg rub his hand slowly, she was still in the grieving phase, I bet all that she was seeing right now was the fact that I killed her brother because of a lady, who was my mate, " Make me understand this. You watched him kill his brother because of you. Wasn't there a way you could have stopped him? Mates stop their significant other from making terrible mistakes. What do you hope to get from this?" She challenged Aubrey. Josh growled, " Quite talking to her in that manner. He tried to kill his mate for goodness' sake. You don't expect him to applaud him." He said in defense. Helen
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Extended Family
Aubrey’s POV" I won't." He said with utmost sincerity almost like a vow, " I never want to spend a day without you in my life or in my home." He said. His voice was thick with emotion and I knew that he was serious this time. " And you promise never to hide anything from me?" I asked again and he nodded." I need a verbal confirmation so that it can be on record that you consented." I joked. " Oh, really?" His brows jumped a few inches, "I don't see any recorder." He said, and I gave him a stern look. " Okay, it's alright then. I Declan Knight pledge to tell you everything you want to hear." He said begrudgingly as though I was forcing him, and I giggled. This was the time for me to milk him, " Do you also promise not to...." " What? I don't want to make any more promises!" He exclaimed. " You have not even allowed me to finish speaking." I said and he chucked. He raised his brows with a bit of smile dancing on his lips." I don't know what you are about to ask for next." He
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False Accusations
False Accusations.Aubrey's POV" I hope that you didn't allow him into the apartment." " Uhh..." " Don't tell me you allowed a stranger into the... How careless can you be, Alexis?!" my voice was almost hitting the roof at this point as I stared in disbelief, someone please wake me up. What could have been the reason she felt it was safe to allow a stranger into my apartment? " What are you even saying? HE SAID THAT HE WAS YOUR LONG LOST COUSIN." She replied in a matching tone and I rolled my eyes at her silly excuse." You had no right to allow him in. You don't know my family members. Heck, you know nothing about me, so what gave you the audacity?" I replied angrily while passing a hand across my face. This was still surreal to me, it seemed as though I was dreaming. Not when there was an insurgency was she making such mistakes." What is going on in there?" Mr. Knight asked from outside but I ignored him. It was my friend who had a poor sense of security that caused me to shout
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Thrashing it out
Aubrey's POV"Save those expressions for a theatre. We both know what you did, and to think that I had high expectations for you. I was happy when I heard my brother finally fell in love with a good human, not knowing that you were worse than a viper. Now that he's dead, how do you feel? Better, fulfilled, satisfied?" "I..." She held a hand up, " Let me finish." She warned me and I looked at her, " I'll tell you this once, even if you get married to him, I'll never accept you. I would prefer Claire over you, at least she never made him kill his brother." she spat. I stared at her, it was as though there was a scale covering her eyes because I wondered what would have ever given her the boldness to think that I would want him to kill his brother. "I can see that you are not ready to listen to me, you are set in your ways and you think that's the right thing. However, I have only one thing to say to you too. I would never encourage him to kill his brother, I have never seen him till
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Sisterly Advice
Aubrey's POV" Let's take a walk." We walked through the well-trimmed sidewalk with flowers adorning the sidewalk, it was obvious that she spent time taking care of the compound.She led me to the utmost part of the garden where no one used to stay, I saw some guards taking subtle glances at us. They must have heard the rumors but none of them dared say anything. We sat on a bench and Meg didn't speak for a few minutes, we stared at the expanse of grasses before us and took in the fresh air. It was as if I was in another realm. This was very soothing to me, and I shut my eyes. Who knew that I needed to get away from the madness that surrounded me for a minute? I needed to breathe.My teenage life had very become complicated and I thought of how there could be a better way that things could have turned out. It seemed like things were just going from bad to worse every minute."So, what do you want to talk about?" She asked and I looked up at her. " I am tired of everything. I love t
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Pregnancy and Complications
