All Chapters of Tangled Desires: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
77 Chapters
Chapter 41
I am so pathetically intense, I just can not be any other way. -Sylvia Plath. |A L E E Z A|Morning unfolded in the quiet corners of my living room, the sunlight filtering through the curtains and casting a soft glow on the scene. I stirred on the couch, the remnants of sleep clinging to my senses. I looked down at the same blanket, I covered Kirill with, on top of me. How did it come here? As I sat up, the clock on the wall announced the hour - 9 in the morning. The day had begun, and the world outside beckoned with possibilities.My gaze fell to the table, where a note lay under the weight of a forgotten paperweight. Kirill's unmistakable scrawl adorned the paper, a message that whispered promises of a morning tinged with unexpected warmth, "I whipped up breakfast for myself, but unintentionally made more than needed. Feel free to indulge if you fancy." His words, simple yet laced with a subtle invitation, curled a smile at the corners
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Chapter 42
Survivors have scars, victims have graves. -Unknown. |K I R I L L|I felt the tension between us escalate as my fingers, almost instinctively, pinched her waist. She gasped, and in that moment, I seized the opportunity to deepen the connection. Slipping my tongue inside her mouth, I explored the uncharted territory, a silent invitation to a dance of desire.Her response was immediate, matching the passion with an intensity that mirrored my own desperation. She pulled me closer, her hands tugging at the ends of my hair, urging me to bridge the gap between us. The kiss became a battleground of urgency, a clash of desires that resonated in the groan that escaped me.Caught in the whirlwind of our shared passion, I groaned between the kisses, the urgency in her touch fueling my own desperation. Each movement, each embrace, spoke of a hunger that transcended words.She pulled away from the kiss, her chest rising and falling with ragged breath
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Chapter 43
I am a little different now. Because of you. -Unknown. |A L E E Z A|As I stepped out of my apartment, Lev was already waiting near his car. The morning air carried a crispness that hinted at the approaching winter, and I greeted Lev with a thankful smile. He had offered to pick me up for college since my car was in service, and the gesture was a relief on a day that started with the usual rush.The drive to college was filled with random chatter, the kind that makes mundane mornings a bit brighter. We discussed trivial things—weather, weekend plans, and the ongoing construction near the campus. It was comforting to have Lev's easygoing company, a brief respite before the day's chaos unfolded.As we navigated through the usual traffic, the conversation naturally shifted towards Kirill. At the mention of his name, my mind drifted back to the heated case we shared in the silent corner of the library, the thrill of being caught or heard by
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Chapter 44
I broke my rules for you. -Unknown. |A L E E Z A|My eyes shot open in the dead of night, jarred awake by an eerie sound that cut through the silence like a blade. I lay still, my heart pounding, trying to make sense of the unsettling noise that seemed out of place in the quietude of my apartment. It felt like an intruder, an unwelcome guest in the stillness of the night.Now, you might not know it but I am like scared of everything. Even the slightest change in usual things makes me afraid. Right now, I feel like someone is here for me, not in a positive way, of course. With a chill running down my spine, I cautiously slipped out of bed, my feet barely making a sound on the cold floor. The dim light from the moon spilled into the hallway as I crept forward, my ears strained to catch the elusive sound. Each step felt like a tentative exploration into the unknown.I hesitated at the entrance to the living room, bathed in the faint glo
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Chapter 45
There are days when I adore you just a little more than a human being can adore. -Vladimir Nabokov.|A L E E Z A|Perched on the cool kitchen counter, I observed Kirill's graceful movements as he navigated my kitchen with ease. The aroma of spicy jambalaya wafted through the air, adding a layer of warmth to the room. Kirill had arrived at my apartment straight from the airport, claiming he is hungry. I offered to cook, but he dismissed my attempt with a simple statement: "It's not your responsibility to feed me." I agreed, it most definitely is not. Swinging my long legs back and forth, I watched him work, his every movement a symphony of efficiency. At one point, as he tended to the fragrant jambalaya, he leaned against the counter, his eyes fixed on me. The intensity of his gaze sent butterflies dancing in my stomach, and I couldn't help the blush that crept up to my cheeks.Breaking the silence that lingered between us, I decided to address the u
