All Chapters of The Omega’s Second Chance Mate: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
159 Chapters
CHAPTER 131 The Connection
  Kasia hesitated at the door of Ethan's office, her hand hovering over the doorknob. The last time they'd spoken, they ended up passionately making out in his car, which left her breathless and confused. A shiver coursed through her body as she remembered the feel of his strong arms around her and the taste of his lips.  'You should just let him bend you over the desk. That's what you really want,' the voice within her mind taunted her. Kasia couldn't help but blush at the thought. What was she, a silly schoolgirl? With a deep breath, she forced her mind to focus on the present and pushed the door open.  "Kasia," Ethan greeted her, his piercing eyes meeting hers as he straightened up from behind his desk.  "Hey Ethan." Her voice was barely audible, betraying her unease. "You wanted to see me?"  Ethan's gaze never wavered from Kasia's eyes, making her feel more exposed than ever before. She could almost feel his thoughts probing into her soul, searching for answers that neither of
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CHAPTER 132 Don't Pay Her Attention
  Kasia kicked her door open as she stormed back to her room. 'How could I have let him do that again?' she scolded herself. Kasia paced her room, trying to forget the way he made her feel. She let out a frustrated scream.  'You should just go back there and get it out of your system,' the voice within her head said.  'You just shut up. You're not helping,' Kasia snapped.  The voice laughed and said, 'When did I say I was going to help you? I remember specifically saying I was going to make you suffer.'  "Got dammit!" Kasia groaned. She needed an outlet for the storm of emotions raging inside her, something to silence the questions that were threatening to drive her even more crazy than she was.  Kasia rummaged through her drawers, hastily grabbing workout clothes. As she tugged the tank top over her head and pulled her hair up into a puff, she was reminded of the many times she had sought refuge in physical exertion. It had always helped her find a sense of peace and order when h
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CHAPTER 133 Kasia's Blood
  "Kasia, please come back!" Brian called out, but she was already down the hallway, her footsteps echoing off the walls. She didn't hear him. The only thing that was on Kasia's mind was getting as far away from Ethan as possible.  "What is going on? Why do you need Kasia?" he asked as he waved Brian into the room as he fixed his shirt. Ethan took a deep breath, trying to get the lust he was feeling for Kasia under control. This had to be important for Brian to want to tell him information in person.  "Because she needs to hear what I have to say," Brian replied gravely, closing the door to Ethan's office with an ominous click. "But maybe it is best that she doesn't find out now. It will give you time to decide what you want to do next. You should sit down for this." He gestured toward a chair.  Ethan's heart hammered in his chest, but he remained standing, unwilling to yield even an inch. "You must have found out what the pills are made of. Is it worse than I originally expected?"
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CHAPTER 134 That's Your Problem
  Aimee rushed towards him, her eyes brimming with tears as she looked up at him. "Ethan, Kasia...she's a monster! She shifted in the middle of our spar and attacked me!" Her words were hurried and desperate. Brian began tending to Aimee's arm.  Ethan's gaze flickered between Aimee and the disheveled state of the gym, disbelief etched onto his features. He knew Kasia's capabilities, her strength, and her character, but he couldn't fathom her losing control like this without cause. She hadn't been taking the pills for over a week now. His instincts told him there was more to this story.  "Enough!" he barked, silencing the murmurs of the gathered crowd. His voice reverberated through the room, commanding attention. "Janet, tell me what happened."  Janet's voice trembled slightly as she began to recount the events. "Aimee challenged Kasia to a spar. Kasia defeated her fair and square, but Aimee refused to accept it. Then something changed in Kasia. She wasn't herself anymore. Aimee too
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CHAPTER 135 Mine
  Kasia's eyes narrowed as she assessed the situation. The rogues were sizing her up like a piece of meat, their intentions clear in their hungry gazes. She knew that even in her Lycan form, she couldn't take them all on alone. But backing down was not an option for someone like Kasia Thorne.  "Nice night for a swim, isn't it?" One of the men sneered. "You look like you could use some company."  "Thanks, but I prefer swimming solo," Kasia replied, her voice laced with disdain.  "Aw, don't be like that," another man chimed in. "We're just looking for a little fun, and you're exactly what we're looking for."  "Find it elsewhere," Kasia growled. The burning sensation surged through her body again, causing her to almost double over in pain. What was happening to her? Why was she still feeling like this? Why did the rogues not smell as bad anymore?  "Feisty, aren't you?" The third man taunted. "I like that in a woman. Let me quench that burn you're feeling."  Kasia's heart raced as sh
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CHAPTER 136 He Killed Them All
  Tony stumbled through the underbrush, his heart pounding in his chest. The gruesome scene he had just witnessed replayed in his mind: Ethan, the Alpha King, tearing apart the rogues with a ferocity that even Tony couldn't comprehend. He knew he had to get back to the hotel in Wulftree and report what had happened, but a part of him wanted nothing more than to forget it all and disappear into the shadows.  It took him a few hours, but eventually, the familiar lights of Wulftree came into view. The hotel loomed before him, a beacon of safety in the darkness. The receptionist watched him as he stumbled into the lobby.  "Sir? Are you okay?" she asked.  "I'm fine," Tony hurriedly said as he got on the elevator. He went up to his floor and rushed down the hall. Tony fumbled with the key card before pushing the door open and stepping inside.  "Tony? What are you doing here?" The voice belonged to Trey, his superior, who seemed surprised to see him back without the others. "Where's the r
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CHAPTER 137 Then Stop Fighting It!
