All Chapters of In the Lap of Luxury: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
830 Chapters
Chapter 91 Dealt With the Thugs in Minutes
Grace opened the door and stepped out of the car"It's been a while since I had a good stretch." She scanned the group of men in front of her. "Are you coming together, or one by one?"The group of burly men with knives were eager to fight her. They looked at their unconscious buddy in the bushes and then inside the car. When they realized that there was just one person, they let down their guard.Just then, the tattooed man with a cigarette approached Grace."You can see it yourself. We've got the numbers. Hand over the thumb ring, and we'll go easy on you."Grace scoffed. "I see. Richard sent you.""Stop talking, bitch. Are you handing it over or not?"Grace swiftly snatched the cigarette from his mouth and extinguished it on his forehead, followed by a side kick that sent him flying.Sternly, she said, "You're the one talking too much. I'll deal with you first.""Damn it, you dare hit me?" The tattooed man got up from the ground and spat out the teeth that had been knocke
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Chapter 92 Cut Your Losses
Noticing the tense atmosphere, Aaron tried to defuse it by asking Caleb, "Even if Grandpa didn't ask you to come back, will you dare not come?""Of course not. It's Grandpa's birthday. I have to be there." Caleb didn't dare lift his head after being scolded.Suddenly, Grace chuckled, Only Aaron and Harold could control Caleb.By this point, Harold's anger had subsided."Assist Gracie well in the nanorobots project," he instructed Victor."Oh, Grandpa, you don't need to remind Victor. He'll do his best." Smiling, Grace embraced her two brothers.Victor responded nonchalantly, "Of course."Seeing Grace so dedicated to her career, Harold felt at ease."Grandpa needs to rest. We'll talk next time," Aaron said.The family then ended the video call.…In the living room, Richard was leisurely sipping tea while waiting for good news.Habitually, he rubbed his thumb and remembered that his diamond thumb ring was still missing.His mood soured, but the thought of getting it back so
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Chapter 93 Tainted Reputation
"Am I right?" Grace's mocking voice came through the phone.Yet, Benjamin showed no remorse. "You're not capable of fighting Richard now. I'm doing this for your own good.""Save your hypocrisy and let him come at me!"The call abruptly ended. Benjamin stared at the darkening screen with anger after being rejected.He thought, "This stupid woman! Let's see how you'll handle this!"Just then, his surbordinate reported from the front seat, "Mr. Hawkins, Larry just sent a text. He said there are some issues with the project in Frenda, and he needs you to go there in person."Benjamin closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Okay. Arrange the earliest flight."The business in Frenda was important, which was why he had entrusted Larry with overseeing it.Lately, Benjamin had been busy with his company's affairs and had become much busier without Grace's help.He felt that he should let her go through some trials. When she had nothing left, he could give her a helping hand. That wou
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Chapter 94 Time to Reveal Her Identity
"No way. I must stay strong at a time like this. I can't let the public think I'm afraid."They wanted to make her yield to the rumors, but the word "yield" didn't exist in her dictionary.Grace lifted the covers and headed to the bathroom to freshen up.At Amirate Corporation's office, entertainment news reporters from all news platforms had been waiting.Just then, a red Porsche pulled up in front of them.In the car, Luke reminded Grace, "Ms. Lewis, do you want to wear sunglasses or a hat to shield yourself? These people will take pictures nonstop. It might affect your mood.""No need." Smiling, Grace looked at her reflection in the car mirror. Her beauty had a touch of shrewdness, and she was very pleased."I want them to know that they can't affect me at all."Luke got out of the car first. The security team was already prepared, forming a human wall to create a path and separating the reporters from them.After that, Luke opened the car door and waited for Grace to come
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Chapter 95 Calico
"How about we meet in front of Pamore University?"Suddenly, Grace realized that she shouldn't be going out these days."Where are you? I'll send someone to pick you up."An hour later, there were still reporters at Amirate Corporation. They were waiting for Grace to appear with the hopes of getting more footage.At that moment, a car pulled up, and three innocent youngsters stepped out.Sharp-eyed reporters immediately recognized the girl at the front as this year's SAT top scorer in Pamore, Sophia Maddison.The two boys behind her were no less remarkable—Otto Berry, who had scored first in science, and Robin Cooper, who had received the Writing Award.All three of them had faint surgical scars on their upper lips. They were scars from cleft lip surgeries they had undergone as children.June was the time for SAT results, so apart from celebrity scandals, SAT was a hot topic for netizens.Instantly, cameras and microphones approached Sophia and her two companions."First of a
