All Chapters of Shy: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
275 Chapters
Hi guys.I'm very sorry for not updating any of my stories. I haven't actually been at home for the past month, I've been working away from home where there has been very limited WiFi and limited time to write.I'm back now, and have lots more free time and better WiFi;)Enjoy and I'll update soon.*Two hours earlier Brooke had been sitting opposite Alec in the kitchen. They were eating in silence. "I'm going to tell you something, but don't let it give you any false hope," Alec said suddenly. "I'm telling you because you deserve to know."Brooke frowned. "What is it?""Your Alpha, Greyson. He's alive."Brooke blinked. She dropped her cutlery in shock. "You're joking. I know you're siding with Rogue, but you're not a horrible person, Alec. This isn't something to lie about.""I promise you, I'm not lying," Alec said. "He was never dead.""Oh my gosh," Brooke whispered. She couldn't help but grin. "That's wonderful news! Indie is going to be so relieved! She was so scared about raisin
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Brooke wasn't sure how this unknown girl, Lily, managed to get out of town without Rogue or any of his men noticing, but they did. They drove for half an hour in silence. Brooke was in shock. She was drumming her fingers on her knee, becoming impatient. She wanted to know what was going on."Stop that," Lily snapped. "It's irritating.""You know what else is irritating? Not knowing what the hell is going on!" Brooke said. "You said I'd see Harry-""You will," Lily said firmly. She glanced at Brooke and sighed. "Brooklyn, I don't want to keep you apart any longer.""How do you know who I am?" Brooke demanded. "How do you know Harry, his parents-""I'll explain everything," Lily said dismissively."How about you do that now?"Lily smirked slightly. "I promise you, everything is going to make sense.""Somehow, I'm not quite believing you-""If you wait five more minutes you'll be able to stop asking annoying questions," Lily said, giving Brooke a look as she stopped the car outside of a
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I hope everyone is staying safe in this crazy time.Big respect for anyone working in healthcare right now. I changed from studying nursing to train to be a paramedic so I've seen and worked alongside a lot of different staff in and out of hospitals and I know how hard everyone in the healthcare industry works, so I'm sending all my love and RESPECT to everyone working their asses off in the world right now!And for all the other key workers, cleaners, supermarket staff, delivery drivers etc... Keep up the amazing work, you're keeping us going as much as the nurses, doctors, paramedics etc are.I hope this chapter can provide a small, tiny escape from the world for whoever needs it right now.Stay safe, stay inside, stay strong. This won't last forever.
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"I can never control it," Tai said. Her voice was quiet. Ace had never seen her so vulnerable. So open. "When I shift it's like someone else takes over my body. I feel this bloodlust... My wolf just attacks whoever she sees. I can't do anything to stop it.""We can work on that. You can learn control.""It's too late. I've already done terrible things," Tai whispered. "Horrible things. I-" Tai stopped and shook her head. "I can't tell you.""You can.""What if you think I'm the bad guy?" Tai asked. "I know I can be a bitch, but I'm not a bad person. I don't want to be a bad person-""I know you're not a bad person," Ace said soothingly. "You don't need to worry about that.""I killed two people," Tai blurted. "They were kind people. They had been fostering us up until our 18th birthday. It was my first shift. I didn't know what was happening. I changed and killed them. I ripped them to shreds in their own home. Raiden and I covered it up as an animal attack and moved around for a bit
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"We wanted to tell you together. We're not alone, Tai, we're not freaks. There are others like us!""I know that there are others like us. But not everyone like us is good!" Tai shouted. "Brandon his not good. I don't care if he's your mate, Raiden, he can't be trusted!"Raiden paled. "You know about mates?""They've told you everything," Brandon said quietly. He frowned. "They wouldn't do that if you were just a regular werewolf." Brandon nodded. "Ace. He's your mate, isn't he? It's the reason you've been spending so much time with him. It's the reason why you know so much."Raiden gasped. "You have a mate?""God, Raiden!" Tai yelled. "You're so clueless and you don't even know it! Brandon has been probably been filling your head with shit!""I haven't," Brandon interjected. "I've just told him the basics of the werewolf world. I hadn't gotten round to telling him about this town in particular.""What were you going to say?" Tai asked. "That you're best buds with a murderous psycho r
