All Chapters of In the Lap of Luxury: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
830 Chapters
Chapter 121 I Want the Truth
"If that's the case, then let's call the police!" Richard spoke, glaring sharply at Celia with eyes like an eagle's. "Since Ms. Hawkins said she saw it with her own eyes, then I'm sure she won't let Yvonne be wronged. Ms. Hawkins, I hope that you can testify and speak truthfully about what you saw."Celia hesitated. "I …" She bit her lip. She had originally planned to testify, but after seeing Benjamin's expression, she could only swallow her words. She changed her tune. "The lights were dim. I may not have seen things clearly."She had actually changed her statement in front of Richard! Celia's heart was thumping rapidly, as if it were about to jump out of her throat. Richard said coldly, "Ms. Hawkins, I just need you to tell the truth. Why are you being like this?"Celia lowered her gaze and looked at Benjamin for help. Richard's eyes gradually darkened. He had never imagined that, even at this time, Benjamin would still protect Grace. He used his authority as the most
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Chapter 122 Teach You a Lesson
Yvonne said in a determined voice, "Benjamin, I know that you may still have some sentiments toward her. After all, you were married for three years. "But she's a cruel woman, and she's the one who pushed me. She killed our baby!""Alright," Benjamin said impassively. "Since you say that she pushed you, then let's call the police. Let the police come and investigate it thoroughly, and we'll make sure to speak only according to the truth."Benjamin got up to leave after saying this. But at that moment, the door to the hospital room swung open. Grace was standing in the doorway, her arms folded. "Grace, how dare you come here?"Yvonne lost it the moment she saw Grace, and she shouted at her angrily. Grace ignored her and said, "I heard everything you said just now. I just want to ask Ms. Quine—did everything really happen the way you said?""Grace, you bitch! You killed my baby!"Grace's eyes darkened, but she still said, "Ms. Quine, you should watch what you say. Even a t
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Chapter 123 Excellent Acting
Although Yvonne had been ranting about calling the police, she hadn't expected it to be so soon!Grace had completely blindsided her with this move. "Aargh!! Get out! All of you, get out!" Yvonne covered her ears and began screaming, looking like she had completely lost control.Benjamin's expression turned grim, and he moved forward to talk to the police officers."She just had a miscarriage and is a little emotionally unstable at the moment. I hope that you can understand."The two police officers exchanged looks and maintained a professional attitude. "We received a report and came here to understand more about the situation. Who is Ms. Quine? We would like to ask that you cooperate with our work.""Aahhh! My head hurts so much! Benjamin, my head hurts so much!" Yvonne grabbed Benjamin's hand while she screamed. "My head feels like it's about to explode!""Alright, I'll call the doctor for you," Benjamin said, pressing the call button beside the bed.Yvonne was completely
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Chapter 124 A Billion-Dollar-Settlement
Richard and Grace went up to the hospital rooftop. "What do you want to talk to me about, Mr. Quine Senior? If it's about Yvonne's miscarriage, then I think there's nothing to say."Richard looked at her sharply before saying seriously, "I've sent my men to check the security footage at the bar. "The scene at the time wasn't captured on camera. If Yvonne insists that you're the culprit, do you think you can get away with it?"Grace smiled. "The truth is the truth. Mr. Quine Senior, it seems like you still have the authority to make things happen your way." There was a trace of mockery in her tone. Richard said immediately, "The Lewis family might be the most powerful in Frenda. But in Pamore, if the Quines really want to do something, it will be done! "But I didn't come here today to fall out with you, Ms. Lewis. I want to take this chance to agree on a settlement. Right now, it doesn't look good for anyone, and it won't benefit either of us."Grace raised her eyebrows and
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Chapter 125 Public Statement
There were even people who went to Amirate Corporation's official Twitter account to leave comments. There were all kinds of opinions, and the incident received an unprecedented level of attention.At this time, the Quines held a press conference and invited reporters from all the renowned media companies in Pamore. At the press conference, Yvonne wept as she accused Grace of various crimes. She even revealed every detail about being pushed, and her words created an uproar."Ms. Quine, is what you're saying true? Did Ms. Lewis really cause your miscarriage?"Yvonne nodded while she wiped away her tears."Grace pushed me and made me fall down, which was why I miscarried! The doctor told me just now that because the fetus was already too big, the damage done to my body is irreparable. I may never be a mother again …"Yvonne burst into tears loudly.Everyone felt compassion for the weak. At her words, the reporters at the scene began to feel sympathetic toward her. "Don't be t
