All Chapters of Shy: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
275 Chapters
"I don't want to know what would happen if they got their claws into me," Brooklyn admitted and grinned sheepishly. "Am I mean for judging them so quickly?""Not at all," Sasha laughed. "They are bitches, trust me. You don't want to be in that 'clique'.""I'll take your word for it," Brooklyn nodded and looked down at her timetable. "Hey, can you help me find my lesson, since Brandon ditched me?""Course, what have you got?" Sasha wondered and looked at Brooklyn's timetable. "History, I have the same lesson, let's go!" She said happily and turned on her heel and started walking down the busy corridor with Brooklyn.Brooklyn studied Sasha as they walked. She was pretty, with short brown hair and a doll like face. She seemed rather confident and didn't look like she would take shit from anyone. She was nice enough to help the random new girl, that earned her a tick in Brooklyn's books."What's up, bitch?" Sasha said casually as they walked into a half filled classroom. Sasha grinned at
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"I wouldn't say Harry is scary like Greyson, I would say he is threatening," Sasha corrected."They sound lovely," Brooklyn said and chuckled. "I'll make sure to stay clear of them.""If we see them we'll point them out so you can hide. They're probably going to be interested in you because you're new. We hardly ever get new people in this town.""Great," Brooklyn muttered."You'll be fine, they aren't that bad. Just be careful around Greyson and Harry," Sasha instructed."If Kal does anything stupid then I'll just fill his locker with fish guts again," Alice shrugged and laughed. "I'd pay to see his reaction again."*Brooklyn was lucky enough to have most of her lessons with Sasha, Alice and Violet who Brooklyn had been introduced to. Violet was pale with long dark hair, reminding Brooklyn of Violet out of The Incredibles.The three girls seemed lovely and Brooklyn clicked with them immediately. They had informed her of all the schools gossip and pointed out everyone of importance.
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"Bonjour, bonjour! Come in, sit, my lovely children!" Brooklyn turned to look at Sasha with a raised eyebrow when she saw her French teacher. She was 4,11, wrinkly, had greying hair, bright pink glasses and was grinning madly at the passing students. "We call her Mrs Mental," Sasha whispered and Brooklyn stifled a laugh as the girls took a seat towards the back of the classroom. "She's a lovely old dear, but she's as nutty as you can get." Brooklyn chuckled. "I suck at French," she admitted. Sasha grinned. "Welcome to the club. Alice used to be in this class, but she got kicked out." "Why?" Brooklyn wondered and Sasha laughed. "She watched an episode of Friends," Sasha said and smirked. "She thought it would be funny to copy Joey from the episode when he was learning French. Yeah... It didn't go down well with the elderly French teacher who nearly broke down because Alice wouldn't stop. Arguably, it was hilarious, but I don't think Mrs Mental appreciated Alice's hard graft into
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randon swallowed, but forced a confident demeanour that was full of cracks. "No.""You sure? We can take it outside if you want to say something," Greyson threatened."He said no," Brooklyn spoke up. "You can leave now."Greyson turned to Brooklyn and raised his eyebrows. "And you are?""None of your business," Brandon snapped."I'm pretty sure she can answer for herself," Greyson scolded and looked back to Brooklyn who tucked a piece of curly blonde hair behind her ear."I'm currently a girl who is trying to get her work done in peace," she said with a sweet smile. "Please leave us alone."Harry tutted and Brooklyn raised her eyebrows at him. "Rude," he said and pursed his lips. "Not very nice.""I could say the same about you," she retorted."He threatened your cousin," Harry said, his deep, velvety voice making Brooklyn's insides feel like goo. He pointed at Greyson. "Not me.""Stop talking to her," Brandon said. "Leave us alone."Harry raised his eyebrows at Brandon and looked at
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Brooklyn frowned when she realised she had been running for a long time and the sky was starting to darken.Her music was blaring as she ran through the woods, so she was completely unprepared when she crashed into a chest."Jesus!" Brooklyn cried in shock and looked up with wide eyes as she stumbled back from the person she had crashed into. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going-" She gasped when her foot caught a branch sticking out of the ground and she squeezed her eyes shut, waiting for the ground to swallow her up.Firm hands grabbed Brooklyn's shoulders and her eyes flew opened in fear. She looked up with wide eyes and was met with Harry's vibrant green orbs. "Get off me!" She blurted and tried to step back, but it resulted in her stumbling again.Harry kept a firm grip on Brooklyn and raised his eyebrows when he realised she had gone tense. "Calm yourself," he said and Brooklyn slapped his hands away."Don't touch me!" She said sternly and carefully took a large st
