All Chapters of REJECTING THE ALPHA KING: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
238 Chapters
One hundred and Thirty-One
One hundred and Thirty-OneNaomiFew minutes after we finished, Seth took me in his arms, and poured some shampoo in his hands and started washing me, from my hair to my shoulders, massaging my sore bones and back with the sweet soap.I relaxed in his hold, my wolf purring at the tender treatment and I put a smile on my face."I love this." I murmured as his fingers worked on my hair. He chuckled, his chest rumbling on my back."I want to do this to you often. I'm sorry I've been so busy."Seth continued to massage the shampoo into my hair, his touch gentle yet firm. "I've missed moments like these," he admitted, his voice warm against my ear, doing things to my insides."Work has been overwhelming, but I promise to make more time for us." Thee warmth in his voice tugged at my heartstrings, and I felt silly for being jealous of Violet. She was harmless. Seth loved me. Nothing was going to change that.And he saw Violet as only his sister."I understand babe. I should be the one doing
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One hundred and Thirty-Two
Seth Walking out of the room, I felt an amount of guilt I couldn't suppress. My time with Naomi has been constantly disturbed because of one emergency or the other, but I had to do something about Violet. I couldn't abandom her, not when her brother didn't bother himself with her issues. It had always been like that since we were young, and I was always left with taking care of her. He always called her spoiled and selfish, but all I saw was a misunderstood girl. I was already grateful for Naomi for forgiving Violet for all she had done in the past, she had no idea how much it meant to me. She was the best mate ever, and I loved her with all my heart. I was rounding the corridor, when I almost stumbled on Connor who was stepping out of his room, a disturbed look on his face, but that disappeared as his eyes met mine, and he gave a nod. "Hey." Something was bothering him. Something has been bothering him for a while now, but Connor preferred dealing with his problems alone. I
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One hundred and Thirty-Three
Naomi Putting on my clothes, I walked out of my room and to Aubrey's room. I placed a soft knock on the door, and patiently waited for a reply. I already sent them messages on my phone, but only Hazel saw it. Maybe Aubrey was asleep. But she was going to have to wake up for this. Hazel walked from down the hall with Xander, and they both looked deeply in love with each other. It tugged on my heart strings to see them so happy with each other. They had not seen me yet, and Xander took Hazel by her waist and pushed her to a wall, trapping her against it while Hazel giggled as she put her fingers in his hair. "I know you are excited Xander, but I want to leave it as a surprise!" Xander growled, but Hazel just giggled louder. "Come on, Hazel. I need to know." She placed a kiss on his lips. "No baby." His hands snaked around her waist and he pulled her closer. "I wouldn't do those things you like anymore until you tell me." She pulled him closer, their noses touching. "You would
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One hundred and Thirty-Four
SethNext week was my parent's anniversary, their thirtieth anniversary and they always celebrated every ten years.The party was going to hold in this pack, but just Alphas and their Lunas. Royal subjects only.Parties like these were very important, and they were part of what the queen organises because she was the only one trusted for things as important like this.But Naomi was pregnant, I didn't want to stress her much.Violet offered to assist. She hasn't stopped talking about how unhappy she was that Naomi hated her, and how I didn't believe her.So she decided helping Naomi would be a way for her to make up her abuse all those years to Naomi, and help convince Naomi to not destroy her.I felt it was dumb, but I agreed. Just to satisfy all righteousness. I didn't believe Violet, but this was the only way to know if she was lying for sure. I trusted Naomi with all my life, but Violet also mattered. I had to give her a chance too. This way, I would be able to prove if what Conno
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One hundred and Thirty-Five
NaomiViolet! Violet!! Violet!!!Grrr! The pen in my hand almost broke and I was sure I was scaring poor Cecil with how I look like a raging bull at this minute.We were in my private office, which was a section of my own personal quarters, where the baby will be nursed when I conceived. I liked the space, it helped me think. And also work.Yes, I already started some of my Queen duties like handling the upcoming celebration for the royal anniversary. But with what Seth had told me, Violet was going to work with me, I knew she had something to do with it.And I hated it. I tried not to, but I did. She had a plan, because for her to request to be a part of this, she had something cooking.I wouldn't let her soil my reputation in the presence of the Alphas and Lunas, and Luna Tia and Alpha Asher. No way.This was my first official duty as Queen, and i had to make sure it goes perfectly. "Your highness, I asked if you were ready to speak to the chef and the maid in charge of acquir
