All Chapters of Shy: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
275 Chapters
When they arrived at school after the weekend Indianna spotted Tai parked next to them, climbing off of her bike. She ran her fingers through her windswept hair and adjusted her leather jacket.Indianna watched Ace as he got out of the car, his eyes discreetly watching Tai. "Go talk to her," Indianna urged.Ace swallowed and made his way over to the dark haired girl. Her back was to him, but she froze when he neared her. It was as if she could feel his presence."Go away, Ace," Tai said and willed herself to not turn around."Tai," Ace said gently. His voice was smooth, soft, kind. Tai couldn't help but turn on her heel to face him. She swallowed at his close proximity, but she was trapped by her bike behind her."Ace-""The Christmas fair," Ace said. "It's next week, and I'd very much like for you to go with me.""I told you to stay away from me," Tai said."I know," Ace nodded. "But I really do not want to."Tai sighed and bit her lip. "18 is too young to be tied down. I'm sorry. Wh
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When they arrived at school after the weekend Indianna spotted Tai parked next to them, climbing off of her bike. She ran her fingers through her windswept hair and adjusted her leather jacket.Indianna watched Ace as he got out of the car, his eyes discreetly watching Tai. "Go talk to her," Indianna urged.Ace swallowed and made his way over to the dark haired girl. Her back was to him, but she froze when he neared her. It was as if she could feel his presence."Go away, Ace," Tai said and willed herself to not turn around."Tai," Ace said gently. His voice was smooth, soft, kind. Tai couldn't help but turn on her heel to face him. She swallowed at his close proximity, but she was trapped by her bike behind her."Ace-""The Christmas fair," Ace said. "It's next week, and I'd very much like for you to go with me.""I told you to stay away from me," Tai said."I know," Ace nodded. "But I really do not want to."Tai sighed and bit her lip. "18 is too young to be tied down. I'm sorry. Wh
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"Hey, sugar."Indianna woke and found herself in Greyson's arms. She smiled and snuggled closer to him. "Morning," she mumbled.Greyson ran his fingers up and down Indianna's arms and kissed her temple. "Indie, look at me," he whispered. "Don't go back to sleep.""Greyson, I'm tired," Indianna groaned."Oi," Greyson said and took Indianna's chin, tilting her head so she was looking up at him. Greyson stared at Indianna for a smile, his eyes flickering over every part of her face. "Gosh, I've missed your eyes.""Missed?" Indianna yawned as Greyson brushed hair from her face."I'm so proud of you, sugar," Greyson said. "You've done me and the pack proud.""What do you mean?"Greyson shook his head and wrapped his arms round Indianna. "Nothing," he muttered, "just let me hold you." He kissed Indianna's head and sighed."Greyson, what's wrong?" Indianna asked. "You're acting weird.""Shut up," he grumbled. "Let me have this moment, just don't go back to sleep.""What's the time?" She yawn
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"Tai, you know what I mean," Raiden said. "You push people away, you always have-""Can you blame me?" Tai said and stopped in her tracks. She whirled round to glare at her brother. "You have no idea what it's like to be me! I don't push everyone away for fun! I do it because it's the safest thing to do! I thought you understood that!""I do, Tai," Raiden said. "I do, I'm sorry! Tai, you need to stay calm-""I know!" Tai growled. "But that's easier said than done!""Just take deep breaths," Raiden said soothingly and put his hand on his sisters arm. "Fight it, you know you can."Tai shook her head and shoved Raiden away from her. "You don't want to be near me, Rai. I don't want to hurt you.""I'm staying. I'm here for you."Tai squeezed her eyes shut and gasped. "It's happening," she whispered. "Shit, Raiden, get out of here-""No."Tai looked at her brother and her eyes flashed. "Do you want me to kill you?" She hissed and rushed to the front door. "Don't you dare follow me!"Tai fle
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So, hello.Sincere apologies for not updating. Life has been crazy and I honestly haven't had the drive to write for months. I have wanted to, but every time I went to write I found that nothing was coming to me, no words were making their way onto paper, and I wasn't enjoying it.However, no matter how long it takes, I will always continue to update this book as I enjoy the story and want to reach the ending. I like to write this book, so I will always update it, no matter how long it has been.This isn't a long update, but I am halfway through writing the next update and for the first time in months, the words are actually flowing easily, and it's not a chore to write, I'm enjoying it. I'm someone who can't write for the sake of it, I have to be enjoying it and it has to happen naturally.That hasn't been happening for me lately and I can't explain why I just hope you enjoy this update and I promise I will upload the next update VERY shortly. Trust me, you will want to read the next
