All Chapters of The Father of My Twins Spoils Me: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
505 Chapters
Chapter 111 Jumping Off A Building
Nicole was being heavily criticized for this.The worst thing about it all was that after a series of such situations, numerous fans began to openly blast Nicole.[I must have been blind to have liked such a person for so many years. I’ll be an anti-fan from now and forever!][Get out of the entertainment industry, Pileggi slut!][What’s wrong with Langley Corporation? Aren’t they afraid of their reputation getting destroyed for letting such a woman into their family?]Under such pressure, Nicole’s company finally stopped speaking up for her. Instead, they declared that they would not stand by if Nicole had done anything illegal and would terminate her contract if she was found guilty. They also took the opportunity to remind everyone to abide by the law and not drive recklessly on the road.Eva was astonished to read all of this.It had never occurred to her that there would come a day when Nicole would be hated by everyone.However, Eva felt this had nothing to do with her
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Chapter 112 I’m Sorry I’m Late
However, Nathan did not reveal that. He cared more about the person responsible for all of this.“Why would your mother do something like that? What's her name? Is she associated with the Langleys in any way?”There were not many people in this world who were capable of setting him up.According to Eva Lane, she was set up by her mother.Could he interpret the situation by assuming that he was considered part of the setup?Nathan’s eyes got darker at this thought.Eva did not hide anything from him. “Her name is Wanda Emerson. She abandoned me when I was very young. I don’t even know what she looks like, and I know nothing about her.”He could tell that Eva was resentful when she spoke about this.Nathan was silent, but he frowned deeply.He had no impression of anyone named Wanda Emerson.When Eva saw him staying silent, she took the opportunity to try to gain his sympathy. “I’ve said whatever that needs to be said, Nathan Langley. I hope you can pretend none of this ever ha
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Chapter 113 I’ll Take You With Me
Mason panicked when he saw Eva this way. “What’s wrong, Eva? Stop crying. Tell me what’s wrong.”“Mason…”Eva felt terrible. She told him what happened today after wiping her tears away.It included Tyler coming to the house and revealing to her what happened five years ago.Mason was upset when he heard this. “I’m sorry, Eva. My phone ended up in Tyler Sullivan’s hands. I couldn’t pick up your calls because of that.”“I know.”Eva did not blame Mason for it. All she wanted was for someone to listen to her.To some women, it was an honor to be associated with the Langleys.However, it was a nightmare for Eva.Eva had faced numerous disdained looks and insults five years ago before being where she was today.She was just a university student back then and had no idea she was pregnant. All she knew was that she experienced discomfort in her stomach as she kept throwing up after eating.It did not occur to Eva that she was pregnant.Three months later, she finally realized som
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Chapter 114 What A Horrible Scheme
Yelena was horrified to hear that and quickly said, “Yes, I understand. I’ll prepare a new set of breakfast for them.”Nathan found Yelena quite okay as she had a sincere attitude. He turned to head upstairs.The little ones were sleeping in their room.They each had a child-sized bed of their own.When Nathan pushed the door open, Mia tossed in bed and kicked her blanket away. Her soft, fair tummy was exposed, and she looked so adorable.Nathan felt a thump in his heart. It was a warm feeling.A smile appeared on his lips as he bent over to cover the little girl with the blanket.Max slept in a very proper manner. He was covered under his blanket and looked like a little angel.Nathan stared at him for quite a while, and Max seemed to sense it. He opened his eyes drowsily.“You’re awake?”Nathan asked gently when he saw this.Max’s eyes widened. He looked a little surprised. “What are you doing here, Daddy?”Nathan bent down to carry him. “I’m here to see you and Mia.”Ma
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Chapter 115 Cross The Line With Him
After Eva was done with breakfast, the workers from before arrived for work.It took a few days of hard work, and the land reclamation outside the estate was almost completed. The workers called Eva over to look at it.When Eva was inspecting their work, Nathan followed behind her.She frowned when she saw him and asked, “What are you doing here?”Nathan swept a glance at the dug-up soil and asked thoughtfully, “Are you planning to do some planting?”“What do you think?”Eva’s tone was still cold. “Thanks to you, the flower shop I had worked so hard to build up was destroyed. It’s only natural that I need to find another source of income.”Nathan raised an eyebrow. He did not deny this.He said gently, “I’ve already compensated you with this estate for what happened. If you need more help, I can introduce some companies to you and get them to purchase flowers and plants from you.”Companies associated with Langley Corporation were renowned and established.If they made an ord
