All Chapters of His Forbidden Desire: Chapter 81 - Chapter 89
89 Chapters
Chapter Eighty One
 ~AUTHOR'S POV~"I said let go of her, Lucas." Daniel g groan colder. Lucas' eyes have already turned red in anger. He hates Daniel and cannot take it if he tries to command him, his anger makes him grip on Cassandra even tighter. She winced out in pain."Leave me, you are hurting me." Cassandra cried. Daniel ball his fist in anger.Though he doesn't know who the girl is, he still hates what Lucas is doing. It pains him when a girl is sexually harassed. Girls are weak to fight for themselves and men take such an opportunity to harass them."You are testing my patience Lucas. Let go of that girl now!" Daniel grouses in all seriousness. Lucas scoffed and chuckled sarcastically.Cassandra is a bit relieved that someone came to her rescue, who knows what Lucas is planning to do to her."And if I said no, What would you do, Daniel. You are nothing but a mistress's son." Lucas blurts out sarcastically.Daniel's eyes dim in anger as his chest was rising wi
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Chapter Eighty Two
~ CASSANDRA~I woke up one morning just to face what I call blackmail. I've bluntly refused to marry the crown prince but my dad just came up with an idea to make me give in. He set a rope trying to hang himself and said that he will come down only if I agree to marry the prince. I was sleeping peacefully in my room when my personal maid Zara rushed into painting, it took her a while before she told me what was happening. "Come quickly my Lady, you need to stop your father right now!" she rushed out her words. I couldn't waste time, she dragged me to the place. My new mum was there crying and the servants were also crying. "Eda my dear please accept your father's request already, you wouldn't want to see your father dead ..... Will you? " she cried out.I closed my eyes and opened them in frustration, this man is very intelligent. He chooses this strategy because he knows he's gonna win. What do I do now? I don't want to marry the cro
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Chapter Eighty Three
 ~AUTHOR'S POV~Cassandra was still struggling in the water, she has drank a lot of water and was gasping for breath. When she lost the strength of fighting in the water she gave up. She was slowly falling deep inside the water as her eyes became blurry but at a point she saw an image coming towards her.Her eyes were too weak to recognize the person, she did not put effort, she just closed her eyes cos she has already lost the hope of surviving. Daniel swam as fast as he could, he came rushing to the place just at the right time.He saw Cassandra deep down in the water as she was falling deep, he streamline his body and faster swim up to her.He got hold of her and swam up with her.He came to the shore as he gently pulled out from the water with Cassandra who had already fainted. He carefully dropped her on the ground, he applied pressure on her so she could vomit all the water she drank while being drowned but she couldn't.Her
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Chapter Eighty Four
~AUTHOUR'S POV~Queen Dowager and the governors including the prime minister sat for a secret meeting. "We need to act fast before things will run out of our favor." Dowager speak up."But why should the King try to make Daniel the son of a mistress our next King. We have never thought of that." one of the governors said."Your majesty, we hope that we won't regret supporting you. I'm afraid the crown prince might lose the throne," another governor said, referring to Dowgar. "You don't have to worry governor Sylvester, you all won't regret supporting me, the crown prince must be the King. Once he becomes the King I will reward you all handsomely," Dowager cuts in."But how are we gonna make the crown Prince the King? It won't be easy now that the King has given Daniel the mighty sword because mighty swords are given to the next Kings." another governor said.Dowgar smiles evilly as they all forward their attention to her. "It is not something to worry about because I have
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Chapter Eighty Five
 ~AUTHOR'S POV~Two days after the rebellion. Queen Dowager arranged for the crown prince's coronation. Many people from different regions in Joseon were invited and the palace was filled with people.Cassandra doesn't understand a thing, she only heard of the rebellion and she wondered what happened to Daniel. She can't believe that her father was part of it, that shows the prime minister is not a good man. He was blinded by his greed for power and more wealth and that's why he wanted her to marry the crown prince.She doesn't know how she can stop the wedding and she tries running away but it wasn't in her favor. Things are getting too much in this past world and she really needs to find a way to go back to her own world. She can't trust anyone here, they are all selfish.She remembered the history their teacher taught them about Joseon in 1427 and everything that is happening now is exactly what their teacher said. That story didn't end well but she will make things right, sh
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Chapter Eighty Six
 ~CASSANDRA POINT OF VIEW~I was in my chambers in tears. I was forced to marry Lucas the new king and I'm now the Queen.The prime minister that called himself my father was never a good man. I can't believe he also had a hand in the death of the King. I'm tired of staying here, I really need to go back to my world but first of all I will need to find Daniel and make him take his responsibility. He can't run away from his destiny because he is destined to be the King and rule his people with love and care. I stare at my image in the mirror, I was clad in the Queen's attire.Lucas killed all the governors but spared the prime minister because he is my father. That guy is so wicked, I won't be his wife for long. I will find out all his weaknesses and once I'm able to find Daniel we are going to use it against him.A maid walked in. "The King wants to see you in his Chambers," she said politely with a bow.I fake a smile. He is such a fool for marrying a lady th
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Chapter Eighty Seven
  ~CASSANDRA POINT OF VIEW~I was still wandering in the forest, I wonder what has happened to Andrew, I hope he is fine. I don't know how I am going to find Daniel, it is not going to be easy. Lucas will surely pay for everything he has done, I will make sure of that. Right now I am not thinking of going back to my own world, I will only go back after I am done making Lucas pay for his wickedness.I got tired and decided to rest and I am also hungry. I was sleeping when I felt a soft hand running through my lapsI quickly jerk up just to see three guys staring lustfully at me."Hello beautiful." one of them said and licked his lip seductively."Why don't we have some fun." the second one add "You will like it." the third one chip in. They look like thugs, I was caught with fear immediately. I wonder what they are going to do to me in this lonely place.I quickly sprang up. I took some steps back while they took some steps towards
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Chapter Eighty Eight
  ~CASSANDRA POINT OF VIEW~I was still wandering in the forest, I wonder what has happened to Andrew, I hope he is fine. I don't know how I am going to find Daniel, it is not going to be easy. Lucas will surely pay for everything he has done, I will make sure of that. Right now I am not thinking of going back to my own world, I will only go back after I am done making Lucas pay for his wickedness.I got tired and decided to rest and I am also hungry. I was sleeping when I felt a soft hand running through my lapsI quickly jerk up just to see three guys staring lustfully at me."Hello beautiful." one of them said and licked his lip seductively."Why don't we have some fun." the second one add "You will like it." the third one chip in. They look like thugs, I was caught with fear immediately. I wonder what they are going to do to me in this lonely place.I quickly sprang up. I took some steps back while they took some steps towards
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Chapter Eighty Nine
 ~CASSANDRA POINT OF VIEW~  They decided to team up with us. By tomorrow we will start training them, I mean Daniel because I know nothing about fight "I know that we are not enough to bring Lucas down but if we all have the spirit, we will be able to take him down just as the little we are." I addressed them. "He has killed a lot of people and that's why we agreed on taking this risk and also, he killed every member of the royal family." one of the men said and I quickly glanced at him.What does he mean, is he trying to say that Andrew is dead."What do you mean by the royal family?" I ask "Yes, he killed all the royal family and also the Prime minister and his wife." he replied and I was frozen at that moment.I couldn't hold back the tears, though they are not my real parents but still .... Their death hurts a lot.And Andrew, it hurts so much because he died when trying to help me. I felt a soft finger on my cheeks which slowly wiped my tears away.I stared u
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