All Chapters of The Billionaire's Revenge Wife: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
124 Chapters
SCARLETT'S POV.As the lecturer started backing his things, signaling the end of another grueling day at school, I gathered my textbooks and notes, ready to escape the confines of the lecture halls and immerse myself in the freedom of the weekend. Abby, my ever-enthusiastic and equally exhausted friend, joined me by my side, her face lighting up with a contagious smile."Finally! We made it, Scarlett!" she exclaimed dramatically and I laughed at her silliness. We had survived another week of intense classes, endless readings, and mind-boggling legal jargon. That was how exam weeks were, totally gruesome and frustrating. And I couldn't say the thought of the next three weeks stretching before us, devoid of textbooks and case briefs, wasn't exhilarating.Together, we navigated through the maze of students streaming out of the building, their conversations blending into a symphony of equal relief to be done with the exams and for the break that awaited us. As we walked, Abby's voice bu
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LUCA'S POV.As I walked through the front door, the echoes of my disappointing golf game at the club still reverberated in my mind, and also the thoughts of how crazy my life had become. The frustration and irritation clung to me like a heavy burden, weighing down my steps. I longed for the solace of my room, hoping that its familiar embrace would help ease my troubled thoughts.But just as I entered the living room, my weariness was abruptly shattered by an unexpected sight. I stopped in my tracks. What the fuck? There, sprawled across the couch, lay Scarlett, seemingly lost in a peaceful slumber while dressed in a tank top and short shorts. My initial reaction was one of anger; how could she be so careless as to lounge around in such a revealing outfit? It was as if she had deliberately set out to provoke me, to taunt my already frayed nerves. I looked around her and noticed the remote control was nestled under her thigh and I gritted my teeth. So maybe she had just been watching
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SCARLETT'S POV. "I can't believe you're actually doing this," Abby said on the phone for the upteenth time now. She was acting like the whole seducing and ruining of Luca idea thing wasn't hers in the first place."Like, you're actually, actually going to be a seductress for two weeks," her tone held amusement now and my lips curved up too.I couldn't lie, the thought of seducing Luca for a whole two weeks was kind of exciting to me. I was actually finding myself looking forward to doing it. I stuffed the last short shorts I owned into my travel bag and said, "yes Abby. Your best friend is going to unlock a side of her she never knew was there. You'll see don't worry." Luca had specially told me to be ready in fifteen minutes because we were supposed to get to the airport in an hour and half, but I purposely decided to stall for sometime. And that was why I called Abby to talk, to give myself a morale boost and also while away some time. Why? Well, it was because I wanted Luca to
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SCARLETT'S POV. As I stepped out of the sleek, black sedan that whisked us away from the mansion, the bustling atmosphere of the airport enveloped me. The sound of rolling suitcases, the chattering voices, and the occasional announcement over the intercom filled the air. Adjusting the strap of my handbag and smoothing my sweaty palms down my leggings, I glanced at my husband, beside me who was looking as normal as ever. Unlike me. I was really nervous. This was probably my fourth time at the airport but that didn't mean I'd gotten used to the procedures to it and all that. It had been like that since I'd been a little girl and I could remember one time when I was ten that I'd thrown up immediately the plane started to take off. That day I'd been so embarassed, I hid in my mother's arms throughout the rest of the flight. Thinking of flying in the air still sent shivers through my spine, and despite the fact that the goal I'd given myself today was to be confident and outgoing today,
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SCARLETT'S POV. As I stepped out of the car, the grandeur of the hotel in front of us overwhelmed me. Its towering facade gleamed in the afternoon sun, hinting at the luxury that awaited inside. I turned towards Luca to see his reaction and of course he didn't look impressed. What was I thinking? He probably had been to even more luxurious hotels than this. This was nothing new to him. When the big guy had bidden us farewell and driven away, I couldn't help the tinge of excitement that rushes in my veins as we approached the entrance, our footsteps echoing on the marble floor. It all felt so exclusive, I actually felt like one of those billionaire wives in those reality shows I used to find silly. Now, I could see why many women could kill to marry a billionaire. There was just this feeling that came with the fact that every one respected your husband. But obviously I was never going to let myself get carried away. Kevin was still the goal at the end of the day, getting him back.
