All Chapters of The Father of My Twins Spoils Me: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
505 Chapters
Chapter 121 Be His Woman
Pamela and Queenie were upset to see Eugene so eager.They did not like to see Eva living a better life than they did.This was especially true when they found out she was involved with someone like Nathan Langley.Who did Eva Lane think she was? How could Nathan Langley be interested in a woman like her?!Compared to this, they were more willing to believe that Mason Young was the one who was involved with Eva.That was because it was easy to see how close their relationship was during the birthday party and also from the information they had gathered about them.However, that alone was reason enough for them to be jealous of Eva.Eva was nothing but a used woman. How could she have two outstanding men circling her?Queenie was green with jealousy at this thought.Pamela understood her daughter’s feelings and was still a little hopeful about all of this.There was a chance that they were mistaken about this!Just as Pamela was thinking about this, all three of them were sto
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Chapter 122 Sound Her Out
“You…”Queenie got mad at being berated in public.Eva was now an arrogant woman.Before Queenie could say anything more, Eugene and Pamela stopped her.“Stop your nonsense. Is that the way to talk to your older sister?” Eugene berated her.Queenie stamped her feet in anger when she saw her father scolding her just to get into Eva’s good graces. She turned and went toward the courtyard.That was when Eugene said, “You know how your younger sister can be. Please don’t hold it against her.”Eva grunted coldly. He was telling her not to hold it against her?She wanted to hold it against her very much!…Queenie was full of anger with nowhere to vent in the courtyard.She could only stomp on the flowers and grass in the courtyard.Yelena had just returned from the market and frowned when she saw this. She asked, “What are you doing?”Queenie turned to look toward the voice. When she saw it was an unfamiliar middle-aged woman, she asked, “Who are you?”Yelena replied, “I’m the
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Chapter 123 So What If I Hit You
Queenie had discovered the backdoor when she was walking around in the courtyard, so she came upstairs via the backdoor.The children did not expect someone else would be inside the house. They were taken aback but still called out to her out of politeness, “Aunt.”Queenie looked at them condescendingly and asked, “Who are you calling 'Aunt'? Don’t go around calling me that. I don’t even know where you came from.”Max’s pretty eyebrows furrowed at her words.Even he could tell that Queenie was being unfriendly.He ignored her and pulled on his sister’s hand. “Let’s go back to our room, Mia.”Mia had always obeyed her older brother, and she nodded immediately. She followed him to their room.Queenie got upset when she saw the children ignoring her. She followed them and said shrilly, “Let me ask you something. Do you know Mason Young?”Mia looked at Max. When she saw Max ignoring Queenie, she stayed quiet as well.Queenie’s expression turned ferocious when she saw this. “I’m as
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Chapter 124 Mommy Has To Be Wooed
Pamela immediately blocked in front of Queenie.Eugene was taken aback and quickly pulled his hand back. In the end, he did not slap her.Eva’s expression turned frosty when she saw this. She went straight to the window and called out the bodyguards at the door, “Two of you, come up here.”The bodyguards may only take orders from Nathan, but Eva was the mother of his children, after all. They did not dare ignore her and quickly went upstairs.“What happened?”They were big and tall, looking quite fierce. It took one look at them to know that they were not to be trifled with.Eva pointed at Queenie’s nose brusquely. “Get this woman out of here. Right now, instantly and immediately!”It was clear that she hated this stepsister of hers thoroughly.The bodyguards took immediate action when they heard her orders. They went forward and held each side of Queenie’s arm as they dragged her downstairs.“Let go of me! How dare you, Eva, you slut!”Queenie struggled and shouted at the sa
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Chapter 125 How Dare This Woman Find Fault With Him
The three of them arrived at the private pool while he was contemplating this.Nathan had hired a private instructor to teach the children.He got into the water too. Mia got scared at the sight of water because she was easily frightened. Nathan had to cajole her, saying, “I'll protect, alright? Don’t be afraid.”Mia immediately trusted Nathan and nodded. “You have to protect me well, alright, Daddy?”“Of course. I’ll take care of my little princess.”Nathan smiled and carried the little girl into the water. She was initially afraid and kept hanging onto Nathan. She refused to let go of him.Max, on the other hand, was quite courageous under the tutelage of the private instructor.His two little legs kicked and splashed happily in the water.Smiling, Nathan said, “See how brave your brother is, Mia. You should give it a try.”Mia finally agreed to go into the water when she saw this.Under the guidance of both adults, the children finally got used to the water an hour later a