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Brooklyn watched as the trees whizzed past as Brandon drove them to school. She was aware that Brandon was talking, but her concentration wasn't on him."Hey." Brandon gently poked Brooklyn and she looked at him. "You alright?""Fine," Brooklyn smiled."You sure?" Brandon frowned. "Is it to do with Harry? Why was he with you last night-""I'm fine," she said. "I just have a lot on my mind today.""Do you want to talk about-" Brandon stopped talking when Brooklyn shook her head."I want to forget about it," Brooklyn said stiffly and Brandon nodded in understanding."Well, you've got the wonders of school to look forward too," he said sarcastically and Brooklyn chuckled as he drove into the school car park."Thanks for the lift," Brooklyn smiled."Do you need me to accompany you to your first class?""Alice said she'll meet me by my locker," Brooklyn said. "We have bio together.""Cool," Brandon nodded and Brooklyn got out of the car. She walked into school and mentally high fived herse
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Stacy raised her eyebrows in shock, not expecting Brooklyn to have a backbone. "Who do you think you are, you bitch," Stacy scowled."According to you I'm someone who has been kicked out and is now living with people that hate her," Brooklyn said with a shrug. "But just so you know for future reference, I'm Brooke, it's been lovely to meet you, but you my pizza is more important than you and currently it's going cold." Brooklyn smiled brightly and took a bite of her pizza. "Also, I think Violet wants her seat. So can you move along?"Stacy looked from Brooklyn, who was smiling innocently, to Alice and Sasha who were trying to contain their laughter and she glared at Brooklyn. "Watch your back," Stacy snarled and abruptly stood up. She walked away in a huff and narrowly avoided barging Violet's shoulder who sat down opposite Brooklyn."That was amazing!" Alice whispered and grinned like a Cheshire Cat."Brooke, I haven't known you for that long, but do you mind if I confess my love for
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Brooklyn went straight into town after school with Sasha, Alice and Violet. Apparently there was a local diner that was a hangout spot for the majority of high school kids and Violet had a part time job there.A bell chimed when the girls walked into the diner and Violet rushed off into the back to get changed, ready for work. The rest of the girls sat down in a booth with bright red seats and Brooklyn gazed over the menu."The milkshakes here are amazing!" Alice gushed, pointing to a part on the menu. "You've got to get one.""I thought you wanted to be healthy?" Sasha said, raising an eyebrow Alice."Screw healthy, I'm running away and declaring my life to chocolate," Alice smiled and Brooklyn laughed."I think I'll get a strawberry milkshake," she said as Violet came out in a pale pink tshirt and skirt with a white apron tied round her waist."Don't comment on the uniform," Violet said as she walked over to the girls."This will be the only time where you will see her in something
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"Ah, good!" Violet smiled when she walked into the room. "Sorry if I'm rushing you, but I'm a little stressed.""It's fine," Brooklyn chuckled and Violet handed her a notepad and pen."Right, out you go and start taking orders!""Yes ma'am," Brooklyn joked and walked out into the busy diner. Violet directed her to a table and Brooklyn smiled brightly when she reached the table."Hi guys, what can I get for you?" Brooklyn asked and proceeded to jot down the orders on the notepad. When she was done she walked over to Violet who told her to hang up the orders in a hatch behind the counter so the chef could read them. Once the chef had cooked the food he would ring the bell and then you'd have to deliver to the food/drink to the correct table."Simple enough," Brooklyn smiled and made her way over to another table, greeting them with a cheery smile. She took their order and then gave the order to the chef who was a middle aged Italian man with a bit of a beer belly, but he seemed lovely.
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The diner had died down slightly so Brooklyn joined Sasha and Alice as soon as she could. "I can't stand it!" Brooklyn whispered. "What is his problem?""Huh?" Alice wondered, taking a large gulp from her third milkshake."Harry!" Brooklyn panicked. "He won't stop staring and he said he wanted me and he makes me feel all funny inside and I don't like it!""Whoa, calm down, girl," Sasha said. "He said he wanted you?""Well, technically he said he wanted to order me which is really weird and creepy," Brooklyn said, her words coming out at a thousand miles an hour. "And whenever I look at him he's staring at me with like an emotionless face and I can't stand it! He makes me feel so weird and on edge! Like I can't even tell what he's thinking because he's just so... Blank and cold!""He makes you feel weird how?" Sasha wondered."That's what you're taking from what I just said!" Brooklyn asked.Sasha nodded. "Weird how?"Brooklyn frowned and shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know, he makes
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