All Chapters of Maybe Wrong, Maybe Right: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
122 Chapters
Chapter 61
QuinnThe massive castle rose out over the forest, the high towers and dark, sand-coloured walls standing out starkly against the green like a sentry against the setting sun.What surprised me wasn’t the castle. It was that I’d seen it before. Everyone had. It was heralded in as one of the last great castles in the country and featured in many historical records and magazine articles. We even studied it in school. “This is your family’s castle?” I asked.“You know it,” Troy stated as fact.“Yeah. Everyone does.”“Uh-huh,” he grunted."Why didn't you tell me?""I didn't think about it."He was tense, the muscles around his jaws clenched as tightly as the fists in his lap. I tried to mind link with him, but failed.The back of my skull buzzed and then I heard his voice. “Are you trying to mind link?”“Yeah. It’s still not working.”“Patience, Quinn. It takes time.”“Don’t you like it here?”“No, I love it here. It’s my father I can’t stand.”“Maybe it won’t be as bad as all that.”He si
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Chapter 62
**TRIGGER WARNING: BDSM scenes** Quinn Troy was agitated. He paced around the room, his fists clenching and unclenching, his eyes cycling between red and golden, his chest heaving as it did the day before, when I pissed him off. I had no idea how I knew, but he was struggling to keep Vortigen under control. The room was clean, but big and cold. A fire roared in the massive fireplace, but it barely managed to keep the cold draft that swirled around the room at bay. I sat on the edge of the gigantic four-poster bed. The mattress was soft at least and felt modern, but the frame of the bed was obviously the same age as the castle. “Are you okay?” I asked Troy. He stopped his relentless pacing and stared at me, his eyes flashing in the dark. “No,” he growled at last. “Vortigen is on edge, and the monster…” he shrugged and started pacing again. There was one, tiny window in the room, covered with a weird kind of glass that distorted the outside view. I didn’t even know if it could open
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Chapter 63
Troy Quinn continued to surprise me. She was the one ultimately in control, and I thought that maybe she knew it, even if she couldn’t express it in a way that made sense to her. The control I had over her in the bedroom was all an illusion. A game we both agreed to play. And she relished in it. Loved it. Giving in to me, trusting me not to push her too far, was the ultimate form of submission – and she so desperately needed that in her life. She needed to submit to someone, needed to let go and hand over control to someone she loved and trusted, while I needed to get myself back under control. The way that she so instinctively knew what I needed absolutely blew me away. She didn’t know where to draw the line though. While she felt she hadn’t submitted enough yet, I knew that we were going too hard too fast, and I had to be the one who ended it, or she’d keep pushing herself until she reached a cliff she wasn’t ready to jump. I was so horny, my cock so hard, that I was about read
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Chapter 64
Troy Next to me, Quinn bolted upright and started screaming at the top of her lungs. Her eyes were wide open and wilder than that of a feral wolf. The scream that echoed in the room was filled with sorrow and abject terror. The kind I’d heard from she-wolves when they found their mate dead on the battlefield, or a mother who came across her child that succumbed to the cold during the night. “No,” Quinn gasped and started to claw at her throat, digging her nails in deep, leaving deep, bloody furrows behind. “No. We have to get out. I can't breathe! I can't...” The door to our room crashed open and Raf came running in, followed by Lucas and Casper. “Prince? What’s wrong?” Raf asked. All three of them noticed that Quinn was naked from the waist up and as one lowered their eyes to the floor. “I don’t know,” I said and turned sideways so I could grab Quinn’s wrists. I forced her hands away from her throat and wrestled them into her lap. “Wake up!” I said loudly. Quinn started to stru
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Chapter 65
Troy“Where are we going?” Quinn asked.We had been on the road for an hour. The castle was far behind us, but we were still in the mountainous woods that were part of my father’s territory.“We are going home,” I answered.“Won’t your father be there?”“You tell me,” I said and looked straight at her.“I- I- no, I don’t know.”I sighed and took her hand. “It’s okay. We don’t get to choose what we see and when we see it.”“I hear there are prophets that can command the future to reveal itself,” Casper piped up from the front seat.“Shut up,” I said to him. “No one asked you.”Justin glanced over his shoulder at us. “We should go into the city. Hide among the humans.”“Keep your eyes on the road,” I growled.I was in a terrible mood. I could kick myself for missing the warning signs. I knew what kind of person my father was, the lengths he’d go to, to hang on to his power and I walked into his trap like a naïve little pup.“Troy,” Quinn said. “Can you?” She tapped the side of her head