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Chapter 126 Turning the Tables
"We are responding to the false reports about Ms. Lewis online. From the beginning to the end, Ms. Lewis never hurt anyone. "The truth of this matter was investigated thoroughly by the legal authorities, and evidence was collected according to the law. "As for the false accusations made by Quine Group, we reserve the right to take legal action."Once the statement was released, the tide of public opinion turned immediately. "The Quines tried to pull one over on everyone and ended up sabotaging themselves.""Anyone can see that this incident has nothing to do with Grace. They were just trying to put the blame on her! Now the joke is on them!""They even had the audacity to say that they wouldn't press charges! That's an obvious sign of a guilty conscience!""The Quines really are shameless!"But this wasn't the end. Just as the discussions online were in full swing, a voice recording was posted online. It was the conversation between Richard and Grace on the hospital roofto
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Chapter 127 The Mysterious Futurelink Corporation
"Why does Grace seem to have a good life?" Samuel was feeling cynical. Never in his wildest dreams had he imagined that Quine Group, one of the leading estate companies in Pamore, would disappear in just a few days. All of this was inextricably linked to Grace. "Mr. Walker, I think that Ms. Lewis is very bold. Your bet with her—"Samuel scolded him at once. "Shut up! She's a mere woman who wants to make it in this dog-eat-dog business world. She can keep dreaming! "Even if she's taken over Quine Group, it's still nothing compared to how huge Amirate Corporation is. Of course it's even more insignificant compared to 30%!"Despite his words, Samuel's gaze darkened. No matter what, he couldn't lose this bet. Grace had better watch out. …Within a week, Quine Group declared bankruptcy.However, a mysterious person had quietly acquired what was left of Quine Group and invested a lot of funds in it. Within half a month, a new company called Futurelink Corporation rapidly rose
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Chapter 128 Haute Couture Gown
"Three days from now, the Futurelink Corporation will have its grand opening reception. All the top companies in Pamore are invited, including us."Grace looked at the gold-embossed invitation, her eyes resting on the letters "FL". Futurelink Corporation's actions have recently garnered a lot of attention. Now it was having its grand opening reception, which was sure to be very lively. Perhaps it could even use this as a chance to get some new business for the company. "Okay. Put it on my schedule. I'll be there on time.""Yes, Ms. Lewis."Grace took out her phone and called Emily. "Babe, I've got to attend a reception three days from now. Please choose a gown for me from your shop!""Are you referring to the Futurelink Corporation grand opening reception?"Grace raised her eyebrows. "You've heard about it too?""Yes! I've already gotten several orders for the reception. But don't worry. I'll save the best we have for you. You'll be the belle of the ball!" "Thank you, but I
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Chapter 129 Shameless Bragging
Grace styled her purple gown with ten-inch high heels, and she exuded charisma. She was stunning to begin with, but the gown accentuated her perfect curves further. As soon as she appeared, she captured everyone's attention."Wow! That's the heiress of the Lewis family. She's gorgeous, and she has such a great figure! She must be the object of everyone's envy here!""Exactly! Her gown is so chic! I wonder which designer made that haute couture gown. It looks amazing on her!""Benjamin must be blind! How could he cast aside such a gorgeous woman to fool around with someone like Yvonne? He must be dying with regret now.""You don't say! By the way, Mr. Hawkins is here today too …"The crowd exchanged glances, smiling, and looked over at Benjamin. From the moment Grace entered, Benjamin's eyes had never left her. She was too beautiful today—so beautiful that nothing else could compare to her."Mr. Hawkins!" Larry broke Benjamin out of his daze."I went to ask around, and there'
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Chapter 130 What's His Surname
"No way, Cece! Don't tell me that you've already gotten acquainted with this mysterious president?""Girl, if you are, then you really hid it well!""Hurry up and tell us, what does this mysterious president look like? Is he handsome?"Celia looked into their eager eyes and felt her ego inflate. Although she had never seen this person, in her mind, she had already pictured his perfect profile. After all, a man with such a background and such strong skills couldn't be ugly. Therefore, she said shamelessly, "I won't hide it from you. In actual fact, we met ages ago!"Upon hearing this, all her lackeys exploded. "Wow, Cece, you're amazing!""The Hawkins heiress really is different from everyone else. You get all the firsthand resources. To think that in the whole of Pamore, you're probably the only person who's seen his real face!" "That's right! Cece, quick, tell us. What kind of person is this mysterious president?"Celia was encouraged by their praise and didn't even blin
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