All Chapters of Shy: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
275 Chapters
"I wish we had some good news, but there is nothing," Laura said sadly, her face dropping. "The books in this library go back thousands of years but we have found nothing that can help us.""Don't give up hope," Indianna said. "I'll give you a hand. I have nothing else to do.""Well, pick up a book and start reading," Laura said and Mark passed her a heavy, leather-bound book with faded writing on the front. "If there is anything even remotely useful in it then it goes on the pile by the staircase, if it's not useful it goes on the pile by the window."There was only one obvious pile: the one by the window. It was stacked high with books that Laura and Mark had looked through and found to be unhelpful.Indianna made her way to a chair and sat down, opening the book. She looked around at the library and swallowed. There were thousands of books. Was it possible that one of them had something that could help them?*Two hours had passed and no progress had been made. Indianna was on her
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"Yes, so we shall join you."Indianna stopped in her tracks. "Join us?"Rogue nodded. "Yes. I'm sure they'll be enough food for two more people seeing as so many people are going to be there.""I really don't know what his parents have planned-""I love surprises," Rogue smirked. "Shall we say 8? I assume that all of your little friends and family will be joining too? No one should miss out on Christmas. I expect everyone to be there.""I... Um-""Brilliant. Stacey will be thrilled," Rogue said."Great," Indianna forced out, attempting to smile."I better go and let her know of our change of plans," Rogue said. "I'll see you tonight, little sister."Indianna watched as Rogue left and she stood still in the woods, trying to think of any way to fix what had just happened.*Are you fucking kidding me, sugar,* Greyson's voice filled her mind.*This is a problem,* she groaned and started to make her way back to the house. *But it's not like he was going to take no for an answer!**We're no
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"Not now, Harry!" Brooke snapped and she turned on her heel and walked away. Harry's expression darkened as he looked after her, debating whether to follow or not. Eventually, he sighed and turned back to his sister, raising his eyebrows at her."What's going on here?""Nothing, I have to go.""Tell him," Indianna called. "This involves all of us. I know you want to do this alone but that's not how we do things here."Lily narrowed her eyes and sighed, pulling out the map from her pocket and passing it to Harry. "What's this?" He asked."It's a map.""Yeah, I've figured that much out myself," Harry muttered. "What for?"Lily glared at her brother. "It's a map that should lead me to the Royals."Harry raised a single eyebrow. "Tell me you're joking?""I am not.""The Royals? It seems like you are still a kid after all. The Royals don't exist, Lily. They're fiction.""Can you prove it?" Lily challenged. "And don't try and make me feel small by calling me a kid. You seem to have forgotte
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Later that day Indianna was in the kitchen with Laura, Kirstie and Mac. There was a comfortable silence as the four of them peeled and chopped vegetables. No one wanted to discuss the reason for why they were preparing dinner. The thought of Rogue sitting at the table, surrounded by her friends and family made Indianna feel sick.The silence was soon broken when Kal arrived, barging through the door with his arms full of shopping bags. Kimberly followed behind him and they placed numerous bags full of groceries onto the dining table."Normally," Kal said, looking at the food with narrowed eyes, "the sight of all this food would make me very happy, however, I'm currently very unhappy. For the first time in my life I am not looking forward to Christmas dinner. Damn Rogue. He's a maniac and now he's a bloody Scrooge as well.""Thank you, Kal," Laura called, reaching into one of the bags and pulling out ingredients. "And you too, Kim. We should have enough food now.""Don't worry if you h
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Indianna scoffed. "You have a rather large ego.""Where are you taking me and my supposed rather large ego, sugar?""I need to show you something.""That didn't answer my question."Indianna rolled her eyes. "Our bedroom.""Why didn't you say that earlier?" Greyson wondered, a teasing smirk on his lips.Indianna was slightly breathless when they made it to Greyson's bedroom and she cursed the many stairs she had just climbed. She took a seat on their bed eagerly and gestured for Greyson to join her. "And bring me that book on the side please."Greyson raised the leather book with a look of doubt. "Why on earth do you want me to bring you this stupid book about fairytales, sugar?""Because I asked you too," Indianna said. "Come on. Bring it here."Greyson sighed and sat down next to Indianna, dropping the book on the bed. "You got me all excited to come to our bedroom only to put a children's book in between us? Sugar, you're killing me."Indianna laughed and turned the book over, runn
