All Chapters of Maybe Wrong, Maybe Right: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
122 Chapters
Chapter 51
Troy I popped the boot open and removed two toiletry bags – one for each of us – and two bottles of water. She took the offered items from me and gave me a questioning look. “We don’t have running water in the cabin,” I explained. “Ah,” she said as understanding dawned. “Make sure you drink some of that water,” I reminded her. She just nodded and walked off into the woods to clean her teeth and pee where I couldn’t see her. I had no such qualms or any shame anymore. After a while, things that bother humans, stopped bothering wolves. I found the nearest tree to take care of business and brushed my teeth before polishing off the bottle of water I brought with me. When I was done, I returned to the car, threw the toiletry bag in the boot, and opened the cooler box filled with meat and a variety of drinks. I mused about the good old days, when we had cure and dry our meat if we couldn’t eat all of it within a few days. This particular cooler box was attached to a battery, with a fan
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Chapter 52
Troy There was only one bedroom in the cabin. The door was always locked unless Glover came by to clean it or I spent the weekend here. I had never shared this room with anyone else, it was my own private little sanctuary, but I wanted to share it with Quinn. The key for the door was at the mansion, but I didn’t let that stop me. I kicked the door open, aiming for the lock and ignoring the dull pain that rattled trough my bare foot and up my leg. Limping a little, I carried Quinn into the small bedroom. It was clean and made up with fresh linens. Glover knew I wouldn’t go home after the full moon. I never did. I always lingered here for a while after the pack left, enjoying the quiet before I had to go back to the chaos of the city. I lowered Quinn to the floor. “Undress,” I ordered, momentarily slipping back into my usual way of doing things. I didn't want to do it that way. It was her first time, and I wanted the moment to be as close to perfect as I could make it. Nervous ener
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Chapter 53
Quinn Troy packed everything away while I watched. I offered to help him, but he refused. I could tell that he was in his element here, that this place gave him life and joy. He hummed quietly to himself while he washed the dishes in a pot of water he heated over the fire, and carried everything back inside. I wore only his t-shirt, which almost looked like a dress on me, but the thought of driving all the way home in only a shirt made me uncomfortable. I didn’t have to worry about it. As always, he came prepared. After he put the last of the things away, he produced a dress from the back of the car, hidden away under the spare wheel like that day he came for me when I tried to get to my brothers. I undressed where I stood, pulling the simple blue slip over my head. It was the perfect day. I didn’t want to go back to the mansion and real life. We still didn’t know why Elize and Caroline worked with the Northern wolves, and I was afraid that my grandfather would come for me again. I
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Chapter 54
Quinn I fell through the dark nothingness and hit the compacted earth floor with a jarring thud. The shockwave rocketed up my body, but miraculously, I didn't hurt myself and didn't break anything. I looked around the pitch-black room, surprised by how much I could see now. Everything in the room glowed as if bathed in a soft-blue hue. I could see the heat of Troy’s body and the blood soaking into the floor. I could see well enough not to hurt myself, but I wasn't sure my vision was good enough to perform surgery. I couldn't do this. It was too much. I wasn't a surgeon. Just a failed ballerina that lucked out and found a man. A good man at that. One that cared about me. He'd do it for me. He'd do much more for me. He'd go to the ends of the earth if that was what he had to do. The thought popped unbidden into my head, but I knew it was true. I shook the doubt off and rushed over to the middle of the room where I knew the light bulb dangled. Again, it was Salome that found the sw
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Chapter 55
Sebastian I sat on my bed, licking my wounds, trying to wrap my mind around the knowledge that I’d never see Mario again. He shouldn’t have died, wouldn’t have died if he hadn’t grabbed Tony. Fat lot of good that did him. They both died anyway. I went back to look for them after I made sure that Quinn was safe. I found Mario and Tony not far from where the shockwave tore us off our feet. A piece of concrete crushed my mate’s skull. I couldn’t bring myself to remove the concrete block. There was no need. I could tell he was dead. He was already cold by the time I made it back, his magnificent scent mixing in with the stench of death. I didn’t want to see his beautiful face all bloody and ruined. I wanted to remember him how he was. I hoped his death came fast. It was an awful way to die. Tony lay next to Mario. By the looks of things, he bled out from numerous wounds caused by flying shrapnel. It wasn’t until I saw the carnage caused by the bombs that I realised how lucky Quinn an