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Chapter 96 He Values Her More Now
Smiling, Grace said, "Yep, that's me.""How can they badmouth you? Let me go down and talk to them!" Robin was clearly the most hot-headed among the three."I'll go with you!""Me too!""There's no need. The truth will come out on its own." Amused by their protectiveness, Grace smiled. "I'm fine as long as the people I care about don't see me that way."After that, she asked the children various questions, such as what they needed for their enrolment and so on. She assured them that she had already transferred living expenses to their bank accounts, so they should take good care of themselves.She also reminded them not to reveal her identity as Calico and then arranged for security to send them out through the underground parking.Once the three kids were safely sent away, she received a call from Timothy.He had been on business trips frequently lately, all arranged by Grace. Since he had felt guilty, he had willingly followed her orders.On the phone, he first cursed the
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Chapter 97 The Dragon Is Mine
Caleb made an international call. "Wake everyone up to play 'Legends of Triumph' with my sister."After that, he handed a professionally mixed cocktail to Grace. "Wait a few minutes. They'll be online soon."Grace lazily agreed while sitting in her gaming chair with her legs curled up.On the other side of the ocean, Galloria was in the early hours of the morning.John Flynn, the person in charge of the EDF Esports Club, was instantly awakened by the phone call. He hurriedly ran to the doors of his team members' rooms and started frantically gathering them.Three minutes later, the sleepy team members, wrapped in blankets, yawned one after another."John, it's the middle of the night, and we don't have a habit of training at this hour!"Despite the dark circles under his eyes,John forced himself to stay awake."Listen up, everyone! Our boss just called."Hearing that, the team members instantly became alert.This mysterious behind-the-scenes boss was a tycoon who gave them
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Chapter 98 Second Plane Crash
Caleb calmly instructed John, "Ask them to focus on the tournament and look forward to the bonus."He then hung up the phone."Since when did you invest in an esports team, Caleb?" Grace asked curiously, sipping her cocktail."Since I'm terrible at playing games, I always lose, and my teammates make fun of me. So in frustration, I spent two billion dollars to assemble a team."Caleb continued, "I just don't believe that you can't buy talent with money."Smiling, he swayed in his gaming chair. "This team is yours from now on. I'm giving it to you today.""Well, thank you for that!" Grace replied with a wink.Just then, an unknown number called her, so she rejected the call without thinking. Surprisingly, the caller didn't give up and called a second time."Hello?""Grace, you know how powerful I am now. Return the thumb ring to me and apologize to Yvonne." Richard's tone was arrogant. "By the way, how does it feel to be insulted by everyone on the internet?"With a mocking s
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Chapter 99 I'm Here
The first plane crash had opened Grace's eyes to the truth about Benjamin and their marriage. As a result, she had become disillusioned that giving more would get her a response.But during this second time, she had no one beside her.Melancholically, Grace stared at her shattered phone screen, and tears welled up in her eyes.Outside, a fierce wind raged, and a helicopter slowly landed. From it emerged a tall man in a suit, exuding an air of sophistication.The moment he landed, he seemed to have found the person he was looking for. He began to stride toward his target with confident steps.The commotion caused by the helicopter's arrival drew the attention of the other rescued passengers. Everyone was curious about the person this man had come to pick up."He's so hot! Which injured princess is he here to pick up?"Grace had no interest in looking in the direction they were pointing. But when she heard that comment, her tears flowed uncontrollably.Everyone else had someone t
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Chapter 100 Get To Know Me
Harold and his three grandsons had been waiting in the living room for a while.When they had seen the news, they had felt relieved that the apple of their eye was safe. But as they thought about it, they realized something was amiss.How had these two already been portrayed as a couple on the internet?Caleb deeply regretted leaving on an earlier flight to meet his friends in Darai, leaving Grace to fly back alone.Meanwhile, Raymond was relieved to see his son and wife coming to the rescue. "Xander, greet Mr. Lewis Senior."Xander approached and politely nodded. "Hello, Mr. Lewis Senior.""Hi." Harold was dressed in an indigo suit. Though his hair was all gray, he still looked vibrant.Meanwhile, Aaron and Xander exchanged glances, acknowledging each other. They were classmates and had a good relationship.Victor analytically assessed Xander, thinking about sneaking into the latter's computer to check his character.On the other hand, Caleb was hostile. He was determined not
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