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"Don't," he sighed. "I know that voice, sugar. That's your serious voice. Don't ruin the moment."Indianna paused. "Greyson, I'm scared about tonight.""I'm sick of hearing about him," Greyson muttered icily, but he kissed Indianna's forehead and ran his fingers through her hair affectionately . "Tonight is going to be fine. We'll get through it.""Will we?""We better. Besides, tonight could give us the opportunity to learn more about Rogue and Stacey's relationship. We're going to need all the information we can if we're going to someone get her away from Rogue in the future"Indianna stiffened. "To kill her.""It's been agreed.""Not by me.""Indie, let's not argue about this-""If you think I'm going to ever not argue with you then you're delusional, Greyson Evans, especially when it's over killing somebody!""The majority voted," Greyson said. "It's happening whether you like it or not.""The father of my children is not going to be a killer."Greyson's muscles tensed and he sat
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The evening had approached.Indianna felt sick as she stared at her reflection in the mirror, and it wasn't from her pregnancy. She was dressed in a dark red dress and had a simple pair of flats on. Her ankles were starting to become swollen and she was not going to risk wearing heels. She caressed her bump and sighed. It felt wrong to be dressing up for an evening that she was dreading, but they had to continue with the facade.They had to keep Rogue happy, and unsuspecting."You look gorgeous." Greyson exited the bathroom, dressed only in a pair of blue jeans, and stopped behind Indianna, kissing her bare shoulder. "I wish you looked gorgeous under different circumstances."Indianna smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes. "You need to finish getting ready, Grey. I'm sure Rogue will be here soon."Greyson closed his eyes and gently kissed Indianna's neck, sucking on her delicate skin, moving his lips up to her jawline, edging closer to her mouth."Greyson," Indianna whispered and leane
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"Do we know what time he is coming?"At the mention of Rogue Harry slammed a glass down onto the kitchen counter, his knuckles turning white as he gripped it tightly. "Can two minutes not pass without the mention of him? We're going to have to endure him for a whole damn evening, we don't have to-""Harry!" Greyson said sharply, his voice raised and stern. Surprisingly, Harry stopped talking and looked at Greyson with narrowed eyes."What?" Harry spit out through clenched teeth."You need to remain calm tonight.""Calm? You're really telling me to remain calm?" Harry hissed. "Are you fucking joking, Greyson? After all that he has done you want me to remain calm? I don't know how I'm going to stop myself from reaching across the damn table and ripping his head off if he even looks at Brooklyn. Don't you fucking telling me to stay calm-""Harry!" Indianna shouted, cutting Harry off. She crossed her arms over her chest and gave him a warning look, looking far from impressed. "Watch your
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"I'm not finished," Rogue said sharply. "Sister, sweetheart, keep your mate quiet unless he wants to be bound and tortured again."Indianna's heart broke, looking between Brooklyn and Harry, and then Greyson. They all had the same look in their eye. Part of all of their souls had been broken by Rogue, and no matter how much they tried to hide the side of them that had been destroyed by him, in this moment, it was all Indianna could see.In her heard she heard Brooklyn's screams, her cries and shouts that filled the pack house when she had her nightmares. She saw Harry's impulsiveness, his selfishness when it came to Brooklyn, his carelessness for anyone else but her. It was all because of Rogue and the heinous acts he had committed towards Brooklyn. Harry hadn't been able to prevent them, so he gave Brooklyn his all. His thoughts, his anger, his concerns, his sadness, his care, and his love.She saw Greyson. She saw how he had changed since he had come back. Rogue hadn't killed Greyso
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"Tai," Ace whispered, tugging at Tai's arm. "Stop, please.""It's fine. I like that she's got flare. It's interesting," Rogue smiled. "It's not surprising that she's got a few anger issues. She must have so much built up guilt after everything she's done over the years."Tai gripped her knife and fork tightly, her breathing rate starting to increase. "Stop it."Rogue shrugged his shoulders innocently. "I'm just trying to figure out exactly who you are. I know everything about everyone in this pack, it's only fair I know everything about you too. Especially when you're a killer."Tai's knife and fork clattered onto the table. Everyone turned to stare at her in shock, minus Ace, Raiden, Brandon and Rogue."You brought me to dinner with a girl that has killed someone!" Stacey gasped. "Jason-""Sh, my sweet." Jason turned to Stacey, brushing her hair behind her ear. He smiled at her and it was the only genuine smile that Indianna had seen all evening. "I wouldn't let anyone hurt you."Sta
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