All Chapters of The Alpha's Bounty: His Runaway Luna: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
81 Chapters
31. Was I Just A Mission To You?
AellaI look at the man I thought I fell for, and all I see is the monster I tried to run away from.“You’re right, though,” I say, scoffing and struggling to maintain composure after those words. “I didn’t hate Jay, a figment of your twisted imagination. You, Roman, I loathe. I will never forgive you for what you did to me.”“I don’t need your forgiveness,” he says, his voice colder than I’ve ever heard it. “You can hate me all you want. Be my wife, bear my children, and open your legs when needed and satisfy me. That’s all I require.”His words feel like they physically assault me. Disbelief, rage, and humiliation are all vying for my attention and overwhelming me. He’s stripping away the romanticism from our relationship and turning it into a business transaction. “I will never be your Luna, or your wife,” I say, locking eyes with him. It’s a futile attempt to break through his icy exterior, but I can’t stop myself.He sighs and moves away from me. “I think you misunderstand the s
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32. A Question Mark
RomanThe moment I stepped into my office, I could sense that my carefully constructed facade of control was beginning to crumble. Despite my best guards watching Aella, my insides were still filled with restless anger.I sit back in my leather chair, staring at the mahogany desk that’s seen better days. It’s cluttered with maps, reports, and my damn laptop, all screaming at me that I’ve done what I set out to do. I got Aella back; Esteban is locked up, waiting for his inevitable fate. The mission is complete, but sitting here, in this room, I’ve never felt more incomplete. And that realization is the most crippling of all.I grind my teeth, annoyed at myself. I’ve been leading this pack since I was barely out of my teens, made hard calls—calls that would make a lesser man crumble. But here I am, second-guessing every choice that led me to this moment. And it’s not the mission; it’s her. It’s always been HER.I drum my fingers on the table, each tap sending a jolt through me, like I
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33. A Captivating Captive
AellaToday is supposed to be one of the happiest days of my life, or so the seamstress tells me as she flits around me like a fairy godmother, making sure the wedding dress fits perfectly. I’m standing in front of the floor-length mirror, and for a second, I can appreciate the artistry of the gown—its intricate lace, the delicate beadwork, and the soft glow of the ivory fabric. “You look absolutely stunning, my Luna-to-be,” the seamstress gushes, stepping back to admire her handiwork. “I’ll give you a few moments to yourself.” With that, she sweeps out of the room, leaving me alone with my reflection.It’s a beautiful dress, a masterpiece really, but it’s for a life I never chose. The soft fabric clings to my body, adorned with intricate lace designs that seem almost too beautiful for this moment, too pure for what it’s about to signify.I stare at myself, noticing how much of a stranger I look like now. For two years I had my blonde dyed black. But that color has been stripped, so
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34. I Serve The Pack, Not You
AellaI sit up in bed, taking in the morning light that filters through the curtains. It casts a golden glow over the room, softening the edges of furniture and painting a deceptive picture of serenity. I know it’s a lie. It’s as if even the light knows it doesn’t belong here. Just like me.This is my last morning in this room, my final moments as the Aella who had dreams beyond the boundaries of a cold, empty marriage. The guest room has been comfortable but temporary—a perfect analogy for my life up to this point. It’s all changing today, whether I like it or not.I stand up, my bare feet touching the cold floor. Everything feels colder today, even the air that I breathe. I head to the bathroom, turning on the shower. I don’t even wince as the water turns hot against my skin; I welcome the burn. Physical sensations are a distraction, a momentary respite from the thoughts that have been gnawing at me.As I look at myself in the mirror, I see my reflection almost as if for the first
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35. Dress
AellaThe moment we step into the car, a silent void envelops us, a hallowed tension that swallows any words I might have considered saying. Roman sits beside me, his eyes forward, his posture rigid and his hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. He’s lost in thought. So am I.The engine hums a monotonous tune, blending with the distant chirping of evening crickets. My mind races, churning thoughts that won’t settle. Roman, my husband; the word still feels foreign on my tongue. “Husband.” The heaviness of the word settles on my chest, and I find it hard to breathe.The leather of the car seat sticks to the back of my gown, making me uncomfortably aware of the layers of fabric encasing me. I glance at Roman, wondering what he’s thinking. Does he sense my apprehension, my trepidation about the night that lies ahead? Tonight’s expectations wrap around me like invisible chains, chafing my very essence. The very word “duties” leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. And yet, duty is what b