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SCARLETT'S POV.When I got into the bathroom and shut the door, I took a much needed deep breath, and set my toiletries in place. I could've easily taken some clothes with me to change into once I was done with the shower, but then I didn't want to. Whatever excuse Luca had made to make him come out in front of me to get dressed was the same excuse I was going to give him. That was if he was going to give me shit for it. I was ready. I can't get dressed in a bathroom. Or the bathroom is just too small. There were two excuses. I needed to pay him back for how stupid he'd made me look earlier when he'd appeared looking like all my Clark Kent fantasies. I needed to see if I could make him uncomfortable, if he was going to find me attractive. It was going to be an experiment just like the woman on the internet had said. To find out if I was going to approach this from a sexual angle going forward or just being sweet and nice to him until he fell for me. "You either make him a fool fo
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LUCA'S POV. Something was definitely wrong. Something was fishy.Scarlett had been acting weird since she came down the stairs this morning, and then if I wasn't mistaken, in the past weeks too. Yes I knew she was normally weird and not like any other woman I was used to but this was a different. She was clearly acting different. But you know what was really frustrating about that? The fact that I couldn't even place my hands on what it was exactly about her that was different. I just knew that this version of Scarlett was not the one I'd gotten on the first day we'd met and then all the days following that. Scarlett had been harsh, strong headed and not afraid to let me know how much of an asshole she thought I was during the first week of living with me. And then somewhere between the third week she'd finally adjusted to her new life, giving up on her runaway plans, and just plainly started trying her best to ignore me. And also on some occasions, chip in either with her facial e
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SCARLETT'S POV."First thing I want to say is that you'll be sleeping on the floor."Just like that Luca had ruined my mood. Just like that I'd started to question if I was even going to be able to go halfway with the plan without killing him or worse myself out of frustration. "Sleep on the floor?" I questioned, my voice going high pitched. "Why would I have to sleep on the floor?"Luca remained cool and calm. "Obviously you can see that there's just one bed. And I'm not about to have that movie type of shitty argument about who gets to sleep there or not, so I'm making it easier for both of us."I gaped at him like a freaking fish, not knowing what to say, because what the hell? The guy couldn't be more of an asshole if he tried.I couldn't hold back my feelings. "Most guys would offer to sleep on the floor you know? In fact no guy would ever want the girl to sleep on the floor."His eyes narrowed at me in frustration, but he still looked relaxed. He looked like he really had no ti
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SCARLETT'S POV.Last night had gone pretty well. Better than I expected even, despite me sleeping on the floor. After the talk we'd had concerning rules, Luca had gone out after getting a call from Mr Richardson, and from the bits of the conversation I'd gotten, I could tell that it was concerning setting up for the conference and some other business they had. So after Luca had gone, I'd gotten the hotel room to myself and put it to good use. By good use I mean, calling up Abby to give her a full detailed explanation of everything that had transpired between Luca and I. And then I'd gone back to rewatch some of the seduction videos I'd watched before just to brush up my skills. I'd been on that till Luca had come back and then we took our respectful positions in the room.Sleeping on the floor wasn't even as bad as I'd thought it was going to be. Once I'd gotten enough blankets and pillows which the room had thankfully, I'd been able to get comfortable. And I couldn't even lie, that
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SCARLETT'S POV. The next morning I made sure to get out of bed before Luca so as to avoid a repeat of the embarassing morning incident between us yesterday. But that had not gone really well because just when I'd been in the process of detangling my hair in front of the mirror, Luca had walked in and then mindlessly just started peeing in the toilet."Arrrrrrrgh, get that thing away from here," I squealed actually feeling threatened with the large amount of pee just was being showcased in from of me. Don't worry, my eyes didn't even dare to go to the source where it was coming from. I promise. "What the fuck?" Luca cursed, now fully waking up and seeing me standing at the corner of the bathroom, trying to disappear inside the wall. "What the hell," he gaped. "I thought I saw you on the floor or something.""Well obviously I wasn't there, you saw wrongly," I shrieked. "Now get that thing away from me," I swatted my hand in front of me, refusing to look."Shit," I heard Luca mumble
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