All Chapters of The Omega’s Second Chance Mate: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
159 Chapters
CHAPTER 121 New Play Toy
  Kasia made an effort to concentrate on the food that the omegas were offering her. She pushed her eggs around her plate while Janet stirred her coffee. The snickering of the women was making it hard for her to focus on the food.     "Stop frowning," Janet scolded, her disapproving tone like a sharp slap to Kasia's psyche. Her expression tightened into a scowl, the anger simmering just beneath the surface. She felt as though she were in a pressure cooker, ready to explode at any moment.     But Janet's warning rang true- if she kept this up, they would surely come over to investigate. Kasia took a deep breath, trying to calm the tumultuous emotions swirling inside her. She forced her features into a neutral mask, but her fists remained clenched at her sides, ready for action.     "Tell me, Janet," Kasia said. "Why is Lana being bullied? What is going on?"     Janet hesitated, her gaze shifting away from Kasia's intense stare. "It's not for me to tell you. Lana should be the on
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CHAPTER 122 No One Will Accept You
  Aimee stood in the shadows, her heart pounding in her chest, as she watched Janet saunter into the dining hall with Kasia. After listening to Janet introduce Kasia to Miraya, Aimee frowned. So, it was true. This was the woman Ethan had been seen with.  Aimee frowned, as Kasia was beautiful, so it didn't surprise her that she captured the Alpha King's attention. A bitter taste filled Aimee's mouth as she realized her chance to be the Alpha Queen was fading away.  "Damn her," Aimee muttered under her breath, clenching her fists at her sides. She couldn't stand by and watch this unfold any longer.  'No. We just need to put her in her place,' Aimee's wolf, Lial, said within her.  Determination fueled her actions as she waited for the opportune moment to confront Kasia, away from the prying eyes of their peers. When Kasia excused herself from the table and headed towards the restroom, Aimee followed close behind, careful not to draw attention to herself.  The restroom door creaked op
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CHAPTER 123 Mate Bond
  Ethan couldn't focus as he felt a sharp pain on his left side. Resisting the urge to yelp, he wondered, 'What the hell was that?' As the pain subsided, thoughts of Kasia flooded his mind. Was this connected to her somehow?  Quickly opening a telepathic link with Janet, Ethan's attempt to speak was abruptly interrupted. Janet lashed out at him. "As your advisor, I should be made aware of everything, yes?" she said.  "Yes, Janet, what's..." Ethan began.  "So, why wasn't I informed that Kasia is not a normal human? Is she even human?" Janet questioned.  "She's human. What's happening?" Ethan answered.  "She fought Aimee and won," Janet explained.  "No, that's impossible," Ethan protested. "Are you sure that's what happened?"  "Tell that to Aimee. They were the only two in the restroom. I intervened before it escalated, but you can see for yourself. I am sure she is on her way to complain to you," Janet explained.  Without warning, the heavy doors to Ethan's office were forcefull
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CHAPTER 124 Alpha Duties
  Kasia sat on a weathered bench, watching the lively children as they frolicked and played. A deep unease settled in her stomach, twisting and churning like a trapped animal. They were nothing like how they were explained to her. The longer she stayed here, the more and more she realized that what she was told were lies, and it had only been three days.  'Now, you're starting to understand,' the voice echoed through Kasia's mind, its mocking tone replaced with something softer. Kasia couldn't shake the feeling that she was losing her grip on reality, or perhaps this was simply her guilty conscience manifesting itself.  'So, what if I believe all of this, then that would mean they've been lying to me all these years?' Kasia's thoughts were frantic, trying to make sense of the new information.  'Of course they have. You were a vulnerable child, desperate to protect your sister at any cost,' the voice replied.  'But why? Why would they deceive me like this?'  'Why is the grass green
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CHAPTER 125 Neutral Zone
  Kasia stood outside the pack house, her fingers smoothing over the green fabric of her dress. The early evening air held a brisk chill, raising goosebumps along her bare arms. Shivering, she rubbed her hands over the sleeves of her black leggings.  This was a mistake. Going anywhere with him, especially tonight, would only lead to heartache. Denying it felt futile; this outing felt dangerously close to something she couldn't—wouldn't—put a name to.  'It's not a date,' she sternly reminded herself.  But the voice in her mind mocked her naivety. 'Oh really? Then why are you dressed up and waiting for him like a smitten schoolgirl?'  Kasia scowled, even as warmth flushed her cheeks. She wasn't smitten. Ethan was the enemy, and her traitorous heart fluttered at the thought of spending time alone with him. He was the Alpha King, a monster like the rest of them, and she was a hunter sworn to destroy his kind.  This wasn't a date; it was a mistake.  'Keep telling yourself that, suga,'
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CHAPTER 126 Milo
  Milo.  With his sandy gray hair and the slight limp in his walk, Kasia would never mistake him. He was the one who trained her, and he was also one of the top 10 lethal hunters that the Hunters had. So, for him to be here meant only a few things: he was tracking someone, he was tracking her, or he was here for the Alpha King. None of these options bode well for Kasia.  Milo turned, surprise flashing across his face, when he saw Kasia. Kasia expected his facial expression to turn into a scowl, and they would get into a fight right then and there, but Milo maintained a calm expression. He actually seemed relieved to see her.  "I could ask you the same thing," he said. "It's good to see you, Kasia."  "I'm here with...a friend," she said evasively. "I'm just blowing off some steam."  Milo raised an eyebrow. "A friend, huh? Does this friend happen to be a certain Alpha King?"  Kasia stiffened. How did he know about Ethan?  "That's not really your business," she said sharply.  Milo
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CHAPTER 127 What Happened to Her?