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"Tai!" Ace burst into Tai's house not long after she had called him. "Is everything okay?" He found his way to their kitchen where he saw Raiden standing. He still hadn't moved. Tai was sitting at the table that had, now cold, half-eaten dinners on it."Ace," she sighed. She looked at her brother and then stood up, walking over to Ace. "Brandon knows that I know. Raiden also knows about Brandon and Rogue, and to say he's heartbroken is an understatement.""Are you okay?" Ace asked, checking Tai over."I'm not worried about me," Tai said dismissively. "Rai's in shock. I also don't think we should stay here, not with Rogue across the road. Brandon said he wasn't going to say anything but I don't know whether he's going to keep his word.""No, of course not. You'll stay at the packhouse," Ace said."I was just thinking of staying in a hotel. I don't think Greyson would-""He may be the Alpha, but I'm the Beta and you're my mate, so I'm not taking no for an answer," Ace said. "I can deal
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"I think you should tell Brooke what happened," Indianna spoke up. "Tell her what Brandon said. About his reasons for why he's done what he has. It's not an excuse for his actions, but it explains a bit. I think she deserves to know."Tai nodded, her voice was softer when she spoke about Brooke. "I'll tell her.""Thank you," Indianna smiled."Is there anything else you have to say?" Greyson asked.Ace shook his head. "No, that was it.""In that case," Indianna said and stood up, she stretched and rubbed her stomach. Greyson didn't take his eyes off of her. "I'm going to check up on Alice.""I'll see you in our room after, sugar?" Greyson called but his tone made it clear that it wasn't a question."Maybe," Indianna shrugged and walked out of the room. She weaved her way through many pack members to reach Kal's room where Alice was. She had only recently woke up and Kal was attempting to explain everything to her which was obviously a lot.Indianna knocked on the door and entered. She
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Hi guys.I know it's been a while. My life is a little crazy and it's super hard to find time to write. I apologise for the long wait, however, I will always continue updating, even if it takes ages. If you don't have any updates for a while it doesn't mean I've stopped, it just means I simply do not have the time.I will always continue to update and I will let you guys know if I ever plan to stop, so if you don't hear anything, please just wait. An update will come.I promise.Also, people are complaining about not seeing enough of Indianna and Greyson. I get that you want more of them, but please understand that I need to show the other characters and what's happening with them so the story flows and you understand what's happening with everyone. If I just showed everything from Indianna and Greyson's POV lots of information would be missed about other characters and you would have no idea what's going on:). This story is no longer JUST about Indie and Greyson, it includes everyone
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Brooke chuckled, but suddenly her expression turned serious. "Indie, I need some advice."Indianna smiled and led Brooke to the steps that led up to the front of the pack house and sat down. "I know what you're going to ask about," she said and gently rubbed her stomach. She was getting even bigger. Greyson's return had rapidly sped up the growth of her babies."I'm scared," Brooke breathed."I know," Indianna nodded. "I know exactly how you're feeling.""I want this," Brooke said. "I really do, but I don't. Not now. Not when our lives are like this.""It won't be like this. We're going to fix this. For them." Indianna placed her hand on Brooke's stomach."I've just started to show," Brooke said quietly and held her stomach. "Soon I'll be as big as you.""I'm only going to get bigger," Indianna groaned. "Do you know how far along you are?"Brooke shook her head. "I would guess around two months but I need to see Doc to be sure.""You're going to be a great mother, Brooke.""Oh god," s
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It all happened quickly. Indianna was waiting outside of the pack house with Greyson, Ace, and Kal. Indianna watched as the car came to a stop a few meters away from them and Harry and Oscar hurried out of the car, dragging out a screaming man with them.He looked wild. He was yelling, spitting and biting at Harry who was holding him. His face was red and his eyes were wide. Indianna could see blood streaking down his arms where he had been pulling at the rope binding his wrists together."He's going to kill you!" The man cried and thrashed around manically. His eyes locked onto Indianna and he paused for a single second before yelling and launching himself in her direction. "You're a traitor, you bitch!"Greyson, who was watching the man with a blank expression, stepped forward, blocking Indianna from the man's view. Indianna saw Greyson's muscles tense, his jaw tightened and she was sure that his eyes had darkened. "Get him out of my sight," Greyson said stiffly."You're going to re
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