All Chapters of SOUL TANGLE: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
172 Chapters
As they arrived at Adam's house, the air between them crackled with anticipation, their desire for each other palpable and undeniable. Without a word, Adam swept Ayana into his arms, his lips finding hers in a searing kiss that left them both breathless.Ayana melted against him, her body responding instinctively to his touch as he carried her into the house. Every nerve in her body was alive with sensation, and her mind was clouded with a fierce hunger that only Adam could satisfy. The unger had not been tended to for years.As they stumbled through the door, their hands roamed over each other's bodies, desperate to feel every inch of skin beneath their fingertips. Clothes were shed in a frenzy of desire, discarded haphazardly on the floor as they stumbled towards the bedroom, consumed by the fire that burned between them.In the dim light of the bedroom, their bodies tangled together in a passionate embrace, their lips meeting in a feverish dance of desire. Ayana gasped as Adam's ha
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Minutes had turned into hours as they lay intertwined, saving the beauty of the moment. Then Ayana’s eyes drifted to the clock on the wall, the time mocking her.“Shieet! What the...” she cursed, peeling herself off from Adam’s tight and warm embrace as she raced out of bed. She was about to hike out, but the stinging sensation between her legs stopped her without mercy. “Ouch!” she cried, and Adam rushed to her rescue.He enveloped her in his arms again, his heart racing inside with worry and shock. “Hey! What’s up?” He asked, brushing strands of hair from her face and forcing her to look up to him.“Lyana. I need to get to her school at this minute. It is past time!” She said it in apprehension."Hey, don't worry," Adam said softly, his voice a soothing balm to Ayana's frazzled nerves. "I took care of it. I sent Daniel to pick up Lyana from school. She will be here soon."Ayana's eyes widened in surprise and gratitude at Adam's thoughtfulness. "You did?" she exclaimed, a rush of rel
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“You are such a bad gossipmonger, Daniel,” Adam said, and Ayana looked at the two men as they faught. “I know why you won’t snoop around. Don’t you have things to do? I am sure my company is not dormant.”Daniel crossed her hands over his chest. “Of course it isn’t, man. But you do all the work, right? I brought you more documents to verify and approve. They are in the car, and that is the only work that I have—to get them for you. And by the way, tomorrow is the weekend, in case it has slipped out of your mind.”“I don’t even know what I pay you for. Get lost from here.” Adam said and turned, meaning to end the conversation, but Daniel spoke again, stopping him.“Well, that is what I have been telling you for years, boss. You just pay me so that you can hide behind my face. You only pay me because you want people to only see the ugly side of you and not the good one. But I think that is changing now,” Daniel said with a quizzical glance at Ayana. There was more to that glance. “Shoul
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As Ayana stood in the doorway, her heart sank at the exchange she had just witnessed between Adam and Daniel. The revelation of Adam's motives and intentions left her feeling raw and vulnerable, questioning everything she thought she knew about their relationship.Taking a deep breath to steady herself, Ayana stepped into the kitchen, her gaze fixed on Adam, who stood frozen in place, his expression a mix of guilt and apprehension. She needed answers and clarity amidst the chaos of emotions swirling within her."Adam," Ayana began, her voice barely above a whisper, her eyes locked with his. "Is any of this true? Was everything between us just a game to you? A means to an end?"Adam's eyes widened in shock at Ayana's question, the weight of her words hitting him like a punch to the gut. He opened his mouth to respond, but the words caught in his throat, his mind racing as he struggled to find the right thing to say."Ayana, I..." Adam started, his voice faltering as he searched for an
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As Adam rushed after Ayana, his heart pounded with a mixture of fear and determination. He knew that winning her back wouldn't be easy, but he couldn't bear the thought of losing her without a fight.As he reached the doorway, he caught a glimpse of Ayana disappearing around a corner, her figure small and fragile in the dim light of the hallway. With each step, the distance between them grew, a painful reminder of the chasm that now lay between them."Ayana, wait!" Adam called out, his voice echoing in the empty corridor. He quickened his pace, desperate to catch up to her before it was too late.Ayana hesitated for a moment, her steps faltering as she heard Adam's voice behind her. Her heart ached at the sound, torn between the desire to confront him and the need to protect herself from further pain."Please, Ayana," Adam pleaded, his voice filled with anguish. "Let me explain. Let me make things right between us."Ayana turned to face him, her eyes brimming with tears as she struggl
