All Chapters of REJECTING THE ALPHA KING: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
238 Chapters
One hundred and Fifty-One
Violet Those fools! Immediately they left the hall in the direction of Seth's room, I began to panic. They were bluffing. They had to be. There was no way they had video proof. I made sure they were no camera on my path. So surely they had to be bluffing. I ran into my room, atudfing the things I new I was going to need into a bag, then changed into a more acceptable outfit. That skank Aubrey, thinking she can speak to me any how. If Seth had opened his eyes and chosen me as his bride, all this wouldn't be happening. I would be queen, and people luke Aubrey wouldn't even smell the grass of the Royal House. But stupid Seth chose that rat instead. The poor slave everyone hated. He chose her and made her into something that became so valuable, he didn't see me the way he used to see me. Taking my things, I bolted out of my room, checking the halls to make sure I wasn't being followed. When I secured the perimeters, I headed to the warehouse, where my mother was making sure Naomi
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One hundred and Fifty-Two
AubreyThe look on Violet's face confirmed all our suspicions, and I smiled to myself as she froze. She knew this was game over.Did she really think her plan woukd work? Kidnap Naomi then take her place? That was the dumbest thing I have ever heard.We silently rushed to Seth's room, and Connor turned the door knob, opening the door and peering inside. A gasp left our lips as we were met with an empty room, and the only thing open was a drawer, which Connor stormed towards and peered into."Shit." He breathed and he shut the drawer with a slam.We watched him , confused at his reaction. "What's the problem, Connor ? Talk to us."Connor's eyes met mine briefly before meeting Xander's, and I saw the emotion behind his eyes. Fear. He was scared."Seth took his torture devices. I bet he's this close," he showed a little gap between his thumb and forefinger. "To going on a killing spree."My eyes widened in alarm. If he does that, he's going to end up worse than the last time.We had to
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One hundred and Fifty-Three
Seth The two guards in charge of the hall died too quickly before I was able to get the truth out of them and I was getting desperate. There was blood on my face, hands and tongue, but I didn't care. Someone had to pay for what happened. These people were in charge of making sure that the people in the hall were safe, including my mate. Their main priority. They had this come to them the minute my mate was kidnapped under their very noses. I pulled out my syringe of wolf's bane. "For the third time soldier," I tore and incision on his knee, getting a scream out of his lips. "How was my mate kidnapped in this very hall were you are supposed to protect?" He shook with fear and in pain as I brought the syringe closer to the wound, waiting for his reply. Was I a monster? Yes. We've been through this in the beginning. Keep up. A sweat broke on his forehead as I lowered the syringe. "I-I don't know! We didn't see anyone take your mate out!" "Wrong answer, Soldier." I snarled as I
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One hundred and Fifty-Four
SethViolet swallowed, holding up a syringe. "Your queen is in the abandoned underground warehouse."My head spun. That place was out of bounds. It was sealed shut and the key was with me. Which meant she stole it. My lips thinned in anger. "You have a lot of nerve, Violet."She shrugged. "You have to go for what you want, even though it may end up killing you."I smirked. "Glad to know you already know how this ends."She smirked back, catching me off guard. "I know how it ends, but do you?"She waved the syringe in the air, deepening my confusion.Connor sighed. "Don't you know when to stop playing games, Violet? Please surrender. " Connor sounded stressed and I knew how this situation may be taking a toll on him. His mother and sister were on the receiving end of the law he enforced. He had no idea what to do. But one thing was clear. He doesn't want them dead. I was sure Maxwell wouldn't want them dead either. So I had no idea what to do. But one thing was sure. They were going
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One hundred and Fifty-Five
Naomi"Wake up you stupid bitch!" Sheila roared in my face, and I woke up suddenly, the whole room spinning around while my head ached and my throat stung.My hands were free, and my back was placed against the wall. My hand flew to my becka ad I remembered how Violet snatched my necklace from my neck and fear filled me, but that wasn't the only thing I noticed.I wasn't feeling the immense pain I felt in the past few hours as that dangerous venom made its way to my bloodstream, and my wolf wasn't howling in pain anymore.My hand flew to my belly, making sure nothing was wrong.I wasn't dead, because if this was paradise, Sheila wouldn't be staring at me with a cautious look in her eyes."Did it work?" She asked, her eyes examining me, and I followed her gaze.I checked around to see what she may be referring to. "Did that work?"She rolled her eyes, facepalming. "The antidote, stupid. If it didn't work, you would be screaming the warehouse down by now. Thank Goddess that worked. That