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One hundred and Thirty-Six
Seth "And the Alpha gave us a pearl. Do you guys really have these fortunes just lying around to be taken? Hell, I could own a yacht with one of these and take my woman on a cruise." I chuckled, leaning back in my chair as I looked at Xander. "I have a yacht, and yes, we have a store of them to give as gifts." Xander's eyes bulged out of their sockets. "Woah how rich is this Kingdom? My father didn't have a quarter of these riches. You owe me a pearl for killing my father." I Let out a loud laugh. We were both in my office discussing how his work has been lately, and he's loving it. It was fun to see him enjoy this and become a better version of what he used to be. Because of Naomi, I decided to give him a chance and I haven't regretted it, in fact, i was getting used to the guy and we were becoming civil with eachother. All smiles left his lips and he became more serious than I have ever seen him become. "Thank you for this, Seth. Giving my life a purpose. Thank you for not
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One hundred and Thirty-Seven
Naomi I waited for a second to see Seth come in, and look me in the eye with disappointment and say he thought I put my grudge aside. But he never came, and we finished the meeting as fast as we could because I wasn't feeling too good anymore. We had to go for a scan today, to see how the baby was, and maybe the gender. Do I want to see the gender now, or throw a gender reveal party for it? Maybe I should throw like a picnic for it, just us six. Yes, I smiled, we all seem like we would need something like that, especially with all the strained relationships we've all been having. Hazel wanted to announce her pregnancy during a dinner ceremony, but this picnic was less stiff. I almost couldn't wait to see how excited Xander would he when he hears about this. Maybe that would be before my vacation. Or after. That's if I'm having a vacation anymore… I hope Violet hasn't achieved her goal. I hope Seth still sees me as his mate. I know I'm not his wife, but he's still mine. Violet
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One hundred and Thirty-Eight
Naomi The trip to the clinic was fast, slow and everything else, especially awkward. He was so far, yet so close, and I was heart broken and yet I wanted him to hold my hand so bad. I really wanted him to. But he didn't. As soon as the door was opened he stepped out and walked to my side to help me down. Our hands met, our eyes met, and I saw his eyes softening. He helped me down, then placed his other hand on my waist, taking me by surprise. I was too stunned to say anything, I thought he didn't want anything to do with me for now. But here he was, staring at me with a look I didn't know how to place. "I know I have a part in this, I pressured you into forgiving her even after she hurt you all those times when you were her maid. And I'm sorry." Words got stuck in my throat as I realised I needed this, this apology, without even knowing I did. He did pressure me, he made it hard for me to do something about Violet because I didn't want to cause issues. I shouldn't have let him.
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One hundred and Thirty-Nine
Naomi Aubrey and Hazel thought my plan, operation show the demon Violet truly was, was brilliant, but needed a shorter name. Aubrey decided to call it, operation ruin Violet's plan, RVP. It was a less dumb name, but I personally wasn't going to admit that. "I like my name better," I pouted, folding my arms together. "Well I'm not about to call the plan that long as shit name." Aubrey folded her arms, mirroring my glare. Hazel glanced up from the notebook, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "How about Operation Vengeance?" she suggested. "That's better than what you both came up with." Aubrey and I exchanged a look, then simultaneously shrugged. "Works for me," I said, a smirk playing on my lips. "As long as that bitch goes down once and for all." Hazel paused, "Wait, I can use a magic spell to make her blurt out all her secrets." Aubrey shook her head, "Nah, that wouldn't work. Both the former Alpha and Beta have been fortified with powerful anti-magic charms and they fortifie
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One hundred and Forty
Naomi"The decorations are lovely, Hazel, but it's an anniversary, not a funeral. Please remove the black colours." " Chloe, Luna Tia seats beside Alpha Asher, her husband, not Alpha Brian. We do not need a war on our hands right now.""Chloe, do not put Alpha Brian next to Alpha Grey, they hate each other!" I barked out orders as we finished up the arrangements for the party. It was tomorrow, and the Alphas and Lunas were arriving today so everything had to be perfect, down to their seating arrangements. Violet has been absent, but when she was present, she came with a large white bandage on her arm as if she still had a wound. Everyone knew she was a beta decendant, so her wound would have healed already.But no one cared enough to give their two cents. She actually stayed away from me, not bothering me in any way. It was almost as if she knew what I had planned. It put a big pause on my plans, but Seth and I have been good after our ultra scan. He couldn't let go of me, and fra
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