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Chapter 46
She was never quite ready but she was brave. And, the universe listens to brave. -Rebecca Bay. |A L E E Z A|I woke up with a mix of excitement and nerves, its been two days since Kirill stormed in my apartment at midnight and turned my life upside down. Pushing these thoughts aside,I focus on the task at my hand and chose a white crop top and a vibrant red skirt, paired with elegant white heels. As I examined myself in the mirror, I couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence.Arriving at college, I confidently navigated the hallways, aware of the eyes following me. Heading towards my class, a mysterious hand yanked me into an empty classroom. Panic surged through me as my mouth was covered, but my eyes met the familiar brown ones, and relief washed over me.Jerking away, I whispered-shouted at him, "You scared me,". Kirill's lips curled into a victorious smirk, his eyes appreciating every detail of my outfit. His words, husky and confi
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Chapter 47
Yes, yes, yes, I do like you. I am afraid to say the stronger word. -Virginia Woolf.|A L E E Z A|"No! He hates black." Lev shouted, rushing towards Anna who was all ready to set the black balloons. "Funny, how he always wears black." She retorted, handing the balloon to Lev before she walked upto the table where the cake would be cut. The cake is not here though, I have told Lev to check on the bakery once more tk get updates about the cake but he says that it is on the way, so I decided to believe him. Currently, I am helping Lev with the decorations. "He hates black decorations. Says it looks dull." Lev explained. All the information noted itself in my subconscious mind without even me realising. Since past few days, we have spent together I have come to realise that I am extra conscious to whatever that involves him. I glanced at the clock that hangs at the wall and checked the time. 11:05 pm. We still have fifty five minutes for all
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Chapter 48
He walked into my heart like he always belonged there, took down my walls and lit my soul on fire. -Unknown. |A L E E Z A|The click of the door lock resonated through the room as Kirill dragged me inside, his urgency palpable. My eyes met his as he turned to face me, locking the door behind us. I couldn't help but grin, my anticipation matching his intensity."How do I look?" I asked, my voice laced with a playful tone. He cursed softly under his breath, a reaction that sent a thrill down my spine. In one swift motion, he closed the distance between us, his hand wrapping around my throat as he pressed me against the wall.His lips found the curve of my neck, peppering wet kisses that ignited a tingling sensation. A shiver ran down my spine as his mouth trailed downward, capturing my bare shoulder. I inhaled sharply, my hands instinctively gripping his shoulders for support. The intensity of his actions left me breathless, a heady mixtur
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Chapter 49
You are sinking so deep into my soul with time, that I fear you would end up ruining me. -Unknown. |A L E E Z A|We are in the cafe, Kirill sat in front of me, his elbow resting on the table as he go throw the menu to order. He called the waiter and gave him our orders, my order seems like to be memorized by heart to him. He always says it, confidently, without having to think about it twice. We are here for the breakfast by the way, and people around me are staring. Not because I look like an epitome of beauty, but because I am overdressed for a morning breakfast in the cafe. I had blame it on the man who sat ahead of me. It is only because of him that I am now walking around the streets of California in the party dress. But, he says I should only focus on him. I blush, of course, it is something I can not control around this man. "You are getting conscious again," he pointed out, observing my discomfort about people staring at me l
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Chapter 50
I prefer silent conversations. Ones where body speaks and heart listens. -L.E. Bowman.|A L E E Z A|My heart raced as Kirill walked me back to my apartment, the air thick with an unspoken tension that seemed to envelop us. Every step felt like a dance, our hands brushing in a silent exchange that spoke volumes. As we entered my apartment, the atmosphere shifted, charged with an electricity that drew us closer, an undeniable force that I couldn't resist.My fingers traced the intricate design on my arm, only to look up and find him revealing his own ink. "Our thoughts etched in the same ink," he murmured, his voice a low rumble that sent shivers down my spine.My breath caught when I saw the tattoo on his arm – a vivid representation of my own eyes. The realization hit us simultaneously, a shared understanding that defied explanation. "How...?" I began, my words trailing off as Kirill's enigmatic smile left the mystery intact.His eyes, dark
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