Aubrey's POVI knew that other people in my position would be happy with his statement but I couldn't help but worry, if this was the life i was going to be living. People would get killed for me to be alive.." I don't know what you are thinking about, but I know that I won't allow harm to come to you under my watch no matter who is involved." Mr. Knight continued, " It's a cut throat world out here, only the strong survive." He added when he observed my countenance."This is one of the reasons I was hesitant in the beginning, I wanted to send you back if I could,you are not cut out for this kind of life. You deserve the best in the world. You deserve a baby girl treatment and I am sorry that with me, comes the good, bad and the ugly. If I could change things trust me I would. But as it stands now, I don't want you to be afraid." He said. I wasn't afraid, it was probably the humanity in me talking, " I trust you, but it's them I don't trust. How am I supposed to be protected when I
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Co Parents
Aubrey's POVWe froze and Ellie's lips quivered in fear, her eyes darted to mine and I stroked my hand in reassurance, " Baby, what's happening?" He asked me.I shrugged, " I think it's her story to tell." I said and he looked at me, " Ellie go on." I said and he looked at her again " Ellie, I want you to talk to me." He coaxed and rushed to her side. He picked her up like a baby and placed her on his lap like a baby."Talk to me, love." He said.Ellie buried her face into his neck, " The doctor says that I have an ectopic pregnancy." She saidMr. Knight sucked in a deep breath as he stroked her back, " I'll talk to my doctor, it's fine. You'll be okay." He said reassuringly. After a few more minutes, Ellie began to quiet and she slept he laid her on the bed and covered her on the bed, and shut the door gently." I don't like seeing her in pain." He muttered immediately we entered our room and I looked at him. He was hurt that his daughter could lose her babies who were very preciou
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Aubrey's POVMr. Knight hesitated and I stroked his hand, his hands stiffened and I knew that he was angry before he would become so angry and become uncontrollable, I spoke."We'll be outside soon, please wait downstairs." I said and continued stroking his hand gently and he looked at me.We heard her receding footsteps before I spoke, " You need to be calm." I said. He was already agitating. Do these wolves have off days? Sometimes they just needed to chill.Another difference between humans and them.His eyes bored into mine"How did she get in here is my question?" He replied out of annoyance and I sighed. I knew that he wasn't ready to listen to me, he was thinking of different things which only made sense to him.'They weren't going to tell you.' I replied inwardly and touched his chest and felt the powerful organ beating hard underneath, " You need to calm down, we don't want you to develop any ailment." I said and he looked at me. " I don't want to lose you my love." I said.Hi
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Her Arrival.
Aubrey's POVI don't think anything is greater than someone handing over the reins of their daughter's life to you. I felt honored and scared at the same time, what did I know that I was supposed to do? I was no doctor. We went to the hospital the next morning, with I thinking about all the things that could go wrong. What if there was a mistake?" Aubrey, are you here?" He touched my arm.Ellie writhed in pain as we went on, and I stroked her head instinctively, my prayer was that there was a solution for her. She shouldn't lose both babies. We pulled up in the parking lot of the hospital and alighted from the car.. people stared at us like we were royalty. I didn't blame them though because we came in a very expensive car. It was a human hospital, I had learned how to tell the difference, I suggested that the second opinion come from here. Meg had offered to follow us but I refused, she had not gotten back to full shape."Good morning, Mr. Knight?" The doctor said. " It's a pleas
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Doting Alpha
Aurora's POVI woke up to the sound of a beeping machine and saw Nathan pacing about the room causing me to be a bit calm. If I was here that means that I wasn't dead right?As if he heard my sound, he turned and a sigh of relief escaped his lips and I waited to see what he would do. " Aurora?" He called as if he was very surprised to see me, as he walked closer to me.He hugged me and I felt pain in my neck as he squeezed it hard, I wasn't expecting him to hug me tight. My bones ached causing me to wonder what happened to me. " What happened to me?" I asked and he looked at me, " Was I shot?" I inquired again. That was the last thing I remembered but I wasn't bleeding so I knew that I probably escaped. "No, you weren't."He replied, but you passed out due to the shock from the attack. " The attacker was apprehended." He raised his brows upwards, "Thankfully," He replied, " I am so glad that you are awake. goodness! when I saw you fall, a part of me died a brutal death." He said. "
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