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36. A Glimpse Of What Might Have Been
RomanI wake up to a different reality than I expected—the subtle glow of morning light, the serenity of a quiet room, and, unexpectedly, the warmth of another body beside me. My mind is hazy with the last vestiges of sleep, and I’m in that brief, beautiful space where the weight of yesterday hasn’t quite settled back onto my shoulders.It’s only when I sense the arm slung over my chest and the legs entangled with mine that it hits me. Aella is holding me.My heart lurches in my chest, an adrenaline surge that jolts me fully awake. I lay frozen, scarcely daring to breathe, fearful of disturbing the fragile equilibrium we’ve found in the realm of sleep. She’s close, so close I can feel the rhythmic pattern of her breathing, and I’m reminded, with a sudden pang, of the first time we shared a bed.That night, duty ripped me away before dawn, leaving me with only the haunting image of Aella’s peaceful face and the memory of what could’ve been. I’d stepped out of that room as Alpha, should
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37. I'm Not A Pretty Decoration
Aella As I walk down the corridor, each step feels like a battle against myself. What am I even doing? Questioning my Alpha, the very man who rules the entire pack, about my role? Still, something compels me to press on. It’s been two weeks and I’ve done nothing; just hosting dinner parties while scowling at him.I’m done sidelining myself, done being the Luna who’s seen but not heard. My upbringing, my training; it all screams for me to be more involved, to understand the inner workings of the pack I’m now a part of.The door to Roman’s office is deceptively simple—a polished wooden barrier that stands as the last line of defense between his world of pack politics and high-stakes decisions, and the rest of the estate. Every time I’ve stood before it, hand poised to knock, my heart has drummed out a rhythm of uncertainty and anticipation.I’m about to give up again when I hear his voice and my heart leaps into my throat. “Come inside, Aella.”Of course, he knew I was here.Swallowing
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38. The Western Border
AellaThe SUV’s engine hums beneath me, filling the space with a quiet but constant reminder that life, like the world outside the tinted windows, keeps moving. Roman sits beside me, his phone pressed to his ear. He’s speaking Russian, a language I can’t decipher, but the cadence of his voice is hypnotic. The man becomes something else when he’s focused—like a sleek blade drawn from a hidden sheath.He’s dressed today in a way that could almost be criminal: black jeans molded to his form, a white t-shirt that seems tailored to tease the imagination, and a black leather jacket that screams confidence. His blonde hair is doing that thing again—falling rebelliously over his forehead, refusing to be tamed. Just like the first day I laid eyes on him.I know I should be immune to his allure by now. But, God help me, the man looks gorgeous today; he looks sinfully, distractingly gorgeous. And I can’t afford to be distracted.Our driver informs us we’re nearing our destination. It’s then I
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39. Snapped String
AellaInside the black SUV, the silence is almost eerie. I sit with my hands resting on my lap, staring out at the blurred pine trees whisking by through the tinted windows. It’s as if the world outside exists on a different plane, far removed from the storm of emotions surging within me. The SUV’s leather seats, the quiet hum of its engine, the soft breeze from the AC—all of it feels surreal in the aftermath of what I’ve just witnessed. What we’ve just done.Roman sits across from me, separated by the narrow aisle of the car, but it might as well be a mile for how distant he seems. He’s on his phone again, the deep baritone of his voice rhythmic and fluid as he speaks in Russian. He’s all focus, intensity, authority. I shouldn’t find it as attractive as I do, but there’s no denying the heat that rises within me at the sound. He looks gorgeous today, even more so without a shirt now. And I hate myself for noticing, for caring, for feeling anything other than the detached respect owe
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40. Freefall
RomanShe looks different when she’s asleep—softer, more innocent. The room is dim, and the soft glow from the bedside lamp casts a halo around her, heightening the angelic illusion. In this slumbering state, she looks pure, untouched by the sins of the world or the darkness that festers within me. It’s easier to fool yourself into thinking that’s all there is to a person when you see them like this. But I know better now.She looks so damn innocent lying there, but I’ve seen the storm in her eyes, the same kind that’s in me. The realization is as exhilarating as it is terrifying. I’ve glimpsed something else—a darkness, a wildness that echoes my own.I lean against the doorway, arms folded across my chest, taking her in. There’s a dangerous pull there, an almost magnetic force drawing me to her, and I find it harder and harder to resist. It’s strange how a person can shift from someone you thought you knew to someone who challenges everything you thought you wanted. She’s become th
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