All Chapters of The Alpha's Bounty: His Runaway Luna: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
81 Chapters
11. Roses
AellaSo the next day was wild. Lunchtime rush, orders flying, the espresso machine whirring like a monster—that kind of wild. I was knee-deep in the chaos, and then the doorbell chimed. My heart did this stupid little leap because I didn’t even have to look up because I have his earthy forest scent memorized. Jay walks in, and he has a rose in his hand. A single red rose. Could the guy be any more cliche? But deep down, I was kind of touched.He waits in line, his eyes catching mine every now and then. I try to focus on the coffee I was making, trying to keep my hands from shaking. Finally, he was at the counter. “A latte, please,” he said, sliding the rose toward me. “And this is for you. I’m really sorry about last night.”I take a deep breath, feeling everyone’s eyes on us. “Thank you for the rose, Jay. And the apology is accepted. But I haven’t changed my mind. You had your chance.”He nods, almost like he was expecting it. “Fair enough. Can’t blame a guy for trying, though.”I
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12. A Date With Fate
AellaIt’s 6:45 PM and I’m pacing. My date with Jay starts in fifteen minutes, and I swear I’ve changed my outfit like three times already. Goddess, it’s like déjà vu— I just hope it’s not the same film replaying.My phone buzzes on the coffee table—it’s a text from him saying he’s on his way. A weird mix of excitement and nerves bubbles up in my stomach. OH MY GOD IT’S HAPPENING, ISN’T IT?When the clock hits 7:00, there’s a knock at the door and my heart literally stops for a few seconds. Deep breath, Aella. I swing it open, and there he is, looking... damn, he’s in a three-piece suit, and he looks like he walked straight out of a magazine.“Wow, someone cleans up nice,” I say, greeting him with a smile I hope doesn't show my discomfort or nerves.For a moment, he just stands there, his green eyes widening as they sweep over me from head to toe. The corners of his mouth twitch, as if fighting the urge to break into a full-on grin, yet he somehow maintains a composed demeanor.“You..
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13. She's Getting To You
RomanThe door clicks shut in front of me as I step away from Aella’s apartment, the soft click echoing in the quiet hallway. My lips, still tingling from our kiss, and a smile creeps onto my face before I can stop it. I touch my lips with my fingertips, almost as if confirming that the kiss really happened; the taste of her still lingers on mine.What the hell is happening to me? As I walk toward my apartment, I pull out my phone and hesitate, my thumb hovering over Kaden’s contact. Fuck it. I hit the call button.“It’s me,” I say when he picks up. “Date’s over. It went well.”Kaden chuckles. “I didn’t think you’d be the type to ‘date.’”“I’m not,” I snap. “It’s part of the plan.”“All right, easy,” Kaden says. “So, how’d it go, really?”I hesitate, my eyes drifting back to Aella’s door up the hall. “She’s... interesting.”“Just interesting?”I frown. “She’s different, okay? She doesn’t act like the others.”“Ah, our little bird has some spirit,” Kaden muses.“Yeah, well, spirit or
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14. Followed
AellaI wake up to the soft rays of morning light filtering through the curtains and or a moment, I simply lay there, my eyes closed, a smile stretched across my face. The memories of last night’s date with Jay—our laughter, the shared glances, and especially that electrifying kiss—floated through my mind like a sweet melody.Rubbing my eyes, I sat up, swinging my legs over the side of the bed. My feet touched the cool floor, and I felt invigorated, as if I were walking on air. I padded to the bathroom and splashed cold water on my face, meeting my own reflection with a grin.“Today is going to be a good day,” I whisper to myself.After a quick shower, I threw on a simple T-shirt and jeans, my usual work attire, but today it felt different, like I was dressing for a special occasion. I braided my hair to the side and even put on a bit of mascara and lip gloss. Why not? It was a day worth celebrating, even if it was just another Wednesday.As I got my things ready to head out, my pho
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15. Into His Arms
AellaThe blaring of my alarm clock was so loud, it felt like it was piercing through my eardrums. I groan, my head feeling like it was stuffed with cotton balls. The hours stretched on, and with every passing moment, the haunting memories and gnawing paranoia seemed to grow stronger. I dragged myself out of bed, my body aching for the rest it couldn’t have.The shower is cold that morning, jolting me awake. I need to get my head into gear right now, I can’t afford to be distracted at work.As I made my way to the café, each step felt like a marathon. My footsteps echoed through the quiet morning streets, with the sound of my headache pulsing in time with each step.The familiar chime of the café door greeted me, but even the comforting scent of coffee couldn’t lift my spirits. I ambled to the counter, where Sam gave me a concerned look.“You alright?” he asks, his eyebrows knitting together.“Yeah, I’m fine,” I mutter. “Just a rough night.”The morning rush began, and I found myself