  Lana sat on the bench, her body tense, as she watched the couple with a mix of envy and bitterness. She took a sip of her smoothie, but instead of the sweet taste she craved, the liquid tasted like mud. A surge of anger rose within her-this should be her with someone, not alone on a bench.  "This isn't fair," Lana muttered through gritted teeth, her hands clenched into fists. But then she felt a chilling sensation-the feeling of being watched. Without looking around, she quickly got up from the bench and began to retreat back to her room.  But before she could even make it to the hallway, Lana was shoved hard against the brick wall, pain shooting through her body as rough edges dug into her skin. She whirled around in a defensive stance, only to come face-to-face with Miraya, her cold eyes boring into Lana's.  "So, you're going to fight now?" Miraya taunted with a cruel smirk.  "Just leave me alone," Lana pleaded, trying to push past Miraya. But Miraya only laughed at her feeble
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CHAPTER 128 I Should Go
  The gleaming black sports car pulled into the pack house's driveway, and Kasia's heart raced. She had not looked at Ethan since they left the city, which concerned Ethan. The prolonged contact soothed him, but this was unlike her.  Ethan glanced at Kasia, her eyes wide with fear and confusion as she clung to the hand he held in hers. The adrenaline rush from their accident faded away, leaving her shaken and drained. He saved her life; there was no denying that. Something had snapped in her, and because of that, Kasia didn't want to leave his side.  Ethan released his seatbelt, but Kasia didn't let go of his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze to reassure her. His voice was low and soothing. "We need to go inside. You have to let go now."  Kasia didn't respond; her mind was still stuck on the events that had unfolded and the danger she'd faced. She held onto his hand tighter, unable or unwilling to move away from him.  "If you don't let go, I am going to think you like me after all."
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CHAPTER 129 A Meeting
  Kasia wandered through the outskirts of the pack territory, her boots crunching on the gravel pathway. She shivered against the chill of the early morning air, drawing her jacket tighter around her.   She had locked herself away after seeing the bruise on her neck from Ethan's love nip. After two days of locking herself away from embarrassment, Kasia snuck out of the pack house in the early hours of the morning before anyone was stirring. She couldn't sleep, waking up from another fevered dream of what could have happened if she stayed in the car.  "I can't believe I kissed him. What the hell is wrong with me?" Kasia muttered to herself as she kicked a rock out of her way.  Kasia's stomach churned with unease. Ever since Ethan saved her from that deadly fall at the amusement park, her mind has been in turmoil. She still didn't understand why he had caught her and prevented her death. Kasia didn't understand why she responded the way she did when she accidentally kissed him. It was
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CHAPTER 130 The East Garden
  Upon entering the tea room, Kasia's eyes immediately locked on two unfamiliar women. Annoyance flared within her when she also spotted Miraya and Aimee seated with them. A pointed glare at Janet went unnoticed as she introduced the newcomers.  "Kasia, meet Meranda and Deanna," Janet said. "Meranda is the mate of Alpha's Beta, and Deanna is the mate of Alpha's Delta."  "It is a pleasure to meet you both," Kasia greeted them while ignoring Aimee and Miraya.  Deanna, with honey-colored skin, exuded a relaxed demeanor. She had full lips, sharp cheekbones, and tightly curled chestnut hair, but a scar that ran from the bridge of her nose to her chin marred her appearance. Curiosity flickered in her chocolate-brown eyes, hinting at a keen interest in Kasia. Toned arms and wide shoulders revealed that she was trained in hand-to-hand combat, a fact not lost on Kasia.  "You don't have to be so formal," Deanna said.  "She definitely does," Meranda retorted. "When are you going to take anyt
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