All Chapters of In the Lap of Luxury: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
830 Chapters
Chapter 131 It's Xander
Celia spoke agitatedly, but Grace merely smiled lightly and asked, "Do you think I need to climb the social ladder?"It was a simple but lethal sentence. "She's the heiress of the Lewis family, one of the richest families in the world. She's also the current president of Amirate Corporation …" Celia's lackey said sourly. With that kind of family background, Grace was in a league of her own. If there was going to be any social climbing, Grace had set the standard people aspired to be!Celia's expression darkened at once. Grace looked at her with a smile playing on her lips. Immediately after that, she said, "It looks like there's someone else who's trying to climb up the social ladder. However, it might not be that easy." Celia burst out in anger. "Grace, you were abandoned by my brother. You have no right to talk nonsense here. Watch out, or I'll rip your mouth apart."Grace was impassive as she watched Celia get mad. In her eyes, Celia was a complete and utter clown. "
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Chapter 132 Matching Outfits
She was beating around the bush, but only Celia knew how guilty she felt at that moment. When Grace heard the emcee say Xander's name, she looked slightly surprised, but only for a moment. She thought of Hestia's call the other day.There had been so many clues leading up to this!She smiled gracefully and lifted her wine glass to her lips, downing it at once. At that moment, everyone was craning their necks eagerly in one direction. As everyone waited in anticipation, a tall figure walked toward them step by step. He strode confidently, his face in the shadows, as he was walking against the light. The crowd could only see his face clearly once he walked onto the stage and the lights shone on him. The man was dressed in a purple suit that made him look very tall. He had refined features, a unique charisma, and a commanding air that drew gasps of admiration from those around him with a single glance. "Oh my, this man is so handsome! He's so handsome that I could die!""He
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Chapter 133 So You Were Bragging
Grace nodded slightly. "Yes, I am!"Unbeknownst to them, their conversation was making everyone around them gawk in surprise. The crowd could clearly see Xander's affection for Grace. The intense way he looked at her made them seem like a couple in love. Everyone's curiosity was immediately aroused, especially because the two of them were wearing matching outfits in the same color!"Are they really a couple?" someone in the crowd asked, igniting the flame of gossip at once. Benjamin was standing nearby, and his expression darkened at once. He stared at the two of them, his eyes seeming to burn a hole in them. "Mr. Fulton, have you two met before?" one of Celia's lackeys asked. Xander looked at Grace and said, "Yes, we've known each other for many years."The crowd started whispering again at that. They had known each other for many years?That would mean that they had grown up together!That wasn't unexpected. After all, Grace was the heiress of the Lewis family, which
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Chapter 134 Benjamin Is Annoyed
Xander only stopped when they had reached the end of the corridor. "Go in. The answer is inside." Then, he gently pushed the door open and entered. "Mr. Lewis Senior, I brought Grace."Grace was startled. Following Xander's line of vision, she saw Harold sitting on a chair. "Grandpa!" Grace was happily surprised. She ran over without hesitance and dove into Harold's embrace. "Grandpa, why didn't you tell me that you were coming to Pamore?""I told him to keep it a secret because I wanted to give you a surprise." Hestia's voice rang out, making Grace even more shocked. "Aunt Hestia, you're here too!"Hestia came forward and tweaked Grace's nose. "How could I stay away? We know all about that rousing speech you made to the board of directors!"Grace was embarrassed. "Your bet with Mr. Walker isn't a secret anymore. What do you plan to do next?"Grace stuck out her tongue sheepishly and said, "Work hard and try my best to achieve my goal.""That's great! You're not givin
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Chapter 135 Crazy With Jealousy
"Ben!" He hadn't even taken two steps before Celia blocked his path.Benjamin's expression was cold and impatient. "What?"Celia had been mocked by her lackeys for bragging, so she needed Benjamin to help her regain her dignity. As far as she could see, only he could help her. After all, everyone in Pamore had to show respect to their family. "Ben, how's your relationship with Mr. Fulton from Futurelink Corporation?"At the mention of Xander, Benjamin's gaze chilled further, and his lips curled. "I don't know him well, but there's someone who has a pretty good relationship with him."Celia was startled and followed his line of vision. Immediately, she saw Grace and Xander in the crowd. The fire of jealousy flamed up in her immediately, and she clenched her fists. "That bitch, Grace! It's been such a short time since she left you, and now she's getting involved with Futurelink Corporation's president! She's shameless!"Not to mention that it was with a man as outstanding as