  'I didn't think you had it in you,' her wolf said. Kasia's lips left Ethan's neck as she pulled away, her eyes glinting with a hint of satisfaction that turned into horror. What had she done? She just moved and found herself biting him.  'I didn't know what I was doing,' Kasia responded. 'I would have never marked him.'  'Sure you didn't. I didn't make you bite him,' her wolf countered. Kasia's heart was pounding in her chest, and her breath came in short gasps as she began to back off of Ethan. She wanted to get away as far as possible from him.  'No, you started this. We are going to follow through,' her wolf said, and Kasia felt as if she no longer had control over her body again. She wanted to warn Ethan about what was going to happen, but the feeling she had felt before when touching Ethan had only intensified.  Ethan watched her warily, his eyes darkening as he registered the change in her demeanor. He could see by her eyes changing colors that she was speaking with her wol
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CHAPTER 138 You Will Lose Everything
  Ethan's heart raced in his chest, pounding like the drums of war as he crouched protectively over Kasia's unconscious form. Her dark hair fanned out around her head like a raven's wing against the cold stone floor. Ethan expected her to awaken by now, but she was still in a deep sleep.  "Kasia," Ethan said, shaking her lightly. Kasia's breathing was shallow and ragged, her skin clammy beneath his fingertips. He could feel the power within her- a new and pulsating energy that made him both excited and afraid.  "Kasia," he breathed, his voice rough with emotion. "Please, wake up."  A sudden gasp echoed behind him, and Ethan tensed, his gaze snapping as he turned around. Janet stood there, her dark eyes wide with shock as she took in the scene before her. Her nostrils flared, no doubt picking up the mingling scents of blood, sweat, and something else- something different.  "Janet," he growled, feeling a flush of embarrassment and dismay wash over him at her unexpected arrival. He ha
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CHAPTER 139 Heat?
  Kasia's eyelids fluttered open, the dim light of the room slowly coming into focus. The scent of Ethan lingered in the air, a cocktail of cedar and musk that sent shivers down her spine. She was clearly wearing one of his oversized t-shirts as it was a long as a night gown on her.  As she moved to get up, a dull ache spread throughout her body, reminding her that the wet dream that she had about Ethan wasn't actually a dream. 'Did we really have sex like wild animals in the woods?' she thought.  "Girl, we rode him like a rodeo last night," the voice in her head chuckled, clearly amused by the situation.  "You don't have to remind me," Kasia groaned, her irritation momentarily overriding any lingering embarrassment. "So, you're my wolf. That is still odd to say. Who are you? What is your name?"  The voice paused for a moment before answering, a hint of sadness creeping into her tone. "I don't remember my name or anything about my previous life. All I know is that I was angry, in
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CHAPTER 140 You're Mine, Kasia
  "My mate," Kasia whispered, her voice barely audible even to her own ears. Everything makes perfect sense now. How touching him made her react the way she did. Did Ethan know this the entire time?  "Kasia," Deva responded almost hesitantly. "I know it's a shock, but you need to go and apologize to him."  "Apologize?" Kasia snapped. She wrapped her arms around her bare torso, trying to steady her frantic heart. "What do I have to apologize to him for? He kept this from me! He should have rejected me. Why would he let me mark him? What the hell was he thinking?"  "Rejecting your mate is not the easiest thing, as some would think," Deva said softly. "You need to go after him. Apologize for how you reacted earlier. You said almost the worst thing you could have ever said to your fated mate."  Kasia scoffed. "He needs to apologize to me. He has ruined my life. If he had just let Lana and me leave, if he had never kidnapped Lana in the first place, none of this would be happening."  "
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