All Chapters of The Billionaire's Revenge Wife: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
124 Chapters
SCARLETT'S POV.The day went by like a blur, with me getting only a wink of a nap before Grace came knocking on my door. When I got out of bed groggily, I looked out through the window and saw that the sky had gone really dark, making me know that it was time. Time to get ready for the damn party. I walked with a slump in my shoulders to the door and let a smiling Grace in. In her hands, she held a small jewelry box that had me wondering why she brought it."Good evening, dear," Grace greeted. "I can see you're still groggy, we need to fix that up."Of course I am! I'm about to attend a party filled with snobby rich people, and also going to let the whole world know that I'm married to Luca Nicholas. I refrained from saying that and instead decided to focus on just getting ready. There was no going back, so I might as well just put in effort to make sure I don't look like a dweeb infront of all those wealthy people. With some help from Grace, I finally got into the dress and once
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SCARLETT'S POV.The sound of soft music hitting my ears had me opening my eyes slowly to find that my cheek was planted on the window. And then with embarrassment, I pulled away from the window and winced with regret when I saw a smudge of my makeup on the widow. I knew Luca was watching me all the while and I managed to ignore his heavy gaze until I whipped out my phone and checked to see that my makeup was still okay. I let out a sigh of relief at that and then decided to face him with an awkward smile on my face. His lips were pulled into a tight frown and i could tell that he was highly disappointed. "We're here you know?" He said, gesturing towards the fancy looking building ahead of us that I now realised was where the soft music was coming from."I'm sorry, I haven't really been sleeping well," I grimaced at him, feeling the embarassment all the way down to my spine. He shot me a nasty and disgusted look before looking away towards the window where some nicely dressed people
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SCARLETT'S POV.I was completely right. The party was boring as hell, and from the looks of things we weren't even near done here. And then even worse, the annoying as fuck MC who thoughts his jokes were so funny but they were obviously not, had been wasting so much time on the third segment of the programme which was jokes and riddles, that I almost threw my shoe at him.If I heard one more uncle joke coming from his mouth, I could just do it right there, damning all the consequences. In my opinion, I saw no reason for anyone to add jokes and riddles to their birthday party programme, but anyways who was I judge? I didn't have as much money as John and I certainly had never thrown a birthday party for rich people alone before so...Anyways I was bored beyond comprehension and my darling husband was doing nothing to help, in fact he was more interested in focusing really hard on what the lame ass MC was saying than me. I wouldn't have minded the silence between us on any other day, b
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LUCA'S POV.I was enjoying the conversation about stocks and business with the men around me when all of a sudden I got a leading to look over to Scarlett at our seat at the far end of the room. And when I did, I swear I almost took a wine glass from the waiter and smashed it against the wall.The only thing that stopped me from doing that was the fact that I respected John too much as a business partner to cause a crazy scene at his party. What the fuck was Scarlett doing with Penelope Cruz? That woman had screwed me over and messed with me in ways that I hadn't even thought were possible. It all started when I was still an upcoming CEO and we'd met at a fundraiser her father had invited me too. I'd been so honoured and glad that he'd invited me to such an important event, that I'd been ready to do anything to please him and that meant sucking up to his daughter.Penelope however had turned out to be really good company that night and in no time we'd made a connection that was so s
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SCARLETT'S POV.Luca was the biggest asshole to walk this planet and I knew he was aware of that. What the hell was all that about? Why would he drag me away from the party just to tell me not to talk to Penelope?And then how did he know her? Well, of course he is a billionaire and from what I'd noticed, billionaire's tend to be familiar with other billionaires. But that doesn't explain why he was so angry back then when he saw us talking. He looked like someone who'd just seen someone from the past that brought back bitter memories, and that made me insanely curious to know what had happened between them.Penelope was obviously beautiful and everything any sane man would ever want, so it could possibly be that she and Luca used to be an item. Yes,that just had to be it.She was classy and elegant, probably the type of woman that a man like Luca would be with. It made sense.But if it was true then what could have happened between them that made them to break up? Gosh, why did I e
