All Chapters of The Alpha Games: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
157 Chapters
Chapter 131 - Rogue visit
Connor POV - It was an early start for Connor and, despite getting no sleep, he was wide awake as he weaved through the morning bustle of the Grey Stone pack. He had work to do. Sleep could come later. He didn’t even bother to wait for Nala to get up so he could get her up to speed. She had her task to stay in the Luna Games, and he trusted her to find a way to hold on as long as possible, just as he was sure she would trust him to get his tasks done. His new task was related to what he found out the night before, from the information Alex had shared and the files he had collected. The documents that backed up Alex’s theory were the ones containing the changes to the pack wolves, death records, births and newcomers, and the hospital admissions records. Whenever there was an influx of newcomers, the pack hospital was put under stress for weeks. It was a pattern. One he intended to follow. The other files he had grabbed were the dusty ones on Inga’s desk. He knew she wouldn’t have
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Chapter 132 - A new touch
Connor POV - Connor didn’t think twice before he walked into Inga’s house. He didn’t even bother to knock. He knew she was home. Her scent was fresh at the door, and, for once, she hadn’t randomly turned up while he was investigating, so he was sure there wasn’t anywhere else she could be. When he opened the front door however, he didn’t expect the scent of blood to be laced in the air. Immediately, he was on guard. A rush of urgency flew through his veins as he locked onto the soft noises in the house, trying to find her, but his mind scrambled as panic flooded him. “Inga?” He shouted; his voice breathy, his heart rate rocketing. “Inga!” “Urgh, shut up would you.” A voice groaned from the kitchen. Connor moved, darting down the tight hallway and bursting into the small kitchen. Inga was at the table, but it wasn’t lunch spread on its surface. A first aid kit had been emptied, its contents spilling around the table. There were three items brought to the front; a needl
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Chapter 133 - Taking watch
Connor POV - Despite her protests, Connor was the one who made them a warm cup of tea and finished tidying the table, while she settled on the couch in the front room. Inga had been adamantly against it at first but, once he threatened to carry her to the living room, she quickly backed down and hobbled off. He had no doubt she would’ve forced herself to do everything otherwise, and was certain she’d get it done, even if her stitches burst and he’d have to patch her up again. Though, maybe she wouldn’t let him a second time. The way she had stared at his touch, accepting but wary, made him think of a wild animal who was only used to being shunned. “Thank you for the files. I’ll put them to good use.” He told her, as he carried in their drinks and forced some biscuits into her hands. She had lost a lot of blood; it was a surprise she hadn’t passed out. Inga grunted a thank you but tucked in like a ravenous beast. He let her, taking a seat at the opposite end of the couch, rath
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Chapter 134 - Ambush
Nala POV - By the next morning, Nala was starting to feel a prickle of unease scurry over her skin. She still hadn’t seen Connor and, worse, he hadn’t returned to his room the previous night. She had waited up, hoping for a chance to talk to him, but when the early hours ticked over, she gave up, needing to get some rest. When morning came, she was glad she had done. There was no sign he had been to his room or even entered the packhouse the previous evening. There was no fresh scent to catch anywhere, and Nala was about to search the rest of the territory when Autumn collared her. An urgent call for the next presentation had been announced. Rather than the usual thirty-minute head start, she only had ten. Autumn had tried pulling her up the stairs, but Nala was happy to miss the event if it meant making sure Connor was okay. Her friend had smirked then and reassured her he was safe and happy. Rather than give any more details, she instead chose to run up the stairs, giggling as N
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Chapter 135 - Sweet words
Nala POV - After seeing Lewis’ so-called cell, aka Inga’s house, Nala couldn’t help but think she not only drew the short straw, but her straw was so short it was little more than dust. Inga had cared for his wounds, given him free reign of her home and treated him more like a guest than a prisoner. Her cell, on the other hand, was just that. Three cement walls and one of thick steel bars keeping her within. Despite it being beneath the packhouse, none of the warmth or inviting decor made it down to the basement. It was cold and damp and dark, its only homey amenities, a toilet and a bed. If she wasn’t in so much pain, she might’ve cared, but instead she sat on the bed trying to ignore the throbbing heat of her wrists. The initial agony, of the silver melting her flesh, had passed, but that same heat was burying deep into her flesh, making her bones ache. She could no longer feel the places the silver touched her skin, but she daren’t look at it again. The charred, bloody mess o
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Chapter 136 - Shifting support
Connor POV  -  “Only two Little Moons are left! Both have spent the day trying to win our future Alpha’s heart and, finally, he will choose his mate. Who will be our next Luna?” Alpha Phelan called to the crowded hall, rallying the Grey Stone wolves. 
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Chapter 137 - Challengers
Connor POV - Connor stood in the middle of the packhouse hall and listened to the unrest unfold, a smile on his face. There had been many who had doubted the truth the revolution had spread. It was to be expected. They were Grey stone wolves, loyal to their leaders, that didn't change with a few hasty words. However, with the proof the revolution had gathered, and Aaron's behaviour, the s
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Chapter 138 - Doubts
Nala POV - It was odd standing across from Inga, knowing she would win the fight, but a shiver of fear still traced her spine as the woman fixed her with a glare. It was all for show, but it felt real enough to get Nala’s heart pumping as they waited for the signal to start. It didn't matter that Inga was an ally, she was a scary woman. Her years of training sculpted her body into a weapon that was far more deadly than the Scian mhór blades in her hands. Her gaze was piercing, scrutinising each weakness and planning her attack. It almost made Nala miss her creepy smile. The crowd edged back as the two women faced each other. Once the challenges were announced, and Aaron could no longer find a way to back out, they had moved to open ground to carry out the fight. The flat plains worked to their advantage, giving plenty of space and no territory advantage to either wolf. Every Grey Stone wolf who had been present in the hall had joined them to watch, creating the fighting arena, sho
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Chapter 139 - A victory for them all
Nala POV - “You’re so going to lose the rematch.” Inga’s chuckle made her flinch, before the words truly registered in Nala’s mind. It was so at odds with the fear churning within her that her panic short-circuited for a moment, making her freeze. Her frenzied breath hitched, her brow furrowed, trying to comprehend the sudden change. Then the canines at her throat retracted, just enough to give her some breathing space, as the Beta dropped her voice to a whisper. “You need to go for the kill, Nala, or they could contest the win. Don’t worry. I can take it.” Inga met her gaze, her features softening, stripping away the harsh glares and terrifying grins she had played with throughout their match. She suddenly looked more like the ally they had been working with for the past few days, more like the friend she was beginning to trust. Nala realised the change was because the woman was hiding their shared words behind a sheet of hair. Her dipped head protected them from the view of th
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Chapter 140 - A pack's power to choose
Connor POV - It was hard to tear his eyes away from Inga but, with the situation still not secured, Connor still had a part to play to keep things from falling into chaos. He left the previous upper ranks under the Grey Stone warriors' care and sauntered over to join Michael. He rolled his eyes at the way his brother lorded over Aaron, pronouncing his title like he was royalty. He did like to do things with flare. “A bit over dramatic, brother.” He drawled. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Michael sniffed, though they both knew he was trying to scare the fallen Alpha and his pup into submission. It was one tactic working with Connor’s own, to back them into a corner. Brawn with brains, both working to conquer. “Brother?” Aaron hissed, looking between the pair. As did the other Grey Stone wolves who didn’t know his true identity, which was everyone besides Autumn and Inga. The latter of which was refusing to meet his gaze. He grumbled under his breath about infur
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