All Chapters of The Father of My Twins Spoils Me: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
505 Chapters
Chapter 141 Punch Him Back
The kindergarten was in chaos because of Zack's appearance. Three children had been continuously bullied, and the other children now had a look of fear on their faces after they saw what happened. All of them hid behind their teachers and pointed at Zack. “He's a bad person. Don't play with him.” Saul and Jenna were furious to hear that. They got increasingly unhappy when they saw how the teachers and Emma reacted to this. Saul and Jenna immediately went over to carry Zack in their arms. They glared at Emma as they demanded something to be done. “What's wrong with you? Didn't you understand me when I told you to expel that child?"Do you still want to be the principal of this kindergarten? I can make you lose your job with just one word.” Emma was not intimidated by their threat. She stood up and said, “Mr. Sachman, you've seen for yourself how your son bullied the other children. Max didn't do anything wrong. Why should he be expelled?” Saul glared at her. His plump
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Chapter 142 No One Can Help You Now
Eva arrived only to see the tense situation between both parties. When the children saw their mommy, they immediately ran toward her. “Mommy...” Mia’s nose was red from crying. It took a lot of effort for her to stop crying, but her tears were falling again. Eva’s heart was breaking. She quickly hugged Mia in her arms to comfort her. “Good girl. Don’t cry, alright? Tell me what happened.” Mia kept sobbing and could not say a word. Max replied on behalf of his sister, “It’s that bad boy’s fault. He messed up my jigsaw puzzle the moment he came here and destroyed Mia’s Snow Queen.” Eva frowned when she heard this and turned to look at Zack. Emma and Miss Linderman were relieved to see Eva arrive. They approached her with a bitter smile. “We’re sorry, Miss Lane. We didn’t expect things to turn out this way.” “What exactly happened?” Eva frowned tighter when she saw the handprint on Emma’s face. Miss Linderman immediately explained what happened to
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Chapter 143 Hi, You Must Be Nathan’s Wife
Finn went off quickly to carry out the order when he saw how upset Nathan looked. Soon, they left Langley Corporation and headed to the kindergarten. Nathan made a call along the way. The person on the other line picked up very quickly. He teased, “Why would you suddenly have time to call me, old friend? Have you finally remembered that I still exist?” Nathan smiled. “I can’t forget even if I wanted to.” “Liar.” Ian Conlay did not believe him at all. “You only call when you want something. Go ahead. Tell me what’s going on.” Nathan got straight to the point. “Are you free later? If you are, come over to Elite Kindergarten in the Southern District. I need your help with something.” Ian replied sarcastically, “I can’t believe there would come a day when you would ask for my help. I’m around the area. I can be there in five or six minutes.” “Sounds good. See you later, then. Thanks for the help” “There’s no need to thank me! If you didn’t reach ou
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Chapter 144 Everything Was Over
Max and Mia got excited when they saw Nathan. “Daddy!” The children called out to him in unison. Max ran toward him immediately. Nathan bent over to pick him up, and they quickly walked toward the crowd. Looking at Eva first, he asked, “Are you alright?” Eva nodded. “I’m fine.” However, Nathan’s glance had swept across her arm. There were a few scratches on her fair skin, and some of those scratches had blood on them. The look in his eyes darkened as he turned to Mia, who was in Eva’s arms. There were tears on the little girl’s eyelashes. Her eyes were still red, and so was her nose. It was obvious that she had been crying. Nathan was infuriated further. Who had made his precious little princess cry? Ian could not help feeling amazed by what he was witnessing. It was the first time he had seen Nathan so angry. Nathan had always managed to keep his cool no matter what happened. It was quite a scary sight to see Nathan fur
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Chapter 145 Family Of Four
The kindergarten finally had its peace and quiet again. After he had settled the matter, Nathan turned to Ian. “Thanks for today.” Ian smiled. “There's nothing to thank me for.” Nathan smiled. “Things got a little messy today. I’ll buy you a meal next time. I need to take my children home first.” Ian was understanding of this and left first. Emma went up to Nathan to apologize as well. “I’m sorry to have given you so much trouble, Mr. Langley.” Even though this was not really the kindergarten’s fault, Emma was still worried that Nathan would vent his anger on them. However, Nathan did not blame her for this. “Don’t worry about it, Miss Cruise. Thank you for protecting Max and Mia.” Miss Cruise shook her head with a bitter smile. She would not dare allow anything to happen to those children at this kindergarten. Otherwise, she would be the one who was done for... Nathan did not say anything else. All he said was, “Just reac