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As Adam and Ayana embraced, the weight of their past mistakes lifted, replaced by a sense of hope and renewal. They stood there, locked in each other's arms, lost in the euphoria of newfound love and forgiveness.As Daniel observed Adam and Ayana's embrace from the kitchen, he couldn't help but feel a mixture of emotions swirling within him. Relief washed over him like a gentle tide, knowing that the rift he inadvertently contributed to was finally healing. The weight of guilt that had burdened him seemed to lighten as he witnessed the power of forgiveness in action.He had never wanted to hurt either of them. His actions, though well-intentioned, had caused more harm than he could have ever imagined. But now, as he watched them stand together, their past mistakes fading into the background, Daniel felt a glimmer of hope spark within him.Perhaps their love was stronger than the challenges they had faced. Perhaps their bond could withstand the trials that had threatened to tear them a
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As Ayana and Adam sat together beneath the moonlit sky, they couldn't help but be captivated by the ethereal beauty that surrounded them. Above, the stars shimmered like scattered diamonds, painting the vast expanse of the night sky with their celestial glow. Each twinkle seemed to carry with it a promise of infinite possibilities, a reminder of the boundless potential that lay ahead.In the quiet stillness of the night, Ayana and Adam felt as though they were the only two souls in the world, cocooned in their own private universe. The balcony, bathed in the soft, silver light of the moon, became a sanctuary where they could bask in the warmth of their newfound love.As they looked up at the stars, a sense of wonder washed over them, their hearts swelling with the realization of just how far they had come. Their love was still in its infancy, a tender shoot just beginning to unfurl, but already it felt as though it had the power to move mountains.For Ayana and Adam, the night sky ser
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Adam gazed into Ayana's eyes, his heart earnest and open. "Ayana, I know how much your painting means to you, and I want to support you in any way I can. I was thinking... maybe you could consider letting me keep watch over Lyana while you focus on your art? I mean, we cannot be taking her on the streets."Ayana's eyes widened in surprise, touched by Adam's selflessness and willingness to step up in such a significant way. But more shocking was the unbelief that slapped her. He would do that for her? “Are you serious? You…you are not pulling my leg? You can actually do that.” She ranted in disbelief.Adam nodded earnestly, his gaze unwavering. "Absolutely serious, Ayana. I want to do this for you and for us. Your art is important, and I believe in it as much as I believe in us. I have a feeling it will take you places, and it will unleash the woman I envision in you. And as for Lyana, she is as important to me as you are. I would never pull your leg on something like this. I'm fully c
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“Don’t feel anything. Just think of your child attending one of the best schools in the country. Ask me to enroll her in Cabridge, and she will report there in the morning. Then just sit and watch her future unfold before you, and I promise, it is a decision that you can never regret. I am asking nothing in return.” Adam said.“It is a huge decision to make. I have always taken her as my sole responsibility. I would feel indebted if someone else took care of her this way. Please understand, and I have nothing against your intentions or your plan. It's so gooey, utterly tempting, but...“Think it over, Ayana. What’s more, you can repay it someday if it bothers you so much. Anyhow, you will want to pay me at your own convenience. But like I said, you can take time to mull over it. We are not rushing. Take as much time as you want. I will wait for your answer, and whatever decision you make, I will respect it.” Adam assured her, rubbing his hands on her shoulders.“The way you are making
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As they lay together on the bed, Ayana's mind continued to whirl with conflicting thoughts and emotions. She couldn't deny the depth of her feelings for Adam, nor could she ignore the allure of a future with him by her side. But the weight of her past, the wounds inflicted by her family, and the fear of being vulnerable threatened to cloud her judgment. Adam's presence beside her was both a comfort and a challenge. His unwavering confidence in their relationship stirred something deep within her, igniting a spark of hope that she had long thought had been extinguished. But the prospect of marriage—of binding herself to another in such a profound way—filled her with a sense of trepidation. "Adam," she began softly, her voice barely above a whisper, "it's not that I don't trust you or doubt my feelings for you. It's just... there's so much at stake. My family, my past—I've spent so long trying to distance myself from them to forge my own path. And now, with you... it's like everything
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