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16. I Don't Hover. I Protect What's Mine
RomanI’m standing at the entrance of my building, wondering what the hell was wrong with Aella this morning. She seemed so uneasy, distant even. But before I can untangle another thread of that thought, I see her. She’s running toward me like a spooked deer, her eyes wide and brimming with something that looks dangerously like fear. My heart doesn’t usually do somersaults, but it damn well does one now.“Ella, what’s—” I breathe out as she all but slams into me, wrapping her arms around me like a lifeline. Something unfamiliar coils inside me. It’s a strange blend of concern and an almost primal sense of possession.“Someone’s following me!” she says, looking behind her frantically before burying her head into my chest. I have to stifle a possessive growl as my eyes shimmer to Alpha crimson, peering into the darkness to try to make out if someone is truly behind her. But I don’t see or smell anything at all.It’s like a switch is flipped; not just concern, but something more raw. P
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17. The Devil You Know
AellaAs I unlock my apartment door and step inside, I can’t help but feel an odd sense of relief mixed with confusion. Tonight was a rollercoaster of emotions—fear, vulnerability, and an unexpected comfort in the form of Jay.My fingers absentmindedly drift to the place on my arm where he held me, as if I could still feel the warmth there.“I’ll walk you home from now on,” he’d promised. Something about the way he said it felt almost territorial. As if he was staking his claim, making sure the world knew I was off-limits. But that couldn’t be right. This was Jay, the guy who always kept a safe emotional distance. Could he be the same person who’d held me tightly last night, his grip almost desperate?I shake my head, trying to clear my thoughts. I need to focus on the more immediate problem: someone’s been following me. Two nights in a row. And though it’s terrifying, the presence of Jay beside me on those nighttime walks makes it more bearable. Is this how I’m going to live now? L
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18. Ladrón Cartel
RomanI close the door behind me, my apartment dark and eerily quiet as if sensing the storm that brews within me. I take off my coat and throw it on the chair. My phone buzzes on the kitchen counter, the screen lighting up to display Kaden’s name. I consider letting it go to voicemail but relent, picking it up on the last ring.“What is it?” My voice is terser than I intended.“Got that surveillance footage you asked for,” Kaden says, cutting to the chase. “This is fucked up and something we definitely didn't prepare for, Ro. It’s the Ladrón Cartel.”I pinch the bridge of my nose, closing my eyes as if that could somehow shield me from the gravity of his words. The Ladrón Cartel. A knot of loathing tightens in my gut. I had hoped to avoid this complication, hoped that maybe Aella’s stalking was just a random, disconnected event.“Do they know?” I ask, my voice barely above a whisper.“Not sure, but why else would they be after Aella?” Kaden replies, uncertainty clouding his usually c
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19. Comfy Chic
AellaI wrap myself tighter in my fluffy robe, staring blankly at the Net-flix home screen. It’s asking if I’m still watching, and I can’t muster the will to click ‘Continue.’ I’ve taken the day off, not really telling anyone why. My phone sits on the coffee table, neglected, buzzing occasionally with messages and calls I’m currently ignoring.There’s a half-eaten bowl of ice cream next to me and a pile of tissues on the other side. My tiny apartment feels like both a sanctuary and a prison, and I’m wallowing in the tension of that paradox.I startle when there’s a soft knock on the door. For a moment, I consider pretending I’m not home, but the knock repeats—gentle, patient. With a sigh, I drag myself off the couch and look through the peephole. It’s Jay. My heart jumps, and the fog of my self-imposed pity party lifts slightly. I rush to clean up the discarded tissues and switch off my laptop before flattening my hair and pulling my robe around my waist.When I open the door, he’s h
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20. The Only Work Of Art Is Her
RomanI take a deep breath, gathering my thoughts as I dial her number. It’s been a week since our lunch—when I had casually infiltrated her day-off fortress of pajamas and comfort food—and I’m itching to see her again.“Hello?”“Hey, Ella, it’s Jay,” I say, pleased by the instant warmth in her voice when she recognizes it’s me.“Hey, how have you been?”“Good, good. Listen, are you free this weekend? There’s something I think you’ll really enjoy.”She sounds genuinely excited as she accepts, her curiosity piqued when I don’t divulge any details. I hang up with a sense of satisfaction that borders on smugness. She’s intrigued, and that’s a start.***Her eyes widen when she realizes where we are and the look on her face does something to my heart that I don’t know if I like or loathe.“Oh my God, Jay…” she trails off, her heartbeat picking up its pace as she places her hand into mine. “This is … unexpected.”I watch her every move as we arrive at the gallery opening, her eyes growing
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