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Chapter 136 You Need to Use Your Brain
Xander's eyes turned colder when he heard Grace. He swirled the highball glass in his hand, making the bright red liquid inside ripple.He had always held a grudge against the Hawkins for how Grace's mother-in-law and sister-in-law had mistreated her."It's nice to meet you, Mr. Fulton!" Celia didn't seem to notice the change in atmosphere and extended her right hand toward Xander.Even after a while, her extended hand received no handshake from him.Somewhat embarrassed, Celia withdrew her hand. "Mr. Fulton, you've become the president of Futurelink Corporation at such a young age. "I'm honored to meet you today and hope that Hawkins Group can have the opportunity to work with Futurelink."Xander smiled, but it didn't seem sincere. "I appreciate the compliments, Ms. Hawkins, but let's skip the collaboration."His response completely humiliated Celia.People around were surprised that the newcomer, Xander, would treat the Hawkins family—the local bigwig—in such a way.They se
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Chapter 137 Have You Not Embarrassed Yourself Enough
After saying that, Xander released Celia, leaving her looking furious."Don't be so smug, Grace. One day, I will kick you out of Pamore and ruin you."Grace found Celia's threat amusing and casually glanced over at Benjamin, who wasn't far away.She then said, "Mr. Hawkins, it seems that Ms. Hawkins has had a bit too much to drink and is talking nonsense. Could you please take her home?"Benjamin approached quickly with an unpleasant expression and grabbed Celia's arm firmly. "Come with me!""Ben! I was just teaching this woman a lesson for you. Why are you dragging me away?""Have you not embarrassed yourself enough?" His words made Celia realize the judging looks people around them were giving her.She felt embarrassed and blushed at her actions earlier.In the end, they left the banquet hall with Benjamin forcefully pulling her away.Once they had left, Xander asked in concern, "Are you okay?"Grace gently shook her head. "I'm fine.""Did she use to bully you like this be
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Chapter 138 You Can't Avoid Your Enemy
Grace smiled graciously and declined. "There's no need, Ms. Snow. Someone will be picking me up shortly.""Then, I'll walk you to the door." Linda gestured, not giving Grace a chance to refuse.After a nod, Grace left in her high heels.At the entrance, Xander was talking with a few of Futurelink's partners. He casually glanced over and saw Grace approaching them."Alright, then, Mr. Leroy. We'll discuss the new nanotechnology project tomorrow at your office.""Sure, Mr. Fulton. I'll be waiting for you."After seeing the partners off, Xander hurried over to Grace. When he saw her bare shoulders, he took off his coat. "It's cold outside."As he said that, he draped it over her shoulders.As she watched this scene, Linda remained calm on the outside, but she was actually surprised by Xander's unusual tenderness for Grace."My driver is here." Grace spotted the familiar license plate. "I'll see you tomorrow, Xander."Xander made a hum of acknowledgement and waved his hand afte
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Chapter 139 His Protection
Just as Grace took her seat, a woman in her early 30s walked in with high heels, wearing black-framed glasses, and exuding a serious air.Holding a stack of folders in her hand, she greeted Benjamin as soon as she entered. "Mr. Hawkins, it's been a while."Hearing that, Benjamin looked up and raised an eyebrow, clearly recognizing her. "Ms. Gardner."Nexa Group's director, Wendy Gardner, nodded slightly and turned toward Grace. Her eyes were filled with undisguised scorn. "This must be Ms. Lewis, right?"Her tone was dripping with disdain.Sensing her hostility, Grace frowned. As far as she knew, she had never met this woman."Hello, I'm Grace Lewis."Grace spoke politely, but Wendy crossed her arms arrogantly. "I know you. You're Mr. Hawkins' ex-wife."As her words fell, the atmosphere in the conference room turned cold."Ms. Lewis, at such a young age, you've managed to secure the position of Amirate's president. It seems your capabilities are quite exceptional. I'm just cur
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Chapter 140 Reluctant Apology
Wendy couldn't help but think that Grace had strong tactics to have managed to gain Xander's support so quickly. It was no wonder that her cousin, Yvonne, had mentioned Grace's interference in her relationship with Benjamin.She thought, "Yvonne was right. This woman isn't easy to deal with."With these thoughts in mind, she reluctantly humbled herself and quickly offered an apology. "I'm sorry, Mr. Fulton. I shouldn't have said that. Please forgive me."However, Xander replied, "I'm not the one you should apologize to, Ms. Gardner."Wendy was flabbergasted, for she couldn't bring herself to apologize to Grace.In her eyes, it was Grace's fault that the Quines had gone bankrupt and Yvonne had been imprisoned. She had come here today to teach Grace a lesson."Mr. Fulton, I …"Xander stared at her and rhythmically tapped the table with his fingers. The atmosphere in the room became tense. His patience had its limits. Seeing Wendy's hesitation to apologize, he stood up and adju
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