All Chapters of In the Lap of Luxury: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
830 Chapters
Chapter 141 Wendy's Provocation
"First of all, thank you all for your trust. Nanotechnology is an emerging industry that has gained prominence in the last two years …"Wendy gave a detailed presentation confidently as she stood in the center, flipping through her slides.She sure was capable of holding the position of director. She delivered the presentation proficiently, showing her professionalism.After her presentation, she closed her file and smiled at everyone."So, these are my thoughts. If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask, and we can discuss them together."As Wendy spoke, she swept her gaze across the room, finally resting it on Grace."Ms. Lewis, as Amirate's president, you must have valuable insights to offer regarding our proposal. Why don't you share your thoughts with us?"Wendy directly shifted the conversation to Grace, and as soon as she spoke, everyone's attention turned toward Grace.Of course, Grace noticed the disdain in Wendy's eyes, but she just frowned and made no immediate m
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Chapter 142 Underestimated Grace
Grace's voice wasn't loud, but it reached everyone's ears clearly. Her professional demeanor won the approval of most people in the room as well."However, there are several obvious mistakes that we can discuss."Suddenly, Grace changed the topic, leaving everyone in the room puzzled. There was an air of disbelief as they exchanged glances."What are you talking about, Ms. Lewis?" Wendy was the first to speak up, and her voice was tinged with a subtle anger.She had meticulously reviewed her presentation slides, ensuring that the content was based on her research and was error-free.Wendy couldn't believe that Grace, who didn't understand anything, dared to claim there were issues with her work."Ms. Lewis, I invited you to provide some input as Amirate's president. I didn't expect you to be an amateur. You don't know anything, yet you dare to speak so arrogantly!"Wendy was blunt. When it came to work, she considered herself a professional, much more competent than Grace.So s
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Chapter 143 She Crushed It
"Ms. Gardner, are you okay?" Alvin couldn't help but express his concern while silently feeling anxious for Wendy.Grace had shown her competence, proving Wendy's misconception about her cluelessness wrong.Wendy clenched her hands as she stared at Grace with a fiery gaze, but she managed to restrain herself."I'm fine."After Grace finished her explanation, the others began to ask questions and share their opinions.Grace confidently answered their questions and added relevant information, earning unanimous praise from everyone.She was teaching Wendy a lesson.Applause broke out, and Benjamin was the first to stand. He looked at Grace in admiration. "Your professionalism is as strong as it was when you were at Hawkins Group."As soon as he said that, everyone exchanged glances and began discussing quietly."Ms. Lewis used to work for Hawkins Group?""Hawkins Group has very high standards for its employees. The fact that she worked there and excelled shows her strong capabil
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Chapter 144 Failed Cooperation
Alvin caught up with them at the elevator."Mr. Fulton, Nexa Group has made extensive preparations for this project and invested a substantial amount of money. "If Amirate doesn't cooperate with us now, it will be a fatal blow for us. I hope you can give us another chance, Mr. Fulton."However, Xander and Grace remained silent.As the elevator gradually approached their floor, Alvin was running out of ways to persuade them. "Mr. Fulton, Ms. Lewis, I hope we can still have an opportunity to collaborate. I apologize for the unexpected events today, but cooperation requires some adjustment."The moment the elevator doors opened, Grace and Xander entered it."You can go back now, Mr. Leroy."Alvin's heart sank, and he could only watch as the elevator doors closed.Just then, Benjamin approached Alvin with Larry. "Mr. Leroy!"Alvin quickly came to his senses and was shocked when he saw Benjamin. "Yes, Mr. Hawkins?"Casually, Benjamin said, "Today was an eye-opener. Let's avoid
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Chapter 145 Was I a Jerk
"But I was well prepared, thanks to you. You shared the nanotechnology information with me beforehand. Otherwise, I might have been humiliated by Wendy during the meeting."Xander, are we still going to collaborate with Nexa on this project?"Hearing that, Xander reached out and ruffled her hair. His eyes were full of tenderness, as if he were looking at a precious treasure. "What do you think?""Well, business is business. We should keep it separate from personal grudges."Xander hummed in agreement and continued, "Okay. We'll need to see Nexa's sincerity. But Gracie, can I discuss something with you?"As Grace looked at him, her eyes were extremely innocent, making his heart skip a beat.Some things needed to be said."Can you change the way you address me from now on?"Grace froze for a moment, followed by a confused expression.Before she could respond, Xander continued, "Just call me Xan from now on. Everyone calls me Xander. It's not special at all.""Xan?" A hint of su
