All Chapters of SOUL TANGLE: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
172 Chapters
"Ayana Salma De’Mario? What is this? Is this a joke or something? Or am I dreaming?" The woman finally spoke again, her voice tinged with disbelief as they inched closer to Ayana.Ayana nodded slowly, her throat tight with nerves. "Yes, madam, it is me," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. Then she held her head high, looking at the woman with unwavering glances. “But I would appreciate it if you dropped the sir name for me—just Ayana Salma, please!”The man stepped forward, his eyes narrowing with suspicion as he studied Ayana's face. "Forget all that nonsense and explain what on earth you are doing here, Ms. De’Mario?" he demanded, his tone accusatory.“Miss Ayana Salma!” she corrected the man."Will you cut us some crap? We know who you are, and running from your family does not mean their blood stopped running through your veins,” the lady said with malevolence to Ayana.Before Ayana could respond, Adam intervened, his expression tense with concern. "Mom, Dad, cut Ayana
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As the tension in the room thickened, Adam took a deep breath, trying to steady his frayed nerves. He knew that he needed to tread carefully and choose his words wisely in order to navigate this delicate situation.“Dad, Mom, I understand that you are upset and confused, even if you have no absolute right to, because this is my life, but there is a lot you don’t know about what’s been going on in my life. What do you know about my life anyway?” Adam began, his voice calm but firm. “Ayana and I may have had our differences in the past, but we have moved past that. We have become friends, confidants, even. Now, if that is a crime, let us know.”His parents exchanged skeptical glances, their expressions still clouded with suspicion. Ayana could feel their doubt weighing heavily upon her, a silent reminder of the barriers that stood between her and Adam’s family.“Adam, you expect us to believe that you are just friends with this woman after everything that’s happened? You? Friends with t
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Adam's mind raced with conflicting emotions as he struggled to process his father's ultimatum. Part of him yearned for his parents' acceptance, longing for the love and approval he had never truly received. But another part of him rebelled against the idea of bending to their will and sacrificing his own happiness and autonomy to satisfy their expectations."Why do I have to prove myself to you?" Adam demanded, his voice tinged with frustration and anger. "How about you start by accepting that you have failed as parents? Why should I have to bend over backward to earn your forgiveness when you have never shown me an ounce of understanding or support?"His father's expression hardened, his eyes narrowing with disapproval. "You dare to speak to us like that after everything we've done for you?" He retorted, his voice laced with indignation. "We raised you, provided for you, and gave you everything you needed to succeed. And this is how you repay us? By defying our wishes and flaunting y
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"Adam, you have to understand the gravity of the situation,” his father began, desperation ardent in him. “Our family's wealth, our legacy—it is all at stake here. We cannot afford to lose everything we've worked so hard to build, and that will happen if you don’t marry in your 28th year. Do you get me?"Adam was taken aback. He didn’t know that. He had not heard of such. “What are you talking about? I thought…I thought all along it was about you forming a merger with the De’Mario’s and helping their expanding business.” He asked.His mother shook her head. “How would you have known? You are practically the black sheep of the family. You never cared,” her voice was filled with anger.“You stopped caring first. You never cared about me, mother,” Adam hissed.“Listen, Adam,” his father took control of the situation, and they put up that clause that unless the next heir apparent acquires a wife in their 28th year, the wealth will be passed on to the next heir/heiress who meets the qualif
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As Adam's parents left, the heavy tension that had filled the room began to dissipate, leaving behind an eerie silence. Ayana's hand remained firmly clasped in Adam's, a silent reassurance amidst the turmoil that had just unfolded.Adam let out a long exhale, his shoulders sagging with the weight of the confrontation. The air felt thick with unresolved emotions, and he couldn't shake the lingering sense of unease that hung in the room.Ayana squeezed his hand gently, her touch grounding him in the present moment. Her presence was a soothing balm to his frayed nerves, offering him solace and strength when he needed them most."We did the right thing," Ayana murmured softly, breaking the silence that enveloped them. "Standing up to them was the only choice we had."Adam nodded, grateful for her unwavering support. "I know," he replied, his voice barely above a whisper. "But it still feels... surreal, you know? To go against everything they've ever wanted for me."Ayana leaned in closer,