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One hundred and Fifty-Six
Seth We stormed down to the warehouse and the smell that hit us as we arrived in front of the door was enough to turn my stomach. The key was with a guard, and he stepped forward to unlock the door and the minute the door opened wide, Sheila was in tears while Naomi sat silently, listening to her words. Lies I'm sure she's spewing. Wait… My eyes refocused on Naomi, and I saw she was perfectly okay, she just looked tired. "Naomi. " I breathed, and her eyes widened, just realising our presence. Her eyes softened ad they landed on me and took in my appearance. "Seth." She breathed out, and in long strides, I appeared in front of her. She was here. I didn't lose her. Taking her hand in mine, I immediately wrapped my arms around her, engulfing her in my embrace. I shook with her in my arms, my wolf howling happily while I fought back my rare tears, one that only came out when I was in situations like these. When I realise how close I was to losing her. To losing my child and to
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Naomi "I'm so glad you're okay! I was so scared! We were so scared. Seth was losing it. We had to search for your phone everywhere! What sort of phone lock is that?" Aubrey and Hazel shot me questions as we embraced and my heart warmed at the affection that everyone had for me. To me I was barely gone two hours since I was unconscious all through, but for them it was a lot more than that. A lot more, and apparently, Seth had killed three guards because of me. That made me mad. I was supposed to protect, not cause my subjects to lose their lives. I had to have a conversation with him later. Smiling at my friends, they confided in me all the things Seth did in my absence, and I saw myself thanking goddess I met people who loved me this way. Xander pulled me in a big hug, "I'm so glad you are okay, little sis." His words pulled at my heart strings. Who knew the evil Xander who killed mama had such a good heart? Connor silently spoke with Seth and I watched them, feeling sorry for h
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One hundred and Fifty-Eight
NaomiSeth took me by the hands and into the room, before locking the door.I stood in the middle of the room, and he pinned me with his predatory gaze, taking slow strides towards me as if I was the prey under his mercy.I tried to maintain his gaze, giving him a glare of my own as he stopped right in front of me.His jaw ticked as his gaze dropped to my lips and my tongue darted to wet it unconsciously as I felt increasingly hot and in need, and I wanted to be taken out of this dress I was still in, under his stare.His hand grazed my cheek softly, before sliding to my throat, where it rested. His face dropped closer to mine, and we shared the same breath as our eyes stayed locked."Tell me, baby. Why are you mad at me when I spent the last hours going crazy because I thought I would never see you again?"I swallowed, wanting to touch myself as I heard those words. He was scared. He was scared to lose me. But I wasn't going to give in easily. "I'm mad at you, Seth, but I don't want
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One hundred and Fifty-Nine
One hundred and fifty-nineSeth"You want to hear how I almost lost my mind trying to find you?" I asked, my hand caressing her belly with so much softness, one wouldn't know I had just killed three men and had to do a detour before heading to the warehouse so she wouldn't see the blood I shed for her.She hated the idea of a person losing their lives for her, but I had no other way to deal with the loss.She nodded, her eyes drooping with sleep, but stubborn Naomi wouldn't lose the fight. I caressed her lips down to her neck, where the necklace was absent. We forgot about that. How could we forget about something this huge? I sprang up from the bed, temporarily ignoring Naomi as she proved for ny readon for doing that, and retrieved the necklace from my pocket.Turning to her with the necklace in the air, she gaped and her hands flew over her mouth. "We fucking forgot!"I didn't waste another moment before securing the necklace on her neck, but when that was done, we sat down in sil
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One hundred and Sixty
Seth"You are an asshole. I wonder who made you king of such supernatural beings like us, when you barely have a brain in your thick skull." Aubrey gritted out, she and Hazel shooting me glares while I looked everywhere except both their judgemental eyes.I told them everything that happened, and Aubrey didn't hesitate before raining much needed insults in me while Hazel silently regarded me with her wise but wicked eyes.I was under a lot of scrutiny and hate here, but I needed it. Because of my impulsiveness and stupidity, I almost cost them their friend turned sister and godchild, and I deserved every bit of the insults they so generously rained on my head."How could you be so careless? You very well know how the beings of this kingdom are! They all want power, and the remnants of the rogue kingdom, we aren't even sure they are dead yet! What about the witches who may want your son's power for themselves, but you forgot to give her just because you weren't happy she was angry with
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