All Chapters of In the Lap of Luxury: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
830 Chapters
Chapter 101 The Celebration Begins
Larry's number was also blocked.As Benjamin watched the news showing Xander carrying Grace, he couldn't contain his jealousy and anger.Did that woman completely disregard him as her ex-husband?He forcefully pushed a pile of folders onto the ground, and his face turned dark."Mr. Hawkins, Harold Lewis, the chairman of Lewis Corporation, is celebrating his 70th birthday at Halifa Tower the day after tomorrow. "We have been invited. Should we book our tickets now?" Lanny asked."Yes!"…At night, the top floor of Halifa Tower was lit with a dazzling array of stars. The world's richest man, Harold, was celebrating his 70th birthday at the venue.Everyone on the Global Rich List was invited.All ingredients for the catering had been imported from abroad and cooked by world-class Frendish chefs. The entertainment featured performances by a world-famous orchestra to ensure a lavish experience for the guests.That showed how much they valued this event.These days, the trendi
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Chapter 102 He Still Wants to Tattle
The event was going smoothly outside the dressing room.In the center, Harold and Aaron were engaging in conversations with various guests. Their presence exuded authority and power.Just then, Richard, accompanied by Yvonne, approached them from behind."Mr. Lewis Senior." Richard's tone was slightly low, showing respect toward Harold.Though Harold was showing courtesy on the surface, his eyes were icy. "Mr. Quine Senior, when did you make it back to the top 100 of the Global Rich List?"The undertone of mockery in his voice was evident.Richard felt somewhat embarrassed by his question. "I'm exactly at the 100th position."The difference in power between Quine Group and Lewis Corporation was quite substantial. It had taken a great deal of effort for Richard to reach the top 100."I heard that you're going to introduce your granddaughter to everyone tonight."Smiling, Richard looked at Yvonne beside him and continued, "My granddaughter is very easy to get along with. I belie
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Chapter 103 A Deliberate Display
Yvonne had put in a lot of effort into getting ready for this day. She had ordered the custom-made luxury attire a month ago. Despite being five months pregnant, the design of her fluffy skirt concealed her waistline.She looked moderately attractive.Grace calmly commented, "If you can come, why can't I?"Then, she strolled out confidently."Stop right there, I'm not done yet!" Yvonne followed her.The ground was wet. In an effort to look elegant, she had worn high heels. Her feet slipped, and she stumbled forward."Ah!"As she was about to hit the ground, she remembered the child in her belly. At that very moment, a strong hand grabbed her before pulling her into a protective embrace.Yvonne was in shock. "Thank you," she said as she gasped for breath. "You're welcome," the man responded.As his voice echoed in her ears, Yvonne's expression suddenly changed. She instinctively pushed away the man who had just saved her life.Without a word, she adjusted her dress and hurri
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Chapter 104 The Truth Unveiled
Only ten steps separated Yvonne from the stage, yet it felt like an unbridgeable gap for her.She had once believed that her haughty status as a wealthy young lady was beyond compare. But now she realized how utterly insignificant she was compared to Grace."Hi, everyone. It's a pleasure to meet you all at my grandpa's birthday celebration," Grace said with a warm smile. "Recently, there have been lots of rumors about me, and I'm sure most of you are aware of them."These words instantly grabbed the interest of the surprised reporters, who quickly took photos to document this groundbreaking news.Grace, the general manager of Amirate Corporation's branch in Pamore, was Harold's granddaughter!Initially, people had assumed that she and Aaron were in a romantic relationship. No one would have thought they were siblings.Now, they realized that the two did share quite a resemblance.Grace's smile faded, and she said seriously, "I want to clarify that Simon and I are just regular
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Chapter 105 A Series of Misunderstandings
"In the coming days, Lewis Corporation will file lawsuits against all the entertainment media outlets involved in defamation. After that, we will spare no expense in acquiring these companies," Aaron stated. His icy gaze briefly flicked toward Richard.In the crowd, Richard was holding a champagne glass. His expression underwent a drastic change as he felt an overwhelming sense of unease and apprehension.He couldn't have anticipated that the person whose downfall he had tried to orchestrate using the entire entertainment industry in Pamore would have such strong and influential backing.The journalists present were left astonished. Wasn't this outright suppression?The entertainment industry in Pamore will surely become chaotic soon.Meanwhile, GEM Magazine, led by Zoey, promptly published a report revealing Grace's identity and the benevolent actions of the Calico. This sparked fervent discussions among netizens."Goodness gracious! How many good deeds in past lives does it