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As days passed, Ayana noticed a growing bond between Adam and her daughter, Lyana. It warmed her heart to see how naturally they seemed to connect, their laughter filling the house with joy and their playful banter becoming a regular occurrence.Ayana couldn't help but marvel at the beautiful bond forming between Adam and Lyana. From the moment they met, Lyana had taken to Adam with effortless ease, her bright eyes sparkling with joy whenever he was around. It was as if she had found a kindred spirit in him, someone she could trust and confide in without reservation.And Adam, true to his nature, embraced his role with Lyana with open arms. His patience and kindness seemed boundless as he listened attentively to her stories, played games with her for hours on end, and offered gentle guidance whenever she needed it. Ayana couldn't help but feel a swell of pride and admiration for the way he interacted with her daughter.Watching them together, it was clear to Ayana that Adam had a spec
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The soft glow of the lamp created a cocoon of warmth around Ayana and Adam as they sat together on the couch, enveloped in the tranquility of the evening. With Lyana tucked in bed, their home seemed to exhale a sigh of peace, granting them a moment of quiet intimacy.As Ayana glanced at Adam, she noticed a faint furrow in his brow, a telltale sign of the thoughts swirling in his mind. She reached out, her fingers brushing against his hand, offering a silent gesture of comfort and support. Their hands intertwined, creating a tangible connection amidst the gentle hush of the room.Adam's gaze met hers, and Ayana saw a flicker of vulnerability in his eyes, a silent plea for understanding. She returned his gaze with a reassuring smile, a silent invitation for him to share whatever weighed on his heart.In that shared moment of quiet companionship, Ayana felt a sense of trust and intimacy blossom between them, like delicate petals unfurling under the tender caress of spring. It was as if t
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FLASHBACK.YEARS AGO IN COLLEGEIn the dimly lit college dorm room, the air heavy with the scent of cheap beer and youthful exuberance, Adam leans in closer to the woman sitting next to him on the worn-out couch. His heart races with anticipation, his mind clouded by desire, as he reaches out to touch her arm.She laughs, a playful glint in her eyes as she pulls away slightly, teasing him with a coy smile. "Not so fast, Adam," she says, her voice a seductive whisper. "You will have to work harder than this if you want to win me over. I am not cheap."“Every damn fucking woman is cheap and weak when it comes to Adam Stone De’Leon. Stop resisting, because the more you do, the more you are torturing my beast. Feel this.” Adam grabs Lina’s hand, trying to force it to his tent between his legs.Lina fights back, struggling to jerk away from Adam’s barbarous hold. “Stop this, Adam! You are hurting me,” she cried, hoping that a soul would appear from nowhere and help her in the beckoning sit
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“She threatened to sue me. Her family was rich, and I could have ended up in jail were it not for my parent’s intervention. They paid quite a lot for the family’s seclusion. And that is where the greatest rift between us broke out. They called me a rapist. A disgrace. A bad son. And I embraced it all.” He explained."And the woman, this Lina, you said that you had made advances. Were you in love?” She asked.“I believed so, and she was the first person who had made me feel some affection. We were actually somehow close for a few days prior, and I thought she noticed what I felt. But I was wrong, and I could not take it,” he said.Ayana heaved out a huge sigh. What a revelation! “I will go take a shower. I think…”Adam held her hand, stopping her. “Say anything. Something, please,” he pleaded. “Just don’t walk away like this.”“What do you want me to say, Adam?” She asked with a tinge of hurt in her voice, but she tried masking the pain and the shock. “I never expected this from you. A
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Ayana's heart was a battleground of conflicting emotions as she stood there, enveloped in Adam's embrace. His words, heavy with remorse and pleading, echoed in her mind, stirring up a whirlwind of feelings that threatened to consume her.On one hand, there was the love she felt for Adam, the deep connection that had bound them together through laughter and tears, through the highs and lows of life. She couldn't ignore the countless moments they had shared and the memories they had woven together like a tapestry of their love. Despite the hurt and betrayal, a part of her longed to hold onto that love and believe that it was strong enough to weather any storm.But alongside that love lurked the shadow of Adam's betrayal, a darkness that threatened to engulf her in a sea of pain and doubt. The image of him forcing himself on another woman and the knowledge of his past actions cast a pall over their relationship, tarnishing the golden memories they had once shared. Could she truly forgive
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