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Chapter 126 You Won’t Be Under Their Protection
The children were pretty smart. They immediately pulled on Nathan’s arm enthusiastically and begged, “Please stay, Daddy.”Max looked at Eva. “Mommy, please let Daddy stay. We never had Daddy eat with us before.”Eva wanted to reject them, but before she could do so, Max's words stopped her.She looked down and saw the expectant look in her children’s eyes. She could not bear to reject them.In the end, she nodded with difficulty. “Alright.”It was just a meal, right?Although, why did she feel so unhappy about it?All she could do now was glare at Yelena.Busybody!Yelena was unperturbed as she smiled.Nathan agreed when he saw Eva was alright with it. “Okay. I’ll stay for lunch.”The children were ecstatic as they exclaimed, “That’s great!”“Mommy is the best!”Mia ran toward Eva and gave praise.Eva had mixed feelings about her little girl sweet-talking her because of Nathan.She suddenly lost her appetite and headed upstairs.The father and children soon took their
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Chapter 127 Give Up The Children
Eva left the house not long after Nathan was gone.Before she left, she instructed Yelena to make sure that the children read their books.She drove to the building where Scope Investments was situated as she wanted to discuss the situation with Mason.Nathan Langley had now intercepted her life, and she was unable to get rid of him.Eva parked her car and took the elevator up the building.The receptionist informed Mason of her arrival, and then she led Eva up to Mason’s office.This was the first time Eva was here, but she was not in the mood to look around Mason’s new place. She was here with a heavy heart, and she soon arrived at the CEO’s office.Sean Carter immediately stood up to greet Eva when he spotted her. “Miss Lane.”Eva nodded in reply and asked, “Is Mason in his office?”Sean nodded, but he looked a little hesitant, as if deciding if he should let her in.Eva did not notice the look on his face and pushed the door open.She did not expect to see the scene in f
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Chapter 128 Three Conditions
“Mason, I was pregnant with them and had them inside me for ten months. You know how much they mean to me. They're a part of my body; they’re my life. I'll never give them up no matter what. I can’t agree to your plan.”Eva’s emotional reaction was something Mason had already expected. He quickly calmed her down. “I know. It’s just a suggestion. Calm down.”“How can I calm down? So many things have happened recently. I feel like… I’m about to go crazy.”A pained expression appeared on Eva’s face.She was a human being, but she had been played like a puppet since five years ago.Even though whatever happened between her and Nathan was an accident, it was still a painful memory she could not forget.That was why she kept trying to escape from all this with everything she had.It hurt Mason to see her this way. There was also anger inside him.Nathan Langley!Why did he refuse to let Eva off?“Nathan gave me a deadline. It’s the last day tomorrow. I have to give him an answer.”
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Chapter 129 Take My Last Name
Eva was relieved to see him willing to sign the contract.She knew very well that the conditions were set against him.That had gotten her worried earlier.Lucky for her, Nathan did not object to them.Unbeknownst to Eva, Nathan did not object to the three conditions because they had the same limitations placed on Eva.It would mean that she could not date other men too in order to maintain her custody of the children.With this condition enclosed, Nathan felt that all three conditions were not difficult to accept.Eva signed the contract as well.There were two sets of the document, and they kept a copy each.After they were done, Eva expressed further, “Since we’ve come to an agreement, I should let you know that I don’t want to divide them between us by using time as a measurement. "I hope that no matter who they choose to stay with, we'll try our best to communicate with each other regardless of the issue and solve it together.”“Of course. As long as you’re not running
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Chapter 130 Mommy Is Really Fierce
“What is it?”Eva was busy trimming the plants and flowers with her scissors and did not even look up as she asked.Nathan explained his plan to her. “If you have no problems with it, I’ll make arrangements for some good teachers for them right now.”Frowning, Eva got up to look him straight in the eye. “I have no problem with you getting them teachers, but I don’t agree with Max picking up on video games. He’s still young. Staring at the phone for long hours would hurt his eyes. "And what if he picks up on some bad habits? What should we do then?”Nathan felt he had the need to teach her about the gaming industry when he heard her reply.“Playing video games doesn’t necessarily mean that a person would end up getting addicted. Esports have been nationally recognized as an official sports competition. It’s a career path. "Langley Corporation’s subsidies include a company that specializes in game design. They’ve also established a professional gaming club. Anyone who stands out
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