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Chapter 106 Heartbreaking
Richard's cherished possession which he had treasured all his life, had always been handled with care and stored thoughtfully. However, when he saw Grace nonchalantly carrying it in a plastic bag, he felt a sharp pang of anguish in his heart."Miss … " he murmured.With a subtle nod from Grace, Luke handed the ring to Richard.Richard felt a sense of joy. He thought that Grace was generously offering to return the ring to him."Ms. Lewis, I didn't know that you're not only beautiful but also kind-hearted," he said while his right hand couldn't wait to reclaim the ring that was rightfully his.To everyone's surprise, Grace said in a soft voice, "If you're genuinely determined to make amends, show your sincerity by smashing it with a hammer.""What?" Richard responded.Smashing it? Richard thought he had misheard.His incredibly precious ring was going to be destroyed just like that with a casual suggestion? Richard was taken aback, struggling to hold back his emotions."Thi
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Chapter 107 Reaping the Consequences
Standing in the midst of the crowd, Yvonne's heart was seized with anxiety. She felt an inexplicable sense of unease. She clutched her dress tightly as her nervousness became evident to everyone."Grandpa …" she spoke with a hint of plea in her tone. She feared that Richard might publicly abandon her.However, at this moment, Richard had already made up his mind. The company was the culmination of his life's work. He had been clear about his priorities from the start."Ms. Lewis, rest assured, I will make sure Yvonne pays for her actions," Richard declared in front of the crowd.At this moment, he appeared humble and submissive before Grace, without any trace of his former charisma.Grace raised her chin slightly and remained silent.Without saying a word, Richard grabbed Yvonne and pulled her to Grace. He coldly instructed, "Hurry up and apologize to Ms. Lewis ...""Grandpa …" Yvonne said while she was still struggling.If she were to apologize to Grace in front of so many
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Chapter 108 Saying Goodbye to the Past
No one in the crowd dared to intervene. They watched in astonishment as Quine Group's guards escorted Yvonne away.Anyone involved in an extramarital affair should face its consequences.Nonetheless, the crowd was filled with continuous whispers and expressions of empathy."Quine Group and Lewis Corporation would have reached the stars if they had formed an alliance.""Benjamin had a perfect marriage with the heiress of the Lewis family, but he ruined it by cheating on her.""Benjamin must be kicking himself for his foolishness."Amidst the crowd's judgmental looks, Benjamin looked at Grace, who stood out like a star. He felt a whirlwind of emotions churning within him.He had been in a state of profound shock ever since the truth had been revealed.The remarkable change in their statuses following the divorce made everything seem rather surreal.He recalled a time three years ago when Grace had taken the initiative to propose their marriage and agreed to keep their identities
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Chapter 109 Why Did You Hide Your Identity
"Grace!" Benjamin's voice rang out. Then, he turned to look at Harold, who was beside her. "Mr. Lewis Senior, can I talk to her privately?"Harold remained silent and deferred the decision to Grace. She wore a subtle, emotionless expression, her lips curving slightly."Okay," she said.As Harold walked away, he gave Benjamin a serious look. "Mr. Hawkins, since you're divorced, just make a clean break and stop beating around the bush."Benjamin offered no objection. He simply nodded slightly and watched him leave."What do you want?" Grace's expression remained calm, as if it were an ordinary conversation.Benjamin remembered the day they had gotten their marriage certificate three years ago. She had stood shyly by his side while the photographer had taken their first photo together.His thoughts drifted briefly, but as he regained his focus, he found himself looking straight at her face."Why did you conceal your identity and marry me three years ago?" He asked.Grace didn't e
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Chapter 110 A Solemn Pledge
"The equity transfer agreement has been sent to all members of the board via email. "This year's board meeting will be held in Pamore, where you will be publicly announced as the new president."Even though Aaron had already announced this at Harold's 70th birthday celebration, Grace still felt the weight of responsibility for taking over the entire Amirate Corporation."Isn't this a bit too soon? You know, I've only recently joined the company, and there are many aspects of the business I'm still not familiar with," she said worriedly."Your capabilities are widely recognized. Remember, you single-handedly resolved the crisis that our family faced years ago. I believe in you, and I'm sure you can manage Amirate well," Aaron reassured her."But … " Grace still had doubts.Aaron extended his hand and gently ruffled her hair. He continued to reassure her, "You're our family's cherished daughter. Leading Amirate is your destiny. So don't stress too much. "We'll be here to help yo
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