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Chapter 56
Troy I woke up lying in a slurry of my own bloody mud. I came so close to dying that I saw the star planes. Beautiful wasn't a good enough word to describe it. The majesty of the cosmos on full display in all its spectacular glory lay ahead for me to enjoy. My mother sat in a garden surrounded by water and trees. A gaggle of little boys who looked a lot like me ran around, playing and tackling each other, their happy laughter ringing throughout the cosmos.Boys I somehow knew were my older brothers, my father’s many failed attempts at making the ultimate Lycan. The chosen one meant to defeat all his enemies. Suddenly, I understood my mother so much better, and my heart filled with nothing but the purest forgiveness. I finally understood her. Why she gave up. Why she was afraid to love me too much. How many times did my father put her through that torture? Conceiving a child using the evilist of magic, the pain and suffering of carrying that child, giving birth to him, just to watc
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Chapter 57
Troy “I look like a wet cow,” Quinn lamented and pulled her soggy hair out of her neck. I laughed and straightened the dress that clung to her wet body. Unlike me, Missus Lowry remembered to pack underwear for her, but the bottles of potions lay untouched in the bottom of the pack. “No you don’t,” I said. To me, she was more beautiful than ever. “But I can braid your hair if it annoys you that much.” She gave me a sceptical look. “You can braid hair?” “I'm three-hundred-and-fifty years old…I need to pass the time somehow.” “So you learned to braid hair?” I grinned and pulled her closer. “Lycan warriors used to wear their hair long, and before we went into battle we'd braid it.” “Like the Vikings?” “Similar, yeah.” She handed me the brush that we found in the pack, and I quickly set to work, folding her hair around my fingers before I start to weave the strands in the intricate warrior braids I used to wear. It was like riding a bike – once I started, I easily found my rhythm a
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Chapter 58
Quinn “Did you believe him?” I asked Troy when my uncle was gone. “Do you think he’ll take care of my brothers?” “I do, yeah,” Troy answered, “but I’m also not a fool. He lied to me about some things.” Before I could even ask what those things were, Troy’s eyes glazed over, and I glanced up at Sebastian, who watched his brother with a small frown between his eyes. Before long, Troy’s eyes cleared, and he gave me a lopsided little smile. “There,” he said. “There what?” I asked. “What did you do?” “I sent someone to find your brothers. Thomas said they’re in the East, but the Eastern Wolves and Northern wolves kill each other on sight. Your brothers will be in either the South or the West. Thomas wouldn’t risk entering the East by himself.” “Depends which part of the East he went to,” Sebastian remarked. “No, it really doesn’t,” Troy told him. “Why does it matter?” I asked. “Five kings, Quinn,” my mate explained. “North, South, West, North-East and South-East.” “So the East is
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Chapter 59
Quinn“You drive,” Troy said when we reached the SUV. “I cannot do one more thing today.”He looked exhausted, and he was still pale. I was tired too, but I didn’t lose all my blood and almost died. “Are we…are we going to your father or what’s the deal?”Troy yawned and shook his head. “Not today. We'll go home, get a good night's sleep, and leave first thing in the morning.”“You told that detective-”“Well, Quinn,” he interrupted, “a lot have happened since then and now, didn’t it? I just want to go home. Or is that too much to ask?”His voice was calm and cold as always. He never yelled. He snapped and snarled, he growled and threatened, but I’ve never heard him scream. Not at me.I hated it."No," I said softly and unlocked the car.I got in behind the wheel and adjusted my seat while Troy made himself comfortable on the back seat. I glanced at him in the rear view mirror. He glared at me, his jaw working furiously. “Are you…going to punish me?” I asked softly.“No. I never beat,
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Chapter 60
Troy I summoned Glover to my room the moment we set foot in the mansion. There was no way I’d get sleep without one of Missus Lowry’s remedies, and I couldn't face my father while I was fucked up and sleep-deprived. He'd break me down to a stump within minutes. As I walked up the stairs, every part of me wanted to turn back around to go and comfort Quinn, but I forced myself to leave her and keep going. If she could handle the pain of me ignoring her for a few hours, maybe she would be able withstand my father, but my hopes for that weren't too high. Despite knowing exactly where it came from, her outburst cut me up like ribbons. Other mates had called me worse names, but hearing that word fall from Quinn’s lips almost destroyed my soul. One word. One little insult. But it was enough. That was all it took to break my hopeful heart. And still, I would forgive her eventually. I knew she did not mean any of it, that she was so very afraid, that she was changing faster than she could h
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