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LUCA'S POV.As I stepped into my sleek black sedan, a surge of anticipation filled my veins. An I thought of how the events of the day were going to go if I did things right as I drove towards the upscale restaurant where I was scheduled to meet one of my esteemed business clients who hadn't worked with me in over five years now. When this client's secretary had contacted me, saying he wanted us to have some food at a fancy restaurant while we talked business, I'd been frustrated because I wondered why it had to be on the same day I was supposed to be meeting with Mr Richardson. But then the gods above had decided for the first time in a million years to work in my favour, and then magically, Mr Richardson himself had called to reschedule the meeting for later in the evening. Which meant I could see this guy and also see him too, without the two clashing. That was just so mind settling.My mind went back to that birthday party and the few exchanges I had with Scarlett, and a weird f
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SCARLETT'S POV."Okay, you take care alright," I said with a weak smile on my face. Kevin had called me three times last night and I hadn't been aware because I'd switched off my phone so I could focus on my studies. It was only right for me to call him back the next morning when I was free and had no classes to attend."Yeah, talk to you later," he replied before ending the call and immediately my mood went even more sour. He didn't even tell me loved me. Although I didn't say it myself too but still...It was very unlike him, and it had happened three times now. I'd been trying to deny it ever since we got back to each other after the Luca incident, but I had to admit it to myself. Kevin had changed, really changed. He used to be all sweet and kind, and just able to make me blush with any simple action of his, but now he was just so different.I didn't want to admit it, but to me it felt like he was more interested in hating on Luca and planning to ruin him than he was even in our
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LUCA'S POV.FEW HOURS AGO.As I stepped out of my sleek black car, the weight of anticipation settled on my shoulders. I took a deep breath, straightened my tie, and walked towards the towering glass doors of Richardson's company. The street lamps cast a golden glow on the polished exterior, somehow reflecting the optimism that pulsed within me. I was impressed. The surroundings exuded an air of professionalism, a testament to the success and ambition of the man and his company. As I approached the entrance, I dismissed my bodyguard and then the the security guard nodded in recognition, a subtle gesture that acknowledged my status as a visitor of importance and I appreciated that.Stepping into the pristine lobby, I was greeted by a bright, minimalist design that exuded sophistication. The hushed whispers of conversations and the clicking of heels on marble floors filled the air, creating an atmosphere of focused determination. I couldn't help but marvel at the seamless blend of fu
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SCARLETT'S POV.The look on Luca's face as he stared at Matt and I said it all, he wasn't impressed at all, but it was obvious that he was trying so hard not to show much on his face. Embarassed, I quickly got up and straightened my shirt that had ridden up due to the fall."You're back ... Uhhh," I said, hating myself for actually sounding like a cheating wife that just got caught. What the hell was it with my breathing.I took a sideway glance at Matt and watched as he got up nonchalantly, not in anyway acting like me."We weren't doing anything, you know," I said, hating my voice for breaking at the end. Luca simply gave Matt a look before he faced me and said, "whatever it was, I don't care. I need to talk to you."I felt even more embarassed at the way he'd casually said he didn't care, which I shouldn't because actually he has no reason to care about it. Asides from the fact that Matt is his best friend, there was no reason for him to be mad."About what?" I asked, shifting in
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LUCA'S POV.I sighed heavily as I collapsed onto the plush leather seat in my office. Another long day as the CEO had drained every ounce of energy from my body. The weight of responsibilities and endless meetings had taken their toll, leaving me exhausted and craving some respite.And you know what sucked? Despite having all these workload and stress on my shoulders, my stupid mind still had time to think about Scarlett. Particularly about the position I'd walked in on her with Matt.Matt. I liked to believe he wasn't interested in her in anyway because if he was then I was going to kill him. No, not because of what you are thinking, of course not.I wasn't jealous or any of that shit. I'd just be really pissed to find out that my best friend was admiring my possession, something that clearly belonged to me. Nobody and I mean nobody ever messed with what was mine. Just as I closed my eyes, my phone buzzed, interrupting my brief moment of tranquility. I picked it up and saw a text f
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