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Rogue gave Stacey a look. "So, do you think she's broken?" He repeated. "I want control. Do you think I've got control over her?""I think she'd do as you say," Stacey nodded. "No matter what."Rogue smiled. "Fantastic.""So, what are you going to do to help her? She can't stay how she is now."Rogue took a deep breath and crossed his arms over his chest. "I'm going to give her what she needs. What her body is craving.""You make her think that you're the bad guy," Stacey said and looked up at Rogue with love-filled eyes. "But, you're really not.""As long as you think that, then that's all that matters."*Harry, Kal, and Kimberly returned home after school. It took Kal a lot of effort to drag Harry away from Brooke when they saw each other in the car park.Brooke's heart had broken when she saw him. She was less than two meters away and her heart ached for him. She could have reached him in a matter of seconds and touched him. Embraced him. Instead, she swallowed and took a step bac
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Indianna remained at home for the next week. Her health didn't improve and she had no energy to do anything, everything she did made her faint and dizzy. She constantly felt nauseas, but only ate because she knew she needed the energy for her children."How are you feeling, dear?" Laura asked. She walked into Greyson's room and sat on the end of his bed, looking at Indianna who was holding a sick bucket."The same," Indianna sighed. She wiped her clammy forehead with the back of her hand. "I feel like how I used to get when I was away from Greyson." Indianna touched her mark that was still red and itchy. "It's so confusing.""Indie, I know the last thing you want to do is go out, but I think it might do you good to get out of the house and get some fresh air.""I don't know if I have the energy," Indianna admitted."The Christmas Fair is in a few hours. Why don't you have a nice bath, I'll make you some food and then you can try and go, even if it's just for an hour. I know you're exh
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Indianna was unsure how long she had been in Greyson's arms. Holding him. Her headache had gone, the hot flushes had vanished and the only reason she felt faint was due to the shock. "I love you," she whispered. She repeated it over and over again."I know," Greyson murmured and ran his fingers through Indianna's long hair. "And I love you.""I don't understand," she said. "I can't, I don't- G-Greyson.""Don't talk," Greyson said. "Just let me hold you, sugar.""Is this real?" Indianna said. "I've dreamt of you, I could be dreaming."Greyson pressed his lips to Indianna's and she melted. Warmth filled her and she relaxed immediately. Only the touch of her mate could make her feel this way. "You would know if that was a dream," Greyson said.Tears formed in Indianna's eyes again. "I've missed you."Greyson swallowed and blinked. He was holding back tears. "Let's get up from the grass, shall we?" Greyson stood and pulled Indianna with him. She didn't let go of him and he didn't move his
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Harry left Greyson and Indianna alone as they made their way into the pack house. Indianna found herself pulling Greyson forward, he almost didn't want to go inside. "I did wonder if I'd ever step foot in this house again," he admitted. "The thought of you kept me going, but I did have times where I thought I'd never see any of this again.""Come on," Indianna said softly and pulled Greyson inside. It was natural for her to make her way up the stairs and to Greyson's room, but it was as if Greyson was walking through the house for the first ever time."You've been staying in my room," Greyson said when they walked in. "Nothing has changed.""I wanted to be close to you," Indianna said. She turned around and locked the door. "Let's get you cleaned up." Indianna walked up to Greyson and grabbed the bottom of the dirty tshirt he was wearing."Wait," Greyson said sharply and held Indianna's wrist. "Prepare yourself."Indianna frowned and raised Greyson's tshirt over his head. She gasped.
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Indianna woke the next morning with Greyson next to her, his arms wrapped tightly around her. She woke early, while it was dark out, but she couldn't go back to sleep. She just laid in Greyson's arms, savouring his touch."Did you sleep at all last night?" Greyson whispered into Indianna's ear. She smiled and nodded."I slept so well," she said honestly."You've been awake since the early hours," he said. "You need sleep, sugar." Greyson's hands went to Indianna's stomach."I'm fine," she said. "I was enjoying just being here, with you."Greyson moved so he was straddling Indianna, his hands on either side of her head. "I've missed this," he admitted."Me too," she whispered and reached up and pulled Greyson closer to her. She softly kissed him. "I still can't believe you're real.""You better get used to it," Greyson said with a wink. "I'm sure there's a way I can get you to believe it." Greyson's hands slid down Indianna's body.Indianna rolled her eyes. "We have all the time in the
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