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Chapter 146 Disappointed Samuel
"Women will never tolerate a third person in a relationship, and Ms. Lewis is no exception."However, that was in the past. The Grace who had had eyes only for Benjamin, indeed couldn't tolerate such things. But now, everything seemed to have changed.Benjamin took a deep breath, and all his despair disappeared in an instant. It was as though the somewhat dejected Benjamin from just now had just been an illusion."Let's go, Larry." With that, Benjamin walked away.…Right after Grace returned to her office in Amirate, an unexpected guest arrived.Samuel had received first-hand information that the collaboration between Amirate and Nexa Group had soured.Delighted, he couldn't resist dropping by Grace's office to watch the fun."Ms. Lewis! It's been a few days, and you seem to be quite haggard. It looks like you've been quite worried about work!" He sounded extremely gleeful.Without raising her head, Grace said, "It seems like you've got a lot of free time, Director Walker, to
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Chapter 147 Eavesdropping
Luke placed the contract in front of Grace. "Take a look for yourself."Grace hadn't expected that Nexa Group would be so sincere."Well, in that case, we'll agree to this collaboration for now. But we'll need to finalize the contract after our next meeting with them.""Yes, Ms. Lewis."With this matter settled, Grace's mood instantly improved. She became energized and was more focused on her work.Since she was fully immersed in her work, she didn't notice that a figure had quietly entered her office.Upon seeing Grace so engrossed, Emily had a look of disbelief in her eyes. She hadn't expected Grace to be so deeply absorbed in her work.After walking up to the desk, she tapped on it a few times. However, Grace didn't look up and simply said, "Yes, Luke. Could you make me a cup of coffee?"Emily was left speechless.Only when Grace noticed there was no response did she raise her head. At once, her eyes were filled with surprise. "Emily? Why are you here?"Emily sighed helple
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Chapter 148 I Treat Her Like My Own Daughter
"That's right. I heard that your daughter-in-law has opened a boutique with unique clothing styles, and the business is booming. Many people are lining up to shop there.""Mrs. Hawkins, we're so close to each other. Why don't you inform your daughter-in-law, and we can go to her store to pick out a few outfits?"Without a word, Susan listened to the wealthy ladies praise Grace about anything and everything. Instantly, her face turned somewhat unpleasant.She had used to think that Grace was just an orphan from the countryside. So she had done many outrageous things to Grace and even pressured her to divorce Benjamin.Now that it had been revealed that Grace was the daughter of the Lewis family, Susan deeply regretted her past behavior.If she had been kinder to Grace, she wouldn't be this embarrassed now."Why don't you say something, Mrs. Hawkins? Can you make it happen? If you can, I'll ask my girlfriends to come along, and we can help support your daughter-in-law's business."
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Chapter 149 Her Heart Was Bleeding
"Ms. Lewis, I didn't expect to see you here," one of the wealthy ladies greeted Grace, her eyes sparkling."We're here for a spa day with your mother-in-law. We were just talking about going to your store to pick out some clothes together!"Grace recognized the lady in front of her. It was Lauren Bates."Mrs. Turner, you're always welcome to visit my store. But Benjamin and I are divorced, so Mrs. Hawkins here is no longer my mother-in-law. Our relationship isn't as good as she mentioned either."Grace's words were casual, but they hit Susan like a heavy blow.Just a moment ago, she had been boasting in front of these wealthy ladies. Now that Grace had exposed the truth in such a brutal way, Susan's face turned red with embarrassment.Lauren was quite perceptive. At Grace's statement, she quickly apologized, "I'm sorry for my poor memory. I hope you don't mind, Ms. Lewis."Although Grace was younger than her, she displayed a humble attitude and showed respect with the way she sp
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Chapter 150 How Can You Be So Shameless
"Grace," Susan said with a forced smile. "I admit I was wrong before, and I apologize to you. But Benjamin didn't do anything wrong. He has always loved you."Maybe you should consider getting back together with him. I promise, I won't interfere anymore.""How can you be so shameless?" Emily retorted mercilessly."Take a look at what kind of people you lot are. Even if all the men in the world died, my babe would never choose Benjamin again."Grace, upon hearing this, mentally gave Emily a thumbs-up."Mrs. Hawkins, I can treat what you said today as a joke. It's better to be honest in life and not try to elevate yourself by belittling others."Susan's face turned pale, looking quite unsightly.Even though she had already lowered herself so much, Grace still didn't show her any respect. This didn't look like the same Grace who used to be submissive to her bullying.Susan wasn't willing to accept defeat.She silently reached into her bag and dialed Benjamin's number. She wanted
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