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Chapter 116 You Can’t Treat Me This Way
Eva stopped and frowned. She glanced at Nicole coldly. “What do you want?”“What do I want?”Nicole took a deep breath, looking very upset. “What exactly is going on? How did you do it? Those are clearly bastards you had with someone else, but you managed to use them to seduce Nathan. "You’re more cunning than I thought. I’ve underestimated you! How about giving me a lesson on how you did it?”She did not hold back as she said those terrible words.Eva's face fell. “Watch your mouth, Nicole Pileggi. Who are you calling bastards?”Nicole burst out laughing. “Was I wrong? They are bastards.”Eva was enraged.She was about to lose her temper and give Nicole a slap when Nathan stepped up. He said sternly, “You should leave before I get mad, Nicole Pileggi. If you don’t, I’ll make sure the Pileggis pay a bigger price.”The man’s voice was cold and unfeeling. There was a cruel undertone in his words. His handsome face showed that he had no regard for their past relationship.All h
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Chapter 117 Don’t Think He Has Given Up
That afternoon, a luxurious Rolls-Royce arrived at a garage situated in a suburb of North City.This garage looked quite ordinary, but it was the gathering point of various kinds of people in North City. It was also where one was able to gather all sorts of information.The door of the Rolls-Royce opened, and Nathan stepped out from the backseat.He glanced coldly at the surroundings with a stoic expressionFinn stood behind him and said in a low voice, “Mr. Langley, Tyler Sullivan works mysteriously. If you want to find him, this is the place to start.”Nathan nodded subtly and glanced inside the garage.The garage employees had already noticed Nathan.They were quite smart. When they spotted the car, someone immediately ran inside to report it.It was not long before a plump middle-aged man greeted Nathan and Finn respectfully, “Welcome. I’m the owner of this garage. Can I help you with anything?”Nathan was someone who stood out from the crowd. Even when he stood quietly, o
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Chapter 118 Things Were Now Set In Stone
There was an adoring look in his eyes as Nathan carried Mia in his arms.He looked at Eva with his deep, dark eyes and said in a low voice, “I’m here to take the children to dinner and bring them to meet their grandfather.”Eva frowned. She did not look willing to let them go.Things were happening too fast.She was worried that things were out of her control. Her lips moved, and she wanted to reject him.However, she shut her mouth before saying a thing.Things were now set in stone. There was nothing she could do even if she objected to it.Eva clenched her teeth and said, “I can agree to you taking them to meet your family, but you have to bring the children home later tonight!”“Of course.”Nathan agreed readily.Eva was still worried, so she added, “They have to be home before nine!”“Sure.”Nathan nodded once more.The children soon left with him.Only Eva and her grandfather were left at the dinner table.Eva felt empty. She was not used to this.Her children wer
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Chapter 119 This Woman Has To Be Taught A Lesson
The children knew their mommy was angry when they heard the tone in her voice. They approached her cautiously, “Mommy…”They called out carefully to her.Eva said sternly, “Who allowed you to accept these toys? Have you forgotten what I’ve taught you?”Max quickly shook his head. “No, we haven't. We have to study well and should not keep playing with toys.”“If you remember what I taught you, why didn’t you follow through? Face the wall!”The children’s little bodies jumped at Eva’s scolding. They pouted sadly and put down their toys as they went to the side to face the wall.The look in Nathan’s eyes turned a little cold at this sight. “Their grandfather bought them those toys. They’re all educational and will help them develop their intellect. You can’t use this as an excuse to vent your anger on them.”Eva was a little unhappy to hear that. “This is the way I’ve been educating them. Don’t stay here and watch if you don’t like it!”This made Nathan a little mad.Why was this
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Chapter 120 You Must've Had A Hard Time
Eva had no idea that Nathan’s men had set up an observation area that enabled them to keep watch for anything happening within a three-kilometer radius. They used high technology and thermal-powered imaging to capture anyone going in and out. Even the smallest animal would be able to be captured by them. In addition to that, his men were also equipped with night vision goggles that could see almost anything moving during the night.Eva's face fell at being caught.They must have alerted the two bodyguards in front by now.“Mommy?”Max had never seen anything like this before and was frightened by what was happening.Yelena was also unsure of what to do. “What should we do now, Miss Lane?”Eva said nothing, but Old Mr. Lane sighed. “Looks like it isn’t going to be easy for us to leave.”Nathan Langley was a difficult man to deal with. He must have anticipated such a thing happening!The same thought crossed Eva’s mind, and her face turned ghostly pale.…Mason and the bodygu
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