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Chapter 146 Eva Lane Must Die
That man was Nicole Pileggi’s young brother, Nick Pileggi. There was a chilling look in his eye as a cold smile appeared on his lips. “I’ve finally found you.” He quickened his steps as he headed toward the direction Eva and her children left in, following their tracks. … Eva drove back to Cloudy Hills Estate safely all the way. She was focused on driving while Max and Mia were sitting at the back. They were excitedly discussing the movie they had just watched. They chatted in their baby-ish voices, and it was funny listening to them argue with their children’s logic. Eva sighed emotionally. Time passed really fast. Her precious babies were now grown up. Tomorrow would be their birthday, and she wondered what presents she should get for them. While Eva was contemplating this, she failed to notice a black SUV speeding toward her in the dark night. Nick was gritting his teeth in the car while stepping hard on the accelerator. There was a ruthless look
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Chapter 147 Accident
A loud crash could be heard coming from behind them. Eva witnessed this through the rearview mirror, and it shocked her. Nathan had crashed into that car without a care for his own safety! She quickly drove farther to the front. After that, she heard another violent crash from behind. Nick did not expect Nathan to be crazy enough to crash into his car without hesitation. He turned the steering wheel in an attempt to avoid Nathan’s car, but Nathan kept heading toward him. Compared to Nathan’s luxury ride, the SUV Nick was driving was not as powerful. The shrill sound of brakes suddenly pierced the air, and the booming sound of a car engine revving up was heard. The SUV eventually flipped over from the violent crash of Nathan’s car. A tremendous boom was heard coming from behind. After the SUV flipped over, Nathan’s car crashed into a tree by the road as it got out of control. Nathan was thrown forward from the impact. He felt a sharp p
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Chapter 148 He Won’t Get Away With This
The doctor finally came out about 20 minutes later. Eva quickly went to him with her children and asked, “Doctor, how's the person inside doing?” Finn asked anxiously as well, “Doctor, is my boss alright?” The doctor looked at them both and tried to calm them down. “You don’t need to worry. The patient is doing fine. He just has a mild concussion and has a minor wound. We’ve already bandaged him up, and he doesn’t seem to be hurt anywhere else. He can be transferred to a normal ward immediately.” Eva could finally stop worrying about him when she heard that. How fortunate! It was great that nothing happened to him. If anything did happen to him, she would not know how to explain it to the children. She gave a sigh and quickly comforted the children. “Your daddy is fine now. Don’t worry. He’ll get well very soon.” “Really?” The children did not seem convinced. Finn immediately comforted them too when he saw their reactions. “It’s true. He’ll
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Chapter 149 Cease To Exist
All they got was a sneer from Nathan. “Oh, temporarily out of his mind? You’re making it sound so mild, Mr. Pileggi. Your son tried to kill my son and daughter. When I managed to stop him, he didn’t even think twice about what he had done and tried to stab me with his dagger! "Do you know about any of this?” His tone was considered polite when he said all that. However, it could not hide the animosity he felt for them. They could feel a chilling anger emanating from him. His face was filled with fury. Frank and Fiona’s expressions froze. They were fearful. They had heard about Nathan reuniting with his son and daughter. However, they had thought it was fake news, and they decided to take a chance tonight to beg for forgiveness. Who knew that news was true?! This meant that it was impossible for Nathan to let Nick off the hook. Moreover, Nick had endangered the children, which meant that even the Langleys’ elders would not forgive him for this!
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Chapter 150 Scared Out Their Minds
Nathan seemed to sense someone looking at him and suddenly opened his eyes. The two ended up staring at each other. The man's eyes seemed to be filled with stars. Eva jumped and snapped out of it, looking a little embarrassed and troubled. She had actually stared at this man! Even though he had rescued her and the children, he was still a criminal! Nathan looked at her in astonishment. “Why haven't you gone to sleep? Eva pulled herself together and said a little coldly, “I have something to talk to you about.” Taking a seat opposite him, she continued, “Thank you... for today.” Nathan raised an eyebrow, acting like it was nothing. “There's no need to thank me. They're my children too. Saving them is what I should do. If there's anyone here who needs to feel grateful, it should be me. "If you hadn't stood in front of me, I might have ended up getting stabbed by Nick Pileggi. Besides, I'm the cause of the grudge the Pileggis have against you.” “I'm g
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