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Chapter 66
Quinn The seven Lycan women followed me into the mansion, running behind me on their tip-toes, unconcerned with their nudity now that the men's eyes weren't on them. They smelled revolting. A mixture of wet dog, sweat, and general bad hygiene, but I couldn’t fault them for that – I wasn’t exactly a walking cherry blossom. It was strange, but I already forgot how bad people could smell after only a few days. They all looked to be about my age, but because they were immortal, it was impossible to tell how old they truly were. “Where should we take them?” I asked Missus Lowry. “My room?” The housekeeper's already sour face pulled into a disapproving frown. “No, Madam. That is…a bad idea.” I looked over my shoulder at the terrified girls. “Just so they can wash and dress,” I said. “They’re scared of their men.” “Their fathers will protect them,” Missus Lowry replied. Behind me, one of the girls snorted loudly. “Oh please. Our fathers will sell us to a filthy human if he paid them e
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Chapter 67
Quinn I sat cross-legged on the bed, flipping through the magazine. Every photograph in the magazine captured my attention. Some of the depicted scenes made me curious, turned me on even, but others scared or downright repulsed me. Just like the werewolf world, I knew nothing of this dark, kinky world either. This world where people mixed pleasure and pain to reach the ultimate orgasmic high. I didn’t even question it. I just fell into as if it was the most natural thing to do. Maybe it was. Maybe some of us were just wired to thrive in the kind of darkness that scared other people away. I was vaguely aware of the bathroom door opening and Troy walking back into the room, bringing his clean, fresh scent with him. “What are you looking at?” he asked. I tore my eyes from the full-colour spread of a woman wrapped from head to toe in black latex. A man dressed in a suit tied her to a wooden block, completely immobilising her. The thought of being wrapped up like that made me breathle
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Chapter 68
Troy“It’s a nice day,” I said. “Want to go for a swim?”Quinn gave me a dubious look. I felt her hesitation. “I don’t…not with all the Lycans outside.”“You don’t like having them here?” I know she didn’t. I felt the shiver of resentment running through her when she said the word Lycan.“The girls are okay. I like them…well, most of them. I can’t stand Margie. She’s just the werewolf version of Caroline.”I laughed and swept hair out of her face. “Yeah, she’s a piece of work-” I rolled off the bed to get my trunks -“but not as bad as Caroline.”I walked into my closet and stared straight at the painting of my prophesied mate, the one the witch gave me ten years ago. It had been there, hidden behind my row of suits, for nearly five years. Someone moved it. Glover? My father?I decided to worry about it later.I picked the heavy painting up, and quickly moved it to its original place. I didn’t want Quinn to see it. Not yet. I’d already overwhelmed her with big and terrifying news, and
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Chapter 69
Troy I peered at Quinn. As per usual, she handled the stress and rapid changes going on around and inside her with remarkable calm, taking everything in her stride. “How are you?” I asked. She shrugged, grabbed a peeler from the counter, and took her bowls and vegetables to the table. She sat down on one of the benches and simply started to peel the carrots. “I’m okay,” she finally answered. “Really? A lot has happened.” “Yes, and? A lot seems to happen around you. I decided to just go with it...flow with the tide.” “You don’t have anything on your mind, things that are bugging you?” “Yes,” she replied. “I want to know how you ended up in Haverton.” Unwilling to talk about that part of my past, I started to add spices to the meat. “War is expensive. My father sent me here to earn money.” Quinn looked up from her work. “You’re lying.” “No, I’m not.” “But there’s more to the story.” It wasn’t a question. Her instincts were developing much faster than I anticipated, and unsurpr
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Chapter 70
Quinn My head was pounding and the buzzing in the back of my skull was driving me insane, but it was worth it if it meant I could learn a little more about Troy. With ever minute that passed, I understood him a little better. My mate broke our mind link and took his plate of raw meatballs over to the stove. “That’s it?” I asked. “That is not the whole story.” “Taking a break,” he said. “It’s difficult to maintain a mind link for this long. Even for me.” He opened the fridge and took out a can of beer. “Do you want one?” he asked. “I don’t like beer. Too bitter.” He chuckled. “There’s some cider…and these strawberry cocktail things.” "I'll just have water...or juice." "I really suggest something alcoholic. It helps with the mind link." "Why?" Troy shrugged. "I think because it relaxes you a little." “Give me the strawberry cocktail thing, then.” He pulled the bottle out of the fridge, opened it and handed it to me. Without even looking at the label I downed half the bottle i
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